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  • joepud
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    You’re right about overthinking but it’s 4.5k+ bike and it’s a lot of money for me. So I’m finding hard to warrant spendings that much cash!

    yeh, I see your point I spent a similar amount on mine and its a lot of money 4.5k for a push bike! I was lucky that I demoed mine pre covid so after a few laps at FOD I was sold. I would say some people often think long 29ers can feel a little dead but realistically you just need to give them a fair bit of stick and throw them about to get the best out of them. For me though im 6ft+ and have never had a bike that fit so well.

    One thing I will say the aftercare from Cotic is second to none. In fact once there was a demo at peaslake and happened to roll past and ended up chatting to the guys and they ended up helping me set my rear shock up as I wasn’t 100% happy with it despite having loads of demo customers to deal with.

    Free Member

    The cotic are meant to be great for big natural terrain but Ill be riding parks too.

    I feel like you might be over thinking it a a bit, its a 140mm do it all bike so will be perfectly fine. Personally I would have no issues with taking that anywhere you mentioned. Out of interest what do you think makes them better for big natural terrain? It’s never something I have thought about when riding mine.

    Free Member

    I honestly think you will be fine. I have a 27.5 Rocket and I have never really had any issues where ever I been, all that lets me down is a lack of ability. Pre covid I would split my riding time between surrey and south wales (where I grew up) so like a bit of BPW/Black Mountain on the odd occasion and local trails and its never let me down. im like 10kg or so less than you but have never noticed any flex i would say the bike just feels really solid and stable no matter what you put it through.

    Free Member

    One thing worth remembering is in normal times people would car share when out riding but obviously thats not happening any more so naturally more cars in car parks – I don’t think this necessarily equates to more riders. Also people have no where to go currently so a walk in the woods is pretty much the best option if you want to leave the house.

    Free Member

    I’ve written a pile of stuff about low sun, but I think one of the key points is that I think we need to leave more skips in the road.

    If only the skip had a yellow jacket on…

    Free Member

    The amount of people who claim they can’t see something / someone a few hundred yards in front of them while driving is actually pretty scary, I hope none of you drive in the SE london area. Maybe you all need eye tests or just drive a little slower you aint Hamilton and Freddie can be 5mins late for football. I wonder if its selective site or can not see anyone unless they are dressed like they are about to go to a rave via a shift at Heathrow

    Free Member

    I have a Cane Creek DB Air inline on my rocket and I would describe it as totally fine. Fit and forget but does require more air than you think. Personally I would upgrade to the Kitsuma air piggyback I had the old piggyback Canecreek and it was bloody amazing.

    Free Member

    Have you thought about the new Cotic?

    Free Member

    My sister/ bil are saying they won’t have it (both at risk due to age/ conditions) as “it’s not been tested”.

    To be honest there is a lot in that I think. Drugs normally take a very long time to develop (going by new reports) and all we hear about this is how quick its been done. It doesn’t make you wonder how safe is it. Likely a lot of NHS staff will get some work/social pressure to get it and the rest of us will be waiting until the new year.

    Free Member

    The draft plans, seen by Health Service Journal, say that the “bulk” of vaccines of the last group are likely to occur in March, meaning that almost the whole population should have been offered jabs by Easter.

    The dates pencilled in for beginning each group are:

    Care home residents and staff, healthcare workers – from beginning of December
    Ages 80 plus – from mid-December
    Everyone aged 70-80 – from late December
    Everyone aged 65-70 – from early January
    All high and moderate risk under 65s – from early January
    Everyone aged 50-65 – from mid January
    Everyone aged 18-50 – from late January, but with the bulk of this group vaccinated during March

    Have you got a link for this?

    Free Member

    So Boris hammers the labour party for not taking action over the antisemitic investigation Patel has been proven to be a bully his response… oh its fine! The guys an absolute joke shame on all you people who voted for this! Bullies are scum of the earth and ruin peoples lives! Dealings with complaints and ministers shouldn’t be handled by their own political party it should go to an independent group aka a tribunal where a decision is made.

