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  • The First Women’s Red Bull Rampage Is Underway
  • joeyr
    Free Member

    Thanks nicko74, I really appreciate the time you took to write this out. I’ll have a look through it and see if I can make it apply to my business :)

    Free Member

    Kramer – I have a few from back in the day, but none with this exact service – I launched it a couple of days ago with zero audience. Currently have 22 followers on FB (obviously need a huge amount more) due to running a competition with a free “product”.  Long term, I’d like to build a mailing list so I’m in control, rather than relying on their algorithms.  I genuinely think it could do well, once I’ve picked up a few clients who in turn will hopefully recommend me and it goes from there. It’s reaching those people in the first place.

    Free Member

    Thanks sharkbait – without trying to steal your ideas, I’ve setup an instagram account (no followers yet) but don’t really understand how to get the first few followers? Is it just a case of using popular yet related hashtags and trying to create interesting content, as it’s (as far as I’m aware) not the same as Facebook with ready made Groups etc that you can post in to an existing audience?

    Free Member

    Thanks SSS, I really appreciate it!

    Re: E-mail shots – I wasn’t sure the legality of this?  Happy to try, just didn’t want to get blacklisted / fined for spamming?

    Unfortunately, as someone who’s worked alone for the last few years and no real clients / social media presence, I don’t really have a network to promote to at the moment – am trying to improve this though!

    Free Member

    Based upon their previous acquisitions, you’d have to imagine a £5.99 delivery fee etc.  I can’t see them not selling half decent bike kit/spares (in addition to driving their own brands into the ground with inferior quality etc) as they’ll easily rank on Google for anything they list.

    Free Member

    Could be worse!

    Free Member

    I’ve always liked the Schwalbe CX Comp.. pretty light, fast rolling and cheap but with a bit of side protection if you start to slide out. Might be a bit narrow depending on what you’re after, they come as a 2.0.

    Free Member

    City are an incredibly well run club and with all the success over the last decade, are now easily capable of spending without breaching FFP. They are already the highest revenue generating club in the world

    I always hear this claim, but am a bit mystified how City have a greater revenue than the established “big clubs” Madrid, Liverpool, United etc.. Tottenham are only just in the conversation despite the NFL games, Formula 1, Boxing events, multiple concerts per year, sold out season tickets with a 10 year waiting list – how are Man City achieving this despite not being able to fill their own ground during Champions League matches?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Cripes. City.  In Ange we trust.

    5 Games, 5 wins, 7 goals scored, 0 conceded against City at our new stadium. Easy!*

    * if we had Son playing, which we won’t!

    Free Member

    Definitely market place. Our entry level dishwasher cost around £180, broke just after the warranty expired and the same model was now £230.

    They didn’t sell any official spare parts, and we couldn’t find a generic part that the seller would guarantee would fit.

    We got an identical dishwasher off market place for £30 and has done the last 2 years – we’re not going to buy new again as it’s not really worth it for us.

    Free Member

    Do a whois on the domain name.  If it’s existed for a few years then it passes check 1.

    Search Google for Reviews “” and see what comes up

    Free Member

    Diego Carlos two elbows in a week:

    and no red card for either?!

    Free Member

    Same as everyone else.  It’s utterly crazy that two of the biggest bike shops in the world have made their shop fronts incredibly difficult/impossible to navigate for their customers.

    Each category should aim to be the best resource for that subject on the internet, with the customer immediately presented with the main relevant filters to narrow down the selection of in-stock products.

    Bike Tyres > Riding Type > Wheel Size > Show Results, with further filters then displayed for brand, width, bead, tubeless etc and order by savings, price etc.

    In stock items first, then out of stock listed at the end (if necessary for seo purposes)

    Carry this out with a custom template for each category / sub category and the website would be hugely improved.

    How companies of this size spent all this money on a rebrand / redesign without any thought to what the customer actually needs in order to easily browse and purchase their products is baffling.

