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  • Fresh Goods Friday 722: The Autumn’s Done Come Edition
  • joepud
    Free Member

    I suspect because he’s been arrested this afternoon on suspicion of incitement of his supporters to set fire to offices of MP’s who support increased measures.

    I mean that wasn’t even the tip of the iceberg his claims of the jab giving you “aids” and a “spazed immune system” were just as worrying. The guys an absolute idiot if that was my brother I would be so ashamed and embarrassed.

    Free Member

    a vaccine that now doesn’t work

    This is a common thing i get told by my anti vax brother. I think the last bit of research said it was 80% effective against the new variant once given a booster. I would really love to know what you mean by “doesn’t work?”

    Surly 80% chance of not getting sick from virus is better than getting the virus. The flu wont kill me but I still get a jab because well… I don’t want to spend a week in bed.

    Free Member

    Maybe we could just lock down London and the third of the population living there who haven’t got a single vaccination dose?

    Its basically happening here already at least in my corner of SE London. Fair few restaurants are shutting early for xmas, coffee shops back to take away only, and most pubs and restaurants that are open are empty.

    Free Member

    Realistically what does a 2 week “circuit breaker” actually do? We all know cases don’t drop as quickly as they rise.

    Free Member

    It feels all doom and gloom right now, but on the positive front initial reports say a booster is 85% effective against the new variant. I will take that.

    Free Member

    From the BBC: People aged 30 and over in England will be able to book a Covid-19 booster jab from Monday.👍

    booked mine for thursday. Appointment slots are thin on the ground most places available by me were around the 5th jan.

    Free Member

    looking a lot like last christmas, plan C now under discussion….

    Sky news saying…

    rumours of a “Plan B Plus” have emerged, with suggestions these could be introduced in January.

    The Mail claims ministers are drawing up proposals for further restrictions in the new year if the Omicron variant takes hold. According to the newspaper, these would include: “Having to ‘check in’ with the NHS COVID app again to go to a pub or restaurant, using face masks in all indoor spaces, and having to show a vaccine passport at even more venues.”
    The upcoming Plan B measures will be reviewed on 5 January, before their expiry date of 26 January.

    The PM’s official spokesman was asked whether there would be a published Plan C, if current measures did not work.

    He said: “There’s no plans to go beyond what we’ve set out already.

    “Obviously we need to keep the characteristics of this variant under review, and we would act if necessary, but there’s no plans to go beyond what we set out.”

    Just dropping comments with no info isnt helpful dude especially when people are clearly really worried.

    Real story, rules reviewed 5th Jan maybe new measures after that.

    Free Member

    I took my decathlon AM trousers out last weekend and I’m not sure I’ll bother with waterproof shorts again and instead stick to trousers for winter riding.

    fully agree I just don’t get shorts in winter. Before it was the only option but now trousers all the way. You stay warm, and you can take them off at the end of a ride and you’re not covered in mud meaning you keep the car clean.

    Free Member

    Johnson is bleating about others playing politics.

    He often says this I just don’t get it. Its like oh Ronaldo hes such a pain always playing football… its his job.

    PMQs was rubbish im just amazed so many of them turned up.

    Free Member

    Is it not a fake?

    oh, im not sure to be honest i just saw it doing the rounds on Twitter. You could well be right.

    Sky have picked it up but i mean the media would never clickbait surly…

    Free Member

    Is Boris Johnson right on a technicality like this wasn’t an “official” tory xmas party just a group who decided to organise one? Or is the issue still that this was either at No10 or HOP? For example my work have cancelled the company wide xmas party but my team (of 4) are still all going to dinner on thursday outside of the office. One thing I don’t get is why the media are not making more of the JRM video and the fact everyone apart from Hancock has decided they will not be doing any TV / media stuff today. Im sure though in a few weeks people will forget as its only the political geeks (like myself) who will care long term.

    Free Member

    I really hope not im due to come home to see my family before xmas.

    Free Member

    surprise surprise rich white people do coke.

    Free Member

    I’m confused. WHO says We don’t need to restrict travel and the new variant is not a huge concern. Our govt is restricting people again and saying Omicron IS a huge concern.

    Who do you trust? Your own govt or the WHO?

    Its classic Boris. He knows his rating are taking a bit of a hit and it doesn’t take a genius to realise people have said they have been slow to react. So now there has been a change so hes taking action now to get people on side again. I extremely doubt there will be any lockdown/wfh in Jan.

    I don’t trust the gov’ one bit but equally i don’t know whats true and what isnt. I just hope this theory of it being more contagious but less lethal proves out.

