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  • Government Prepares To Favour Motorists – Again
  • joefm
    Full Member

    Can you put made up routes onto it?

    Full Member

    OP – I take it you aren’t rich and you both are going to downsize as a result? Your kids are going to be living with her as well so surely you want the best possible place for them? If so it may seem reasonable to make sure that she has a chance to afford something decent.

    Full Member

    Prison isn’t constructive as it is. But having the person in prison is better than them serving a driving ban with suspended sentence tbqfh! You’re not thinking of the victims families.

    Full Member

    32t front with 42t rear is about as granny a ring as anyone will ever need

    Full Member

    Rovals. £400 and solid. Plus they get sold off new cheaply as people change them off their new bikes for worse wheels. ha

    Full Member

    Can’t see Merc replacing Rosberg with Verstapen or an older driver. They have the fastest guy anyway who will win them the championship so my guess is they’ll pick a younger development driver for an easier life.

    Full Member

    Steve Lamaq is the most boring man in the world.

    Also makes me chuckle that if they play electronic it is only Chemical brothers. Or if it is Hip Hop its Young MC.

    Still its better than radio 1 in the day.

    Full Member

    Manon won two years ago so there is competition there. But not enough depth of field to really say WOW. Like if Danny Hart clean swept the field for two years we’d be more amazed because there are at least 10 guys capable of winning any race.

    It’s a combination of both though. She only has to beat her competition but the times she has put into them repeatedly shows how much better she is at the mo. That’s a combination of hard work, talent and confidence.

    back on topic. SPOTY seems daft. Not sure what personality means.

    I know Murray has won it twice but this year he has been epic and deserves it imo.

    Unsure why Cav or Froome aren’t on there but it’s an olympic year

    Full Member

    smogmonster – Member

    Trek Fuel Ex 9.8 Plus – £1000 off 2017 model!! Getting ready to drop the bomb on a 2017 Orange Crush as well at 15% off. I was going to buy them anyway in the New Year once or house move was sorted, but as they are being discounted this much its rude not to…

    Where from?

    Full Member

    I have had a third party claim against me out of the blue too. It’s still ongoing and seems very long winded to close down despite evidence that it was not me. It’s also pushed up my premium this year by £300 although they have said they will refund me the difference.

    The incident happened in another county from where I live or travel to. It turns out someone had cloned my plates (probably got reg from the car ad on the internet so be warned) and rear ended the third party. The insurers have sent someone out to assess my car and taken photos which have no damage – the pics the third party supplied shows heavy front end damage. Also had to report it to the police for a reference number.

    But as there is an injury outstanding on the third party claim (cant claim injuries off your own insurance) they are still after me.

    Feel worse for the people that actually got hit but I can’t see what else they can do to prove it was me so it would be nice if they gave up.

    Full Member

    DezB – Member
    Agree with taxi25! I mean making stuff up to support your view, is frankly, odd.
    upon witnessing the first crash …

    Apologies, I misread it. He almost fell it seems. Doesn’t change my opinion that they were doing that far too early.

    Full Member

    I appreciated you will disagree. I started at the age of 8 and have never been taught anything either – courses werent around back then! I’m also quite happy with my abilities and have always tried to progress even though I was faster years ago – I suck at enduro…! I broke my back once as well and never blamed anyone.

    But I’m not in a wheel chair.

    Some people feel they need to go on courses rather than learn things by trial and error. They may not have the friends or knowledge of routes to take and at his age i would say it was sensible. And if they book on a course then it should be appropriately run with a proper duty of care.

    Full Member

    Except you’re missing the point. He should never have been riding that so soon into a skills course for a beginner. He could have not done it but he had paid the instructor to make a judgement that it was suitable. He was also apportioned some of the blame which reflects the fact he could have not done it. But it always comes back to the fact the skills course was woefully inadequate that day.

    That’s ignoring that the instructor, upon witnessing the first crash advised him to do it again with more speed! He shouldn’t have been doing it to start with.

