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  • joeydeacon
    Free Member

    Trout – sent ya a mail earlier re: next steps – hopefully should help

    Free Member

    No probs Trout.. did you get the e-mail ok with the website’s files? Let me know when you’ve downloaded them and I’ll delete it from my server.



    Free Member

    Can’t go through Nominet as it’s a .com domain – nominet only handle UK domains.

    We’ll need Web Mania’s co-operation as they put their e-mail addy down as the administrative contact for the domain – so they’ll have to authorise any transfers unfortunately.

    FTP works, but only through their FTP server – have got in ok – got a copy of the database and am currently downloading a copy of the website – will get these across to ya.

    Free Member

    Trout: You should be able to login here regardless of your domain names status – – login and see if you can back up your website and access your domains etc – if you want send over your login details and I’ll see what I can do. info (at) tech designs dot co dot uk

    Free Member

    Another trick you might be able to use is to contact the new hosting provider, and tell them you want to move over to them. They’ll probably have a step by step guide, they might even contact the old provider on your behalf, and in some cases (if you’re lucky) will actually setup your old website/database on the new server free of charge.

    Free Member

    Open an account with Heart Internet – – I rent 4 servers with different hosting companies (inc the above mentioned United Hosting – who TBF are pretty good), having dealt with dozens of hosting companies over the last 10 or so years, and they are by far the best.

    Before transferring any domains / updating nameservers then get hold of a copy of the website and database, plus make a note of any e-mail addresses you use.

    Then setup the website and e-mail addresses on the new server, and then change the nameservers so they point at the new website.

    At this point now apply to move the domain names to a 3rd party such as to give you more control over them.

    Hope this helps

    Free Member

    Thanks guys – have contacted Fisher – am more after their opinion rather than a free seatpost..

    Incidently.. nice use of advert on the imageshack overview page!

    Free Member

    If there was a crack, I never noticed before this happened.. the front section of the post is ever so slightly darker than the rest of the post (if that is what you are referring to) – though not as much as indicated in the pic – that’s mainly shadow..

    Am more concerned just simply as I ride like a wuss downhill, and weigh f*ck all, so if this happens to me, it’ll also happen to a lot of heavier/faster riders..

    Free Member

    No debt except mortgage – hate using the credit card – is stupid to spend money you don’t have.

    Three years ago I got declined for a contract mobile phone, despite having (at the time – since been all spent on a house!) a lot in savings, simply as I had no credit history – had only used a credit card a couple of times, only used my debit card. From their perspective I would have been better off with bad credit history than none at all.

    Free Member

    Think Schleck will just ride away from him in the mountains.. him and Contador were on a different level to everyone else last year, see how they played with Sanchez, who couldn’t catch them despite all the trackstanding they started doing on the climbs. Not forgetting Andy will have Frank to help him this time round. Basso should podium, but don’t think he’ll win it.

    Free Member

    For me they’re all doping. Road cycling will never be clean. Everyone keeps on going on about the new clean generation but it never arrives (or it does, but just gets completely overshadowed by the riders who continue to dope). Kinda gutted Contador will probably sit out the 2011 Tour as now Schleck will walk it.. would have been nice to see them fight it out, even if you know the top 15 have all been doping.

    Still Vino should help keep it entertaining, even if he doesn’t get near the podium.

    Free Member

    Build it up yourself using bargain second hand bits.. takes a while to do, but you get to spec every last detail, and is worth it once it’s complete, and costs a fraction of what it would have cost new.

    I built up a full sus Club Roost xc4 for approx £600 in total, inc full XT, easton carbon bars, rebas, mavic 717s and weighs about 26-27lb.

    Free Member

    2 confessions from me, both sadly true:

    In a local a few months back, Billie Jean came on and immediately some guy started doing an elaborate choreographed dance routine that he’d obviously been working on all week in front of his bedroom mirror.

    A mate of mine (straight after telling every woman on the dancefloor over the age of 40 that I fancied them, but was just too shy to approach them!) wandered over to him, interrupting the guy in full flow, and chatted to him a bit. And kept on pointing at me.

    Five minutes later they both came over to where I was standing, at which point my mate said as way of an introduction “Oh, I’ve just been telling XXX about your work as choreographer for Usher. You two should chat”. And promptly walked off.

    I cannot dance for sh*t. No rhythm, nothing. But that didn’t stop me talking sh*t for the rest of the night about my background in ballet, and how I wasn’t insured to dance in public.

