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  • joepud
    Free Member

    I would look at getting a Chemex would make a good amount of filter.

    Free Member

    It will have 5 pages. How big is a page?
    How many pages are on the crc homepage?

    “Pages” are basically infinite in length, but shouldn’t be. Try and think of them as templates you will use over and over. For example CRC is likely 4 or 5 core pages but obviously used hundreds of times over.

    As said a decent designer should walk you should this. Don’t jump straight into designing ensure you have the structure in place first. Think of it like building a house. You wouldn’t paint the walls before drawing plans up

    Free Member

    Dry them out, ride again, and repeat. I’ve never, ever cleaned or treated bike shoes, that’s not to say I’m right!.

    Agree. If they get wet stick some newspaper in them and put them by the dehumidifier or rad. I really can’t be bothered to clean riding shoes. That said because of this my shoes look like they have just been pulled out of a swamp

    Free Member

    is that the SA variat could now be in the UK?

    Free Member

    I don’t really follow daily covid data it stresses me out, but I checked today and also the states they are still pushing 100k daily cases. How is it that bad there still!?!

    Free Member

    Simply a nation that is insistent on a car first mentality. A few of those social distance plant pot things were put down in a neighbourhood not far from me drivers were fed up with diversion so they decided to move them. Its a generalisation but a fair few people who drive seem to be pretty self entitled.

    Free Member

    I guess not, I don’t know who he is either 😀 is he the same height as Emily?

    few inches in it according to google ones like 5ft 4″ the other like 5ft 2.”

    Can’t believe the strong opinions people have on whether other people, who they don’t know, decide to wear make up or not.

    I know dude, then when the question of sexism comes up people seem to have no clue why its been mentioned.

    Free Member

    No because their bikes don’t look too big for them and weren’t supplied by Canyon 🤷‍♂️

    erm… you do realise who Troy rides for right… heres a clue hes on the same team as Emily Batty. But anyway all I was trying to do what offer up a suggestion as to why this thread took a direction you wasn’t expecting.

    Free Member

    As read above, some men are the same height as the same height women, and Canyon’s size guide is for both sexes, so not sure what you’re on about 🤷‍♂️

    First let me prefix this with im not saying you’re sexist or mansplaining. But, you as a male are questioning the size of bike Emily Batty is riding quote “Bike looks far too big for her.” Have you ever questioned the size of bike Danny or Troy ride – or felt the need to make a post about it despite Danny getting a new bike sponsor a few days ago and if not why? It could be construed as sexism or men know best.

    Basically do you think gender roles / preconceptions have lead you to question her judgment. Shes a professional athlete she’s surly done her homework and tested multiple bikes and sizes. Personally it wouldn’t even enter my head to question it.

    Free Member

    Wow, this turned in a direction I wasn’t expecting. My OP was about Canyon’s weird sizing calculator not about Emily Batty’s make up regime

    I mean, although your question was likely 100% genuine I guess maybe reflect on why you asked the question, it could have tinges on sexism / mansplaining? Have you ever looked at Danny Hart and Troy Brosnan and thought they don’t know what they are doing and are on the wrong size bike.

    Free Member

    The EU came in late, with a light wallet, and now implicitly demand that the UK absorb their risk by giving up some UK bound production. It’s an outrageous proposition!

    I mean it’s almost like the British “empire” spent years doing that. The attitude some people and the wider media are taking reeks of our colonial past and it’s pretty sad. The truth is we could jabs the whole country 10 times over but if that means the rest of the world misses out we will still be shut off from the rest of the world and our economy will struggle. The world as a whole needs to overcome this.

    If this pandemic has taught us anything it’s that perhaps we should just be a little nicer to eachother.

    Free Member

    The UK has benefitted from the international nature of vaccine development, testing and production… but all of a sudden a lot of Brits are getting very nationalistic about this.

    Totally agree with this. On the face of it the eu put an order in that they seem to feel is not fulfilled so they have every right to be annoyed. I think the other reality is since the start the only consistent plan Boris has had is a vaccine, he was never interested in a NZ style approach, track and trace was / is a disaster, and everything else has failed. He spread his bets and went full stream ahead in a vaccine being a solution and like the rest of his life got lucky.

    In an ideal world distribution would be run by someone like WHO. I seem to remember they proposed every country only be allowed to buy enoubth to vaccine 20% of their population in an attempt to stop less rich nations being left for dead.

    Free Member

    If those numbers are correct then we will be sending an awful lot of vaccine to the rest of the world.

    By sending you mean selling right? This gov’ does nothing unless it helps them. I don’t fully understand the whole eu vaccine issue but I do think rhetoric from Downing Street and press seems very anti eu and look who the baddies really are and we are better off without them. We are the ones who have purchased some 200m odd doses for a country with a population of way less than that.

    Free Member

    Anyone see PMQs today, god Boris looks beaten? I almost feel bad for him. Starmer just pokes at him like hes dead on the side of the road.

    Free Member

    Nope. And what’s the betting that the t&cs for cancellation/refund or insurance do not allow ‘not wanting to travel because of quarantine on return’?

