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  • Epic Race Rumours With Wyn Masters and Ronan Dunne – Making Up The Numbers Podcast
  • JohnClimber
    Free Member

    Can I have his 2002 victory please?
    That’s the year I got my Claud Butler “Rock” to lose weight to help my rock climbing (hence my name).
    I over took 2 roadies on one ride and fell in love with riding bike, so much so that I gave up rock climbing.

    So if it’s agreed

    Tour de France winner 2002 = JohnClimber
    2nd place = Joseba Beloki (Operación Puerto)
    3rd place = Raimondas Rumšas (police discovered corticoids, erythropoietin, testosterone, growth hormones and anabolic steroids in the car of his wife)

    PS. I was clean honest

    Free Member

    Just had the email to say that the Ballacob funnel and mud bath afterwards is no more (at least for 2012)

    Free Member

    No photo of my Singular Swift sine it’s been SS’ed #MustRectifyThatSoon

    Free Member

    Flaperon – Member
    Everyone laughed when I said I was going to go into comedy… well, they’re not laughing now.

    Showing your age there, a Bob Monkhouse classic gag that

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t sign up for one reason…..

    Those bloody annoying adverts….

    What about Virgin Media? I’ve just joined them and I’m up to 30mb/s from 2.5mb/s on the old BT land line

    Free Member

    Tough Day[/url] by Johnclimber[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Sleat is fantastic in good weather and out of the midge season.

    Must do’s
    South – Park at the old church and walk (a very undulating walk) to the very southern tip but make sure you head back via the lovely small beach at Camas Daraich/Craig Mhor (1/2 day if nice and warm full day)

    Armadale Ferry point – Take the SeaFari (1/2 or full day)

    Take your time with plenty of stops and exploring on the square road out to the West Coast, there are old castles, beaches, rock pools to explore. At the northern tip Ord is a lovely spot, have a look around the private garden and walk out to the north. (1/2 day if nice full day, but take food and drink as there is no cafe’s or pubs)

    IsleOrnsay has a nice gallery and beaches to explore (1/2 day)

    Further north, Kylerhea Otter spotting area (1/2 day, full day if otters are about)

    If wet there is always Armadale castle if you like that sort of thing

    Others to look out for are just a little more north.
    On the Broadford to Elgol road, 2 miles out of Broadford take the southern footpath to the clearance villages of Boreriag and Suisnish (1/2day – full day)
    Elgol is great to explore and the ferry to Lock Coruisk in the heart of the Cullin should be on everyone’s bucket list, ferry back or take it one way and walk back over the “bad Step” (1/2 or full day)

    Free Member

    How about some more beans Mr Taggart

    Excuse me while I whip this out

    Mathew, Mark, Luke & Duck

    Free Member

    The only alternative that add’s another 300ft of climbing I can see does the extra on tarmac.

    Is that the plan?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    boltonjon – Member
    I’ve been made privy to some ‘insider information’ and know the new sections replacing Ballacob and it will increase the climb by 300ft

    It sounds better than Ballacob and should reduce the traffic

    There are some slight changes further South as well

    Can’t wait!!

    Jon, please can you email me the gossip ref route change?
    Email address in profile.
    I won’t say a word and I’ll get you a beer at registration 8)

    Free Member

    If it’s that bad/steep they’ll never send 1700 “racers” up there. Will they?

    Free Member

    robarnold – Member
    Thunderpants: I’ve heard straight up Druidale on’t rumour mill. Can you confirm or deny?

    Ramsey Neil – Member
    As I say I am sworn to secrecy , however if you were to come into the shop and threaten Julian he may just tell you . Should be a good fun 3 weeks with everybody speculating where it will go .

    Rob, for the rest of us off the Island, please go and threaten Julian and post up here or just PM me 😉

    Free Member

    Andy R – Member
    Sulby Glen and up the Snakebite??

    OK give us off islanders a clue what and where the hell is Snake Bite.

    When will any changed if any be anounced to the masses?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    ab1970 – Member
    Just need to decide what tyres I should use.