    Everytime I see this guy, he always comes over with his friends and asks about how work is going, and what Usher’s been up to. Seems to look up at me, as though I’m some kind of superstar. Haven’t the heart to tell him it’s a load of sh*t. Sorry chap.

    and numero 2.

    When I was 15 I played pool for a pub team in a local pool 4th division league. I wasn’t bad, but the rest of the team were sh*t, and the 35 year old captain would never pick me despite me being one of the best players, always coming up with an excuse week after week after promising to pick me the week before.

    One week in particular we didn’t have a league game scheduled, and instead held a couple of pub tournaments, both of which I won, walking home with about 50 quids worth of pound coins, a couple of months pocket money for a night’s work. He then refused to pick me for the next week’s team.

    By this point I’d had enough – after not getting selected yet again, I went home (this was in about 1997, had just got the internet) and downloaded a copy of the British Pool Association’s logo. I then wrote a letter stating that by not picking me he was in breach of rule XYZ and was facing expulsion from the league. I posted this letter to my uncle in London, who then posted it back down to Cornwall so that it had a London postage mark.

    The captain then spent a weekend writing a 4 page ranting letter to the British Pool Association saying how I was tactically naive, and therefore didn’t think I was mature enough to play for the first team etc etc. He also sent a copy to me, the local pool league, and the pub landlord.

    I then wrote another letter from the Association saying that the team had been disqualified from the league due to the captain repeatedly lying in his letter, as I had supplied them with tape recordings of our conversations which contradicted his letter.

    The next Monday Pool night he got me in front of the whole pool team and gave a long speech saying that because of me contacting the British Pool Association the whole team had been kicked out the league, and tried to shame me.

    I then revealed it was all a hoax. He did look like a bit of a **** at this point, having been fooled by a 15 yr old boy in front of all of his mates.

    I never did play for that team.

    Free Member

    Yeah, he sued as Armstrong launched an attack on him, just because he testified in court against his doctor.. c’mon chap it’s not that difficult to understand!?

    Free Member

    TBF, Lance was the one who started the spat.. Simeoni testified against Lance’s doctor – was nothing to do with Lance. Lance tried to bully him out of cycling as a result.

    Free Member

    Hora, no offence chap, but you’re coming across a bit like a kid refusing to believe Santa isn’t real.

    Regardless of the increasing likelihood that Armstrong doped, he was a horrible person.. look at how he treated Simeoni.

    In road cycling, if something looks too good to be true, then it is. Floyd’s stage 17 in 2006, Vino’s Stage 13 ITT in 2007 etc etc

    Free Member

    Easiest way I’ve found is

    1. Load screen on monitor
    2. Place monitor on photocopier.
    3. Photocopy screen.
    4. Scan in photocopy. Save as jpg.
    5. Import jpg into Word.

    Perfect results everytime.

    Free Member

    Defeats the purpose of this thread, as a lot of these were not released these year, but I’ve only come across them in 2010. They are all good though!

    The Antlers – Hospice
    Arcade Fire – The Suburbs
    The Twilight Sad – Fourteen Autumns And Fifteen Winters
    Radical Face – Ghost
    Frightened Rabbit – Fast Blood

    Free Member

    I used to be a loner – no friends, no girlfriend, no job, living in a skip and eating out of bins.

    One day I used the STW Classifieds, and within a week I found myself living in a penthouse, with three nymphomaniac page 3 models as girlfriends, hundreds of friends and a 6 figure income.

    Thank you STW Classifieds – you changed my life.

    Free Member

    A set of Logitech PC speakers with subwoofer? best speakers I’ve used, have got a set of z4s on the PC and another set for music in the living room.

    Free Member

    Incidently, anyone want any cheap cycling clothing?

    Clicky – Tops / Shorts for £6 + Free postage

    Free Member

    TSY: Have always been pretty skinny.. xc race whippet type proportions though haven’t raced in a fair few years.. I eat a lot, though v healthily, and ride pretty much every day, though only about 10 miles a day (usually flat out tho).. think it’s my natural weight, struggle to lose / gain weight really..

    Jamie: kinda got my look, except for my lack of hair!

    Free Member

    Another skinny b*****d here.. 5’11” and 60kg last week (admittedly after the flu, more like 62kg now)

    Free Member

    MidlandTrailquestsGraham: TBH the rest was just thousands of boring entries with the odd disturbing one.. “Guy phoned but didn’t show etc etc” was the bulk of it, with the odd disturbing weirdo with rape fantasies thrown in.

