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  • Issue 150: Limestone Cowboys
  • joeydeacon
    Free Member

    I’d tell them to either do it your way, or not at all. If they really need/want the domain then they’ll agree. If they pull out then they weren’t serious, and might have been trying to rip you off. If necessary get it all in a contract so neither side can back out once proceedings have begun.

    Sound a bit dodgy doing it their way – you’re the only one taking risk, and they’d be holding all the cards.

    Free Member

    I presume by “tags” you mean the IPS TAG – or do you mean nameservers? If you mean IPS TAG it sounds a risky way to do business. Best bet is to change the nameservers to whatever they want them changed to as a gesture of your goodwill (you can always reverse this), then they pay you, then you change the IPS TAG / owner name for them so they can do whatever they want with it.

    Otherwise once the IPS TAG has been changed, and the ownership details, they can then just pinch the domain, not pay you, and there won’t be much you can do about it.

    Free Member

    I went as this.

    Free Member

    As long as I ride as fast as I’m capable of, then I’m happy. My bikes are fairly light, but then I’m under 10 stone so can get away with it. I remember racing a few years back, the winner kicked everyone’s ass, winning expert/elite on a knackered fully rigid bike with v brakes, wearing a yellow oilskin jacket.

    You then see people racing open category on 5k bikes, and getting lapped – seems a bit strange having a quick bike if you’re not very fast yourself.

    Guess as long as you enjoy riding, it doesn’t really matter what you ride.

    Free Member

    Elfin: unless the guy/girl is local and has assets then court proceedings are a waste of time. If they’re not local they can get the case transferred to the court nearest them. This means you’ll have to travel halfway across the country just to fight it. They might not even turn up, and even if you win, they probably won’t pay up.

    After judgement you can call in the bailiffs for an extra fee but they won’t let them in, and you’ll get nothing in return and be even more out of pocket – at most they’ll get a CCJ against their credit rating, but this only lasts for 2-3 years – at which point it will get wiped clean.

    Up to you but personally I’d take the approach I stated earlier – costs nothing, and has worked for me in the past.

    Free Member

    heart internet / united hosting / servage / dreamhost are all good.

    Out of those I’d go with Heart Internet – united hosting are good but very out of date control panels.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t bother. What are you going to do when they turn up in a pub? They can just walk off, you’ve gained nothing.

    Best bet, if you want to do something, is to threaten to embarrass them. Find their facebook, save their friends list, and then contact the guy/girl saying if you don’t pay up then you’ll contact their friends/family and let them know how he’s/she’s ripped you off. Most people who owe people money tend to hide this from their closest friends/family – usually it’s more of a case that they’re skint, and bury their heads in the sand, rather than trying to deceive/steal from anyone. You don’t have to actually go through with the threat, but it should cause a reaction.

    If that doesn’t work, then depending on the amount owed life is too short for conflict IMO – is often easier just to earn money elsewhere and write off the debt rather than chase after lost money.

    Free Member

    I used to get really bad headaches for the first couple of days after getting new glasses. The floor would look like it was sloping, and I’d feel like shit for 2-3 days. This would disappear after a while – seemed to just be me adjusting to the new prescription / the way the new frames sat on my face. I no longer get this as my prescription doesn’t vary as much as it used to when I first started wearing glasses.

    Free Member

    Thanks guys, appreciated.

    Free Member

    Best female vocalist ever in my opinion.. particularly near the end of this clip..

    Free Member

    I put in a low offer, of 110k on a property listed (cheap in my opinion) at 125k. They declined but dropped 5k off the asking to 120k. I increased my offer to 114k and said final offer, take it or leave it.

    Heard nothing for a week, they then contacted me to say 116k. I said no, even though I’d have paid the original asking of 125k.

    They then phoned a couple of days later and said they’d accept 114k, but it would be nice if I’d make a gesture of paying 115. I kinda laughed at paying an extra grand for no reason, and said 114, which is what we eventually agreed upon (took 6 months for the deal to go through with chain breaking).

    If you act like you don’t care, then they’re more likely to accept a lower offer, than if they cotton onto the fact that you actually love the property.

    The estate agent just wants a sale – a few extra grand to them on the sale price is nothing to them in commission – a cheap sale for them is far better than telling the seller to hold out for a higher price and risking losing a buyer.

    Free Member

    Best bet I found (in my limited experience of 1 purchase) is to act like you don’t give a sh*t. Put in a low bid, don’t chase it at all. If they get a higher bid, they’ll come back to you to see if you can beat it.

    You chase them = you’re keen = you’ll pay more.

    Tell them you’ve seen other places that you are interested in, point out all the bad points about the property, then put in a v low offer. You can always increase it later. If necessary view other properties with the same agent – the agent will prob mention this to the seller, which might make them panic and accept your offer.

