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  • joepud
    Free Member

    What a crock. Bloody over-exaggerating drama queens.

    Want to elaborate? You sound like someone who thinks the road is theirs. I cycle on the road every day and I see some truly shocking driving. Yes cyclists are not perfect and jump red-lights and so on but the difference is a car will do a lot more damage than a push bike.

    As further proof of what Kerley said on Saturday I saw the a driver in the space of about 5 mins jump 2 red lights then stop his car in the middle of a street to have a conversation.

    Free Member

    It is all meaningless. The amount of shit driving I see every time I am out on my bike is proof of that. The highway code is something people have to learn/remember for their test and after that it goes out of the window (probably aimed at a passing cyclist)

    This 100%. Just today at a T junction I turned into a road only to be met by a lady who decided she didn’t want to sit in traffic any more so decided to drive on the wrong side of the road so she could turn right. Its like at what point in rush hour London did you think that was a good idea!

    Free Member

    I’m not sure I understand. If you’re a cyclist and squeeze up the left of a turning bus and end up underneath it how is that the bus drivers fault?

    I think technically the bus is turning so creating the hazard so it would be the drivers fault. However, trying to pass any vehicle on the inside thats turning isn’t a smart idea.

    Serious education of drivers they seem to lack any sort of knowledge when it comes to rules around cycling. My dream is anyone found guilty of a close pass must stand in the middle of the road and have cars pass them at 30mph from behind so they can understand what its like.

    Free Member

    I think in terms of the OP the reason not being able to draw / sing isn’t seen as being dyslexic is because well you can draw and sing just not very well. As someone thats dyslexic when someone gives me a set of numbers I struggle to comprehend them in my brain. The only way I can describe it is its foggy and they get all muddled up its the same with spelling i get letters in the wrong place and miss words. You can draw a car where as I would struggle with basic times tables.

    Free Member

    Seeing the owner of Ling cars feels like looking behind the curtain.

    Free Member

    We were wondering how the Labour Party was going to win back the red wall seats

    Boris just gift wrapped them all with extra bows and ribbons

    Given how the election played out I really thought there would be a strong Northern voice in the Tory Party but it doesn’t seem so. The north have been well shafted. It’s too early to say we all saw it coming  I just hope the north doesn’t forget and never vote Tory again.

    Free Member

    I don’t normally look at the STW FB links (or the replies). Is it common for such a large number to be from the US? I don’t  think there’s such a high proportion actually use the forum.

    FB is an absolute cesspool of society at times. I binned it off due to the amount of idiots on it, Twitter is basically the same.

    Free Member

    So no deal apparently, and our glorious leader is going to tell us whats going to happen later on tv… im amazed.

    Free Member

    They’re at it again! They’ve learnt nothing. Little Matty Handjob has stood up in parliament and said that the government are presently negotiating with the Mayors and MPs of Middlesborough and Teeside, as well as others….

    This whole situation amazes me I can’t believe its still going on. The mind boggles. Its business 101 make sure everyone agrees before talking to the wider teams. (aka the public) The situation we are in now where Boris is putting measures in place local gov’ haven’t seen that will impact them on such a HUGE scale is pure negligence. Its really simple nothing zoom meetings before all this was announced couldn’t solve… but then that suggest the Toris actually care what other people think, its do as I say not as I do.

    Realistically the Tories should have stayed firm and said no you get what you given deal with it. Now they have put themselves in a situation where every local gov’ is going to want to negotiate their own tier 3 package getting more than the last leading to a situation thats even more confusing that it was originally. I can’t believe people voted for this shit. Bun the tories! /rant over!

    Free Member

    What would be more pertinent is to ask ” why the south asian countries have got so much lower infection and death rates?”

    Has Boris not taught you anything. We cannot compare ourselves to other nations… unless that comparison means we look better aka “best track and trace system in the world” /sarcasm

    Free Member

    Took reading just there and now 37.6c. wont say thats worrying, but it is

    I had a fever twice a couple of months ago (think it must have been another bug or food poisoning)  took a test and got a negative result both times. All the best dude and try and get a test.

    Free Member

    For me I wouldn’t be dropping a lot on commuter rims as they will get destroyed. I have a set of Halo Whitelines + hubs which have been pretty bomb proof. cheap too.

    Free Member

    Anyone ever seen some of the really properly rough bits of America with third world style poverty? Coming soon here….

    Yep and the sad thing is the majority of people that voted Tory wont have the advantage of private health care when it all goes wrong. Like a turkey voting for xmas is the phrase I would use. Its absolute joke how Boris can tell the whole country his deals “oven ready” and for us to now be in a position of a no deal Brexit is nothing short of negligence. If you voted Tory you must hang your head in shame, and realise this is all your fault!