    “Saw cindy 5/12/07 – said he was ok but strange. he kept following her around with his rucksack on … naked!! haha”

    Free Member

    rkk01: I own a small web design company – think the web designers for the brothel accidently sent it to my web design e-mail address rather than to another developer they were dealing with – typo in the domain name.

    One of the odder entries: “Saw Lucy 8/10/07 – Said he was very strange.She went to the toilet, came back and he was covered in chocolate sauce all over his face!He then wanted lipstick putting on him and for Lucy to call his mum!!! Odd ball”

    Free Member

    If you do choose to sell pics, provide them with either heavily watermarked versions, or tiny versions first. Otherwise they’ll promise you ££££ on the phone and then end up offering £50 after they’ve printed them, and bully you into accepting.

    Out of interest I contacted a few papers a few years back with a story.. I’d been accidently e-mailed the entire customer database of a large Manchester brothel.. had doctors, university lecturers etc listed as clients.. several papers were v interested, and offered a lot of cash but decided against selling – would have broken up a lot of marriages and caused a lot of misery, ain’t worth the cash..

    Was funny reading though, especially the girls “comments” section about each client..

    Free Member

    Get rich scheme:

    1. Write software that trawls “Lost my phone – Numbers please!” Facebook Groups.

    2. Store phone numbers, names, locations and interests for said users.

    3. Sell database of millions of contact details to unscrupulous marketers.

    4. Retire.

    Who’s in?

    Free Member

    Personally I think it’s f****d. Myspace was overpriced, and was sold at around about it’s peak – the main problem with Myspace was that it allowed users to design their own profiles, and had no real aggregation system, thus rendering it annoying and unusable after people got over the initial fad of social networking. Poor old Murdoch.

    Similarly with facebook, it has (in my opinion), become less and less appealing to stay in contact and receive regular updates from people you drifted apart from years ago. I closed down my FB account a couple of years ago, and many friends have done the same since – the novelty has worn off, and if anything has become annoying. I care what my real friends are up to, couldn’t give a s*** about people I no longer know.

    The way in which FB has brought in new features, such as relationship anniversarys, add your siblings etc etc are desperate attempts to increase interactivity between users – people are not interacting anything like they used to compared to when they first signed up as the novelty factor has gone.

    I did read somewhere that it’s never ever made a profit – can anyone clarify?

    Free Member

    Maybe it’s me being an anti-social f***er but can never see the appeal of opening your own restaurant / B&B etc. Basically you’re investing thousands of your own money, to put yourself in a position where you have to smile and bend over backwards to please even the most awkward of customers, often for the sake of £10 profit each time. Admittedly those £10’s may add up, and you may make some cash, but only by biting your tongue and being walked all over by a**holes on a regular basis.

    Free Member

    Hmmm.. not wanting to accuse your mate at all, but there are a lot of weird jerky accelerations that don’t look natural.. kinda the effect that you get when speeding up a video.. but if he can honestly ride that fast then hats off, is way faster than me..

    Free Member

    Hope you guys like them.. personally I’d be pretty gutted to have paid a few quid and waited a year for those.. They look cheap (maybe it’s the photo, but the finishing looks awful and uneven) and nothing like mint sauce in the slightest.. the ears, eyes, shape of face etc are all totally different to the normal illustration.. that may well be the jeweller’s fault/limitations rather than Jo’s though..

    Free Member

    The Antlers – Hospice (2009, but I only discovered it a few months ago)

    Frightened Rabbit – The Winter of Mixed Drinks

    Arcade Fire – The Suburbs

    Free Member

    Yep the two I ordered turned up.. are pretty small, but well made.

    Free Member

    psychle: Radical Face’s two albums are both great, but also check out Electric President – is Ben (Radical Face) and another musician collaborating, v similar to Radical Face..

    Free Member

    Thanks.. bought a couple for batteries, mp3 player etc.. too small for a camera (well my one at least), but should come in handy..

    Free Member

    No idea what it’s about, but it’s the most beautiful piece of music ever created IMO.

    Free Member

    Hmmm.. this looks a bit dubious.. 16 secs in.. Haye saying “Now” to Harrison just before he goes down..

    Free Member

    I used tap water in a set of HS33s for a couple of years. Worked amazingly well. Until one cold winter when the hose kinda exploded.

    Free Member

    I never see my elderly neighbour, but she seems to be very popular, always a big pile of mail and a lot of milk bottles lined up on her doorstep.

    Free Member

    Thanks guys, much appreciated.



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