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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • joepud
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    I would say Fox if you’re fancy and not that tall, TLD if you can find a good deal but my personal favourite is Nukeproof love their stuff. Perfect balance of price, quality and fit.

    Free Member

    PM: How long is this job going to take?
    Dev: Well, I really can’t tell at this stage. There are a lot of unknowns, X, Y, Z etc.
    PM: Yeah but how long is it going to take?
    Dev: FFS weren’t you just listening? I don’t know!
    PM: You must have some idea.
    Dev: If I had all the information I might, but given the unknowns we really won’t know until we try.
    PM: But I need a number for my spreadsheet.
    Dev: Well, if all these other things weren’t problems, and it’s a big if, I’d expect it to take something like 4 weeks but it might take two months, or if we uncover something weird it could take much more than that.
    PM: Great, thanks, I’ll put 4 weeks in.

    this sounds like my day and im a product designer.

    Free Member

    Another one for the Evoc Hip Pack Pro. I basically think its the best hip pack around. Really good strap and some cords you cna use to pull it tighter. even with the bladder full i can still get my phone and wallet in.

    Free Member

    Stick some flat bars on it. Curly bars really only work if you want aero on the road.

    I really disagree with this. I had some flat bars on my gravel bike for a bit and as soon as you pointed the bike down it felt so unstable. I felt i couldn’t get low enough its not a mountain bike with really slack lines the drops help you sit deeper in the bike giving more control.

    I also have some Salsa Cowchippers which going by reviews seem to be the defacto standard in wide gravel bars.

    Free Member

    Am i hearing this right, Did Dom basically say Boris was unfit to govern? He called him unfit for the job as PM due to a series of distractions. I just don’t get how the tories come back from this… I mean well I do no one actually cares.

    Free Member

    Just when you think it can’t get any better he just drops gem after gem after gem.

    Free Member

    He’ll drop what he thinks are bombshells, but aren’t, a few political journalists will wet their pants with excitement, Twitter will go mental for a couple of hours, they’ll do a special 10 minute thing on Newsnight, mostly talking about Barnard Castle and Boris will just shrug and carry on as normal, poll ratings unaffected.

    Bang on. Very few people will care or even know Dom is going to be interviewed this week. I feel the majority of the population mostly apathetic to the whole Tory gov. Its like oh surprise surprise they are all bent and lie all the time.

    Free Member

    Waited for about 15 mins and we’d only moved forward by 4 people or so, so just binned it off – I’d have pissed myself before I got anywhere near the front!

    This is pretty poor. Jabs need to be used and you not turning up to your jab means thats likely going to end in the bin.

    Free Member

    Found this article quite interesting on crude use of PCR vs. antigen tests, variants, training your immune response etc.

    Thanks for posting this dude. I needed that dose of covid positivity after yesterday

    Free Member

    Almost 3k cases today, granted it was going to happen once we started to let people do stuff. Really hope this isn’t the start of a trend.

    Free Member

    I just managed to book my covid jab, but my second appointment is more than 12 weeks away anyone else have this, its at 13.5 weeks? Im guessing they will bring it forwards.

    Free Member

    I would honestly go for a wald or similar. I have a wire basket the plus of them is the weight and with some Voile straps you can jut take it off and on super easy.

    Edit: to be really hipster don’t forget that you will need a custom made satchel to fit in your new basket!

    Proud owner of a handmade in peckham wizard works bag plus wald basket.

    Free Member

    New J.Cole The Offseason pretty much solid since Friday. By far one of the greatest rappers of this generation.

    Free Member

    Roadmap was a pointless waste of time.

    Are you saying the whole concept of a roadmap is a waste of time or just the milestones they had? Clearly they needed a roadmap / plan.

    Free Member

    Hancock saying over 35s to be jabbed next week. stoked! Although it does mean I lose my £10 bet with the girlfriend.

    Free Member

    Oh, come on. Did I say that?

    Basically yes. A direct quote “restrictions aimed at irresponsible inner-city oiks.” Saying this suggested that restrictions were not also “aimed at” (lets also say formed / created / put in place) people who live in rural areas because again direct quote are “completely pointless for us out here.” So are you saying rules on household gatherings, eating inside in restaurants, mass gathers at a sports event, limits on how far people can travel, or even closing school was “completely pointless” for those in rural areas?

