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  • First Look | New SRAM G2 Brakes – New Pads, Lower Price, Same Feel
  • john_drummer
    Free Member

    I'd rather suffer a migrain[e]; I can take painkillers and lie in a quiet darkened room for a couple of hours

    not hard to tell that you don't actually get migraines then

    Free Member

    I'll probably get a red card for this, but


    Free Member

    pay freeze since Jan 2008. Lots of redundancies through 2008/9, but my team's only loss was through a "jump before push" move.

    Now there are 3 of us developers looking after software maintenance, implementation & development at 3 sites in UK, 2 in Hungary, one each in Czech, Poland & Romania, and assisting our 2 colleagues in France with their 8 sites. Busy? not 'arf

    holding company in Tampa went through Chapter 11 in the first half of 2009 wiping out nearly $2 billion of private equity debt in the process, but things are starting to look a bit rosier now – they're now talking about strategic acquisitions and payrises…

    so i reckon a -1 on your scale

    oh, and my band's starting to take off too

    Free Member

    yep, free entry to our next gig at Escobar, Leeds on August 6th

    Free Member

    If they run to form there'll be 2 ad breaks during half time

    Free Member

    Go ride your bike

    Free Member

    I heard a rock cover of one of Gaga's songs on Leeds Indie Radio by a band called Melvin (or maybe The Melvins)last night. It was actually quite good. Can't remember which song though, might have been Paparazzi

    Free Member

    I like footie but only at Football League club level.

    International football is about as interesting as a rained-off cricket match. IMHO of course

    Free Member

    inzane – yes, it does appear to, a little. Not unusual, apparently.

    Jamie's pic does look like she's been surprised

    Free Member

    forget radio 1 and listen to some unsigned stuff – e.g. or – some great stuff out there. Including my band 😉

    back to Annie – harmless enough, not much to it kind of pop music fluff. nothing to get upset about

    Free Member

    Quick bump so the day shift can see it

    Free Member

    Does not compute

    I can play ALL our songs properly. Most of the time. 😯

    Not sure if blutac would agree with me 😉

    Free Member

    Cool, I'll have a listen to that later

    Here's mine:

    It's a really strange sensation hearing a song on the radio and thinking "this is good, who is it?" And then "oh, it's me!"

    Free Member

    not until they come in 'estate' format. Looks nice enough but if it won't swallow a bike I have no chance with a 7 piece drum kit

    Free Member

    all my ex's are so far in the past I doubt they'd recognise me any more 🙂

    Free Member

    can you afford to not sign on? If you can, I wouldn't bother, but for me 3 months without any income at all would be impossible

    Free Member

    well, technically yes, I am from Leeds – born in LGI – but I lived in Bradford from 1982 (when I came here to do a degree) to 1998 when we moved to Baildon, and we've been in Baildon ever since. So get off your high horse.

    I can quite honestly say that the Thornbury/Bradford Moor area is fookin shoite, having lived there for 8 years from 1990-1998 and only just got rid of the house in April this year

    I think I'm allowed to diss my own "hometown"

    Free Member

    in the manufacturing world, Toyota are (or were) the model of consistency.

    before the brake/accelerator problems of recent times…

    Free Member

    what, worse than Calgary? 😉

    the singer in my band comes from Burnley (it's ok, he escaped), says Barlick is a hole. Personally, I've never been, but it can't be worse than Bradford. Can it?

    Free Member

    he looks very technically proficient – way better than me, but I guess he does it for his day job 😉

    Free Member

    I've never heard of jo jo meyer, I'm afraid. Doesn't mean anything except that I'm a bit blinkered

    this chap's quite good though: Gavin Harrison

    Free Member

    I've heard of The Eden House – would have gone to see them if I'd known about it in advance.

    however – that bass line. Tony Pettit in "repeating himself" shocker!

    Free Member

    aye, I'll give him that.

    I'd like to see him play this though:
    Not especially hard, apart from the snare on the off-beat, but a fantastic song, written by one of the best drummers I've ever seen or had the privilege to know.

