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  • Deity T-Mac Flat Pedal Review
  • joeydeacon
    Free Member

    Get the hard drive out, chuck it in another PC, back up all your files, then format/fresh install?

    Free Member

    So what Jens is saying that despite riding under Bruyneel and Riis for the best part of a decade, he never witnessed or suspected anyone else in either of those teams was ever doping? I like to think Jens is clean, but he’s clearly still keeping to the Omerta.

    Free Member

    I think you should keep posting. It’s like a Fast Show character.

    Free Member

    IMO cycling will always have doping – essentially it’s a sport where those who can ride at the fastest speed for the longest time gain fame, glory and money.

    With doping having such a significant effect on athletic ability, it’ll always be around – the drugs/methods will change, but the sport won’t.

    Free Member

    I hope Wiggins and Froome are clean, but sadly, as even Froome pointed out in an interview the other day, Sky are very reminiscent of USPS/Discovery/Berry Floor under Armstrong: Same training camp locations, links with ex doping doctors, ex dopers on the team, riders such as Wiggins/Froome coming from absolutely nowhere in terms of GC capabilities to suddenly finishing on the podium (Wiggins went from 123rd to 4th in the TDF, Froome from 84th to 2nd), the complete dominance of the whole team, where rival GC contenders were being dropped by Sky’s domestiques.

    People talk about the new clean era of cycling, and assume everything has changed post-Armstrong, but to me this is a similar situation to what was said just after the Festina scandal, and we all know how that turned out over the next decade. Riders will still continue to dope.

    I’d love to think they were/are clean, but the way Sky dominated this year’s tour was almost too good to be true. And in road cycling, too good to be true usually means doping. I hope I’m wrong though.

    Free Member

    Pay via Paypal and they don’t even see your credit card details so no worries whatsoever.

    Edit ^ what he said!

    Free Member

    By all accounts he’d have just been a half decent pro – nowhere near the world beater he was whilst doping. He had no grand tour results to speak of pre-cancer, then suddenly started winning by minutes.

    Edit: Oh and here’s that vid of Indurain sailing past him

    Free Member

    Deadwood is the only thing that’s come close to The Wire for me.

    Got bored of Breaking Bad.. seemed a bit contrived.. every episode seemed to end with a very coincidental set of circumstances which left the chemistry teacher with the exact ingredients/supplies to get out of whatever situation they were in.. got bored halfway through season 2.

    Free Member

    Sell the five-o, and build up your own custom full sus. I built up a Club Roost XC-4, Rebas airs, X517s, LX/XT groupset, etc for around £650 using some new / some second hand bits from here / E-bay

    Free Member

    Rise Against – Siren Song Of The Counter Culture / The Sufferer & The Witness

    Million Dead – A Song To Ruin
    Sigur Ros – Takk
    Dan le Sac & Scroobius Pip – Angles
    Arcade Fire – Funeral
    The Twilight Sad – Forget the Night Ahead
    Radiohead – In Rainbows

    Pedant Alert: Oh and to the people posting Biffy – Joy Discovery Invention – that was a track name, album is Blackened Sky, ’tis awesome.

    Free Member

    I bought one of these.. – incredible quality, both outer and poles are very well made – I paid just over £120 – so far lasted several festivals in appalling weather – dunno if the rest of their tents are that good, but I’d def buy another.

    Free Member

    jet26: Not really – if the properties are providing an income, which will then allow them to buy more properties – property is a relatively safe investment for which in an overpopulated small island there will always be a demand for.

    Free Member

    jet26 – a lot of people (my parents included) recently bought additional properties to rent out simply as they don’t trust the banking system at the moment – property is a lot safer than leaving that amount of cash in an account earning very little interest (and at risk of a banking crash and/or inflation wiping out their savings’ value) – not sure why people would want to pull money out of property at the moment (other than due to deaths etc)

    Free Member

    Many of my friends are now buying houses/flats, but I don’t know a single one of them who has come out of a normal living situation to buy a flat. Everyone I know who is buying has had help with their deposits, either by living at home until their mid twenties never having moved out, or by having a loan/handout to cover a deposit.

