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  • joepud
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    Some may look at my attitude to the virus as too complacent and laid back, however given the fact that my wife is a paramedic, and my son goes to a nursery attached to the local hospital with all the other hospitals staff’s kids and he never stopped going over lockdown, then i am far more likely to pass the virus on when i am out and about.

    +1 in the same situation as you minus the kid, partner is a clinical psychologist in a hospital. Im now at the point where i just want to live my lifeI wont go licking stuff in the supermarket, but the way I see it you can get busy living or get busy dying.

    My only issue is I don’t know where other people are at, I dont want to put them in uncomfortable situations. Had a mate my car last weekend and doubled checked he was ok with it. Madness that I felt I needed to ask a friend to check if he felt safe getting in my car.

    Free Member

     I believe the Labour Party must also take some share of the blame by coming into the last election with an unelectable leader with Corbyn.

    lets not get into this but thats just personal opinion, i voted for Corbyn in teh leadership elections and voted labour. The Tories have made all the decisions for years so its all on them sorry. Its like blaming a blaming a mechanic for your car not working when you’re the one who put diesel in a petrol car. Its simply all their fault end of.

    If you’re thinking it was deliberately stacked to favour private schools I don’t think it was,

    Maybe it wasn’t a conscious decision but an unconscious bias is 100% possible.

    And even if it is incompetence as opposed to intent. They had weeks, even months, to run their ‘mutant’ algorithm, and see what results it gave.

    This is exactly what I don’t understand. At my work we ramp up traffic and check algos and plumbing to make sure its all working and wont fall over I don’t get why this isnt the case here.

    And further more for Boris to say it was a “mutant algo” just proves how out of touch he is with the world. He just need to sit in a fridge and never come out.

    Free Member

    Mutant algorith? Are AIs running the country now?

    A-levels and GCSEs: Boris Johnson blames ‘mutant algorithm’ for exam fiasco

    This comment boggled my mind “mutant algorithm”! Algos are not living beings that make conscious decisions. Peoples bias lead to this awful algo which I think is a lesson for us all. The algo is only as good as the people / person that made it. AND in typical tory fashion they are passing the buck and everyone else is falling. How people voted for this drives me mad!

    On top of all this they STILL blame labour despite being in power for what 10 years or something now. Everything wrong with this country IS the tories fault.

    Free Member

    You’re written English is way above an average (as defined by wot peeple writes on Facebook) and that on one hand is a credit to you … on the other hand it begs the question how did you end up with Ds, Es and Us?

    because im dyslexic and re-read stuff countless times.  I would do really well in coursework but when it came to tests i couldn’t spell well enough or recite facts to pass tests. I can design you a website or app in a few days but ask me to put together a powerpoint and its gonna take me twice as long. Im simply a practical learner who is better suited to solve problems than trying to come up with a theory as to why Hitler lost WW2 or predict data trends in the economy.

    This is exactly my point… why didn’t you get encouragement from any other teachers? If you didn’t then it hardly seems you were going to be engaged?

    that I can’t answer really, maybe I didn’t do well so didn’t bother to try and teachers have a mental amount of work to do in their day plus deal with their own issues. But the answer isn’t stop the “optional subjects” and make those teachers teach “core” subjects just so they can have more classes to get some level you decided they need – some kids will never get there. That kid that can’t get there maybe an awesome developer, designer, artists, or what ever else and if you dont let them do “optional” subjects we would starve the world of their future talents.

    When those tech companies start offshoring your job you might think differently.

    As for this… well you didn’t even answer my question. I gave you UK and global value of creative industries but you still seem unable to see the value of “optional” subjects. If my job was to suddenly go offshore I could move. Its happened to developers to a degree all ready but there is still a need for in house dev the same will be for design. We are lucky here in the UK our creative industry is one of the highest regarded in the world.

    Free Member

    You obviously did way better than average in English …
    Despite this a very large part of the UK population is unable to read and write English anywhere near your level.