    Also remember they are making a decision on negligence here rather than just who is to blame.

    And while I agree to an extent that if you dont ride it then you’ll never learn, it should be a controlled environment, at a suitable level of difficulty for the skills of the pupil.

    Any video’s you may have seen do not do that roll in justice as to what it was like.

    Full Member

    The fellow course mates evidence was pretty damning. The instructor attempted to get the claimant to negotiate that drop with only an hours riding, most of which was fire road and riding over some sticks. Knowing the area it was the first actual feature they would have come across. For a beginner course thats pretty surprising and very concerning so I can understand why the decision went the way it did.

    We really need to remember that we have experience riding bikes. To us BKB is a piece of piss but that drop would have been alarming to any novice.

    A sorry tale indeed. The instructor had honest intentions and likely just wanted to help, it’s not as if he was trying to hurt anyone. From what I’ve read he appears to be a nice guy so its unfortunate this has happened to him, but only one of them is in a wheel chair.

    Mr Ahmed has got his compensation which must not be in anyway comparable to losing the loss of his legs.

    But at least it serves a wake up call to instructors to do their jobs properly.

    Full Member

    Depends if you want to use it as a mini dh bike? It’ll be fine for there. Climbs pretty good anyway.

    Full Member

    Caravans have hot water from gas or 240v so just find all the stuff you need (even buy an old caravan) and fit it?

    Failing that some welfare crew vans have hot water.

    Full Member

    Smith is coming back from a pretty serious leg injury at an endurance race. But his year has been bad before that, his team have just not managed to adapt the bike to the new tyres.

    As for Cal falling off, un equal machinery plays a part but that Honda has been difficult. It’s only hidden by the talents of Marquez

    Full Member

    They certainly make enough money…

    I enjoyed the course and event but the numbers were too high for a proper race.

    Full Member

    None of us know what happened that day and we don’t have many facts at all other than some guy on a course crashed.

    It will be interesting to read the judgement about where responsibility lies. And any worth while debate will only happen after it has been issued.

    Full Member

    What can Nicky do on home turf?!

    He’s from USA. Thought he had a great weekend and happy to see him back on that bike.

    Cal’s ride was brilliant. Wish MM had stayed on the bike for a fight with Cal but as he responded to Cal’s pace he went down. Shows how fast he was.

    That was nerve wracking last few laps. Stoked.

    Full Member

    I just fitted a wireless camera with a monitor that fits over the rear view mirror (unsure why mine has a rear view mirror as no windows!). Was £30 off ebay. No reliance on beeps. Switches on when you go into reverse.

    Not terribly difficult to wire in. Just need to identify an igntion switched (headlight) positive and reverse wires

    Full Member

    It sounds like you have lots to learn in your current job and it should be expected at your wage level. Are you doing any formal training? I can’t imagine you have no guidance. There will always be crap with any job but if it’s not what you want to do then why deal with it?

    I’ve never really known what to do and it wasn’t until a few years ago that I had no career and spent my time between here and the alps doing random jobs. I was a lot happier but it wasn’t sustainable (Don’t want to be a 40 year old pot washer) as luck didn’t go my way, injuries etc meant not working, no money etc. I had gotten a job on a building site and that would have followed on but I went and broke my shoulder. A friend is still in the same area doing similar work.

    I don’t regret my time messing around at all though. I’d regret not having done anything like it when I get middle aged. You spend the best part of your life working and spend your retirement being old and unable to have that fun.

    So I’d be tempted to do a runner for a while. You have a great hobby to use as a basis!

    As for apprenticeships, as you’ve been to uni you will have trouble getting funding and employers won’t get their grants. But if you can arrange to fund it yourself (or employer if lucky) then you shouldn’t have an issue. What you have go going for you is you are not 16 and actually want to learn and do it and won’t **** about. A lot of employers will appreciate that.