    Too many people my age (29) moan about never being able to afford a home, but have either spent their 20’s traveling/spending rather than saving, and/or are too proud to move back in with their parents. If you want a home badly enough, then you’ll find a way to buy one – but if you’ve reached a certain point in your life, have nothing in the way of savings, then tough, it’s your own fault.

    I rented for a few years, realised I would never be able to buy, and so swallowed my pride and moved back with my parents for 3 years. Worked my ass off, saved up a pretty large deposit, and then bought a place.

    Too many people seem to think it’s their right to own their own house – it’s not – you have to work for these things. If you’re not in a situation where you can buy, then think about how you can change it, instead of just moaning that it’s unfair.

    Free Member

    Pretty sure McQuaid has far more to worry about when the details come out about this case, to be concerned about a couple of posts on a mtb forum.. payments made to the UCI, alleged covered up test results etc.

    Be interesting to see who Armstrong tries to throw under the bus, the UCI, Bruyneel etc.

    Personally I think he won’t actually contest it, just so the details don’t come out, but will continue to deny everything until the grave.

    Free Member

    Just be honest with them. Life’s so much easier when you’re honest.. Just drop them all a joint private message on Facebook explaining why you’re p*ssed off/upset, and leave it with that. If they make the effort to put things right then they’re worth having as friends. If they don’t then you’re better off without them.

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear this. I don’t know much about the subject, but go see the bank/building society that your mortgage is with now (plus anyone else you owe money to) – they might be able to alter your monthly payments – either way is best to inform them of the situation before you start getting late with payments etc – they’ll be more understanding/flexible this way.

    Free Member

    Think it just removed the grease rather than hardened anything. Same reason it’s good for getting rid of smears on windows. Having said that, haven’t checked the bike today. Might have completely dissolved it overnight.

    Free Member

    Haha cheap and cheerful stuff, dunno if Balsamic has oil in it so prob best to leave that one. Googled it beforehand, couldn’t see much info on the subject, so just chucked it on, the brakes weren’t working beforehand so couldn’t see what I had to lose. Natural degreaser I guess, but worked for me.

    Free Member

    Sporting behaviour from Wiggins, stark contrast to Cancellara attacking Schleck when his chain dropped last year – and many thinking that was OK.

    Contador, nor Cancellara. And to be fair, that was due to rider error (Schleck’s done this before), not a mechanical due to bad luck.

    Free Member

    Still hits a good freekick, but can understand taking Giggs / Bellamy instead seeing as their relatively poor national team has meant they’ve never played in a major international tournament.

    The Taekwondo thing really takes the p*ss tho.. deciding not to select the British and World number 1, and taking the world number 49 instead. Dunno what Aaron Cook has done wrong, but he’s obviously p*ssed off the selectors.

    Free Member

    I personally don’t like their stuff – for me anyway it seems to be a lot of hype about a band that don’t really move me – admittedly I’ve never seen them live, but I’ve always found that you’re unlikely to like a band live, if you don’t really like their studio stuff.

    Horses for courses though – I’m sure people here would prob slate my fav bands.

    This seemed a bit out of order though

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Quote of the week has to go to Realman for this little gem

    The idea of a clean Lance is too important IMO to attempt to crush with so little thought as to the consequences.

    Pretty sure we’re being trolled here guys.. first all the classifieds “discussion” over refunds, now this.. no way is Realman actually a real man and actually exist. AICMFP.

    Free Member

    I think Lance is human, like everyone else, and if he cheated, then he deserves the same punishment as everyone else. USADA wouldn’t charge him without believing they have a strong case – and if Armstrong is innocent then he has nothing to fear, and will be glad to put this issue to bed once and for all.

    Free Member

    Realman it’s still like talking to a kid with his fingers in his ears.

    This is about the future of cycling. Armstrong still has a great deal of influence over cycling, Bruyneel still works in cycling, and if guilty of these charges will probably still be using these methods with current and future riders.

    I appreciate it’s not nice reading bad stuff about your heroes, but ignoring it won’t make it go away.

    Free Member

    Oh, and for what it’s worth I don’t believe for a minute Armstrong doped. However he may well have turned a blind eye to others doing it, in order to get a strong team around him.