    A scarily large proportion of the UK seem to have managed to leave school after 13 years without basic arithmetic and English. We need to sort this before we add in optional stuff.
    If we have the time and resources I have nothing against this but until the overwhelming majority of the population leave school writing as eloquently as you we are missing the mark.

    I failed every single GCSE apart from graphic design and thats no word of a lie every other grade was a series of Ds, Es and Us. Im one of the kids who left school after 13 years without basic arithmetic and English. For me (and many others) your “optional stuff” was vital to school life its where I was the most engaged and the only place I got any sort of encouragement from teachers. Your logic of taking that away would destroy so many kids lives and make school a truly awful experience. Imagine going to every single class and being the worst there, and in the lowest set for everything? its not ideal for your mental health.

    I just don’t understand how you can’t see the value in investing in kids who will in the future contribute to the creative industry thats worth over 100bn in the uk also 3% of world GDP

    Im so grateful for my design tech and multi media teachers who pushed me and told me uni was a possible for someone like me. Thanks to them I have worked for some of the biggest tech companies in the world and worked on campaigns for huge companies. The creative subjects are not optional they are a lifeline for so many kids at school and it makes me sad you don’t realise that.

    Free Member

    Nor is it his “job” in a wider context to attend classes for PHSE or learn how to cook etc. just because some parents are poor parents.

    This is another disgraceful flippant comment. How can grown ups lack any sort of social understanding or the ability to see wider context! Just because you don’t teach your kid to cook doesn’t make you a poor parent. Up until my early teens I had a single mum parent she didn’t teach me to cook because she was at work trying to run a business and feed two kids. FFS! No wonder our next generation is doomed to fail when people have views like this.

    Free Member

    Stevextc, I don’t understand what you have against DT, food, art classes going on in school? If it wasn’t for these classes I would have achieved even less in school and I find your disregard for them offensive. Are they the only ones you failed at school or something and ruined your perfect grades? disregard for something that isn’t a traditional subject is shameful. There is more to life than teaching kids core subjects.

    I really thought people with your views died out years ago… generally alone with Thatcherism. I guess you think a degree in art or design isn’t a “proper degree” either.

    I feel sorry for your kids if you have any my parents both creatives (florist and joiner) pushed me to do what i love and embrace creative subjects.

    Free Member

    reading through some of these comments is really sad. Stevextc sounds like an absolute moron and can’t see the value creative subjects have on the world. Kids who want to engineers, graphic designers, musicians, clothing designers need to be nurtured at a young age.

    The lack of value placed on creative subjects is shocking it was all I was good at when I was at school. And only place teachers bothered to give me any form of encouragement the end result im a product designer having worked for some of the biggest companies in the world.

    ajantom and colournoise I really hope they dont stop your subjects the classes you offer are likely some kids only good part of the school week (it was for me any way),  but I have little faith in this Tory Gov.

    Free Member

    Honestly for what you do a gravel bike will be perfect. im in zone 3 london very flat and a few small woods dotted around so its perfect to link them together using my gravel bike. if I want a longer day I can do like a 60+ mile loop to the edge of the m25 and back or even head out to surrey from my door. All these things would not be possible even on a HT, i mean it would but it would just be hard going.

    People that moan about gravel bikes likely don’t own one or realise there are other types of bike riding to do than their normal blue trail at a trail centre. Also the other joy if you commute the bigger tyres make them way more comfortable on our awful roads.

    Free Member

    My hardtail experience is limited to 4x bikes (krisis sl and charge blender) but I have a red LS Solaris and by far the most capable / versatile bike I own even with the 140 upfront I have done everything from southern enduros to 70 odd mile bridal way xc rides. I got mine after buying a LS Rocket being so sold on the LS geo as a taller guy (6ft+) the XL is spot on. Just wondering for those not loving the Solairs what sizes you are and what you’re on? Long bikes are totally not for everyone. If I was 6 or 7″ shorter I think I would struggle even on smaller size the reach is just absolutely huge on them.

