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  • International Adventure: Gaze Up To The Breeze Of The Heavens
  • jock-muttley
    Full Member

    Whats wrong with girlfriend?

    age is only a state of mind.. and my mind is in a hell of a state!

    Full Member

    It’s the people that turn up expecting things for free that annoy me

    +1 we firmly believe in doing the little stuff (and even some big stuff!) FOC for loyal and/or genuine customers but hate being used as a fitting shop for CRC and Wiggle… We are also TERRIFIED by the lack of attention to detail by some of the national chains.

    You know the conversation is going downhill when you get the “i just bought this bike over the internet and I can’t get it to set up, can you sort it?” phonecall this is normally followed closely by a “HOW MUCH??????”

    hmmm your internet bargain isn’t so much of a bargain anymore is it? If you had bought it from a LBS it would have rolled out the door fettled to perfection for actually not much more than you paid inc shipping, plus our attitude is that if you are good enough to buy a bike from us you can bring it back for any minor feltling and tweaking for nowt anyytime in the first year.


    Full Member

    content management system

    basically all the techy websitey bits are taken care of… you just have to add the content

    Full Member

    Here ya go…. helmet cam from Mark Neal of both his runs =0)

    Full Member

    invest in a new “patio” for your block of flats.. it’s the neighbourly thing to do, 😈

    Full Member

    yip… with all the athertons at lladegeda last year 😀

    amazing experience …

    Full Member

    I’m not a pedant stoner I’m a pedant stoners son

    *finds stone… lobs it*


    Full Member

    Thanks sooooo much for the comments chaps & chapesses…. glad you enjoyed it.

    The response we have had from this event has been phenomonal, we have to give a MASSIVE thanks to Gareth the NT Ranger at Penshaw and the Sanctuary Warriors who between them have literally moved mountains to make this possible.

    If possible we will be running at least one more DH event later this year at the venue and The Penshaw Bike Festival will be expanded for 2014 to encompass DH, XC, CX and Road events all based around this iconic landmark.

    Full Member

    bump :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    Bike… canal…. ride

    Your doing it wrong. :mrgreen:

    nuff said

    Full Member

    I’ve started using – they seem rather reasonable! You can drop off at pretty much any local corner shop

    Walked out of post office today with x2 parcels.. got home, signed up to collect+ HALF THE COST and tracked on top of that too. Walked to corner shop dropped it off.. simples

    Funilly enough lass in the shop said she’d seen a LOT of new customers today..

    .. it seems the post office is not just determined to shoot itself in the foot but to blow it’s leg off as well.

    Full Member

    +1 for 661 recon… again couldn’t wear it on really cold days even with a buff under it as it’s far too efficient so I resorted to a 661 Mullet Dirt lid on really cold days.

    Like you I’m a sweaty mess on the trails

    Full Member

    Peter Griffin Solution;

    Find a local pikey.. bung him £20 (at least half the price of a new battery) then have him & his mates do you over “pinch” your car keys (WINK, NOD, NUDGE)

    Your car found 20 miles away burnt out after having been involved in a series of aggravated burglaries…

    claim on insurance… end of battery problem. :mrgreen:

    Batteries are stored chemical energy the colder it is the worse they perform, if you have being doing a LOT of stop start in v cold weather (all electrics on full belt, high load not a lot of charging) then your battery would have taken a REAL hammering.

    Charge it, or jump start it and take your car on a long run see what happens. If however you do a long run at least once a week in your car then the battery may be waving a white flag..

    If however you do

    Full Member

    We all just ruck up to the pub in what we’ve ridden in, including pads. Get a few looks but it usually starts a round of the craic with everyone else in the pub.

    I like brighter colours, always have done, theory being is that if I EVER get into trouble (crash/collape/etc) I don’t want to be wearing subdued colours that camofalge me from rescue services, I want to stand out on the hill.

    Wear lycra under the looser stuff off road (bibshorts), would wear lycra on the road if i had it (the bibshorts are OK as undies not as outers 😳 ), just use a dirt jump lid on my road bike (661 Mullet)

    Full Member

    The customer bought items on the OP’s trade account without the OP’s knowledge or consent.

    Cougar that is the crux of the matter, it is obtaining goods and/or services by deception.. criminal offence, I’d have brought the police in..

    … but then I’m in really crappy mood right now and fit to rip someones head off and spit down their neck :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    Phone Users
    Hyper agressive “chip on shoulder/i’m more important than you” drivers

    Full Member

    tactical vehicle auto crime

    if it was the GMPs TVAC unit that must have been a hoot as those lads and lasses were total headbangers.. used to drink with come of them in Littleborough, My mate went out with one of them at the time, married her in the end…

    …they met when she pulled him over driving his black BMW 3 series, with huge alloys that he had just bought that day from Liverpool (V5 is in the post officer!) on it through rochdale at 3 in the morning

    .. and he wondered why he’d been stopped.. 🙄


    Easygirl… er it’s not you is it Diane?