    Its a simple yes or no. If you think those rules are “completely pointless” for people in rural areas…. well… you’re clearly wrong and your statement is massively incorrect.

    As an fyi im one of the “inner-city oiks” so find your post a little offensive but mostly funny so wanted to poke holes at your extremely thin argument.

    Free Member

    I live in an area where the virus never really arrived, living a life where I am unlikely to be exposed to it anyway, and I am sick of complying with restrictions aimed at irresponsible inner-city oiks which are almost completely pointless for us out here.

    I quoted this bit because it made me laugh the most. Your whole post is absolutely ridiculous. The idea that the rules are aimed at “irresponsible inner-city oiks” as if people who live in rural areas are saints is so laughable. I could rip your post about more but i figure its best to just laugh at you.

    Free Member

    You don’t, you just address people how they prefer to be addressed out of niceness.

    This. From a generation that constantly tells mine and younger “in my day people respected each other” I sometimes wish they did the same. How someone identifies themselves has zero impact on your life apart from a mild awkwardness just deal with it if someone wants to be called a them or they.

    It boggles my mind that some people (no matter the generation) fail to see thinking has moved on and perhaps defining someone / group by a single trait or characteristic could be offensive. If we didn’t challenge the way we think people would still think the world was flat

    Welsh Government to run a pilot for UBI.

    This is actually huge and that “levelling up” actually looks like.

    Free Member

    I don’t care what the job is, if you can’t make a decent effort to look smart to try and pursuade someone to give you it why would I want that person on my staff?

    im a product designer and if I interviewed someone who turned up in a full suit I would think they were mental! Dress how the job / industry dictates. I recently joined a bank and for both interviews (covid world via zoom) I just had a plain black t-shirt on. Before that I was at a travel tech firm and turned up to that interview at lunch time in jeans and a tshirt.

    Free Member

    I have a set on my Solaris (came with the bike) and I would say they are perfectly fine do the job. But I have some EX511s on my other bike which are better in every way stronger, lighter, stiffer and just all round amazing. If Cotic offered DT Swiss rims with hope hubs I would much rather have got them.

    Free Member

    In other news, a mate who works in IT has just been taken on to look at the track and trace system. He says its as bad as we think it is.

    Why doesn’t that surprise me. I have worked with gov on the odd thing a few years ago (im a digital designer) and their grasp of technology and how stuff work its truly baffling. A serious lack of digital maturity

    Free Member

    Boris of course I suspect is being economically driven to state that he’s not seeing any causes for concern currently we’ll be going ahead.

    I don’t doubt part of his thinking is I need to save the economy and really he does. He needs minimal covid devs and minimal economic disruption sadly they don’t go hand in hand. However Johnson has this absolute desire to please people which i think overrides his economy thinking… hes basically the worlds worst beg friend. What this does mean is u-turn after u-turn depending on which person hes trying to get to like him.

    Free Member

    So, is there any difference between last time we loosened restrictions (last year) and this time, other than the vaccine?

    Hopefully hindsight as to how peak stuff can actually get when we think its all over… But ultimately I would say no.

    Free Member

    Equally fascinating, is hearing a Tory councillours worried that Tory spending priorities away from home counties heartlands are being interpreted by voters in S/E as “We’re spending money elsewhere” and thinking “I’m not so sure” (about voting Tory) Quote from Dan Humphries at Worthing council, worried about Tory focus, and Labour running them close

    I totally see your point. I thought the way the tories treated the north throughout lockdown would see them coming back to labour in massive numbers. Im being pessimistic, but I honestly feel like the money going elsewhere wont matter come a GE – Boris could punch electorates square in the face and they would still vote for him.

    Free Member

    So, Sadiq Khan almost certainly going to the second votes vs Sean Bailey in contention for London Mayor. That’d be a major loss for Labour, but even as we were voting and despite the fact we know nothing about Bailey we were asking ourselves what exactly has Khan done during his term? He’s been mostly under the radar with anything tangible.

    recently he opposed the expanding of the ulez in SE london when it was ordered by the tories. reason being poor families wont be able to use their cars. Hes pretty pro cycling which is a win in my books. But to be honest I don’t really care about london mayor (i live in london) I put more value in Damien Egan whos mayor of lewisham.