    Free Member

    Had exactly the same thing on my LS Rocket after about 8-10 months. Bike shop said the frame was dead and the main pivot bolt had ovalized the frame went back to Cotic turned out the main pivot was loose. Cy explained to me (after taking it apart and putting it back together himself) it was sorta like a headset and needs to be tightened every once an a while.

    Free Member

    Reading these comments it seems like people just want to go fast without having to put the work in. If you want to go faster just spin those legs more. It’s pedal assist not pedal for you. If you want to go faster just get a motorbike.

    Free Member

    Sorry to change topic, but those that voted Tory im really intrigued how you feel about his “oven ready brexit deal” its starting to look like he hasn’t even been to Waitrose to get the ingredients.  I struggle to let my hate for him cloud my judgment but the mans a moron offering nothing but slogans woefully out of his depth just like his mate over the pond

    Free Member

    Really feel for all you people that have had it, its such a nasty illness I feel people who say oh its only a cold really don’t get it. My partner had it about 4 days after I had the worst headache of my life back in March. (lasted about a day) She was in bed for about 2 weeks with the classic symptoms (apart from lack of smell/taste) still struggling a bit when it comes to running and just generally walking up a hill and holding a conversation. She works for the NHS and got the antibody tests a few weeks ago all negative no antibodies, never had covid. Out 5 others who had the test only one was positive for antibodies and covid and she had no symptoms. I know they are pushing stuff threw super fast but the accuracy of these tests seems really bad.

    Free Member

    the “I did more for the Black community than anybody with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln” comment was absolutely shocking. Sadly it seems like it was just a foot note in a car crash of an interview.

    Free Member

    I have some 7idp project knee and they are amazing. I had 2 sets of launch pros and they lasted a good amount of time and I just wanted a change. The 7idps are more pedal friendly, longer (no more enduro gap) and made of a knit material with a slide plate so super comfortable. Slight downside if you are one of those people who run hot they might be a bit too hot for you. But, if you’re 6ft+ I would really suggest them if you want to get rid of the annoying enduro gap.

    Free Member

    With the increase in cases in many countries, is it the bumpy tail of Peak 1, or the start of the 2nd peak?

    for me 100% just a continuation of peak 1. Saying its a “second wave” suggest we got over the first which the world really didn’t. Boris misspoke but whats new there.

    Free Member

    I’ve just got rid of 3 of the fleet, I feel a lot better
    I’d made lots of excuses for years as they were high end parts and worth pennies

    Did the same and fully agree. Had a 4x bike and a race bmx both saw VERY little use since I moved away from a bmx track and stopped riding 4x. Put the money towards a HT 29er that actually gets used. Truly believe 4 is the magic number i have a 27.5full sus (would love to swap for a full sus 29er), HT 29er, gravel bike and a street bmx which I could get rid of but I can’t bring myself to do it.

    Free Member

    Is “I want to work from home with an abusive partner” all that likely a scenario though?

    wow how can one person be such a moron and so shortsighted. As someone that grew up in a household with an abusive alcoholic farther (To my mum) it’s very much a true story for a lot of people. There is a reason calls to domestic abuse lines has doubled in lockdown these people now have their dream situation the ability to isolate their victims.

    The people championing the wfh life are likely the middle classes with a comfortable at home set up and seem to be unable to look over their fancy fences to see whats going on elsewhere. Try flat sharing, having a tiny 1 bed flat with no space for a desk, or throw kids in that mix and the situation is a lot more complex.

    Free Member

    We have a Vango 500 it’s so easy to put up the wife does it, I pack it away. We’ve not used in any really strong winds but feels sturdy enough.

    From experience they are awful in the wind you cant put enough air through the supports to keep them up. ArdMoors last year my group ended up with two vans parked around the tent to stop the wind hitting it and the thing still came down.