    As someone that’s just left the travel sector I have seen both sides of this and things are bad – im talking cancellations / refunds up around 200%. I feel like right now if you’re going on holiday you should know the risks. You may have trouble getting back, isolation on arrival and return, or even cancelled last minute flights. The travel sector has taken a beating the last year so no longer can afford to do the customer centric thing and just hand someone their money back because they don’t want to isolate. Its not nice but businesses need to survive and they can’t just hemorrhage money.

    Free Member

    They tried dam hard to create national unity and a war like spirit. Just look at the language they used both verbal and visual. Boris did is best Churchill impression and at the start it worked but everyone soon realised it was one rule for them and another for everyone else (aka Cummings and Hancocks late night drinking in parliament).

    Personally for me how they spoke to the public at the start and now was awful suggesting people get through the illness with “courage” and being “strong” which automatically suggest if you don’t get through it you don’t have courage and are not strong.

    Free Member

    this lockdown is not as strict as v1 in March

    You really can’t compare them even the gov’ and the advisors have said so. Less people on furlough, take away places open, and mixing outside of your household all be it outside and with 1 person. It’s like comparing banana and strawberries, yes they are both fruit but totally different.

    More is known about the virus and what is and isn’t “covid safe.”

    Free Member

    Cycling – been there, done that, to an obsessive level for nearly 25 years.

    How about just ride a bike for fun?

    Free Member

    Aye, bit disappointing that they’ve descended to the same level of shithousery as us. But scarce resources always tend to bring out the worst in humans.

    I think the saying treat others as you wish to be treated sounds about right. It seems a bit of a non story from me but no one can blame the EU for looking out for their best interested. I mean after all we decided to buy up millions of vaccines without a thought for the rest of the world.

    Free Member

    Getting a vaccine shouldn’t be a “passport to freedom” We can’t say to people no vaccine stay inside. However I can totally see a world where it would be recommended as a list of jabs you need like say rabies when you go on holiday. But I agree with Kelvin likely situation will be some sort of negative test before / after landing in a new country. Although if countries say no jab no entry that’s totally their decision.

    Free Member

    That is precisely the point of vaccinations, to provide herd immunity.

    Correct me if im wrong, but I was under the impression heard immunity was something we gained from being exposed to the virus like say chickenpoxs? Giving people a vaccine isn’t really herd immunity right its immunising a population. I maybe wrong though im not even am armchair scientists.

    Free Member

    Thats good news after a series of really depressing covid related updates from the gov. Right now I fail to see how we can get back to some sort of normal.

    Free Member

    I sometimes think the only time we’ll get back to normal is once we’ve reached herd immunity.

    Is herd immunity from Covid even a think, I was under the impression that immunity without a vaccine only lasted a few months?

    Free Member

    This just popped up in my Facebook feed, seemed relevant.

    I would love to know how the driver tried to justify that one to the police. Some people are just absolute morons.

    Free Member

    We need to wake up to the idea of containing and starving the virus of hosts, not just using social measures and partial vaccine rollout to try and prevent hospitals being full of Covid patients.

    Agree with this. A phycologist on the news a few weeks ago said a lockdown is the bluntest tool we can use to stop the spread of the virus and the mental health impacts are huge and also the economical impact. I know the economy shouldn’t be the biggest concern but it has knocks on loss of jobs, poverty and all that.

    The vaccine rate falling isn’t really a surprise there is no way the pharma companies can produce enough to keep up with demande they will need time to ramp up just like vaccine program does.

    In case folk are not sufficiently depressed, seems that the new variant may be spreading too fast to cope with via lockdowns

    I would say currently (at least in my corner of london) cases seem to be dropping but obvs, that decline wont be felt in hospitals for a few weeks. I guess whats happening now is what happened last year it’s going to spread up the country.

    Free Member

    It is precisely this sort of action that causes the ‘Anti Cyclist’ sentiment from some other road users – we should, as cyclists, assume that other road users will know the Highway Code and allow us room to set off safely rather than assume that they don’t.

    Really? In an ideal world we would all know the highway code (I know I don’t know it all) and drives and bikes would live in harmony. But when im on my bike I assume the worst I take road position early at junctions, ride in the primary position by default, assume cars won’t see me, and assume pedestrians will just walk into the road. I honestly couldn’t care less if I hold a car up for 30 seconds if I think it’s stopped me from getting hit. Maybe years of london cycling have left me jaded. I hate cars.

    Free Member

    Again you are twisting my words – I am not blaming cyclists, I am blaming a significant minority of cyclists that cause the ‘Anti Cyclist’ attitude shown by some other road users (the OP question I was giving my opinion on).

    Im not twisting your words at all, you have just so far failed to provide a simple example or reason for this claim apart from “it is simply such a straight-forward statement” – when clearly at least to me its not. But hey, if you don’t want to do that, lets just both get on with our day.

    Free Member

    Not at all incapable, it is simply such a straight-forward statement that I don’t see how trying to reframe the wording of why I believe that the actions of a minority of one group of road users help cloud the judgement of a minority of other road users.