    Free Member

    I guess he also refuses to wear a seatbelt in a car, or if he rides a motorcycle, to wear a helmet. Or wear one on a bike for that matter…

    haha, you cant reason with the stupid.

    Free Member

    Do you know anyone who has declined the vaccine?

    My brother. His reason he wont be controlled or told what to do…hes almost 38. Subsequently about 2 weeks ago my 5yr old nephew got covid from school, gave it to my brother who then gave it to my mum. But apparently my mother getting covid wasn’t his fault because “it could have come from anywhere.” It could one of those places being him. Hes a moron.

    Free Member

    Personally I don’t like her music, she’s constantly in the spotlight which I guess is making anyone involved with her money as well as her.

    This couldn’t be further from the truth, she basically goes dark between albums. After 25 she went off to the states, got married and had a kid and no one heard from her. I don’t like her music but there is no denying shes got an incredible voice.

    Free Member

    Bulb have now gone bump but will continue to supply, obviously no one wants their 1.7 million customers.

    thats gotta be the most likely right given the state of energy companies right now, I can’t see them all having another space to divide the 1.7m customers and credit. Surly there will be a bail out?

    Free Member

    feels more like a slow puncture? Gone into administration and being run by ofgem / the gov. Everyones credit is protected. As as bulb customer my hope is a rbs style bail out as I don’t think the rest of the industry can support their almost 2m customers and credit lines.

    Free Member

    I bloody love xmas! the lights, food, tv, seeing family, extra time to ride my bike, time off work, the presents, playing boardgames its just the best. For the xmas haters in this thread you just need some festive cheer may i suggest christmas in hollis by run dmc.

    Oh, and presents? **** off! We’re adults, if we want something and can afford it we just buy it, the time of year is irrelevant.

    What about the joy of giving?

    Free Member

    Are people’s works’ Christmas parties getting booked in? I was expecting low signup but we have several buses’ (not that buses will be involved) worth of people signed up – over three quarters as a proportion I reckon.

    Yep, we are having lowish numbers to make it covid safe but it was first come first served all spots booked in like half hour. To be honest I can’t stand the work xmas party they are always pretty bad and people get far too drunk. Happy to just be having a dinner / drinks with my team.

    Free Member

    Sitting in the cinema surrounded by rustling, chomping noise as people gorged on rubbish. It really spoilt the immersive experience of watching Dune.

    In all instances apart form this I would say you was just unlucky to meet a few idiots. This though deal with it it’s the cinema.

    Free Member

    See if Fox do a crash replacement reduced price….
    I think a lot of the helmet manufacturers do.

    I don’t think they do. I tried to get one on a proframe not long ago and the bike shop said they don’t offer one. I now have a Stage as TLD do offer it.

    Free Member

    Do you know which model it is?

    Going by photos on google im gonna say a jet.

    Free Member

    my partner has a soda stream and its been going strong for over 6 years now and gets a lot of use. I can’t stand the thing but they are pretty solid.

    Free Member

    I love the quote “a life outside of the cruel world of politics”.

    A cruel world where you can earn £100k for a few days work.

    Exactly imaging living that life. The horror! I did laugh when I read it. I would say hes in for a shock but im sure one of his mates will give him some easy board role where he just turns up “networks” then goes home and gets paid a fortune. Still one less tory can only be a good thing.

    Free Member

    20 pints a week an alcoholic? Bollox!
    It not be healthy but it’s not even close to an alcoholic.

    I would agree and say 20 points a week is getting close to an alcoholic thats gotta be like 2-3 pints a night or over 50 units a week (my math is awful) which is a lot more than guidance. I bet if you went to a GP they would class you as someone who has some sort of mild drinking problem clinically speaking any way. Alcoholics are not just people who stagger around at 11am holding a can already drunk you could hold down a 9-5 and still be a functioning alcoholic.

    Can you explain a bit more? What sort of “relationship” would define someone who drinks 20 pints or 20 cans of IPA a week, an alcoholic?

    I think this is far too complicated to answer it could be a million things. Are you drinking to cope with a stressful life?, are you getting black out drunk a few nights a week?, does your drinking impact others around you?, once you start do you feel you can’t stop. The list could be endless. Im not saying any of those things are you btw.

    Free Member

    djglove, I feel for you dude. I don’t have a lot to add apart from whats already been said. I grew up with an alcoholic father until the age of 12 until my mum finally did the right thing and it was the best thing she ever did our house was so much happier.