    They are ideal for what they are for the weekend away somewhere with the family but bit of serious camping I would stay well away.

    Free Member

    If it is the bars that are the only problem then a flat barred gravel bike would sort that out.

    +1 on this. I have flat bars on mine and its perfect. I have had drop bars in the past and just never used the drops so got rid with my latest bike.

    Free Member

    It should be simple. Tax people based on their wealth and income, not age. Use more of that tax to pay for care for the elderly (and anyone else that needs care). That probably means more tax. It should be simple, how much of that extra tax people pay should be based on their wealth and income, not age. Etc…

    1000000000000%. Earn more get taxed more simple. But, sadly the rich don’t want it that way so everyone else has to pay for their tax cuts.

    Free Member

    If you’re expected to work from home your employer should be making sure that you have a suitable desk, chair etc

    That is assuming someone has space to put a desk and chair in their house? My personal situation there just isnt space in my 1 bed flat. I feel like a lot of people who champion wfh are lucky enough to be in a position where they have a decent office set up and seem unable to understand why its not the same for everyone.

    Also, people seem to forget that some people like myself enjoy the office. I like cycling to work, seeing my friends (yep i like the people i work with) and being able to switch off once 5:30 hits leaving my laptop at work.

    Free Member

    God the OP is absolute rubbish sorry to say. All the “benefits” of working from home mainly fall with the employer its “cheaper” for them but more expensive for us in every aspect general utilities, food and all that get pushed onto the worker. I feel like the majority claiming the office is dead are those lucky enough to have a home office. Come back to me when you have spent 4 months sat on a sofa working from home like I have. Also, lets not forget the mental health benefits if sitting and working with you team in the same building talking face to face to solve problems.

    And, a final thought im about to move house so will have no internet for a few weeks with no offices that makes stuff really hard.

    Free Member

    CX bike, then you don’t have the ignominy of owning a gravel bike.

    Do you not think CX bikes are just a little too uncomfortable for long rides. I mean they are designed as race bikes to be really nimble. This video highlights a few reasons why a gravel bike is better than a CX bike for gravel riding

    For me the term gravel needs to change I live down south and there are very few gravel roads unlike America where they have miles and miles of gravel fire road. Most my “gravel” riding is through really tame woodlands.

    Free Member

    Years ago, there were bikes called ‘hybrids’.

    I really don’t think thats right the geo is different, they can take bigger tyres and also don’t weigh the same as a car.

    I feel a lot of people say oh just get a ht it will be just as fast are thinking with a mountain bike brains. Or just a general hate for anything that isn’t a mountain bike. Yesterday I did like 30miles from my door (zone 2 London) taking in roads, woodland, bridal way and cutting through a few parks on a mountain bike it would have been hard work and WAY over biked. Gravel bikes are just fun and if all you want to do it spin from your door take in pretty much anything apart from serious trail riding a gravel bike is perfect.

    Free Member

    I was there recently and did this one nothing too gnar but was cool because i was on the HT and got to see the place from loads of different view points which was pretty much what i was after. i did have a look on trailforks at a few points on the ride and found nothing, but i refuse to believe there isn’t any trail in the area.

    Free Member

    I’m just stunned that it you consider something a 50 minute drive away to be local.

    I live in London and surrey is over an hour from me and I very much consider it my local. There are no “local” trails by me distance is all relative.

    Free Member

    If you don’t want to go looking for stuff and just want marked trails I would say just head to Wales and visit one of the many trail centres / bike parks which are now open. I would suggest visiting surrey (seems sorta local to you) but if you don’t want to get lost the first few times you might not enjoy it.

    Free Member

    Government science man says advice to work from home should not change.

    While I agree and am sorta pro pretty much anything that will get this thing gone and office are just germ central bugs seem to spread like mad. Although I do think the science here isn’t looking a the mental health aspect. Im pretty fed up with working from home my options are sofa, bed or standing at work top in my kitchen its less than ideal. Lockdown burnout it starting to become a real thing especially at my work we are all fed up with working from home and limited social interaction.

