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  • joepud
    Free Member

    No – as above

    My issue is with people stating they are going to ignore the guidance

    its shows a selfish lack of consideration for others.

    We should all be doing our best to follow the guidance. Its as simple as that. Thats what your civic duty is

    wow with answers like that are you a politician in your free time?

    Free Member

    As above – my objection is to people who say ” I am going to ignore the guidance”

    So let’s just get this straight, your ok with someone having dinner in a pub surrounded by people because its within guidance, but a solo bike ride out of guidance is wrong? Despite one clearly having a higher risk of transmission than the other? Can you not see the really odd logic in that?

    Free Member

    I am particularly sensitive to this because I have been put at risk in an outbreak that can only have been caused by people ignoring the guidance ( although in a very different situation)

    But the problem is the guidance not people following it or not. Guidance was a few weeks ago (well in london any way) go to the pub with 6 people max, clearly that was a stupid bit of advice from the gov, but if your gripe is people not following guidance you’re fine with that at that point in time? But a solo loop outside of a local area you are not ok with because its not inline with guidance? The only way to stop this virus spreading is everyone stay inside and don’t interact with anyone you dont live with, but thats not possible for many reasons such as mental health and even the economy.

    Free Member

    Gilles Peterson pulled together a 2hour tribute mix if anyone wants to check it.

    Free Member

    TLDR: unless we actually lock down, there’ll be a lot of people interpreting the rules to suit. Mostly without malice, and because they’ve made a judgement call on what’s safe: it’s pointless arguing over it, as it’s been left open.

    Do you not think following the “rules” works both ways some are extremely strict, some less so “interpreting the rules to suit” as you say? Technically 8miles could be local within 8miles I can stay in lewisham so by Ransos definition thats fine. Nothing currently says you couldn’t ride 8miles to the woods meet one friend and go for a bike ride outside im sure the police wouldn’t question that behaviour.

    My biggest issue with these rules / guidance is that some people feel the need to exert their alpha male on others shout them down, berate them and blame them for killing people. Its ridiculous.

    Free Member

    Ransos, in an effort to try and understand where you’re coming from why has my bike ride got you so angry and lead to you calling my actions “perverse” “selfish” and  claiming im “part of the problem.”? Despite my extensive hours at home every day apart from a few hours on a Saturday where i enjoy a solo bike ride? My morning bike ride at 6am today I went from Lewisham to Bexley in your eyes that means I haven’t stayed local and is against the law (or at this point in time should we say guidance). You seem to have come up with your own definition of local and believe thats gospel and everyone must follow your definition. I understand these are extremely stressful times but your reaction to my bike ride seems a little excessive.

    Feel free to reply, but I wont. I have done my daily exercise and apart from getting a coffee when the rain stops from my LOCAL coffee shop im going to spend the next god knows how many hours sat in my kitchen working or living room watching tv.

    Free Member

    Yep, I believe that you’ve convinced yourself that your behaviour is ok.That’s the problem with selfish people.

    And you would be correct I do think it’s ok. And I believe your problem is you’re extremely bitter. The type person who wouldn’t give the kids their ball back if it ended up in their garden. Have a nice evening and hopefully you cheer up soon. 👋

    Free Member

    Ah, the sympathy vote as justification. I’m not buying.

    Yeh because I would actually make all that up. To be honest you just sound like an extremely bitter person I feel sorry for you. I’m 100% at ease with my “perverse interpretation” of lockdown rules. I’m gonna go for a bike ride tomorrow at 6am before work and I may actually leave Lewisham!

    Free Member

    You’ve made it abundantly clear that you have no intention of modifying your behaviour and will make a perverse interpretation of the rules along with a dollop of whataboutery in order to justify your actions. You’re part of the problem.

    Yep I sure am part of the problem. One supermarket visit a week, 10+ hours a day at home everyday part from a bike ride on a Saturday on my own, seeing my family in Wales once last year despite my brother going through a divorce, my best mate losing his mum, and my mum going to hospital at 70+ leaving my step dad on his own, and me and my partner basically living  separate lives at the start because she works for the NHS I’m 100% part of the problem. Get a grip dude. Must be nice up in that ivory tower.

