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  • Bike Check: Ministry Cycles CNC Protoype
  • joepud
    Free Member

    Many people, me included, would have no idea she was mixed race without being told as she has the same skin tone as many other white American actresses.

    I find this mind blowing she is clearly mixed race.

    Free Member

    Hmmm, middle age white blokes deciding when its appropriate for mixed race woman to be feel she’s been racially abused or subject to racial profiling or not….

    One of the best things said for the last 5 pages.

    The racism thing was her lived experience but doesn’t make it true.

    It makes it true for her. How you gonna tell someone their experience of racism is wrong. Especially when its coming from white people who have likely NEVER experienced racism in their life.

    Free Member

    The snowflakiest of snowflakes! 😂

    Or just the absolute definition of white fragility.

    Free Member

    Good, although, as has been said, he’s the only one that stands up to MP’s.

    Despite voting for his party so liked him enough back then. The only reason he does that is because he refuses to go on his show. Piers is an absolute idiot im glad hes off tv. Bet his co-host is stoked she now gets to talk without being constantly talked over.

    Free Member


    While I am not Drakefords biggest fan generally due to him stopping me from seeing my family for the last year this is something I 100% agree with the bloke boris is an absolute moron.

    Free Member

    Proceeds to pull level, wind down the window and drive alongside telling us how dangerous we’re being. Kid in the back seat by the way.

    One thing that continues to amazes me about some drivers is their lack of the rules of the road. The amount of time I have been told im “not allowed” to ride in the middle of a lane is unreal. I wish it was a generational thing but it seems this myth is still perpetuated

    Free Member

    There is some gold here this is my favorite

    On most roads it the becomes difficult for the overtaking car to give the outer rider 1.5m of space as you have taken up 4mtr of roadspace. If you include 1.12 of passing space

    If it makes it difficult maybe it’s not the right time to pass simple.

    I always ride a doors width from the curb or the “primary position” and when an island approaches get in the middle to block cars from passing me. I couldn’t care less if that means your late to drop timmy off at football, I just don’t want to die.

    Free Member

    I’m pleased to see there are some areas of blue re-emerging amongst the red where I am on the Southern fringe of Greater Manchester.

    I would put money on lockdown ending and london being open the north being shut again, which will be absolutely heartbreaking for people and businesses.

    Free Member

    Ultimately, the last covid death in Australia was 19th October 2020, and there aren’t any kind of significant restrictions in place

    Thats just mental. Like i can’t even comprehend being in that situation.

    Free Member

    One of the positive points of working from home is not having to wear socks too. Feet are great, keeping them cooped up is the odd thing when you think about it

    Come on now, we all know socks are like the best thing in the world. Its like putting your feet in a sleeping bag. I bloody love socks and have far too many.

    Free Member

    That really sucks dude, it annoys me that drivers are such idiots it means you feel unsafe on the road. No one should feel like that.

    Free Member

    100% agree with the OP I HATE working from home i like the people i work with and can’t wait to get back to the office mon-fri 9-5. I have found a few things that make it better though. I “commute” to work in the morning which is basically a loop from my house, leave the house and lunch to get coffee / food and meet my partner after work at the station. What I really struggled with was my days blending and working later – having those defined stops in my day really helped.

    A decent stash of a records playing helps too, find vinyl really relaxing.

    Free Member

    Barefoot around the house and garden/further afield in the warmer months.

    How much further afield do you go before you put shoes on? Im in the if I walk out my front door I put shoes on camp… basically do you go tesco barefoot?

    Free Member

    Brakes are all love hate i think. I recently got a set of 4pot XTRs, totally over kill but wanted a set for years and they are amazing. Once my SLXs ones die on my HT i will get some 4pot XTs I don’t see how you can beat them for price vs performance.

    Free Member

    I have too many shoes…

    As someone thats slimmed their collection down once it hit 3 digits im not sure thats possible.

    Free Member

    Adidas do awesome styles from the 80/90s, but i think i’m a bit old for them these days personally. Even though quite classic.

    No way never too old. Im fully in the camp of get what ever you want / like.

    Free Member

    The Mac Miller one is unreal so glad its been posted! He’s by far most of the most talented musicians of his generation. Been a fan since blue slide park days and im so sad hes gone.

    Free Member

    But I would imagine they have enough history to know which country you’ve travelled from in recent days, and the power to access it within seconds?

    Ex-work travel brain on I would sorta say no. Most OTAs can’t even link up a flight and hotel between brands they own when they have an email address, let alone store data for individual people across multiple locations. I have no clue how / where you would store this data and then have a backend / front end ui to search millions of people.

    Free Member

    The price has got to put them firmly in try-hard hipster territory!

    At 100 quid that’s not really a lot more than a pair of 5:10s and likely the same if not more than a pair of their clips. I wouldn’t mind a pair for town spins look a dam site better my current 5:10 Kestrels.

    If they can make a pair that are more waterproof I would be happy to use them for the majority of my riding.

    Free Member

    Cotic Solaris Max thats got a fair few mounts on the down tube.

    Free Member

    As with a lot of people I don’t think there will be complete abandonment of office working more a move to blended options

    “blended” is a phrase that keeps getting thrown around by the leadership team at my place. Given the choice I will be in the office 5 days a week. The way I see it my home is my home I want to leave work at work. City centres wont die like people predict they will just change businesses adapt.

    Free Member

    Posi covid news! Covid cases falling globally. im hyped had 2 coffees and its sunny!