    Free Member

    It was my sentence so you will need explain the problem with it please.

    I think its that you called your self an observant drive but can’t really see something 200m away. Its a bit ironic.

    Free Member

    What colour was the frontage?

    Well you see here is the problem, It was a pretty crazy accident that thankfully happened at night and how no one was hurt was mental. The car took out a traffic light, street bike locks (you know those u shaped things) and then the shop… Admittedly the shops brown but did have its silver shutter down… what a conundrum! By Singletrackmind’s logic the driver was clearly trying to just hit the street bike lock because they are smaller than the other things. Im sure had the all these items been bigger than the card, had a car shaped light on them and been painted hi-vis yellow the accident would have never happened. 🤷‍♂️

    Free Member

    I dont give a flying fig what you feel. Drivers avoid bigger things. JambaFact. Small cars look out for 4×4 sized cars , 4×4 look out for Transits , Transits look out for Tipper Lorries and Busses.

    I really like how you have made up a word in order to prove your “JambaFact.” By your logic a small vehicle has never caused an accident with a larger vehicle because “drivers avoid bigger things”. I figure when people resort to name calling (or replacing words that sounds like others) they know their argument has fallen apart. good job! 👍

    last week a car drove into a shop by where I live, the shops bigger than the car why didn’t the driver avoid it after all its a “bigger thing”

    Free Member

    Even if hi-viz reduces the chance of being hit it doesn’t mean you won’t ever be hit wearing hi-viz nor that you’ll definitely be hit if you don’t wear it.

    did you even read the post a few pages up it ends with “2013 research from the University of Bath and Brunel University found that no matter what clothing a cyclist wears, around 1-2 per cent of drivers will pass dangerously close when overtaking.

    Free Member

    This. We are so becoming a third world country. 🙁

    I mean it could be worse we could have a leader whos looking to use the legal system to overthrow a democratic process.

    Free Member

    If the people involved in the accidents were wearing a mix of colours but all of the ones not involved in the accidents were wearing One or two colours, say yellow or orange, then you’d say there was probably an effect there.

    IF is the key word there and until proven its nothing but an assumption / hypothesis. Personally I have been knocked off my bike 3 times and as you would guess sometimes I was in a bright yellow jacket and hi-viz rain cover on my backpack other times all black.

    The brain basically takes a series of photos and stitches them together if you are in the stitch they wont see you, thats why drivers have to look twice, but everyones in a rush so that often doesn’t happen.

    And I do think this is also a problem / reason / cause of collisions. Drivers are looking for brick sized headlights , as your brain is telling you bad things will happen if you ignore the big lights coming round the roundabout…

    I feel like the problem with this is your basically saying if cyclists had bigger lights they wouldn’t get hit as “bad things would happen.” People are talking as if cyclists don’t get killed in the day which is absolute nonsense.

    Free Member

    Mate it’s about probability. No-one’s immune from being knocked off; likewise no-one’s guaranteed to get knocked off. It’s about making it more or less likely as I’ve tried to explain

    “Mate” there are multiple ways to be seen I choose to have extremely bright lights despite wearing all black. And as for probability unless you can run numbers on what people were wearing when they got knocked off their bike its a moo point. I have been countless cycling accidents day and night in my years of commuting through london clothes don’t make a single bit of difference .

    Free Member

    Heres a thought what about day time? Are people suggesting that cyclists don’t get knocked off their bikes in the day and its only stealth cyclists at night getting into accidents? Like most I have the same kit for road and mountain biking (so lots of dark colours), so if you can’t see my 3000 odd lumen front light and 80lm rear light I feel like even if I was in bright pink a driver still wouldn’t see me. As the person driving something thats most likely to kill someone the jobs on them to make sure they don’t hit me.

    Heres an idea in order to absolve drivers from even more blame (like they don’t get away with enough already) lets just make everyone wear a massive light on their head at all times, ban any dark clothes in winter, and make sure everyone has a megaphone that constantly shouts “I AM HERE!” /sarcasm.