    Free Member

    Of course, this being STW, there’ll be the recommendations for artisanal eyewear purveyors before long…

    now you mention it cubitts make some really nice glasses but I always opt for RayBans. I feel like I wear them every day so might as well get good ones. And have had 2 sets in like 15+ years.

    Free Member

    What other things should i consider as this doesn’t look like a cheap thing to get into…

    it really is glasses are expensive. One way to make it cheaper is get sunglasses then get optical lenses in them as the frames are often cheaper. I need glasses all the time but don’t have a massive correction go for sunglasses with normal lenses. When it comes to sport contacts all the way.

    Free Member

    I would attend the meeting (just to not appear difficult) to be honest but the minute redundancy was mentioned or the security of my employment I would end the meeting until someone from HR / union was present.

    Free Member

    You’re adding an unnecessary risk in fact. And it’s against the rules.

    Against the guidance maybe, has it become law yet??

    You already know that you’re not supposed to leave your part of the city: and there’s really no need to cycle as you’re getting all the exercise you need from the gymnastics you’re performing to justify your actions.

    Isn’t the guidance “stay local” which itself is open to interpretation you and I may define local as different things. Peckham is about 10mins on a bike from me I still see that as local despite being southwark and not lewisham. If I had all the answers I wouldnt be asking an expert such as yourself.

    Here’s another question which I hope you can answer as you seem to know the rules inside and out. Start of december had dinner with 5 other friends took public transport there and sat in a pub garden with likely somewhere between 50-100 other people (within the rules). Last weekend (im in T4 / Lockdown) I did about 40mile loop taking in backroads, bridal way and parks. which of those do you suppose has the higher risk of getting covid? Only difference is start of december the pub dinner was “legal” and my bike ride last weekend technically wasnt.

    Free Member

    Of course, but you’re adding an unnecessary risk by riding further afield. The whole point of keeping it local is that you probably won’t get lost, and could walk home if you needed to.

    It’s a small risk for sure

    im adding an unnecessary risk in your opinion. If we want to be black and white riding a bike is a totally unnecessary risk rather than riding you could run, rather than running you could walk and rather than doing any of that could zwift in your living room or walk around your garden (although in true st fashion thats likely what you say you will have been since since last year). I value my mental health and a local ride in lewisham battling traffic isnt going to help, I am in a much better mood after a good bike ride especially after i have spent 50+ hours at home mon-fri.

    But, as you seem to be chief of the rules if I “stay local” how far am i allowed to cycle in lewisham in regards to distance? must I stay in my lewisham suburb or can I travel to hither green or lee?

    I really think people need to worry about themselves in this instance and not pass judgment on others so much.

    Free Member

    Given your reply to my earlier post, maybe you could remember that that applies both ways, especially as we have no way of knowing other people’s situations that may cause them to ask, or respond to comments that contradict our own opinions.

    Perhaps so but to suggest I am responsible for the current state of the country because once a week I decide to go for a longer bike ride when I spend 8-10hr (plus sleep) in my house mon-fri is a bit of a reach. We are in this issue because we are told schools are safe on Sunday and then they shut them on Monday evening.

    Free Member

    Correct. And I still got Covid.

    I mean I didn’t expect a different answer to be honest. Maybe you should be less judgmental of others.

    Free Member

    People that bend the rules are responsible – as a whole – for the shit position that everyone is still in. It doesn’t matter whether or not you’re going to fall off your bike. Too many people are exempting themselves and that makes a mockery of the guidelines overall.

    and im going to assume, you’re cleaner than clean and haven’t broken a single one since they were introduced way back in like April / May.

    Free Member

    And what will you do if you have a mechanical you can’t repair?

    What would I do if I got knocked off my bike on a road ride because I was determined to “stay local”, What would happen if I got lost walking in my local area, what would you do if you had an accident on a local trail that required additional help, what would happen if you had a mechanical you couldn’t repair? there is an endless of ifs and buts.

    Sister lives in Lewisham however. Not renown for verdant pastures. She’s a runner and has a 9yr old bouncing off the walls to entertain. She seems to be managing just fine. Go figure.

    Yet i know a fair few friends who are not “managing just fine.” One person isnt representative of the whole group.

