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  • The ‘Mericans – Classic USA Brand Bike Test
  • joepud
    Free Member

    That makes much more sense than “just because it’s a moot point”

    Haha, nice little dig there all because I challenged your opinion. If this was a real conversation that’s basically talking about you not too you. Classy.

    I really wish i knew of a way to mute/hide people on this forum

    Free Member

    Au contraire I asked a question you rubbished my question as not having any fact behind it
    …it’s a question I asked a question. Hence the question mark. It came to my mind as I was sat on my sofa last night knowing my neighbour is on the other side of the wall sitting on their sofa…..we are within 2 meters technically….

    My answer to your question was just to point that it’s a bit of a moo point and there could be conflicts no matter where you use the app and it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use it. Aas for your question mark in your “convince me otherwise” reply there was on question mark and that came across a bit condescending and egotistical you could say “a defence/offense akin to that of Dominic Cummings.” But whatever you think one way i think another way not much point in debated it much further than that.

    As for the app like everything covid its been developed very quickly I have worked on apps that are less complex, and on a smaller scale that have taken longer to develop – so bugs will be there likely some show stoppers for some people. Conflicts will happen but its about ironing them out quickly. Theoretically this app could have a use base of 10s of millions far too many variables for them to catch them all. Its just a fact of product dev the difference here is everyone has their eyes on it unlike a normal roll out.

    Free Member

    Convince me otherwise.

    haha “Convince me otherwise” you think a lot of yourself. Based on your response there is zero point. You created a totally fictional situation based on zero facts. Im not going to debate with someone thats just going to make stuff up.

    Free Member

    Be a bit shit if your semi detached or terraced neighbour on the other wall tested positive…..and you registered as being in contact with them due to proximity….

    I mean if thats your argument that it can go through a wall you could be at a restaurant with another restaurant next door and get a positive test. On that single thought with zero evidence to back it up lets just bin the whole app.

    Free Member

    I’m going home to Mrs Crikey, i see little point in using the app around my house.

    If you’re worried about the gov’ knowing where you live they already do. Out of interest why do you see little point? Surly its more hassle to turn it off and on than just leaving it on.

    Free Member

    Brother Kepler Disc – it’s what so run for sustranning and commuting. Stock has been gone for months but I found two frames in the basement and Brother are getting more stock next month

    +1 for the Kepler. Its an amazing bike and I use it for exactly what your after commuting (before lockdown) and now gravel rides. Got a front rack and 32Cs tyres for commuting and some 38Cs for gravel duties. Its an amazing  bike it can do everything from commuting to work to GBDuro (literally).

    If you want something with more aggress geo maybe check out the Brother Mehteh

    Free Member

    I’m not going anywhere with people.

    you live in a hole? Feel like its impossible to somewhere with no people.

    Not installing the am is like not wearing a mask its not really there to protect you its there to protect others. But its cool people just be selfish.

    Free Member

    1- Erasure – 30 albums

    I have no clue who these people are but to release 30 albums thats mental!

    As for most albums I own from a single artist it has to be Jay-z I have them all and hes at the 15 mark these days. Hip hop is pretty much the only genre I listen apart from when my partner puts something on the Sonos.

    Free Member

    Well.. that’s me in local lockdown then.

    It’s been on the cards for a while. It’s going to have a very minor impact on my life really.

    You in South Wales? All my family back in Newport / Cardiff are in a local lockdowns now too. I will be following shortly London just got put on the watch list.

    Free Member

    I think a 10pm curfew combined with table service and a limit of 6 per group is a good starting point. It’s trying to find a balance.

    But it doesn’t stop the fact the main point of transmissions seems to be people visiting homes. All people will do is oh its 10 i still want to drink lets go to so and so house.

    Free Member

    Partner had a similar experience. All covid symptoms apart from loss of smell / taste just before lockdown (no tests available then) and until very recently she struggled with exercise or even walking up a hill and having a conversation. Typically shes really active run and gym a few times a week and does some sort of yoga / yt exercise thing every morning so not unfit at all. I would say its taken her 7 months to get this far but shes now pretty much 100%.

    Free Member

    The issue that still hasn’t been addressed is accuracy. If the app can’t know whether the other phone is the other side of a wall/floor it will produce inaccurate information.

    I guess this is something we might not know. But as the product and tech gets better its accuracy will improve. The way I see it is its better than nothing and we are in a world of marginal gains. Its just another think they can use to help stop this thing.

    Free Member

    App aside, it’s hard to imagine “having a modern smartphone” as being a requirement to enter buildings. Not least when people are required to visibly wear masks and they are, on their chins, without challenge.

    The problem with the current implementation is it seems like someone has gone yep lets make it an app and its limited their thinking. Singapore have developed a wearable for people without smartphones which is a good solution. If they extended how they can implement this app it really could become a thing you need to get in and out of buildings.

    will probably need some tweaks along the way.

