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  • Become more Aero, thanks to Socks
  • JohnClimber
    Free Member

    But you need a pin from me to tinker with the important settings .
    and the responsibility for any cockups is then yours .

    Are you at home tomorrow morning as I'm heading over to Otley and you could adjust them for me if possible?

    Free Member

    Happysv will be tinkering with ine so don't get it wrong.

    I'd like the low setting to be a tad brighter please

    Free Member

    All the time at the moment as I've only got 2 bikes and both are SS.

    2 geared ones on order though :oops:

    Free Member


    Southerners in ride bail shocker because of a bit of rain :wink:

    Free Member

    While there's Charlie the Bike Monger we won't worry.

    Free Member

    Monday morning?

    Free Member

    Hi Lord Greenville – You talking about me?

    Your definatly tall enough for a 29er and too tall for the tiny wheels you ride on, read this

    I'm planning on heading over to Chevins on Monday morning, are you about or working?

    Free Member

    Bike related photo

    091025 Which Shades For Night Riding?

    519 and counting :wink:

    Free Member

    genesis – Member
    John its Dylan

    Now I understand, Yep I'll take you up on your offer soon.

    Free Member

    Have a great day tomorrow.

    Free Member

    Why does everyone (apart from me) have the shutter open for 6 seconds?

    The above picture on high it's what the Trout light is like, It's bright and a fantastic light but that shot isn't what it's like out on the trail.

    Even I would say the 6 second shutter shot is too bright to ride with.

    Free Member

    Just back from my first proper night ride with then and they were fantastic.

    I rode with my spot Ay Ups on my helmet and for most of the ride I had the trouts on low, but when it came to the singletrack or anything technical the high beam was much beter than I expected, the downlighter window if a fantastic addition as well.

    There were 18 riders out some with DX some with the big Hopes and not once when on full power did I ever ride in a shadow of someone behinds lights.

    I think I pissed of a couple of riders in front of me with the trouties on full power they couldn't see the trail in front of them.

    10/10 Chris, nice work and a great package.

    Free Member

    There is a god and he's got a sence of humour

    Free Member

    Just about to head out and run the Trout light for it's first proper ride.

    I'll take my camera as well and see what I can do.

    Free Member

    $1200 Phil if you didn't get my text

    Free Member

    genesis – Member
    Come up and see us at the caff John, chill out on't sofa with a brew and some of Mrs.G's cake on the house.

    I/we might just do that, where are you?

    Free Member

    barnsleymitch – Member
    I know what you mean about the waiting, I think I said goodbye to my mam once the alzheimers started to make a major change to her personality, etc – to be brutally honest, the woman we buried had been a stranger to me for a long time, and (please dont think I'm a tw*t for saying this) it was a complete relief once she'd gone.

    Before I knew about Alzheimer's I would have thought the same, I haven't said bood gye to Mum face to face but the time we have spent together is and always will be special.

    I've just burnt my toasted Malt Loaf typing this out…..Can things get any worse for me?

    Free Member

    Cheers Mitch, but loosing Dad was a shock, hence this thread. We lost Mum about 5 years ago and we are now just waiting.

    As the Queen said it looks like this years is going to be an "annus horribilis" one for us

    Free Member

    **** Hell…….Sorry

    It doesn't rains but it pours doesn't it???????

    We've just buried Dad this afternoon

    Only to be told that my Mum who's in a realy nice care home (since Dad couldn't cope looking after her since this spring because of her Alzheimer's) that she has stopped eating and more impotantly stopping drinking.
    Aparently it's one of the last stages of Alzheimer's where the part of her brain dies/turns off the need to eat and drink.

    The care home is great but won't fit a feeding tube as they are not a nursing home, we now have the choice to keep her there and let her die within 7 days to 3 months, or risk moving her if we can find somewhere that will take her for constant feeding.

    We feel we should leave her where she is as she has no quality of life,she can't comunicate, walk, do anything for herself, she can't even lift her head off her chest to see who's visiting her.