    If you struggle you can always take a part time course at your local vocational college. This will show you’re keen and not completely green.

    Full Member

    If you want pay for the privilege of a new car then lease is fine. Otherwise its just money being wasted imo. But then as someone who will not own a new car, I’d like to say thanks!

    I own two vehicles. Both second hand but their values aren’t going down (one is appreciating) so really i’m only paying to run them.

    Full Member

    They may not have wifi in the ward where you are so you may want to have everything downloaded.

    The only times I’ve had a long stay I was too far out of it to be bored.

    Full Member

    Camber has a head angle from the stone ages though.

    What is wrong with guides? Mine have been awesome, loads of power and modulation with zero problems.

    It’s people that make those comments that would sell Roval wheels. Daft.

    Full Member

    Yeah, going to be good.

    Full Member

    I sometimes think I may be over biked but then you get going in rowdy stuff and its awesome. It’s pretty light too so climbs fine. For trail centres i’d say any bike with more than 5 is too much but if you get out of those places then its in its element.

    Full Member

    Why is it on a Friday?

    Full Member

    Congrats to anyone who has lost weight after becoming fat. Can’t be easy as everything must be hard. There is probably no easy way to broach a topic like this with someone without offending them. But the probably know they’re fat.

    I also think the body positive movement thing is ridiculous. Happy to accept people for their natural shape and not encourage zero size models but they shouldn’t enable/encourage fatness as it is unhealthy and the same as smoking, anorexia etc.

    There seems to have been a massive reduction in smoking since they removed it from pubs and campaigned against it to the point whereby now it’s almost socially unacceptable. Maybe they can do similar for obesity.

    Full Member

    So my obvious attempt to troll worked.

    I don’t really care what you run. But to call us that have adopted it as gullible is fanciful. It works and for a lot us it is a lot less hassle when riding. It is dearer but then the bikes they usually adorn aren’t cheap either so it’s relative.

    FWIW I don’t even like 2x on my road bike, Di2 or something that would just allow me to go up and down with just one button. Not go in the other direction when swapping at the front.

    Full Member

    Roadside drains lead straight to rivers and the sea via no filtering what so ever. I really dont like surfing in other people’s decaying food scraps. Please find a proper disposal point, or even flush it down a bog somewhere.

    No they don’t. Most either go into soakaways or into the sewerage.

    Full Member

    2x is shit. Whats the point? If you can’t get up a hill with a 42t rear cog you’re probably seriously fat or the hill is too steep.

    Why anyone wants to mess around with two shifters while descending is beyond me, especially in a competitive environment. Most of the 1x seems to have developed along side all mountain/enduro around the concept to reduce clutter, retain the chain and make life easier.

    And all that extra kit for 1 extra ratio? I can’t see any advantage to your 2x.

    Full Member

    Agree with the above. Scary.

    Full Member

    There we also so many houses with for sale signs. Maybe the two things are linked?!

    Full Member

    Another one in Surrey yesterday going through peaslake. Started the ride at 11 with them riding through and they were still going through at 5!

    Must be the biggest cash cow in cycling. With the sort of numbers and money being made I don’t see them stopping anytime soon.

    Great to see people out but can understand locals frustration.

    Not sure why I’d ever pay that sort of money to ride on a public road, not as if it is even social!

    Full Member

    I thought Fury was alright, bit hollywood in places but tanks and AP. Some good filming.

    The book it was loosely based on is a bit contentious.

    Full Member

    I just wedged something in there, they weren’t done up tight

    Full Member

    I had a LWB high roof. and could fit loads of bikes with wheels on under the bed. So just make it as high as you need? i.e tallest bike?

    Full Member

    I’m not sure how anyone thought that was serious…

    Back to OP. I think you’ve had your moneys worth.

    Full Member

    Skills are much harder to learn when you’re older. So I’d say BMX would be useful to get the basics down with some xc or trails thrown in.

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