    I disagree, you made a statement but have’t been able to provide any examples or further clarification as to why cyclists “ride like dicks” and are “selfish.” Its simply your opinion, and you’re entitled to that. I however decided to push you on it because you are basically blaming cyclists for the issue.

    For for example, if I say drivers drive like dicks ands are selfish its because

    1. A driver to tried to push me into some parked cars last week at close to 20mph (i was in a 20mph zone) which could have results in a serious injury, all because I had “taken up too much space on the road” and am “not allowed to cycle in the middle of the road”


    2. A driver this morning punish passed me because I stopped him passing me when there was an island in the middle of the road. I as the vulnerable road user took the primary position and decided there wasn’t enough space for us to both pass through in a safe way.

    and as a bonus.

    3. A few years ago a driver basically t-boned me because he thought he could get across a junction quicker than me.

    Feel free to rip those apart and try and blame me as “selfish” or “riding like a dick” but every single one of those incidents was the drivers fault. I would go as far as saying in the majority of incidents involving a bike and a vehicle the vehicle is to blame.

    Free Member

    The better question to ask might be “Anti cycling sentiment. What can be done to reduce it and bring about better acceptance among the wider population?

    Is this basically victim blaming? – Drivers are the most dangerous users of the road so they must adjust their behaviour to fit in.

    I said ‘a significant minority’. Don’t try to twist my words.

    I have asked you like 3 or 4 times now to explain why you think this but you seem incapable. Have a good day im off to cook lunch.

    Free Member

    Telling that in this thread there is an ‘othering’ stereotype about people who are perceived to not pay their share of taxes, but it’s not cyclists.

    Agree, what also amazes me is how a forum for cyclists some people to still fail to see it from a cyclists point of view. We are one, you made choose to ride trail, road, gravel, track but we are still cyclists.

    Free Member

    So you don’t agree that occasionally some cyclists can be arseholes just like any other road user and that their behaviour can cloud other road users’ judgement of the majority of normal cyclists?

    Im going to take this response as you can’t or don’t want to justify why you said cyclists “ride like dicks” and are “selfish.”

    Free Member

    Again, you are completely missing the point I am making.

    I didn’t at all. You said “a significant minority of cyclists ride like dicks which then helps form a negative judgment of all cyclists” That’s an opinion I was asking why in your opinion cyclists “ride like dicks” and are “selfish.” If you can’t / don’t want to justify that, well that is up to you.

    Free Member

    I think its just that some drivers minds goes, bikes are slower than me get out of my way. For example this morning I was out cycling about a doors width from some parked cars but the driver behind decided to follow really close for about 30 seconds then speed past (punish pass) as soon as he could beeping and shouting at me.

    Sadly so much education needs to be done for drivers on how and why people on bikes do stuff but its not going to happen. So much for Boris “golden age for cycling.”

    Because a significant minority of cyclists ride like dicks which then helps form a negative judgment of all cyclists by some other road users.

    This is just sad. To try and understand why you feel like this what makes a cyclist “ride like a dick” or be “selfish.”

    To be fair there are a lot of cyclists/road riders that don’t help the cause. Do enough driving around and it can be a right pain to over take a large group on a country lane

    again, to try and understand your point of view how do cyclists “not help the cause”

    Free Member

    How am I the first person to say The Athletic, its pretty much the only way to get decent sport content these days especially if you like American sports or just basketball in my case. Its analytical and informative rather than anecdotal.

    Free Member

    TJ – if I were you I would take the vaccination. I feel it’s as important for NHS staff to get this as the elderly -imo.

    Agree with this. My partner gets her first jab today it’s a comfort for the both of us to know she will have some sort of protection when shes meeting people from the community.

    Free Member

    Or just a boat load of rap and grime. I have an extremely one dimensional taste in music

    Free Member

    I don’t get how folk write off any musical achievements of people who then commit crimes or do something the don’t agree with.
    I don’t suppose many listen to Gary Glitter then !.

    What if you don’t like his music can I still write him off as a murderer and not a genius? Being a killer trumps any of his achievements for me. Also, personally even without what he did I don’t think anyone should listen to Garry glitter.

    Free Member

    convicted murderer dies in jail, any genius he might have had went out the window when he killed a woman and then made a mockery of it into the bargain with his hair bear bunch impression.

    Exactly. Lets not celebrate murders please. Feel like this thread should just be closed.

    Free Member

    Another post of yours I want to stick a big heart next to Joe! I agree with all of that.

    Thanks dude, sometimes i have my moments.

    Free Member

    The really weird thing is, it can’t all be incompetence or arrogance, at least some of the time it has to be deliberate. There’s no way it could be so consistent otherwise.

    I really think its that simple. Even more than before this Gov’ made up of private school mates who have had so much privilege throughout their lives they have never been told no or that they could actually be wrong about something. Handcock typifies this with the way he handles the press and public. He really thinks the idea of giving a straight truthful answer is below him. Sorry I despite the Tories, they are worse than vermin! /rant over.

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