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  • Freight Worse Than Death? Slopestyle on a Train!
  • johndoh
    Free Member

    Cracking down on widespread use of illegal motorbikes for food delivery would be a start.

    100% – and I have to hold my hands up as I got into a heated argument on here defending people on electric bikes a couple of years ago – clearly I hadn’t seen the sort of bikes that were available at the time. I work in Leeds city centre and they are now everywhere, zooming around pedestrians (in pedestrian zones) and completely ignoring one way streets / traffic lights etc when they use the roads. Why proper regulation hasn’t been introduced yet is beyond me.

    Free Member

    an emergency ambulance coming the other way in the centre of the road (around parked cars). My arm was stretched right out to try and stop the motorist from making his dangerous and ill timed manoeuvre from behind us into the oncoming ambulance.

    TBF, the way some people drive when they see an emergency vehicle is shocking – I am not sure it is limited to trying to aggravate cyclists, it’s just people who seem to go into a blind panic and make the wrong decisions – speeding up to get out of the way, stopping at a point that actually holds up the emergency vehicle, completely ignore and carry on their merry way etc etc.

    Free Member

    Echoing much of the above – I couldn’t give a tin shit about what a bunch of obscenely rich people can do with their money. It’s just wrong. Who needs that much? And, if you are lucky enough to have it, why not do something worthwhile with it rather than spend a few days indulging yourself doing something that really doesn’t matter.

    Free Member

    Playing devil’s advocate, why shouldn’t they lose benefits if they inherit enough to look after themselves financially?

    Any additional help a severely disabled person can get by careful distribution of their inheritance seems perfectly reasonable to me.

    Free Member

    But it was the matrix sign that caught my eye more than the colour – what would the purpose be for something like that on the front dashboard? Maybe a taxi? But it was bigger than the normal taxi lights and the car had no further signage.

    Free Member

    now we’re in the digital age. Finding a USB stick just wouldn’t have the same sense of wonderment as well thumbed copy of Escort, Fiesta or Razzle.

    I bet there are many a computer repaiman that has a very large stash of all sorts of things they have found on customers’ broken laptops etc…

    Free Member

    Apparently degus aren’t that well understood yet and shouldn’t be taken on unless you really know what you are doing or have access to a specialist exotic pet vet.

    Free Member


    With the beer poured over it.

    Free Member

    Get a fish tank and make a gerbilarium – it’s a long time since I kept them, but I think you half-fill with a mix of compost and sawdust. It’s a more natural environment, needs less cleaning and they can make tunnels. Beware – gerbils can be very bitey.

    Free Member

    Yeah, first night I’ve felt chilly out walking the dog and sorting the horse but absolutely no way the heating needs to go on yet. We only have a summer (4tog) quilt on all year around and I only wear a tee-shirt in bed on the very coldest nights in the depth of winter.

    Edit: 18.6deg in the house – no need for heating yet.

    Free Member

    I think some people are missing the meaning of “The Tube”. it was an utterly anarchic and brilliant show which set the tone for other shows to follow

    Don’t you mean Tiswas?

    Free Member

    It absolutely has to be Frankie with Relax with everyone in bondage gear before anyone realised that it was a gay anthem and it was watered down then banned by Mike Reid and Radio 1.

    An old friend’s dad designed the original ’The Tube’ logo.

    Free Member

    Right now it sounds like you should walk away and let the small business do what they do and not worry about having to pay off a long-serving employee at huge cost. They probably could find a replacement at less cost and with less headaches.

    Yes, I’m a business owner and yes, I’ve been there.

    Be a grown up and act like one FFS.

    Free Member

    And, as it’s coming across, you couldn’t GAF, I’d suggest the business owner should be putting you on a performance review and, if fewer than two years service, wave goodbye with little benefit to you.

    Free Member

    How long have you worked there? Were there any monitoring systems that you were made aware of? Be clear that being made redundant and being fired are very different things and, depending on length of service, could have very different outcomes.

    TBF, and I could be very wrong, your language does come across as confrontational and perhaps that is contributing to the situation…

    Free Member

    I once found myself watching James Brown at the Leeds Festival. How I got there I have no idea, but I was just coming down from my first (and last) Mushroom Bomb. I then ate some noodles. I *think* it was 1998 or 1999.

    I couldn’t tell you if he was good or not.