    100% I can’t remember the last time an initial launch didnt get hammered down to an MVP. Work wise I would love to be a product designer on this product.

    Free Member

    Reading this thread wow! think the straps are too tight on some peoples tin foil hats its cutting off the circulation to their brains. Everything you do online is tracked Strava tracked, Spotify tracked, Youtube tracked, Tesco tracked, iplayer tracked, im guessing this forum is 3rd party so likely tracked for product dev too. The only difference between Strava tracking you and the NHS is this will actually help someone else and not just some company.

    Free Member

    QQ for those who are sceptical of the app. Say for a second the data / your location isnt anonymised and the gov’ know where you are what evil can they do with knowing you went to the local coffee shop or pub?

    Free Member

    ministers failed to carry out privacy assessment, as required by GDPR laws.

    I mean its almost like the bloke in charge is known to not care about details… aka boris

    Free Member

    I’ve got to say, I don’t get why the change to 10pm closing will have any effect at all. If you’re so inclined, you build up your drinking to reach maximum pissedness at closing time and adjusting that won’t change behaviour one iota, just the timing of it.

    Or people will just continue to drink like normal then go to their friends house for another few hours which is most likely. The majority of transmissions seems to be coming from people mixing in homes I dont get why England don’t follow Scotland and do that.

    Also, we finally got a track and trace app… im sure it will be world beating!

    Free Member

    Whoop, got a test booked tomorrow midday for me and Jnr.   Although I’m not looking forward to it now, more for his schools/benefit.

    Its no biggie dude I have done it twice. Yes its a little uncomfortable but its all over in like a minute.

    Free Member

    I imagine the will be a fair few complaints about that, tbh.

    I really hope so. After all the morons claimed they didn’t want politics on tv they better. But we all know why they wont complain

    Free Member

    Just been watching some PMQs stuff and I think Boris is an absolute idiot –  I mean that in sense he lacks any sort of logical thinking and common sense. Hes moaning labour are “attacking” track and trace and not getting behind it same thing he always says really. Its like hes forgot what the opposition is for they aint there to pat him on the back and tell him hes doing an amazing job. Every day some how he manages to surprise me.

    Free Member

    Cut out the verbiage; KISS; deepen your voice – think Thatcher.

    wow, never thought I would hear someone say that. Thats the bar we are aiming for these days what a sad state our “leader” is in.

    Learn from Sturgeon’s presentational style – and her willingness to be interviewed.

    I mean I 100% agree here but that assumes Johnson actually cares what the public think. He hates talking to the press because he’s incapable of any compassion or relating to normal people. Hes just a rich kid whos idea of a struggle is only being able to afford one nanny.

    Free Member

    yeh, i guess thats all very true. Im just a designer so only really running low cpu usage stuff. Although im a product designer at a bank and the security stuff is a pain! I have to run a windows portal thing on my mac to use all the HR related stuff.

    Free Member

    Maybe my work experience distorts stuff a bit (i work in tech) but I can’t for the life of me think why in this day and age people don’t have laptops. I haven’t have a desktop work computer for about 7 or 8 years and laptops are more than powerful enough to handle pretty much anything these days.

    Free Member

    To be honest I think its the internet in general. Some awful comments get made here at times too.

    Free Member

    How exactly? By harking back to an era where people had each others backs and some semblance of collective community spirit?

    The counter to that is perhaps if rent wasn’t so high and people were not constantly looking for a new place to live maybe they would stay somewhere long enough to build that community spirit. When I was renting I moved pretty much yearly due to landlords increasing rent for no reason

    Free Member

    Whut? Seriously?

    Yep, basically you enter a raffle and the price is the cost of the shoes. If you “win” the shop charges your card and you get said shoes if not you get a refund. In the past nike have done stuff like scratch off an image in the app to reveal a link, basically just trying to gamify it. Most of this stuff is done to limit bots which normally buy up stock for resellers then they sell for a huge profit.

    Free Member

    Great speech from Johnson in the commons just now… and a good response from Starmer ongoing right now.

    I feel like he was channeling his best Churchill.

    Free Member

    So what is exactly your point? That we can’t afford it, or that it’s too difficult to spend the money? Or both? Or that it’s better to do nothing and allow the economy to collapse?

    My point is I simply picked at what I see as a flaw in your argument but you decided to be rude and a little condescending by starting your responses with yawns and claiming “they” will never understand. If it was so easy to boot the test program we wouldn’t have the shortage we have now for example. But you do you dude.

    Free Member

    Wait until you get into the world of the nike app where you have to hunt around the app to find clues and links for the ability to get inline or enter a draw to “win” the right to pay full price for trainers… i mean its that or pay resell prices

    Free Member

    It has changed very little due to control of the epidemic, and is about 8% now (and may be waning slightly). About twice this value in London, a bit lower in the South West.

