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  • Fox 36 Float Factory GRIP2 Review
  • joefm
    Full Member

    that privateer for the money looks good!

    Full Member

    Any road race. by that I mean Isle of Man TT, Macau etc. Not push bikes

    One slip in the wrong place and death. the starter marshal tapping the rider on the back. possibly the last person to interact with them. sobering

    I’m not even sure I like watching it, I prefer circuit racing but I can’t understand road racers so I’m in awe. And its totally at odds with modern day safety.

    The last of the gladiators

    Full Member

    I just did the same due to the same issue.

    I read the issue is air getting past the IFP. with that reasoning I thought i’d have a go at seeing if just taking it apart and reassembling would work. And it has.

    The pdf guide isn’t as scary as it looks once you start working through. didn’t replace any seals and left the poppet assemblies alone

    I used no special tools:

    for the vice I used a rubber golf club shaft holder I had from replacing the air shaft on my pikes.

    I poked the ifp down with a lollipop stick. didn’t think about the grease but it mixes with the oil so wont last there.

    rebuilt and bled, all working.

    Full Member

    all my sram stuff is fine. Pikes always work, same as the rear shocks. Easy to service myself. Not sure that’s as easy with fox. But RS is what I have so that’s that.

    In the process of diy servicing my reverb now… The seat posts, pre 20 are flimsy. Are any manufacturers seat posts reliable though?

    must have cost them a fortune in warranty. The fact the top squish has been occurring since the release of the reverb, and its taken until now to fix (?) is pretty poor and tells you theres an inherently poor design there. if it was an easy fix they would’ve done it.

    Full Member

    I read somewhere that cotton would catch/stop 95% of droplets etc. Better than nothing. But my worry is it will make people think they’re safer and not distance.
    Best still keep your distance and wash hands though

    Full Member

    Unless you physically cant do your work at home then I don’t see it as an issue. Meetings are still plentiful. I’m busy as ever.
    Home working is a pretty big intervention in reducing traffic in light of the climate change emergency and has been thought about for years but just needed a push.
    Plenty of companies should use it to boost their climate impact.
    I don’t see the dis-benefits. Face to face will still be important but that may just have to be organised as and when.

    Full Member

    I did Uni in Swansea for those reasons you cited.
    I liked the city (Uplands etc) but given I’m now an adult, i’d look westwards i.e Mumbles would be a better place to live.

    Riding wise there’s Kilvey Hill which is a local spot but then a short drive to the valleys etc. Depends what riding you’re into.
    Surfing – Gower, loads of spots and West Wales isn’t far away.

    Full Member

    Did the Office US and working through PArks and Rec. Too funny and some much needed comedy.

    Full Member

    That was great. They were the first band I was into and still think they were great.


    Full Member

    If road takes so much skill why are so many effing useless off road? It’s not hard descending a road bike. Even with people about. It takes some control but nowhere near as much as say DH.

    If you’re thinking skill then at its core is actually controlling the movement of a bicycle. In which case it’s hard to over look bmx. Front flip to nose manual to flair sort of thing? that takes control to another level.

    Full Member

    sounds like your front suspension could be too soft and the rear is too high.

    I thought the following was a 29″ wheel bike? Are you running 27.5+?

    Full Member

    Malvern Rider

    They’re shit.
    But if I had loads of gravel tracks near me, say I lived in the new forest then it’d be great.

    My final point was:

    depends where you live as to what your experience is!

    i.e each to their own

    Full Member

    They’re shit. I bought one as I figured could be more interesting than road rides and I cant access decent mtb from home. But it was too much effort on road compared to the roadie and crap off road (bumpy bridleways). I don’t see the point of drop bars off road either…

    But if I had loads of gravel tracks near me, say I lived in the new forest then it’d be great.

    depends where you live as to what your experience is!

    Full Member

    Planning to do the current car next week so looking at:-
    Jet wash rinse
    Snow foam
    De-tar the sides

    Put the claybar on a cup of hot water to soften it.
    Polish will leave a residue which you’ll need to clean off. Then Do a wax or sealant after polishing.

    Full Member

    Lovely ^

    Full Member

    I did my annual polish and wax sunday. Then got pollen bombed over night.
    Finished polishing and sealing yesterday. Took ages but looks great and should be fine for another year.


    Full Member

    I did my annual polish and wax sunday. Then got pollen bombed over night.

    Finished polishing and sealing yesterday. Took ages but looks great and should be fine for another year. car

    Full Member

    My PD engine failed emissions last year. Ran some injector cleaner through it and went for a spirited Italian tune up before the MOT at a different place and it passed. I don’t do a lot of mileage in it so benefits from a blow out occasionally. HAs yours been standing for a while?