    Free Member

    No suggestion of an office return for us yet (digital company so very last priority), but if they did say we were going back – could I refuse because I’d have to get the train?

    im in the same position as you. Work for a .com and since lockdown work has been harder at times but there hasn’t been anything we couldnt do. Realistically its all down to your employer if I said I never wanted to go back my office would ask why and likely try and get me some talking therapy to work through anxiety issues around it. My work just refitted our building so will want people in it to see a ROI.

    All that said I knew a few office who have already said wfh rights will be given to all forever and office optional. I think the danger with this is the additional cost of living is passed onto the you like utilities and coffee  for example.

    Free Member

    My place is doing a phrased approach each lasting 8 weeks where they start to ramp up occupancy – starting with 25% then 50% in 8 weeks time. Book a desk online and once the 25% capacity has been reached thats it no more can get in or that day. They said any hint of a c19 case and the whole office shuts down and everyone has to isolate for 14 days. No word on when this will no longer be optional but similar firms in our industry (tech) are not going back until the new year.

    Im one of the few really looking forward to going back I live in a 1 bed flat (joys of London life) with no desk or even a kitchen table so spend my days working from the sofa. I cycle to work but would likely feel different if I was getting the tube. I trust my employee to keep the place safe and we have been told masks must be used in all communal areas but its an open office so everything apart from the toilet cubical is communal.

    Free Member

    I suppose the question is does being an active cyclist make you alot more aware and possibly make the wrong decision when overtaking other cyclists?

    In my experience I would say no. I commute to work so spend a fair bit of time on roads and the amount drives who tell me I can’t ride in the middle of the road (despite legally being able to) is unreal, when I tell them otherwise its often met with I know the rules I cycle too. Which we all know is proper fraff.

    I fully believe that a good 65% of drivers have zero clue of road rules when it comes to bikes and drive like absolute morons. This so called “golden age of cycling” needs a shed load of investment to education these idiots like in teh OP.

    Free Member

    This feels a little bit like saying oh you aint working go do something because otherwise you’re lazy. Also gets us a step closer to work camps – dont that sound fun. Its a dangerous narrative placing too much emphasis on the working and not working. To be honest its one of my least fav thing about the tories. I also don’t get why you picked on the young there will be a lot of older people out of work at this point why cant they do work too? and saying oh “better than 6 months apprenticeship making coffee” is ridiculous most the people I know that make coffee its their absolute passion who are you to belittle their trade. And before anyone tries to pull me up on the coffee thing I love my coffee so spent a lot of time talking to the people that work in my local coffee shops. I often leave feeling inspired

    Free Member

    afford a house upwards of £500k then paying stamp duty should be a drop in the bucket for them.

    I really disagree its all relative. My partner and I have average London incomes but our 2 bed London flat is going to cost us 500k – its just a fact of living in London. Do we have 15k put aside for stamp duty no not at all who does. We were going to be taking out of our house sale.

    Free Member

    Like others we have agreed a price but not formally exchanged contracts (just sent them to the solicitor). Really unsure where this leaves if we pay stamp duty or not. Likely a phone call / email needed to get confirmation from my solicitor. Like most things from the tory gov’ its left a little confusing.

    Free Member

    I don’t have an account so can’t see the page. If its live text just dig into the code (inspect on chrome) and you should be able to find what they have used in the font stack.

    Free Member

    anyone know the deal with this? lot of chat people seem pretty sure its going to come out, but there seems like there will be lots of restrictions. Like would have to be on a high street store so no .coms. As long as I can spend this fictional money at my LBS i will be happy its where all my money goes anyway.

    Free Member

    Another one using the Evoc one. If you get one make sure you get the new one with the “ventiflap” that lets you pull the a little tighter.

    Free Member

    already spent it… in my brain any way either some trp dhr’s or a new shock with a piggy back for the big bike.

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