    Free Member

    The problem really is for those who live in cities where the local green spaces are going to be crammed so just how far is sensible to drive to get somewhere where the numbers of others doing exactly the same is sufficiently low?

    As someone that lives in a city I am currently not driving to Surrey to ride trail, but I am however riding from my door doing larger loops if we had more daylight I would be doing 60 odd. I honestly feel like the risk of infecting or infection while riding a bike outside is extremely low, as already said its not like im stopping in every shop I pass (in fact I don’t even go into a shop) licking all the doors and putting my fingers in all the pastry.

    But we are in lockdown again so thay means people will just spend all their time curtain twitching and passing judgment on others.

    Free Member

    Can you point to any part of the guidance that tells you to base your plans on “interaction with others”?

    erm… the whole point of this is limiting your interaction with others is it not? But any way I didn’t ask for your condescension or judgment. I simply expressed an opinion that going for a 60mile loop where you will see a handful of people isnt “taking the piss.”

    Free Member

    Obviously a 60+ ride into neighbouring counties is taking the piss…

    Disagree, for me its about interaction with others. 60miles would take me to the edge of the m25 and back (technically still IN Greater London just not IN Lewisham) and I could do that with VERY limited interaction with anyone plus we all know rate of transmission outside is low. If I was stopping in a few coffee shops in each village I pass I would agree with you, but im not so will continue

    Free Member

    Stop people going to the supermarkets in multiples, where possible, would make sense. I saw families shopping yesterday and it just made no sense for the whole family to be doing that – understand there are needs must scenarios.

    You got data on supermarket transmissions? My partner and I pretty much always go together often on the now standard covid lockdown walk. Surly you are not in-contact with people long enough for the risk to be that big? My only rational for this is I always use the nhs tracker app and haven’t been trace tracked yet. Although sods low it happens in a few days after going this evenoing.

    Free Member

    And rather than have some moron Tory mp in charge of this, they need a logistics expert, someone from the army probably..but id accept anyone with a hint of experience.

    This sums politics up full stop though. Very few of them are in a position to understand the ins and outs of the sectors they manage, for example Handcock has zero medical experience or Patel zero in a judicial / legal. They are all in their little parliament bubble with no clue what happens outside of it.

    Free Member

    So glad this post got made. MF DOOM, King Geedorah,Viktor Vaughn, or Metal Face and the many more names he went under was an absolute </span>lyrical genius. Props from the mighty Mos Def says it all

    His flow was just so tight, and rhymes so compact and intricate.

    What up?To all rappers: shut up with your shutting up
    And keep a shirt on, at least a button-up
    Yuck, is they rhymers or strippin’ males?
    Out of work jerks since they shut down Chippendales</span>
    They chippin’ nails, DOOM tippin’ scales
    Let alone the pre-orders that’s counted off shippin’ sales
    This one goes out to all my peoples skippin’ bail
    Dippin’ jail, whippin’ tail and sippin’ ale

    Free Member

    Enduro racing in 2021? There’s optimism for you!

    yep, i missed this year due to a broken hand and a pandemic. Currently in for ArdRock and ArdMoors but i honestly can’t see much racing happening until 2022.

    Free Member

    Berate anyone who breaks the rules (but quietly do so themself in a way that suits them without mentioning it)

    and don’t forget when questioned about rule breaks claim you haven’t broken a single one since the start of lockdown.

    Free Member

    As time goes on the effects of this year on educational progress will be diluted by FE/HE/jobs/experience etc. Who cares about your GCSE after 5 years of in job experience?

    You do realise they need to get to that point first and most do that through FE, HE and get first jobs based on that initial education experience? After 10 years of work no one even asks what I got in my BA but I needed a decent school / college education to get to that point.

    Free Member

    They can catch up with a summer school or something.

    Come to my flat and tell my upstairs neighbour she has to summer school kids after what she’s been through the past few months. As for all the home schooling chats i think middle class single track is forgetting there are some people who are incapable of home schooling.

    Free Member

    If there was a time to be panic buying it is now

    you do realise panic buying and stockpiling compounds the problem people think its going to help?