    Full Member

    Our fixed term from last april is about 1.5%

    Full Member

    Very happy at the result. Looks like we have a sensible and credible opposition.
    His career has been very impressive. I’m a fan anyway.

    Full Member

    Has anyone received a NHS letter ?
    I’m on my GP’s vulnerable list for flu vaccinations due to an auto-immune condition and had half expected a letter or text ??

    I have as I’m apparently high risk. There are groups within that – High, medium, low. It depends on your meds/conditions.
    This link contains guidance and gives you the general gist of it. Seen similar for other conditions:

    I think i’m in a lower group based on the guidance above but I wont be going out to any enclosed public places like shops etc anyway. I’m also mid 30’s and never really get any colds so must have some form of immune system so I’m not panicking. I think they’ve used it a bit bluntly, one size fits all etc so best to think about your situation.

    Full Member

    Reply | Report
    If you think that what we’re experiencing now is the “fault” or “responsibility” of Chinese people, then you’re not paying sufficient attention to the science. While SARS-COVID 19 probably originated in bats, there’s no conformation of the transmission vector, it could have been a domestic cat; for instance. If you can’t understand that, i’ll spell it out very clearly: The “wet-market, eeeuuuww they eat bats!?” crap that you’re hearing, is a non story. There are bats with this virus on every continent, and there are domestic cats that hunt them…on every continent. This could’ve happened literally anywhere barring Antarctica.
    I can’t believe that in a time of a global pandemic that threatens everyone, people even now can’t stop themselves with this sort of unhelpful shit
    After the SARS virus hit, papers were published specifically regarding the specific high likelihood of other viruses originating from Chinese markets.

    You would think that after an outbreak of SARS/H5N1 etc associated with those markets/farming the state would have banned the practices. But no. Eating weird shit seems to be the de rigour for many. Even with the controlled society. Hope this isn’t racist. More of a stab at the government, in the same way having a go at israels governments treatment of Palestinians isn’t anti semitic.

    Full Member

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel addressed the nation on television on Wednesday, which she has previously only done for her annual New Year message.
    “The situation is serious. Take it seriously. Not since German reunification, no, not since World War Two has our country faced a challenge that depends so much on our collective solidarity,” she said.
    That was a brave reference.

    presumably talking about the aftermath rather than enacting the war…

    Full Member

    It’s stupid isn’t it. Take the vehicles out of the equation and it’s assault. Add vehicles it’s an RTC. Kill someone because of your negligence – manslaughter. Kill someone with a car – oops.

    Full Member

    If ever there was an obvious explanation as to the government’s response to this differs to other countries, I think that we should consider this chart;

    Without commenting on the rights or wrongs of the decision, it appears to simply be an ideologically driven, economics over humanity based strategy. The people that make up engine of the economy won’t die (much), and the demographic that is disproportionately affected will be net recipients from the economy and welfare state rather than contributors.
    It’s clearly in line with hardline Tory ideology. I apologise profusely for ‘politicising’ the thread, but I feel that it must be stated.

    I highly doubt that a few less pensioners is worth the damage done to the economy already…

    Full Member

    Re. the herd immunity, a few weeks ago researchers were saying more young poeple were dying in the far east than expected becasue they had been previously exposed to various coronaviruses and the body was going into overdrive then failing. Has this now been disproven/dropped as a theory? Because if not I’m not convinced herd immunity is the gretest idea.

    Young people? All the stats say unless over 65, mortality rates are negligible at best

    Full Member

    I’d happily live in that pit town amongst a community doing everything they can to work with and protect each other.
    The idea that we’d trade lives for a strong economy just leaves me speechless. What are we without basic human compassion?

    then isolate those at risk.

    Financial hardship shouldn’t be underestimated either.

    Full Member

    a few less pensioners would not be enough savings to undo the economic harm going on at the moment…

    ref China, makes me wonder how much smoking has a role in determining the seriousness of cases.

    Full Member

    It’s not some nebulous construct. It’s your job and mine, it’s what puts food on your table, roofs over heads, penecilin and basic meds in hospitals.
    Poverty kills, lots of people. It reduces life expectancy, increases risk of disease reduces access to education.
    If it goes pop you won’t be worrying about your mum and grandad you’ll be worrying about your son and granddaughter.
    The “shut everything down” approach would see the whole country reduced to the outlook of an pit town after closure.