    This is something i don’t get TiRed how does region dictate percentage of people with the antibody or is just more people in london more people likely to have the antibody?

    Free Member

    Seems Amazon are all sold out now. Will wait until the next batch where ever it turns up. Also figured its best to see what games are coming out before committing first too. Apart from nba2k I can’t see much for me.

    Free Member

    Yes, absolutely.

    As this point I don’t understand why although financially its easy you can’t admit logistically its not. Which makes it not as easy as you initially made out. Don’t worry admitting you’re not 100% right wont invalidate your point / argument.

    Free Member

    You’re completely missing the point. I”m talking about money not logistics. You said the government can’t afford to prop up the economy.

    So, you’re saying financially its easy to do? Im talking practically logistically its hard I think we can both agree on that. The concept (aka moonshot) maybe easy but practically its something that would be very hard to do.

    No they would be government funded community jobs. Advertised, recruited and appointed in the normal way. People wouldn’t be forced into them, they would choose to do them, either permanently or on a temporary basis while their current jobs are on hold. Again, why would anyone be opposed to this?

    I mean thats not what you said initially but what ever.

    Free Member

    Yawn. Actually got a point to make about why they couldn’t support businesses and employees instead of pointless pedantry? Seeing as the solution myself and rone talk aboout is *already in place* perhaps you’d like to explain to us why they don’t use it?…

    “Yawn” My only issue with what you have said is you claim it’s “easy” and “simple” when fact is it isn’t why can’t you just admit that. There are huge logistical challenges in doing stuff like beefing up the testing system you make it seem like you click your fingers and its done.

    As a practical solution though, how about this. There are hundreds of thousands of people, perhaps millions,  twiddling their thumbs right now. Instead of dumping them on the dole, how about we put them to work caring for and supporting people affected by covid, beefing up the testing system where possible, building new hospitals and health centres, building community networks to help people and businesses cope with the virus and mitigations against it and a whole host of other things that I can’t think of right now.

    I mean this basically sounds like a workers camp… but yeh what ever dude have a good day i got some pixels to push.

    Free Member

     and instead we’re getting vacuous slogans, no explanations and a feeling that Government are winging it (they probably are but they could at least try to look like they know what they’re doing…)

    I mean its almost like we have a “leader” whos known as not a details man and for constant u-turns. Just look at today for example few weeks ago it was go to work and save pret now its stay at home work from home if you can… It boggles my mind that people actually think he could do a better job ad running the country than JC.

    Free Member

    I like it when the normally soft and cuddly STW sticks the knife into a group of people they really hate.

    Its quite life affirming to realise everybody really is full of prejudice, despite how much they might protest otherwise.

    Makes me feel a lot more cheerful about my own character flaws.

    While i do agree with you I feel harrythephot issue is he cant’t think objectively about why younger people are like why should I care – also the fact the gov’ have told them it will just be a bad cold for them. My parents are baby boomers step dad brought his first home for under 10k in wales, has a decent pension, house paid off and all that. It sounds like poor me but older people constantly tell us we don’t know how easy we have it, but I would trade some tech for an interest rate thats a little better than 0.05% so I don’t have to work till I die.

    Free Member

    Blame the elderly for the laziness and stupidity of youth and all the worlds ills.
    If you “think” the elderly have “shat” upon the young, then you need to take your head for a “shart”.

    sounds like a typical baby boomer. You might as well say the reason we cant all afford houses is we spend too much time on holiday not doing “real work” eating avo on toast.

    Free Member

    Microsoft and Argos sites failing for me. Currys I’m in an hour long queue. Can’t find it on John Lewis or Amazon. Aargh!

    Amazon says currently unavailable which is annoying, got a voucher from my last job i want to spend on it.

    Free Member


    People are never going to understand this are they DazH.

    its not about not being able to understand it its how DazH thinks its something so simple to do. If its so simple why don’t you explain to us all. One of you can’t claim its simple then say people will never understand it. if its so simple and will help solve this crisis im sure DazH will be able to convince the world to do it.

    Free Member

    Wow! You come across as an utter ****.

    <span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”>That is the most odious piece of drivel I’ve read in a long time</span>

    <span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”>Blame the elderly for the laziness and stupidity of youth and all the worlds ills</span>

    <span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”>If you “think” the elderly have “shat” upon the young, then you need to take your head for a “shart”</span>

    <span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”>Jesus. No wonder everyone hates you</span>

    Actually dude there was a bit of research done back end of last year which proves the baby boomers and older were more financially stable than their current counterparts. Fact is these days it’s harder to get a job, saving rates are awful, rents crazy expensive and owning a house is an absolute pipe dream for the majority.

    Btw, no need to get personal at the end.

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