    Free Member

    Bbc news had a beautician bleating on about not being able to stay open on the run up to Xmas
    So, you cant glue Pointless glittery fake nails onto your gullable customers fingers. Some people have strange priorities.

    I mean its almost like this persons running a business and seeing it slip await through no fault of her own unable to help feed her family. Maybe you have “strange preterites” or just a lack of empathy.

    Free Member

    Vaccines redundant? That’s the huge worry I’m sure.

    The virus has changed around once a month apparently (according to the bloke on bbc news). Covid has been more stable than other viruses, but they change all the time. Currently there is no evidence to suggest the vaccine wont work as per what hancock said this week.

    Free Member

    I totally see where the OP is coming from school was a STRUGGLE for me. Had similar traumatic childhood and left with very little (1 GCSE above a C which was graphic design) and finished a-levels with even less (read zero a-levels above a D). To this day I still don’t have a GCSE in math or english. However for kids that “get it” school can teach them a lot and for many sets them up for life getting them into a good college, uni then job. The question is how do schools catch the rest.

    I didn’t do anything of note in school until I returned to college at 22/23 to do a btec in Multimedia where I met a three AMAZING lectures who basically gave me a shed load of confidence and I ended up at uni with a first in graphic designer and have been a professional designer for a bit over 10 years now.

    School can seem like a factory but I think thats mainly because like the NHS its horrifically under resourced so teachers don’t have the time to drag every kid through the year and some (like myself) just get left behind, its a sad fact. It isn’t that kids are stupid they just see stuff different and require a way of learning school (at least in my day) just couldn’t / didn’t provide.

    So yes, we value education in this house.

    The question isn’t do you value education its do you value school the two are very different things. One is simply a vehicle for the other. There are multiple ways to get an education.

    Free Member

    Plus also a lot of schools are prepared. Our have has the ability via Google classroom since the start of term and Jnr just finishing his first whole week of schooling at home, seems to work well.

    The school maybe prepared but what about the kids, Some families don’t have the luxury of a home computer or multiple home computers / iPads so all the kids can learn at the same time. Almost 10k kids live in poverty in lewisham (where I live) and even more in places like Tower Hamlets. My neighbour is a teacher in Tower Hamlets and they have a school wide rule where they don’t expect any kid to do any at home learning, its offered but some kids are just unable to do it. I understand the need for letting kids home school but we are in real danger of a generation being left behind. Something needs to be done, if its give all kids laptops give them laptops. This virus 100% makes the class divide even starker.

    Free Member

    definitely the future!

    I sorta agree with this, I would much rather have a Stadia plugged into the back of my TV with a few controllers than a mini fridge aka Xbox series x in my living room or that mess that is the PS5.

    Free Member

    Feel for the OP used to have an awful neighbour upstairs at my last house. had 2 kids their house was the party house so a Tuesday 2am party was pretty normal. Thankfully im a very heavy sleeper but the few times i did complain apparently I was in the wrong for suggesting they keep it down.

    Her crowning achievement was leaving her iron in the “cupboard” (aka the shower in the spareroom) which fell over turning the shower on meaning we had 2 days with no lights while we let everything dry out.

    If I was you I would be reaching for some early grime, they will love it.

    Don’t underestimate the synth either that could make some noice high pitched noises for them.

    Free Member

    Damn, Google stadia offer now finished. Was going to get it today but it has gone.

    I can’t even imagine the internet connection you would need to play that game over Stadia. I got a Stadia when google wee giving them out for free played a few games but there was so much lag.

    Free Member

    London to Tier 3

    Hancock to make a statement shortly.

    (Tiers of a Clown playing in the background in my head)

    I get it, but it seems pointless, in a few days people will be going up and down the country when surly the whole country will be in lockdown from Jan. It is what it is, no more Surrey hills rides for me for a few weeks.

    Free Member

    Black panther is terrible

    Some movies are more than just movies. i will leave it at that.

    Free Member

    This is just painful ,

    Free Member

    I found the most pubs flouting the lockdown rules in London back in June. It wasn’t hard at all to spot beer gardens in use before they were actually allowed to be used.

    You say that like it wasn’t happening all over the country. No one has been golden during this pandemic.

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