    It makes me wonder if people know the link between the economy to their jobs and lives at all. But seeing Brexit obviously not

    Full Member

    Well the figures I worked out were based on a perfectly controlled spread at a constant 154K/cases a week (which won’t happen) – it will still totally overwhelm the heath service, so 95% of the 20% of severe/critical won’t get the treatment they need. Expect Lombardy 8%+ death rates
    60% of population – 40M people getting it in the next 12 months
    8M needing O2 or ventilation (WHO data, 20% needing hosp. 15% needing o2, 5% ventilators in ICU)
    154K a week
    Assume 2 weeks hospitalisation required (likely more for severe/acute)
    Need approx. 300K beds to manage
    75K ICU beds with ventilators
    225K general beds with O2
    We have 102K general and acute beds in the UK at 92% occupancy = 8260 free
    We have 4K ICU beds at 75% occupancy = 1000 free
    I.e. We can only treat 1/75 = 1.3% of patients requiring ventilation
    We can only treat 8.26/225 = 3.7% of patients requiring O2
    i.e. Most of the 8M people needing hospital o2/ventilation won’t get it and likely die

    Completely mad. A lot of people will have it/had it without knowing and cases that haven’t ended. The death rate is only from those with known cases. And they’re still overwhelmingly of an old demographic with underlying issues.

    Not sure why we don’t just quarantine those at risk groups and get on with our lives, and be sensible. For most people it will be nothing more than mild flu if anything at all.
    The stats don’t appear to warrant lockdowns etc. Struggling to get my head round it tbh.

    Full Member

    And… how many flights will you be taking this year?
    Personally I declared 2020 a ‘No flight year’ on Jan 1. It’s ridiculous that somehow civilisation has evolved to the point where people believe that taking 4 cheap flights to Spain (or wherever) each year is ok.
    Yes, we all need to stop driving so much – and switch to more fuel-efficient, zero carbon based forms of transport. But until we’ve each personally changed our own habits, then who are we to criticise others?
    It’s not Government, it’s not companies, it’s not cruises, it’s not airlines, it’s not car manufacturers and it’s not Extinction Rebellion. It’s us.

    It is the government though… They have the ability to change and steer behaviour, control stuff such as the motor industry. Left to our own devices we’ll always opt for the easiest which is the car.
    Life revolves around work and travelling to work. Until ICE vehicles are priced off the road and a suitable alternative network exists the situation we have at the moment is the de facto.

    The individual is told they must do x and y and the onus is on them to fix everything, yet all these industries that could effect change offer their products to the market without much barriers. And that is why the governments need to lead.

    FWIW the other half has just brought a duster for a farm track… :( Doesn’t seem any worse than the out going astra in terms of fuel and VED. Just hope she doesn’t run anyone over.

    Full Member

    Very much doubt some of this.
    Data centres are run off the national grid which has mix of energy sources these days. SUV’s are primarily petrol or diesel.

    Full Member

    I’ve never once dreaded going to work where I work. So I’m quite happy.

    Full Member

    disappointing video title. was hoping those old gates would explode

    Full Member

    that’s a shame for everyone.

    You could try Bishopstoke bike park. When it’s open which is never. And please don’t do any skids.

    Full Member

    Not experienced creaking but I’ve gone through a few. But normal threaded bb’s also die regularly so I feel they get an unfair attention when threaded ones seem no better. At least with press fit they are a doddle to replace.

    Full Member

    It’s not being adopted across all the bike manufacturers so for once it seems even they think there’s no difference or they offer the rider a worse ride as they’re too stiff.

    Full Member

    As above. The world is more globalised now then ever. The largest economies are all tied very much together.

    Full Member

    Pi Woodfired pizza is the best pizza restaurant around.
    Bush at Ovington is one of the nicest country pubs. Also brush makers in Upham but you’ve probably gone home by now.

    Full Member

    You need to figure out how much you can borrow via a calculator such as on Nationwide’s website. There’s not much point thinking a lot at the moment if what you’re told you can borrow is not enough to buy somewhere you can tolerate.

    Then you can go view places you may be able to afford.

    At some point you’ll need to get a mortgage in principle (some estate agents like these but they never checked us) from a lender if you plan on making an offer. They perform a credit check so avoid doing these too much and pick a lender that would likely lend to you. If you’re applying for less that the total amount you need to borrow you’re chances of securing a mortgage are better.

    In fact nationwide were pretty good with us as FTB’s and a lot of other FTB’s. Their rates were almost the best too. It was a pretty easy application and pretty quick. Glad we didn’t pay for a broker. With all the online tools I don’t see the need if you’re financially ok.

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