    As for the Rayner disaster. I was massively pro Keir but you don’t say you will take full responsibility then sack someone. Im done with him.

    Free Member

    surly all depends on the hill? If its something short and I know I can sprint to the top I will, might as well get it over with. A long climb up a boring fire road I will just sit, spin and chat.

    Free Member

    sorry to change topic, but something I have zero clue as to what the answer is. A lot of the chat seems to have been that the tories have managed to get pro brexit voters to vote for them instead of Labour. How does that play out in wales, a country that voted out in HUGE numbers currently looks like its going to be Labour again.

    Free Member

    So where does Starmer and Labour go from here? Hemorrhaging votes, supporters and members, it’s looking very bleak. Be interesting* to read what the Armresters on here think.

    Gut reaction he has to go. If he goes Tory will see it as a massive win and shout about how they got rid of another leader. If he goes who replaces him god knows if you ask Twitter its Andy Burnham. Labour will double down on Starmer say they improved since the last election and continue to play the long game. They need to seriously reinvent themselves.

    The general public didn’t want Corbyns far left ideas and it seems like they dont want Starmers middle of the road either. God knows what they do. Im feeling very down about the Labour party today.

    Free Member

    I’m way past the point of trying to understand it or be conciliatory, all I can do is to pointlessly rage as we willingly slide open-eyed into third-world tin-pot dictatorship status.

    basically how i feel too. I honestly feel at the next GE we will get another tory majority.

    Free Member

    For all but a blip in the last 40+ years the Labour party have achieved very little noticeable difference in the average working class life whereas they’ve seen those who vote Tory prosper.

    It’s wrong and I don’t agree with it but I do so some people’s reasoning.

    I really can’t see the reasoning. I would love someone to explain it to me. I just don’t get how anyone could align with Tory values. Sorry feeling pretty fed up about this result.

    Free Member

    Labour losing / lost Hartlepool… god its depressing. I just don’t get it the Tories have been aberrant the last year or so but people still think they are better than Labour. Are Labour and Kier really that bad or are the Tories just that good. feeling depressed.

    Free Member

    Don’t think I’m that strangely proportioned, but being a 30 waist and an average height shorts always seem to be too short when worn with kneepads.

    Try being over 6ft not having a gap between your knee pads and short is just a dream. I have taken to wearing longer sock like knee pads from 7idp to make up for it.

    Free Member

    So the ultimate authority over the parliamentary standards advisor is….. Boris Johnson!

    Ffs, just when think they couldn’t get away with much more.

    Heard this to absolute joke. I think he also has the final word on if they even do an investigation at all.

    Free Member

    That clip up there of Starmer’s questioning is awesome!

    yeh totally it was Kier at his best, it leaves boris with no where to go. Agree with the comments above it was asked in such a specific way he must know something. Hes got him on record saying its all a lie he never said it, and paid for the refit with his own money. If this turns out to be a lie Boris has gambled big and my lose it all.

    Free Member

    Seeing Inbred456 defend Boris is actually laughable. Its nice to see your moral compass means its ok for a PM to take backhanders.

    Free Member

    If Starmer’s plan is simply to induce Johnson into a rage-induced heart attack at PMQs by asking simple questions about his dodgy finances, he’s doing a cracking job.

    it was actually unreal you could see the anger in his face! The blokes had a tough week (all his doing) and then he has to deal with Keirs questions. Something im sure he didnt fancy.

    Free Member

    Sunak could be a good play with Starmer having alienated a lot of ethnic minority support for Labour. It shows the vacuous nature of identity politics. The Tories do indeed support women and minorities, they have a more diverse front bench than Labour and they promoted Priti.

    That doesn’t absolve all the awful things that they and Boris have said and done. We don’t need to pull up old quote but we all know what hes said.

    Free Member

    Boris has served his purpose, Gove for PM by the summer?

    Is Gove actually electable he looks like an absolute weasel. Both him and Johnson are awful but at least Johnson has some sort of charisma that people some how find appealing.

    Free Member

    I can totally see Boris saying something like that. If he said it do I think he meant it no… well i hope not anyway. But when he goes off on those classic Johnson waffle rants im pretty sure he has no clue what hes said.

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