    Free Member

    I had a strange smell in my bedroom a couple of weeks back. Eventually traced it to a dead sparrow that had got stuck in my bed drawer. F*ck knows how it got in there, was only a tiny gap. Little b*stard had shat everywhere as well.

    Cue jokes from mates “the last bird that ended up in his bed died shortly afterwards”

    Free Member

    If you're on a budget, I bought a set of these.. haven't fitted them yet, but they look pretty good, very light (sub 600g), and at around £45 odd quid, an absolute bargain.

    Free Member

    Best way to do it is via CSS..

    along the lines of

    (a href="#" class="red")Link(/a) (a href="#" class="black")Link(/a) (a href="#" class="blue")Link(/a)

    But obviously using < and > instead of ( and )

    and then create entries for those classes in your stylesheet.

    Free Member

    I'd go for it if I were you.

    As others have said, start off part time, keeping your existing job, and keep overheads to a minimum. You may well find you can undercut the competitors due to working from a spare room and low overheads / lack of offices/staff to pay for.

    Work out what you need to be able to make a year, then add tax, and all the costs involved, plus a bit extra in case of emergencies, and then divide that by 52 – if you think you can reasonably bring in that much a week, then you've got a good chance.

    Also, when you start out, doubtless friends/family will use your services/buy your products – discount this from any projections of earnings, as 90% of the time this is them being nice and supporting you, and won't be an ongoing thing.

    Look at what your competitors are doing – find ways you can improve on what they are offering. Also work out who your target market is, and how you are going to reach them – contact any potential customers now, and find out the situation with their current suppliers – they might be convinced to use you instead if the service/products they are receiving is not up to scratch.

    Oh and get *everything* in writing – no matter how small the order – comes in handy in cases of disputes.

    I started doing websites about 12 years ago, did part time for about 5 years, 3 of which I was stacking shelves in a supermarket.. I then left when I had enough work, and things have been going pretty well ever since.

    I've never met anyone who regrets having a go at setting up on their own – even the ones who failed are glad they gave it a shot – and as long you don't invest all of your savings in it, and risk everything – then you should be ok.

    Hope this helps – all just my opinions

    Free Member

    As a web designer I use Istockphoto and Bigstockphoto the most – think Bigstock don't require exclusivity.. Istock now charge more per photo if they're exclusive, but seem to have some non-exclusive ones as well.

    Best ones to sell are boring generic ones.. beautiful receptionist next to a phone and computer, a selection of ethnically diverse office staff around a computer etc etc..

    Your best bet IMO is to think of who your target audience is.. most buyers, judging by volume sold, seem to be web / graphic designers looking for generic photos for the "About us", "Our Services" and "Contact us" pages of their client's brochures/websites.

    Free Member

    Colonna MT Regular

    Free Member

    trickydisco: depends on your location but don't ITV stream it live each day on their website (ITV4 – may be UK only though).

    If not

    Free Member

    IMO Can't see owt happening today apart from maybe Wiggins / another fringe GC contender losing time if they majorly blow up.

    The last climb is about 30km from the finish, so too far out to attack from (unless you're just after a stage victory rather than GC) – maybe Cunego / Vino might try something.

    The main GC contenders will finish together – even if one or two lose a bit of time on the last climb, chances are they'll catch up again on the descent.

    Free Member

    Yep, kicked off after the finish apparently

    Free Member

    Thanks for the advice Donk, have bought one of those.. may well end on ebay after a couple of rides, but worth a try.

    Free Member

    Thanks guys.. admittedly the Flite has lost it's padding over the last few years, but was ideally after something with a bit more padding than the classic flite. Any suggestions for something Flite shaped but with a fair bit of padding (if that's possible?!)

    Free Member

    Good luck with it mrmo. Was chatting to an estate agent friend (in Cornwall tho, might be diff where you are), and she said that they've got sh*t loads of properties on their books, but very very few buyers.. worth a trip to your local bank manager, and then putting in some ridiculously low offers.. you never know how desperate people are to sell..

    Or you could do what I did (if it's an option).. stop renting, move back to parents for a few years, and then buy once you've saved up a fair bit.. involves swallowing pride etc but is worth it in the long run.

    Free Member

    Some facts for the undecided. Might help you make up your mind on how fair the situation is.

    A little taster:

    Gaza War 2008 – 2009

    Palestinian total deaths: 1385 (762 civilians including 107 women and 318 children)
    Israeli total deaths: 13 (3 civilians)

    Free Member

    Hmmm in 2008 he cycled 930km in 29 hours across Thailand apparently.. 577.8 miles at 20mph / 32kmph average for 29 straight hours? Is that even possible?