    Free Member

    A slightly awkward one here, but I was at the swimming pool with my girls when they were about 6 or 7 – we were all getting changed in a family cubicle and one of them said (quite loudly) ‘daddy, don’t put your willy in my face’.

    Free Member

    Well, we’ve been thinking about getting a second dog for a while and finally decided to push the button during the summer holidays – last week we picked up Maple (I wanted to call her Gizmo because of her colouring/patching but was over-ruled by our teenage girls as all pets have to have food-related names – our other dog is called Toffee).

    So here she is – a Cavalier King Charles / Shih Tzu cross (CavaTzu )…

    And here she is with Toffee – Toffee isn’t too sure yet, but we are getting there.

    Free Member

    Yeah, a loop on the hose is the normal way, but isn’t the pipe fitted incorrectly – the pipe should point upwards, not down? Could you loosen the pipework and spin it around so it points up?

    Free Member

    ^ Conversely, I had a smallish pension doing sweet FA with SJPP, moved it to a smaller IFA and it has seen almost 8% growth in the last 10 months after seeing around 2-3% over the last few years – both pension funds were/are on similar medium/high risk plans. Yes, I know SJPP have a dreadful reputation – life just got in the way of me sorting my shit out.

    Free Member

    Here in Harrogate I can offer up the White Elephant of the unrideable and nonsensical Otley Road cycle path – over £2m spent so far and another £2m+ to complete it – currently it stops before it gets to the top of the bloody hill (the hill that featured in the Worlds when they were based in Harrogate).

    Then we have the Station Cycle Gateway – over £1m spent on consultants already for a £12m cycle scheme that no-one wants and early submissions looks positively dangerous for cyclists (Dutch roundabouts IIRC).

    Free Member

    I have saved some of the things my girls said when they were younger so I can embarrass them with it in later life (they are now 15)….


    Child 1:

    (Looking at a history book about the war just before her 5th birthday and asking who are the baddies)

    Daddy: The baddies (the Germans) wear crosses around their necks

    Child 1: Do the goodies wear ticks?


    Child 1:

    (Watching mummy eating toast with seeds in the bread)

    Child 1: What are those?

    Mummy: Seeds

    Child 1: If we plant them can we grow a toast tree?


    Child 1:
    ‘Daddy, how did the dinosaurs all die’?

    ‘Well, a big comet flew in from space and hit them all on their heads’

    ‘Ohhh. That must have hurt. Did they go to Dinosaur Hospital’?


    Child 2:

    On seeing a plane high in the sky: I couldn’t get my head in there, it’s too



    Child 2:
    The Three Kings rode into Bethlehem on Cannibals.

    Free Member

    If Noel sings DLBIA will he do it in C like the original or B as he does with the high flying birds? Better in B IMO which means down tuning the guitar a step or capo 4 (IIRC) and changing the chords.

    When Noel does Oasis songs with the High Flying Birds there’s much more feel to the songs than when Liam sings them, you can tell Noel wrote them and sings from the heart. He’ll sing soft and loud as appropriate and make sublte changes of voice to sound happy or sad or angry. He sometimes changes the key to suit his current voice such as DLBIA in B and Whatever in A. In fact having got used to the newer versions the originals sound flat and not just because they’re down a step.

    For the rest of us… Edukator prefers Noel on vocals.

    Free Member

    “Half the World Away” is also sung by Noel.

    True, but it isn’t an album track, just like Masterplan. My original response was in relation to the suggestion that Liam won’t be doing much singing (just doing a Bez), but I was simply trying to point out that he is the primary vocalist. When I saw them, everyone pissed off to the bar when Noel started singing :O

    Free Member

    I have found a list…


    The following sets contain those Oasis tracks which had Noel on lead vocals on their main studio versions:


    1. Don’t Look Back In Anger

    2. Magic Pie

    3. Where Did It All Go Wrong?

    4. Sunday Morning Call

    5. Force of Nature

    6. Little By Little

    7. She Is Love

    8. Mucky Fingers

    9. The Importance of Being Idle

    10. Part Of The Queue

    11. Waiting For The Rapture

    12. (Get Off Your) High Horse Lady

    13. Falling Down

    So only ‘Don’t Look Back in Anger’ from that list that I would suspect will make it’s way onto the set-list for the upcoming tour.

    Free Member

    £50 for me.