    If you choose to get your wife help I would really read up on whats going to happen to her by 7-8 I had witnessed my father try and get clean multiple times and its an awful experience for everyone involved. Multiple hospital trips, hallucinations, lack of stable home life its just generally rubbish.

    I would say though kids are extremely tough and im sure having you around as a good dad will go an extremely long way i would like to think despite my childhood im a pretty well adjusted person. I just don’t ever drink.

    Free Member

    Now Pfizer is FDA approved the US Government can mandate usage for its employees. Companies can also do the same. We don’t have that here – I don’t personally view it as unethical under the context of a formal approval process, but it will not happen in the UK.

    Maybe unethical was wrong slightly immoral.. i dunno? But thats already happening right at least in some states like SF and NYC. Currently Kyrie Irving is ineligible to play for the Brooklyn Nets because hes refusing to take the jab – a basketball game is a mass gathering and unvaccinated people can’t attend mass gatherings even if they take a test so for him its get the jab of miss out on millions.

    Free Member

    You don’t need free mask dispensers, you just need clear messaging and legislation (and example) from the government. People will carry masks if they expect to have to wear them.

    Its not an out and out solution but this would be a really good idea. A few times i have jumped on the tube/overground/bus and forgotten to take a mask with me and had to pretty much beg the tfl staff for a mask.

    I think it’s time to clamp down on the unvaccinated.

    I get the reason for strong opinion on this but its unethical to mandate a vaccine. Also it doesn’t work now we know the vaccine drops off after a few months. Someone could be double jabbed 12 months ago no booster and let into a club but an unvaccinated couldn’t. High level it makes sense but not when you really look at it.

    Free Member

    I know that it’s fashionable on here to dismiss Johnson as simply an idiot but he clearly isn’t one.

    I sorta agree with this, but would caveat that with I think he’s an absolutely vile person. However he knows exactly exactly what he needs to say and do in order to get what he wants so on that respect hes very smart and far from an idiot.

    Free Member

    just watched more than the suggested clip 6min 40seconds imagine actually being a tory and voting for some of these people thus basically saying you share these values. we are in a very sad state

    Free Member

    Owen Jones’ report at the Tory conference is excellent. Actually challenging them.

    wow! im like lost for words. More people need to see this

    Free Member

    Still big problems down here (Bromley – SE London) i rode past about 6 garages yesterday morning, all were either closed or selling food/drinks only – none had any fuel.

    London/ south east of england is supposed to be the worst – im not far from Bromley. I imagine likely be the first to get fuel from the army. Although I think its getting better Tesco by me was open for the first time in about 3 days on saturday and still open. I had to get petrol Saturday and think I waited like half hour.

    Free Member

    its stupid but im half sure its due to back end tech and the fact banking systems are just so out of date. Despite most having a fancy app you would be amazed at how dated systems are. Its mostly down to the fact they can’t tell if/when the payment will/wont make your go into the red.

    im just a product designer at a bank, but if there is a dev from a bank here or someone that works in systems I would love to know a more detailed reason. When I ask at work people just roll their eyes like im asking for some sort of magic beans.

    Free Member

    Just got petrol for the first time since this started been holding out. One petrol station by me has been shut all week others patchy. Waited like half hour which I can only assume is a good thing these days. Just lost for words how bad this country has got in the space of a few years.

    Free Member

    A friend at work pointed out then when supplies start to get better, people like him who have not filled their cars up will do so. And be blamed for the next round of shortages.

    This will be me. I have around half a tank only really drive on weekends to ride. Need to full up if I want to get out this weekend. Unlikely given lines in SE london are still a bit bad. Its getting better but its still rubbish.

    Free Member

    and that has absolutley nothing to do with cycling and everything to do with that individual and or company. It does not make the cycling community racist or biased.

    Just do a quick google on “cinelli racism” and tell me cycling doesn’t have a race/gender problem.

    Free Member

    As he’s a copper, with all the implications that implies for making him a target to the rest of the prison population, does this mean he’ll be in with the nonces?

    Yep hes gonna have an extremely lonely existence for the next 40 years as it will just be too dangerous to mix him with others. He totally doesn’t deserve to be out in public it was a horrific miss use of power and apart from his outcome the whole thing is just tragic. I also feel sorry for his family I think hes got two kids imagine their life at school its just going to be awful.

    Free Member

    Had both iterations of the Evoc one the Hip pro is miles better. Its got a velcro strap, buckle and these odd pull cords on the side that some how make the bag extremely secure. I use mine all year and couldn’t recommend it high enough. massive 2 thumbs up from me.

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