    Free Member

    I have been running some gr-531 and teravail rutlands which have been ideal. Nice and wide too

    Free Member

    And I know which group I think are most deserving of vaccination.

    No group is more deserving than another. Need however is something different.

    Free Member

    Same as others been riding in contacts for years and all good. Also as others said getting something in your eyes with contacts is seriously painful comparable to childbirth i image. Goggles or sunglasses are a must i think.

    Free Member

    Whats the context of that 6k, are school getting some funding or something?

    Free Member

    Just FYI if it helps:

    indeed! im so excited for that stay local order to be lifted.

    Free Member

    There’s a whole range of people doing it not just GPS. Hospitals doing Health/care staff. Community pharmacies now popping up and the big centres are doing a fair chunk. My one does 3000/day and we are a small centre compared to some.

    No, but I think the point is that the reason the vaccine roll out looks like its going well is going well is because gov’ have left the NHS to do their job. This is the view im getting from a few of my NHS friends any way.

    Free Member

    @joepud says one of the most judgemental folk on here without a shred of irony.

    That maybe your opinion but I haven’t said anyone who goes on holidays to dubai is “encapsulate everything that is wrong with society” or said “world would be a better place without you.” just because someone has decided to go o holiday.

    Free Member

    I’m just fishing.

    So you don’t believe it, and you’re just trolling. wow, what a sad existence. This thread has really outed a few people who represent the worst aspects of Singletrack.

    Free Member

    So just got a record player and currently have some pretty awful speakers. Anyone got any recommendations for some monitors? Not after anything massive its just a living room set up.


    Free Member

    People who holiday in Dubai generally encapsulate everything that is wrong with society.

    Ah nice more judgment. A few people here seem to have gone so I and them are “everything that is wrong with society” (do you actually believe that, you typed is so i assume so?) I feel like your judgment is everything that’s wrong with society. I know you should insulte people but what an idiot!

    Free Member

    Long story short; if your personal morals would let you willing visit Dubai or UAE then the world would be a better place without you. HTH.

    Really! Call me hypersensitive but I don’t think stuff like this needs to be said – Think about what you actually just said “the world would be a better place without you” thats got connotations of you suggesting this person dies. In a world of internet trolls I really think you should apologize.

    Also, to add what you said is absolute nonsense if you didn’t go somewhere due to how they treat / treated people you might as well build your own island because even this one (if you’re in the uk) is FAR from perfect.

    Free Member

    Spent about 10+ days there a few years ago visiting family and to be honest I had a really good time. If you want sun, sea, really good activities for the family and nice places to eat its worth it. Don’t expect much in the way of culture / history its there just not very accessible and they don’t shout about it like the UK does. I wouldn’t go again but its such an unusual places im glad I have seen it. They also have some half decent mountain biking you just need to get up early to skip the heat.

    Dubai seems a strong contender – decent weather, decent hotels and plenty of options for a ‘laze by the pool/beach’ holiday that Mrs D is a fan of.

    This is basically what Duabi does best and if its what you’re after you will have a really good time.

    Free Member

    This makes me concerned that Lockdown 4 is coming in September….

    I would just worry about what you can control dude. Lockdown for may come, but currently data suggest the opposite so try and look for the positives.

    . Surely the weight of responsibility should be applied to the Press somehow to help avoid a reoccurrence.

    I would say its on the Gov’ the new just publish the news, but obvs slanted to the agenda clickbait they want to push.

    Free Member

    Here comes summer!

    I have a ten quid bet with my partner i wont get a vaccine this year… im so conflicted i want my tenner!

    Free Member

    I don’t get whats wrong with the sign. They are simply saying get your food and leave like every take away place thats currently open. I get a coffee from my local maybe 4 days out of 7 a week i really don’t see whats wrong with it.

    Personally I think the distinction should be takeaway = substantial meal bought with the intention of taking home to eat, a takeout coffee on the other hand is completely non essentially and encourages people to take a trip out and should be banned the moment

    As a blanket statement without finer details its ok, but it just does’t work in reality. For example my coffee shop also sell food and make pretty good sandwiches so at lunch I go for a walk to get away from a screen and get a coffee and a sandwich. So are you suggesting they either just sell sandwiches, (where they wouldn’t make enough to survive) or just close and likely fold leaving a few more people on the unemployment pile? In an idea world the gov’ would be paying everyones wages but thats not gonna happen.

    Personally life is pretty dull right now my life is few bike rides a week, walk with my g/f and working from home a coffee is one of the few highlights right now.

    Free Member

    You’re right though, I’d have expected local case rates among those in hospitality etc serving the beachgoers to rise, and they didn’t, which is great.

    expect that didn’t really happen either i remember there was a stat kicking around about infection rates in hospitality and it was crazy low only a few percent. Feel like the bulk of transmission has to have always been around people mixing at home. Even the BLM protests in the summer didn’t create a significant increase in transmission

    Free Member

    every voxpop piece to camera about someone’s angst about covid, it’s nearly always driven by ego and fundamentally about the self rather than society and how the country can deal with this virus.

    Its also driven by everyones own stress and anxiety about covid its stopping them from having a little more compassion and understanding for others. The psychologist classic everyones stress buckets are full.

    Free Member

    The bill is now at £22Bn for T&T, when it was at £8Bn it looked like a huge disaster but now it’s beyond a scandal. It’s absolutely crazy that there is no accountability for any of this mess.

    I mean why would a bunch of rich white people ever feel the need to take account of anything. Its called privilege for a reason. But, I will put my hate the tories in a box.

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