    Haha.. needs a bump. So he assembled an incredibly strong team, allowed them to take drugs to become even stronger, decided against doping himself but was still head and shoulders above them (and all of his doping rivals) in terms of performance?!

    Free Member

    I’m a web designer. Use Heart Internet for the hosting, and 123-reg for the domain name. Use WordPress for the website and then find a theme you like and install it.

    Set the Permalinks so they show the postname (i.e. instead of etc )

    Install a few plugins such as All in One SEO, and optimise each page – read up a little on SEO.

    Update the site regularly – good original content is king.

    Then in a year or so if you’re making good money, pay a company to make you a custom theme.

    Free Member

    I think the point is this is the first time that they have 10 witnesses ready to step forward, many of whom are credible and nothing to gain, such as George Hincapie, all of whom will testify that they saw Armstrong dope.

    Up until now it’s been always been a case of a single person vs Armstrong, most of whom, rightly or wrongly, he’s managed to silence due to his wealth/power/legal team.

    As stated before, the original Jeff Novitzky investigation was about fraud, not merely doping. This new investigation is as a result of what the original investigation uncovered from a doping perspective.

    Free Member

    A 2 year investigation was dropped due to lack of evidence of fraud. They weren’t interested in doping, only the money side of it – they were looking to prove Armstrong had defrauded the US Government. By all accounts they had a very strong case, but it was dropped to one man’s decision, against the investigating team’s wishes, just hours before Armstrong was set to be served.

    Free Member

    Realman is making absolutely no sense here whatsoever.

    “Yes, I do want to pretend. It’s the better thing to do.” So burying your head in the sand and ignoring it is the best thing to do, rather than looking for the truth?

    “we should be looking at the present and the future” Bruyneel is a present (and future) Directeur Sportif. If he’s guilty of these charges then it’s likely he’s still doing the same things, but with a future crop of riders. The sport will never improve unless we get rid of the old guard.

    All people are saying is look at the facts rather than bury your head in the ground. If once you’ve looked at the various testimonies and evidence, then you still feel the same way then so be it.

    But to state “You’re telling me to do research – why? I’m happy with my belief – why would I want to change it?” you’re sounding like a kid sticking his fingers in his ears refusing to hear stuff he doesn’t like.

    Free Member

    TBH I don’t think it’s anti Man Utd or any other club, it more seems to be pro Liverpool if anything. Worst season in years, 8th best team in the Prem, and Roy still decides that Kelly, G Johnson, Gerrard (fair enough), Downing, Henderson and Carroll all deserve a place above Man City/Utd/Spurs etc players.

    Ok we’ve lost a couple of players to injury, but there’s far better replacements than a Ste from Hollyoaks lookalike and Martin Kelly.

    Free Member

    Agree, Ferdinand isn’t the player he was, but he’s still got experience and I’d prefer to see him coming on as a sub than Kelly.

    Carroll instead of Crouch makes no sense to me – Crouch has just come off a fantastic season at Stoke, voted player of the year. 25 goals in 53 European games, and 22 goals in 42 games internationally is an amazing record. He’s not a starter, but if we’re losing with 15 mins left, he’s always worth a shout – European and International defenders don’t know how to play against him – makes them panic. We’re never gonna out pass a decent side like Spain/Holland – the only way we’ll win is by playing like Stoke and sneaking something from a set piece.

    How Micah Richards got left out is bizarre, as is Johnson’s omission.

    Free Member

    Weird squad selection though, no Micah Richards, Adam Johnson, Lennon or Crouch, instead going for Kelly, Downing, Oxlade Chamberlain and Carroll, all of whom have done v little this year.

    Free Member

    Sorry to hear this – I didn’t know him, but condolences to his friends and family. RIP Nick.

    Free Member

    Carrera Subway Hybrid Bike

    reduced from £399 to £179?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    bugger, you cracked the code!

    Free Member

    hahaha I’m in joeydeacon’s account!!!

    Free Member

    I simply hide my YOUREALLGAYLOL passwords within STW posts for safe keeping.

Viewing 40 posts - 721 through 760 (of 923 total)