    Free Member

    But the whole point is that’s no longer relevant as the celebration of Christmas in the UK has long since transcended it’s origins.

    No longer relevant to who? im pretty sure the people that go church on xmas eve/day still care that its part of a religious celebration or has it “transcended it’s origins” for devout christians too? If you want to deny basic facts thats cool we can no longer have a debate.

    Free Member

    Deep down some people like to think Britain is somehow more special than other countries because of a rose tinted view of the past, think it’ll all just work out in the end, because it always has in the past, even when it hasn’t.

    This 100%. We (generally speaking) are an extremely arrogant country years of the “great” british empire have given us a level of self important no other nation seems to have.

    they’ll go for a week-long ‘amnesty’ like the Virus is going to come and play football with us in no-mans-land and other faux nostalgic toss He’ll make sure to let us know it’s our fault if it all goes wrong,

    And this! Every step of the way the gov’ have done this. But its hardly a surprise we have a bunch of people in charge who have never had to take account for a single action for as long as they have lived.

    Free Member

    FFS they are NOT the same. Christmas/Boxing Day are public holidays in the UK, are you going to argue every religious celebration should have a recognised UK public holiday as well?

    Chill out, who put a quid in you. Ever think they are public holidays because we are traditionally a christian country? Literal definition from google “the annual Christian festival celebrating Christ’s birth, held on 25 December in the Western Church.” You can subvert the definition or meaning of them all you want and say they are celebrated by people of all faiths, religious and non religious and loads of different reasons, but fact is they are religious holidays. I would be more than happy to celebrate Eid and Diwali with my friends simply for the food! Also if recognising every religious celebration in the uk gets me some extra free days off work im all for that.

    Free Member

    But as has also been said, Christmas isn’t a religious celebration these days for many (most?) people in the UK.

    But, really is sorta is no matter how you dress it up its about celebrating the birth of christ that sound pretty religious to me. Its a religious holiday. I feel like if you won’t give people a break for Eid and Diwali then don’t do it for Xmas. I say this as someone how has family in wales and has seen them twice this year.

    Free Member

    Dido Harding told to self-isolate by the NHS app…

    Im sure she will find some way to mess it up. Im predicting photos of her at the shops in a few hours.

    Free Member

    the fork has 3 small nicks on the right stanchion, on closer inspection not “shagged”

    Yeh, but going by my experience from selling stuff that means game over for a lot of people. People buying second hand basically want something thats brand new at a fraction of a cost. Also given the year if its not boost that will take a bit off the sale price too.

    Free Member

    What generation.

    If its not a long shot version I feel like thats gonna hit its value a bit. £800 maybe a little generous the bikes basically gonna cost someone a grand once they factor in the bits that need replacing.

    Free Member

    Why’s Johnson saying “I’m as fit as a butchers dog” again, on the news this morning…. he looks like he just got out a coffin to me.

    Agree, he did look pretty rough. Although people he has worked with in the past said he doesn’t really believe in getting sick and you just battle on and keep going, his downfall last time.

    I think the bigger concern is him telling the world hes “bursting with antibodies” its pretty common knowledge peoples antibodies go down after having covid, chances are he had it so long ago he doesn’t have any antibodies… unless hes had an antibody recently that is. Give it a few days and the tories will push out the same lines we know its a virus that doesnt discriminate,  (unless your of cause your black, poor or both), PM has shown great courage and all that nonsense.

    Free Member

    I cheated and got the LBS to do it. It’s time consuming and fiddly and requires patience, none of which are my strong points.

    I also did the same. I don’t have the patience to do this or skill. But, once I wash my bike after a ride it looks pretty much brand new. Apart from keeping your bike fresh i think it add a little resale value as the frame under it will be pretty much box fresh

    Free Member

    So my non incident incident today. Cycled past a dog with the owner a few yards in front, dog loses it starts growling, barking and getting closer to me so naturally I shout at the dog. The owners response if you shout at him he will bark, my response well if your dog didnt bark and growl at me I wouldnt need to shout. Apparently I was in the wrong… REALLY! Dog owners seem to think of their dog like children they can do no wrong. If your dog loose its mind at the sight of a bike keep it on a lead. simple!