    Free Member

    So yeh… everyone who voted for this **** “oven ready brexit deal” how you feeling now? Perhaps like everyone else the Tories lied to us yet again. We get what we deserve never have a group of people acted with such a high level of privilege and contempt of their counterparts…. but, what else do you expect from a bunch of upper class private school white males.

    Free Member

    This is actual madness, national measures have been put in place and a part of the country have gone nah jog on mate its not happening. How can a gov’ get it so wrong. To quote Ed from a few weeks ago its “Incompetence and failure of governance” surly a vote of no confidence will come soon.

    Surly its common sense to get this all squared away with the relevant people before you announce it to the public. the mind boggle. I cant believe people voted for these jokers.

    Free Member

    If we are using representation / participation to judge racism in sport it is fair to say the NBA is pretty racist, ageist and heightist.

    Two things, Firstly you need to reframe the context of racism and see it more as something thats structural / oppressive aka systemic racism. Secondly white people account for about 20% of the league I can bet in professional cycling you wouldn’t see the same stat but for non white cyclists.

    Free Member

    Agree with brads, that’s not a good attitude TJ. As a community, we absolutely should be talking about this. The podcast explores loads of the areas covered on the thread, you should listen to it.

    But people don’t want to do that. It means having a really uncomfortable conversation and making some realisations about yourself that could mean admitting that you may have an unconscious racist bias. Its the stuff talked about at the start of the podcast crossing the road when you seen a person of colour, clutching your bag or phone at that point a judgment has been made on how that person looks. To quote Gregg Popovich we need to get comfortable with the uncomfortable.

    Free Member

    For those denying racism in cycling I have one simple question when Eliot Jackson told a story at the start and said people constantly say to him “oh do you think you would be on giant if you wasn’t black” – how is that not racist?!? These people are saying his colour is the only reason he is/was on Giant. Do people say hey Gwin are you only on Intense because you’re white. No! There is racism in cycling fact.

    Free Member

    I’m not wild about Starmer but how can you say he doesn’t look a better option, by a country mile? I really don’t get it. A highly successful and principled lawyer/DPP vs a reckless/feckless ‘journalist’ chancer sacked for lying on more than one occasion.

    Don’t forget conspiring to get a reporter assaulted, openly racist, known to have had the odd affair and can’t even tell people how many kids hes got. We can also throw in appointing a homophobic misogynist as a trade negotiator if you want too. i mean he sounds like a right top bloke just who i want running this country /sarcasm

    Free Member

    I don’t expect you to get it,

    Yup, I always find the best way to engage people is to be patronising.

    Yup, and i always find the best way to engage people is to also misquote them too. The full quote is “I don’t expect you to get it, its a complex issue and I don’t fully get it either. Im just trying to educate myself and try and understand other peoples experiences.”

    Free Member

    WOW Joe 😯

    You went through them all….looking for just this sort of thing to throw back as an example

    Not everybody Joe, but you confirm my point also, because mtb is flourishing worldwide.

    What do they say in China Joe ?, that blokes not ethnic Chinese ?. Stretch out a pathetic argument.

    Incidentally Joe, why haven’t you referenced the Indian championships 😕

    I didn’t go through them all half of them I knew and the others I just rolled over a name and saw a photo. I don’t understand what two links to an African and Indian bike series does to prove there isn’t any racism in cycling?

    I didn’t cite the Indian series because I didn’t need to when half the people that have won the African one are white so totally disproves what ever point you’re trying to make.

    Mountain biking maybe “flourishing worldwide” but we need to look at why socially and culturally uptake of this sport is so low for BAME people and its likely because of systemic racist structures within our society. I know its an uncomfortable topic and the idea of you thinking you could have racist thoughts isn’t nice but we need to recognise learn and correct them.

    I don’t expect you to get it, its a complex issue and I don’t fully get it either. Im just trying to educate myself and try and understand other peoples experiences.

    Free Member


    Is it ?.

    Or MTB India.

    I love that you posted a link to african mtb championships wiki. Just look at the race of all the people who have won the majority of them are white well done for proving your own point wrong. Im just gonna assume you haven’t even listened to the podcast.

    Free Member

    I see your point, but for me its like if these people have these views I would rather they express them so they can be told they are racist and its not acceptable. Not being racist isn’t enough these days we have to be anti racist.

    Free Member

    Oh yeah, that MUST be the reason.

    Usual tosh, from the usual quarter.

    I have a simple question for you, why is this “tosh.”