    Free Member

    Are The Cure good live still?

    Yes – I saw them a couple of years ago at Leeds Arena and they were mesmerisingly beautiful. No theatrics, no fancy sets, just the band captivating their audience from start to finish. I just wish I had seen them earlier in my life – I don’t know why I didn’t as I have attended gigs from aged 14 back in 1981 and I have always liked them.

    Free Member

    No one, stadium gigs are crap and so are the greedy tossers playing them.

    I don’t agree. I have seen stadium gigs that absolutely nailed it (Queen, Iron Maiden, AC/DC and The Cure being my stand-outs) along with ones that didn’t (Jamiroquai springs to mind). AC/DC do seem to have crept into ‘greedy’ territory, although the River Plate gig proves they can fill a huge place and nail it. Iron Maiden and The Cure still charge reasonable ticket prices so big respect to them.

    Free Member

    I love Black Sabbath – I saw them do a warm-up gig for the 13 tour at Birmingham O2 Academy then saw them do the full show at the arena, but I don’t think a reformed band would be worth spoiling the legacy for (they are rumoured to be doing a one-off in Birmingham next year) – Ozzy is a complete wreck now :(

    Free Member

    If we are annoying people, I did get to see Queen at Maine Road (with Status Quo and Beluios Some supporting – again, not spell checked) the year after Live Aid.

    Free Member

    The now-dead lead singer of the band who took his own life but I couldn’t be bothered to spell check his name as it’s obvious everyone knows exactly who I am talking about (goes off to find a rolly eyes emoji).

    Free Member


    The whole reason to see Nirvana would be Kirk Kobaine. I’m not sure I’d pay a reformed Nirvana much at all (just like I wouldn’t pay much to see Foo Fighters).

    Free Member

    Errrr – Liam sings pretty much every Oasis song. Isn’t it basically just Don’t Look Back in Anger and Lidl by Lidl that Noel sings (of the more well known stuff?

    Free Member

    Our kids were much younger when we went, but we did SeaWorld, the Space Centre in LA (with the Space Shuttle), we had to do the Disney thing, the LA zoo and my highlight – HotLicks Chilli Shop in San Diego (West Harbour Drive).

    I also found the driving to be very easy, especially when on the freeways as you aren’t allowed to change lanes between junctions so you can just sit there on cruise control knowing nobody is going to be trying to fill the gap between you and the car in front.

    Free Member

    AC/DC with the full line-up in their prime. First half with Bon Scott, second with Brian!

    TBF that would be pretty cool – Bon Scott to sing ‘Highway to Hell’ as his final song, then Brian Johnson open with ‘Hell’s Bells’

    Free Member

    ^^ Yosemite should be quite accessible by April however be aware you need to book in advance to drive through. It’s still on my bucketlist to visit (I have only been to California once and that was over Christmas).

    Free Member

    Without wanting to put a downer on it for you (Milan is a beautiful place), but keep your valuables very close – the pickpocketing is epidemic, especially around tourist hotspots including public transport hubs.

    But when you are in Milan, you should visit San Bernardino alle Ossa for the side chapel decorated with human bones and skulls.

    Free Member

    but in my experience the majority of crowds at the UKs biggest festivals (which are also the cheap ones) is young.

    In my experience this is not the case at all – at Glastonbury there is always a very wide range of age groups and diversity. This year we were camping next to a couple in their early 60s, I got chatting to a couple from Barnsley who were even older (I was disappointed they hadn’t gone to see Barnsley’s own ‘Bar Steward Sons of Val Doonican’), I spent most of Friday afternoon at the front of the Pyramid stage chatting to a bloke of my age who was there with his wife. I am 57 and went with my 59 year old brother.

    I know that Reading > Leeds can have a younger audience (because it has become a ‘rite of passage’ for kids completing their GCSEs) but I watched some on iPlayer and there was still a wide mix of ages of people.

    And if you think ‘skint under-25s’ can afford a weekend festival ticket + travel, food and drink, then I think your idea of what a ‘skint under-25’ is, is way out of whack.

    Free Member

    festivals are cheap because the audience is generally skint under-25 year olds who don’t have the money to pay for more.

    You’ve never been to Glastonbury have you?

    Free Member

    The who – but the who of the 70s not now

    I always regretted never seeing them

    I got to see them at Glastonbury in 2015 and got almost to the very front :)

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