    Free Member

    Yeah, if buying directly from Amazon then it’s fine – it’s the 3rd party sellers that cause the issue.  The Super Glue listing keeps alternating between the Amazon price (£2.98) and the 3rd party seller (90p) as the default buying option.  If you buy 2 of the 90p Super Glues, the “free shipping” turns into a £21.99 charge, and this isn’t revealed until the last checkout page.

    Free Member

    Sorry it seems I messed up the original link..

    Here’s what I meant.. 90p with free delivery until you select the minimum order quantity of 2 then the charges only appear on the last checkout page.  Often the cheapest price from 3rd parties is the default option over Amazon’s listing, so it would be easy to be caught out.

    Free Member

    ChatGPT says:

    Extracting EXIF data from an image embedded within a PDF file can be done using various methods and tools. Here’s a step-by-step guide using Python and some popular libraries:

    Install Required Libraries:
    You will need to install the following Python libraries if you haven’t already:
    PyMuPDF (PyMuPDF is used for PDF extraction)
    Pillow (Pillow is used for image processing)
    ExifRead (ExifRead is used for reading EXIF data)

    You can install them using pip:


    pip install PyMuPDF Pillow ExifRead

    Extract Image from PDF:
    Use PyMuPDF to extract the image from the PDF. Here’s a Python script to do this:


    import fitz  # PyMuPDF
    import io
    from PIL import Image

    pdf_path = “your_pdf_file.pdf”
    pdf_document =

    # Specify the page number (e.g., 0 for the first page) containing the image
    page_number = 0
    page = pdf_document.load_page(page_number)

    xref = page.get_page_image_list()[0][0]
    base_image = pdf_document.extract_image(xref)
    image_data = base_image[“image”]

    # Load the image data into Pillow
    image =

    Extract EXIF Data from Image:
    Once you have extracted the image using Pillow, you can proceed to extract EXIF data using the ExifRead library. Here’s how:


    import exifread

    # Open the image
    with open(“output_image.jpg”, “rb”) as image_file:
    # Read EXIF data
    tags = exifread.process_file(image_file)

    # Print EXIF data
    for tag, value in tags.items():
    print(f”{tag}: {value}”)

    Replace “output_image.jpg” with the path to the image you extracted from the PDF.

    Complete Code Example:
    Here’s a complete code example that combines the steps above:


    import fitz  # PyMuPDF
    import io
    from PIL import Image
    import exifread

    # Open the PDF document
    pdf_path = “your_pdf_file.pdf”
    pdf_document =

    # Specify the page number (e.g., 0 for the first page) containing the image
    page_number = 0
    page = pdf_document.load_page(page_number)

    # Extract the image
    xref = page.get_page_image_list()[0][0]
    base_image = pdf_document.extract_image(xref)
    image_data = base_image[“image”]

    # Load the image data into Pillow
    image =

    # Save the image (optional)“output_image.jpg”)

    # Open the image file and read EXIF data
    with open(“output_image.jpg”, “rb”) as image_file:
    tags = exifread.process_file(image_file)

    # Print EXIF data
    for tag, value in tags.items():
    print(f”{tag}: {value}”)

    This code will extract an image from a specified page of the PDF file and then retrieve and print its EXIF data.

    Free Member

    Well, seems United have decided to do the right thing.

    Free Member

    I don’t really have any regrets, I’m pretty happy with life.

    I too was looking into buying bitcoin in 2009, (around 50 cents each IIRC) the Beeb had just ran an article on it and I reasoned that it was likely to hit the mainstream if they were reporting it.  Was tempted to chuck a grand at it, but was buying a flat and decided it was too much hassle. Discussed it with my Dad, he was against the idea, still tease him about it.

    A dollar was around 60p, so 30p per BTC = 3333 for a grand.  Massive “If”, but if I’d sold at the peak at around £48,000 then I’d have been worth £159,984,000.

    But then probably wouldn’t have met my wife / had a kid etc, and am genuinely happy with life and not motivated by money so don’t really regret it.