    Free Member

    Sounds like exactly the reasons I’ve never used a streaming/cloud service to host my own music collection. Tied into paying them forever, whatever they choose to charge, plus whatever shitey interface they lumber you with. Not for me, no sir.

    I used to be like this but I started to total up how much I was spending on music and it was over £100 a month. I figured a monthly sub of a tenner was a decent trade off. Granted im not the average music listening I listen to music for about 5-6hours+ a day mon-fri plus what ever me and partner listen to when cooking dinner and all that.

    The move to YouTube Music seems to prevent that library of music from playing without a subscription.

    I don’t think this is possible on a free account. I have YT Premium so was able to copy over all my GoogleMusic files and there is a little dropdown where my library is that I can swap between them. Personally the subs worth it its a little over a tenner and you get the whole of YT which makes up a huge majority of my internet usage.

    Free Member

    Ignoring the two metre rule when meeting other people and wearing masks over their chins would be my take on it. The only way I can stop the elderly from standing next to me when queuing in the supermarket is to strategically use my basket to form a roadblock behind me.

    After all they know best…

    Free Member

    This collection of ads is truly shocking. How can a group of “people” be so out of touch with reality and so dismissive that they think its a good idea. Im actually shocked it just reeks of authoritarianism. Let be honest though the Tories have always hated the creative industry they just dont get it.

    Free Member

    Why not show a surgeon instead?

    Because this is a tory gov’ who deem anything in the creative industry “not a proper job.” As someone thats works in the creative industry I find the whole thing really offensive and makes me hate the tories even more.

    Free Member

    It’s Your Fault.

    Don’t Blame Us

    haha, was go for exactly this!

    Free Member

    Change Labour and actually make it a viable option.
    And be a powerful opposition. Someone who offered alternatives that could not be ignored.

    If you actually look at opinion polls it seems hes very much turning labour into a viable option and making back ground from the Corbyn era, remember hes got 4 years to make this ground back. A week or so ago he (Kier) was up now its neck and neck again. But thats fact rather than a sweeping generalisation.

    Free Member


    See, I find this amazing. Because the majority do not see things your way they must automatically be stupid, too stupid to know whats good for them, or are prejudiced.


    There was no chance anyone with half a brain was voting for the 70’s throwback that was Corbyn and his ilk.

    Pot. Kettle. Black.

    Free Member

    We’ve both got one of these.

    +1 for the Wizard works got a few bags from them. Quality stuff, good people and the plus of supporting an independent business and getting something handmade.

    Free Member

    I think the opposite. I feel Starmer comes across as a weak bleater with no ideas of his own, simply a tactic of disagreeing with everything the Tories do regardless.

    You do realise hes the opposition right? He’s backed the tories a few times when it made sense but its not his to back them its his job to point out what they are doing wrong and hold them account.

    Boris wants to tell the country all Keir wants to do is disagree and hes not doing enough support what the gov are doing. they did the same to Ed called him dull, boring and depressing.

    Free Member

    so rumour is trumps gonna take a medical on tv. This year just gets more mental as the days go on. A president taking a medical because people dont believe hes recovered from a virus.

    Free Member

    Would Labour have really done any better though?
    Certainly not with Corbyn in charge, and I have my doubts about Starmer.

    These comment sorta get to me, its based on a personal bias and not fact. Its such a moo point as right now any assumption is hypothetical. Its fact that the current US and UK leaders are not dealing with this pandemic very well. To suggest the opposition would do a bad job based on nothing.

    Free Member

    Because it’s likely to throw up a false contact with all the constraints that implies but not very likely to throw up a real contact.

    This sort sounds a little selfish, basically I don’t want an app that cause an inconvenience to my life for a few weeks. Surly wish a partner whos a teacher you need to do anything that could limit spreading the virus.

    Free Member

    love this post! Hearing the little things that drive people mad is really amusing. The single thing that I hate is when cars and motorbike drivers/riders stop in the bike zone at a junction. Its for push bikes your car or motorbike means there is no space for bicycles.

    Free Member

    p7eaven, that is so nice! there is something about those retro graphics that just look so dam cool!

    Free Member

    Honestly feel like Laka is the best option. No crazy clauses and your insurance cost goes up or down (with a set max or min) depending on how many in the group claim. I have 4 bikes on mine ranging it similar value to the OP and its about £45 a month on average.

    Free Member

    that Colbert bit is funny but also very true. A similar narrative was thrown Boris when was sick he got through being ” “strong” and having “courage” which suggest anyone who doesn’t survive doesn’t have it. Like he said the realist it they got THE best care possible and given every single drug possible to make them better.

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