    Oh for Gods sake don’t start that sort of talk on here 😉

    Here’s a shot from the net of the fire road through Ballaugh Plantation
    Can any locals on here confirm this is the trail we’ll be using, it looks better than Ballacob as long at riders don’t ride 4 abreast

    How’s everyone getting over?
    I’ve done the Liverpool ferry in the past but the 3 nights in Douglas for one ride was a bit too much.

    I’ve booked onto the Saturday afternoon Heysham ferry and escaping on the Sunday evening ferry, so only one night out and I’ll most proberbly ride to the start on the Saturday evening and bivi up there rather than get up at stupid o’clock to get the bus north on the Sunday

    Free Member

    boltonjon – Member
    Do you know the island well?

    Fairly well, I used to vist a customer at Jurby and I know Bonzo for my sins.

    I hope the new route does get rid of the Ballacob bottle neck as I’m on a slower bike this year, so definatly would have got stuck in it.

    Free Member

    What’s the alternative to Ballacob then?

    Free Member

    Rob. Do you think the Sloc will be repaired in time for the event?

    Free Member

    At least I’m not on my own from on here.

    Free Member

    “and annoying people who live at the bottom of each mountain”

    And those trying to Bivi on the top of Snowdon before the morning ride down as it was heaving with loud night time walkers 3 weeks ago on a Saturday night.
    I think I got about 2 hours sleep in between very loud night time charity walkers.

    If you want to do it, do it on a bike riding with all your gear between the peaks mid week and in late spring to avoid the crowds

    Free Member

    My Ay Up’s died just out or warranty.

    Troutie turbo charged them.

    Better still buy a Troutie light

    Free Member

    Filtration will be your savour but only if it the right one for your pond.

    Take a jar of your pond water to your local aquatic outlet and ask them to test it also take photo’s of ypur pond along as well.

    Then take a 2nd & 3rd sample of water to other aquatic outlets because the most important thing I’ve learnt working in the aquatic trade for 25 years (Jesus is it really that long?) is that there are no experts in this industry and no two ponds will ever be the same

    Free Member

    There are loads of us [waves]

    Quite a few ride with this lot

    See you one the local trail soon

    Free Member

    As a Tom Tom user next one I’d buy will be a Garmin.

    Too many wrong turns from Tom Tom.

    Free Member

    Learn to love your Dentist

    Free Member

    Yeh and I fell for at least 4 of those.

    You don’t learn by your mistakes you just spot them coming 😉

    Free Member

    rOcKeTdOg – Member

    Can i come? Do i have to send a stupid postcard and be a mate of someone who rides on footpaths?

    Stop over at ours if you fancy? 30mins away from the “event”

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Please fellow Tykes this way up is the only way. Flat to the top like our caps.

    Happy day btw

    PS I’m living in Merseyside not Lancashire [spit]

    Free Member

    Count me in, again

    Free Member

    Another classic

    Free Member

    Did they swap shirts after the match?

    Free Member

    I like mine and the battery has never died but I do charge it up every night.

    Sound’s great as is the camera. I just wish it was slighlty slimmer as reaching to the bottom left hand side of the screen with your thumb to do text’s is a bit of a stretch.

    9/10 from me

    Free Member

    Drac – Moderator

    You tired a border out?

    Is it faulty?

    We do big miles.

    Free Member

    Looking good so far

    Free Member

    Rollapaluza class

    Free Member

    Not bad, at least someone’s got the balls to make a show to cover all types of cycling.

    If you can do better why not pitch it to the TV execs yourselves and see how you get on.

    For Graeme Obree subtitles please press the red button now

    Free Member

    Perfectly timed thread, this was almost this time last night on the top of Snowdon before we bivied and rode down this morning.

    Snowdon July 2012[/url] by Johnclimber[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    I’m having the same problems with my 11 speed.

    To cure it you are ment to put it in 6th gear and alter the cable length to line up 2 yellow dots on the hub.

    I’ve tried and tried so has my LBS it’s going back very soon.

    IMO internal hubs from Shimano are shite,,,,

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