    Free Member

    Utterly spineless of United to announce they’re “consulting the women’s team” before reaching their decision. They’ve created a handy scapegoat if his contract gets ripped up, and those poor women have already been targeted on social media.

    Here’s (hopefully) how the majority of United/football fans feel:

    Free Member

    DIY Silicone option?  Prob look rubbish but will be waterproof!

    Free Member

    The domain was registered a couple of days ago – please don’t order, definite scam!

    Free Member

    Stay strong mate, you’re doing amazing to go through all that and come out of the other side.

    Your kids are lucky to have you, as are your friends and family :)

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t buy a cheap casio from eBay.. I bought a F-91W from there, turned out to be a fake with disco lights style led instead of the regular light and wouldn’t keep time.  Never occurred to me that they would bother making fakes of such a cheap item.

    Free Member

    Big laminated A4 note stuck to the table next to the phone telling them what to say to any callers

    “I don’t know anything about this, please call my son/daughter on XXX and they’ll discuss it with you. Goodbye”.

    Free Member

    New logo for Wiggle.. just looks like a standard Dafont script type font to me, prefer the old one?

    New Wiggle logo

    Free Member

    A few years back my wife and I tried to solve this question on MyFitnessPal.. from what I recall the highest calories per weight we could find was Whale Blubber.

    Free Member

    Maybe some do have it worse, but this doesn’t make your issues any less valid or important.

    Free Member

    2 things from someone with zero medical knowledge, but experiences a bit of anxiety and depression at times.

    1. Have you tried cold water swimming / cold showers – this definitely has helped me. I think the theory is that it’s a controlled form of stress/anxiety, which leaves your body/mind better equipped to deal with it in real life. Either way, it definitely has a calming effect and leaves me happy.

    2. I know a lot of people boycott them, and it isn’t fine dining, but have you tried Wetherspoons alone? You can order on the app, no need to talk to anyone and can leave whenever you want without any pressure to stay as there’s no courses and payment is upfront. This might act as an easier first step before trying an actual restaurant, as you know you can leave immediately if it becomes a bit much?

    Free Member

    Found this company though not folding wheels.

    I seem to remember Planet X (IIRC?) featuring a decent spec MTB that folded, with a steel cable under tension as the downtube? Made for a guy who flew a lot but wanted to MTB without hiring?

    Free Member

    Hope you’re ok @Deadpool, we’re all here for you, keep us updated with how things are going and hopefully we can help :)

    Free Member

    If you are currently using a lot of gas, then it might be worth switching – (have posted this on here before but..) our old meter was vastly overcharging us, which was confirmed when we switched to a smart meter.. 2 months of back and forth, and British Gas gave us around £800 back. So if you think your bills are out at all, then worth doing.

    Free Member

    Problem with this is not heating the fabric of the house can cause damage with damp etc.

    I agree – we did get a Drimaster fitted a few years back – – which helps eliminate damp (a few hundred £ up front but not much in the way of running costs) and we only dry washing outdoors to cut down on the moisture in the air.

    Free Member

    A couple of things that have helped us:

    1. If you haven’t, get a smart meter or get your existing meter tested if you think it might be excessive. Our old meter was over charging us, we’ve just got around £800 back from British Gas after our consumption dropped to 1/5th of previous consumption upon receiving the new installation.

    2. Get electric blankets etc and heat the human rather than the room. Costs us around 1p per hour compared to £1 an hour for our heating on.

    Free Member

    We’re good friends with Mark from the BBC 2 Prog, my wife used to nanny for their family, they’re lovely people who helped us out a lot with all their old baby stuff for our son.

    Free Member

    Android Box with a wireless keyboard with trackpad?

    Free Member

    Calf compression sleeves are the only thing that eliminated mine. Can now run 7 days a week with no issues.

    Free Member

    Just edit a few details, and you’re good to go..

    Free Member

    Really sorry to hear this John :(

    Free Member

    Someone will take a punt because of the above. He might have to accept a hefty pay cut, but doubt he’s short of a few quid and imagine he cares far more about the record than money anyway.

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