    One reason I feel we need to leave her there is because of something she said to me when we visited her Mum in a nearby home when she was at the same stage. Mum told me "make sure you shoot me before I get the that state"

    From an Alzheimer's web site
    Stage 7 – Late or Severe Dementia and Failure to Thrive. Severely limited intellectual ability. Communicate through short words, cries, mumbles or moans. When speech is lost, also lose ability to ambulate without help. Health declines considerably as body systems begin to shut down, swallowing is impaired, and the brain is no longer able to interpret sensory input. Generally bedridden, increased sleeping, seizures possible. No longer responds to environmental cues and requires total support around the clock for all functions of daily living and care

    Unfortunatly for the family there is no stage 8

    Free Member

    Try phoning them in the morning :roll:

    Free Member

    Wogans great but bring on the Evans

    Free Member

    99 posts to go to keep Trout happy :wink:

    Free Member


    Free Member

    MrOvershoot – Member
    At least you have made peace with him & I can confirm that you are not a miserable git John, TBH your one of the most irritatingly chipper people I know.

    I might not be as "chipper" as normal for the next 48 hours as Dad's funeral is tomorrow afternooon.

    Thanks for your kind words and support.

    Free Member

    Thoughts with you. I mentioned many pages back about my Dad's fight against cancer which he lost last Monday, he know his time was up and his funeral is tomorrow.

    Make sure Mark never feels like this and he'll be back riding very soon.

    What about a welcome back to riding Mark STW ride sometime soon?

    Free Member

    Just back from a short test ride and all I have to say is "Thank you Trout for all your hard work" the beam is just perfect with no hot spots and it's definatly not "too bright". On low it's nearly as good as my Light and Motion Arc light which is great as a spot but this is a great mix of high power just where it's needed with a good flood of light as well.

    This has to be on every night riders christmas list.

    Free Member

    Huxley555 – Member
    Poor old trout must be swamped with the kudos this light is getting.

    He must be if the photo I posted up on here only last night has has over 260 hits already when my photo a day photos average between 6 and 15 hits.

    If you've clicked on it already don't bother but if you haven't here it is again REPEAT PHOTO CLICKY[/url]

    Free Member

    Can't wait for Thursday's night ride, I might even nip out with the dog later on

    Free Member

    JohnClimber – Member

    CHB – Member
    I bought the elite too…could be embarrassing if the packs don't fit ;-(

    We can always look back through here to see who suggested the Elite sized bag and sue him for the £6 it's cost us

    Just to confirm it is the Lumicycle Elite battery bag you need for the smaller battery. Just £5.95inc postage.

    Free Member

    Tidying up the house ready for 2 pairs of house viewers, one of which didn't **** turn up.

    Getting fed up of showing around time wasters :evil:

    Free Member

    Phil – Why isn't Jeff working with Merlin any more?

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Cheers Dave

    Gooner get on the phone in the morning or drop them an email blaiming Swisstony

    Free Member

    CHB – Member
    I bought the elite too…could be embarrassing if the packs don't fit ;-(

    We can always look back through here to see who suggested the Elite sized bag and sue him for the £6 it's cost us :wink:

    Free Member

    swisstony – Member
    lumi's little one think it's the pro

    I hope your wrong as I've been told the Elite one fits the smaller batteries and that's what's on route to me once the posties pull their fingers out

    Free Member

    Trout light on Low setting I forgot to add

    Free Member

    The light

    The Glow

    Forget all this long exposure stuff. All of the following were taken on the same quick auto setting – 1/8sec, F-stop f/2.8, ISO 400

    Ay Up helmet spot twin lights (bought 18 months ago)

    light & Motion ARC Li-ion (2 years old)

    Trout's new lights

    Free Member

    Nice to meet you this morning Trout, the lights look awesome and as good if not better than any pro built unit out there.

    Not long until it gets dark and I'll do some comparison shots against my original AyUp helmet lights (which I'm keeping) and my Light & Motion Arc Li-ion's which I'm giving to a mate.

    Free Member

    I like how you say that you are going to buy one, then respray it to hide the fact it's not an On*One and that you are going to use it to pull a kiddie trailer.

    Then you go and edit it saying it's now you mates bike.

    Free Member

    Sheldon doesn't have a Jones.

    Rob and On*One?

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