    RIP Robert

    Free Member

    I do like Get The Funk Out

    not a huge fan of poodle-rock / hair metal, more of a goth myself:
    or maybe
    and, not goth, but most definitely:

    Free Member

    ah, that wipeout. cheers Barry

    lots of 16ths on the toms. no big deal. stupid facial expressions don't help. then a simple – but fast – ride rhythm, not rocket science. nothing fancy in there, no nice kick patterns (that you could hear anyway) played on a single kick pedal. OK, and for his age, very good, but…

    the thing I noticed most about that was the tilting riser. That would have really annoyed me.

    Free Member

    the lad in the talent show played the standard percussion accompaniment to the song 'wipeout' with a recorded backing track.

    as I mentioned earlier, I didn't see the show, so this doesn't help me.

    Wipeout anyone? a Youtube link would be helpful

    Free Member

    he didn't say part of Greece, he said anywhere Greek. Cyprus is part Turkish & part Greek. simples

    Free Member

    albino tadpoles?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Umm … you went to the Eastern Med in July and it was hot.

    it was hot even by their standards. The locals called it something like "a heatwave". If the locals thought it was hot, it must have been.

    Free Member

    As the the rifle… are you sure it's a .22? I'd imagine that would get quite an interesting response from the police right now after the fella in Cumbria used one earlier this week!

    huge difference between a .22 air rifle and a .22 live round rifle; but still…

    Free Member

    first option is as ton says – have a polite word, explaining the situation, and that the rifle/beer equation might not be looked upon well by the police.

    If they insist on pissing about with the rifle after that – whether it's an air rifle or a real one – while intoxicated, then it's certainly a call to the police.

    But remember, they are your neighbours and you're stuck with them…

    Free Member

    drunk in charge of a rifle? very unreasonable, I'd say

    Free Member

    yeah, **** hated it.

    Bali (near Rethymnon) July 1997, didn't take enough money, no credit card, no ATMs within 15 miles of the resort. Too **** hot. nowt to do except sit around the pool or on the beach. 2 bars, 3 tavernas, none of which took anything but cash. 2 minimarkets doing their best to match each other's (highly inflated) prices

    Toilets that won't take toilet roll, so you have to put soiled toilet paper in a plastic, open-sided bin. And then when you have a shower, said bin gets wet, and then the sh*tty water goes all over the bathroom floor

    would never ever go to anywhere in Greece again as a result

    Free Member

    it pays my salary. It keeps my brain ticking over. I like the guys I work with – most of the time

    but it's a good hour each way commute by car (tried it by bike, 2hrs+ – too far), which means sitting in traffic queues (or taking the scenic route), and it does nothing for my fat arse & pot belly

    Free Member

    didn't see it. don't watch "talent" shows

    No, a good drummer is one can hold a steady rhythm throught a song and who can do all the flash fills. The best drummers know exactly when to play the flash fills and, more importantly, exactly when not to play the flash fills.

    I agree, and I tend to practice what I preach. I can't do the flash fills.
    I can do some basic fills – 4, 5 & 6 stroke single-stroke rolls (need to practice double stroke rolls), for 1 to 4 or more beats as required, on a single drum or around the kit, but I've yet to find a use in our songs for a paradiddle or a ratamacue…

    I tend to use most of the kit to play a rhythm on some songs, but simply put, a lot of rock music doesn't need "flash" fills. Try one in a rehearsal room & you'll just get a dirty look – or a derisive laugh – from the rest of the band

    and I can't stand drum solos in the rock band scenario. The whole band is there to entertain the audience, not have a break while Animal goes crazy at the back

    Free Member

    I am a football fan, but I don't give a hoot about the national team.

    Club vs Country? Club every time for me

    Free Member

    True Blood
    V (2010)

    Free Member

    "do you honestly think its going to make one iota of difference to our chances of winning the world cup?"

    nope. "we" never had a snowball in hell's chance anyway. meh

    Free Member

    "puppy eating t-shirts"

    those are quite impressive shirts if they can eat a whole puppy each

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