    Free Member

    Just noticed the following on my e-mail receipt: "If you use a cash discount promotion such as £10 off, and you pay for your order with a credit or debit card then we will process your payment in two stages. First we will charge your card with the full price of the order then we will refund your card with the value of the discount. Please note that the payment and refund may not occur simultaneously but the refund will be made no later than when your order is despatched."

    Free Member

    Note: According to another forum they might take the full £19 off you first but when they dispatch the item to you, you will get the discount money back to you. They did only seem to charge me for the discounted amount though, and not the full price.

    Free Member

    No idea.. seemed ok on electrical stuff, plus tools?

    Free Member

    That's because they didn't pick "2" Vinny. They didn't see their "prediction" until after the draw.

    Free Member

    Correct me if I'm wrong but that wisdom of crowds theory would only work for a predetermined number, not for something yet to be established. The average guess of a crowd will normally be more accurate than an individual's.

    Here's how he did it (IMO)

    Filmed with a few separate groups until one group predicted 3 or more numbers in one of the draws to give the illusion of this prediction system working. Probability suggests this would happen soon enough.

    He then got this group to choose more numbers – which he conveniently didn't show to anyone until after the draw. The whole point of a prediction is that you show it before the event.

    The film itself was clearly split screen filming. The moving camera effect was to throw you off the scent – either applied live, or was two shots filmed separately from the same sequence of movements. The shot is only still for about 2 seconds before he walks over to his numbers (once the draw has all been completed), which is when it stops being split screen, and reverts back to a single shot.

    The numbers weren't predicted – they were simply placed there once the draw had been made. If he could really predict this, he would have shown his prediction ten minutes before the draw.

    Free Member

    Any changes of opinion after that little display from Contador

    Nope, I think my original prediction was about right!

    Free Member

    Maybe I'm missing something here but going from recent results:

    Spanish National TT Championships – Contador wins time trial

    Prologue – Contador beats Armstrong
    Stage 3 – Armstrong gets 40 odd seconds on Contador due to being in the right place at the right time.
    Stage 4 – TTT – Astana have the strongest team and put time into everyone else
    Stage 7 – Contador leaves everyone standing – check the video – no-one was getting close to him – Armstrong had to sprint just to cover the attempted chase – there was no way he'd have caught Alberto.

    I haven't seen anything that suggest that Armstrong still has it. Sure he's a great rider, and can keep up with the top few in the mountains if he has protection, but there is a big difference between being able to keep up, and having the strength to be able to attack and get away. That's what Armstrong used to be able to do with ease – doesn't look like he can any more. Armstrong hasn't shown anything so far – in fact the only GC contender who has is Contador.

    If the roles were reversed, and Armstrong had beaten Contador in the ITT, and left him standing on stage 7, we'd all be on about how he was dominating the tour once again. The fact is he hasn't thus far, and in my opinion can't any more.

    Free Member

    Check on Ebay for Argos Clearance.. have some v cheap stuff on there.. I got a 2gb Samsung for £11 including P&P.. think their 8gb ones go for about £50

    Free Member

    Hey guys, thanks for your help, it’s much appreciated.



    Free Member

    Punk doesn’t have to mean crap lyrics. Check out Million Dead or Franky T’s solo stuff..

    it was the strangest thing today
    i saw new footprints in abandoned pathways
    beneath forgotten undergrowth something stirring again
    you were a single red blood cell
    but i lost you in this knot of capillaries
    but you were bringing me oxygen when i needed it most in the smoke.
    and you were always as far as mongolia, as close as my clothes
    your presence pervading, but it still never shows
    as close as the answer i never quite know, or can’t quite remember
    your distance insidious, as soft as a blow
    your shadow is with me wherever i go
    it’s on the tip of my tongue but still i never quite know, or can’t quite remember
    i don’t quite remember
    the forced proximity of a million different mike leigh movies
    makes me long for the fresh air of a familiar face
    and not the violence of loneliness, nor the unease of surrounded seclusion
    i keep nearly missing you around corners and in passing trains
    and if i’d known that you weren’t so far away
    that you were never that far away
    i could’ve rode this train smiling.


    Edit: But yeah Green Day are shite.

    Free Member

    That, from what I can gather, is the lovely Chelsey (who I do believe is trying to resolve the situation – so don’t mean any offence to her at all), and her darling boyfriend Mike.

    Free Member

    I did. Only a couple of quid or so but it’s more the principle. Next time someone who actually needs the money asks I’m less likely to help them out. Doubt Mike Mcmahon of Leicester gives a f*ck tho. Cos it’s becoming apparent that he’s a lying little c*nt.

    Free Member

    Anyone from Leicester know him?

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