    Free Member

    Funnily enough, I’m 6’3″ and almost 15 stone with a shaved head.

    Never been in a fight or hit anyone. My nose is still it’s original shape and no broken knuckles despite the years on dodgy estates and in rough schools.

    Snap, but im about 13stone and entering the stage of my life when I have come to terms with the fact I will soon have a shaved head.

    Free Member

    I put a mask on and yes I intended to smash his face in, sorry about that.

    haha, what a sentence. Violence is never the answer to any problem.

    Free Member

    Report her, she needs to know that’s not acceptable.

    Agree with this. She and the dogs need to be reported.

    Free Member

    fair from the ambulance service though. Why should they race to the aid of a nutter/criminal when they’re that busy with corona patients.

    Because it’s the job of the healthcare service to look after people and not pass judgment on what they have done. Simple.

    Free Member

    If you are in a car then they do have the right to ascertain your identity to make sure you have a license!

    Last time I checked glass was see through and a window could be opened enough to push some documents through for them to be checked. But apparently the cop felt the need to smash the blokes window in order to check his identity. Can you at least admit the copper although technically within his rights to stop him, his actions were way over the top.

    Free Member

    I think being a roadie you’re focused on weight

    Agree with this, weight really doesn’t matter that much I have done over 100k on my steel HT 29er which im gonna bet weights a lot more than 13kg. For off road cycling I would want more than 2.3 especially if you’re gonna be running narrow rims.

    Free Member

    A cop has the power to stop any car
    A cop has the power to use force to make people comply
    A cop can arrest you if you do not comply
    A cop can arrest you to allow him to investigate an incident

    Is a copper also allowed to make up charges, which clearly the copper in question seems to think is acceptable.

    Free Member

    How about this for a situation.

    You are at work, you are 8 hours into a shift and have dealt with multiple drug dealers/burglaries/robberies all shift…

    Sounds like you’re basically trying to excuse the police mans behaviour. The reaction the police man had was WAY over the top for the law this guy apparently (turns out didn’t) break. And to say “you’re gonna get a ticket for something” is disgusting hes basically using the law for his own gain thats undefendable. You have to remember that George Floyd was killed because apparently used a fake 20 quid note and Eric Garner was killed for selling cigarettes all the actions in these instances were WAY over the top for the law they apparently broke. You can say its a stretch to mention Floyd and Garner but thats basically where stuff like this ends up if it goes unchecked. I hope the guy gets the sack.

    Free Member

    The driver is unnamed, and as far as I could see in the video, is white*! His skin tone behind the identity protecting blur is very similar to the officers.

    *I’m not btw, how dare you suggest that I’m a racist.

    An unconscious bias can extend further than race. I spent enough of my youth getting stopped and searched by police and followed around stores simply because “i fit the description” or “looked like someone who committed a crime in the area” The only “crime” I committed was being a lanky kid in a baggy tracksuit with his hood up.

    Free Member

    No, the offence (and it’s not an offence in itself, it’s just suggestive of one) was driving a non-black car with number plates that belong to a black car. As it turns out, that’s because every panel except the roof (probably not visible to the officer from his own car, by definition his head must have been lower than his car roof) was no longer black.

    You know what dude, what ever eases your unconscious bias into thinking the police man acted in a reasonable way. If that happened to Tarquin or Timmothy im sure the conversation people would be having would be totally different

    That’s not how it works. The police must arrest innocent people all the time, because there’s reasonable suspicion to do so

    Ok, so lets break this down. Someone a few comments above said “several crimes had been committed,” which was what I was commenting on. Not one word from that sentence suggest suspicion. Once taken to the station they decided he didn’t? So who right someone on SingleTrack or the police who later decide he didnt commit a crime. All we know is he didn’t commit a single crime… but clearly you know more.

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