    Full Member

    not gonna argue.. you are right obviously

    Full Member

    You are missing the point old man… it’s not the holes you can pick in what ever argument you want to put forward.. as you are obviously Peter Perfect the Perfect Person.. but’s the simple fact that one mans PERSONAL opinion that did not express any extreme political,morally or ethically reprehensible or sexual views had ANY bearing WHATSOEVER on a licence application.

    No matter what else he did or didn’t do .. the single fact that he was SINGLED OUT from 90 others for a PERSONAL OPINION and this was mentioned is the insidious thing… its a FREEDOM of SPEECH issue

    A lack of understanding of the concepts and principles involved is not my fault..

    ..when the Geheime Staatspolizei kick in your doors and arrest your entire family in fifteen years time for you comment on facetwittertrackworld about a cracked paving stone in your street not being fixed don’t say you weren’t warned.. the same principle applies.

    Full Member

    And Drac if you look it up on Google maps you’ll probably be wondering why its not “a corner”! Jock’s memory of 24″ is obviously a little out! Its an odd junction but it is a junction.

    So tell me … when did YOU last live in melrose then… i moved out this time last year… the google maps image is 2013, the photo of the taxi is as the OLD junction layout used to be… in 2012 when the one way system was still under public consultation.

    Full Member

    Neal… no matter what is blanked out the letter still does clearly state the sole reason for refusal… is the FB comment.

    Full Member

    10 degrees plus with me too =0)

    Full Member

    Link in my original postd now a screen dump..

    Full Member

    Just look at what the council let Tesco and Asda do to the town centre in Galshiels

    Joda .. and the way every “Executive house”, Supermarket and White Elephant Railway development… planning permission seems to get passed…

    Not saying that the councillors are bent as such but drive out of the area in to Dumfries & Galloway, Northumberland, East Lothian and South Lanakshire and the number of “barn coversions” and green field “southfork” style building sites drops by about 99%

    .. just saying

    Full Member

    The Facebook comment could be one of ten other reasons they gave for not renewing his ticket ?

    If you look at the original letter it is the ONLY REASON and directly responsible for his licence refusal…

    Full Member

    This was the Taxi drivers point .. he made the post posting as himself .. not as his business page.. it’s a freedom of speech issues here.

    It’s in Melrose Drac… firm Torygraph and Daily Mail Territory

    Full Member

    Its not a corner drac… is a small cut in of about 24″ s a really weird junction that one…

    It’s the love child of a road planner on PCP and the local Melrose in Bloom comittee

    Full Member

    Actually Drac technically the double yellows in that pic are in disrepair and incomplete ergo not valid in law.

    But fair point well made 😯

    Full Member

    Drac… not saying support him… saying PUBLICISE IT. the truth will out then…

    Maybe I’m not objective but as Jodafett said you have to have lived in the borders to understand the culture of cronyisim in the region (staying a week in Inners or Peebles doesn’t count :mrgreen:)

    Read it, saw read… but then I’m on tins of wifebeater at the mo.. 😉 so maybe I’m being too touchy..

    Full Member

    That’s not really “full details” is it ?

    That’s one side of the story, and not even the full bit of that side either

    Sorry the way I see it is there may well be but there nobody is going to hear it unless it is publicised…

    Full Member

    He doesn’t say exactly, it in the link, it wasn’t exactly complimentary to the police but nothing anyone else wasn’t saying…

    He had NEVER been in trouble with the police in his life, exactly the opposite, his comment was along the lines of one law for them etc…

    Full Member

    Wheelie…. bummer of a story there lassie… BTDTGTFTS it will get better ..

    .. though hanging round the reprobates on here is maybe not the cleverest of ideas :mrgreen:

    anyhoo.. after 20yrs in what turned out to be a very abusive relationship (yes us boys can get abused too) I got out and was at rock bottom….

    …. I’m now 18 months into an amazing and loving relationship pic says it all.

    oh and IF I hadn’t found that amazing lass then …….

    Full Member

    As well as the above advise … use a small square of Fat (3″) masking tape on the plaster prior to drilling, this will reinforce the plaster as you drill.

    Put in the plug, then give the hole a squirt of 50/50 PVA & Water to stabalise the plaster.

    Full Member

    Longer the pup stays with the bitch is better … 12 weeks is about the optimum….

    Full Member

    now you have to explain the great hack to the poor lass…

    Full Member


    Beaten to it was gonna say Hippocrocgorrillapig though it being north wales… :mrgreen:

    the hippocrocamoosepig is native to South Wales

    Full Member

    Halfrauds is about £3-4 for a pack of ten

    Full Member

    Ah hairy minge and Furry muff for getting it passed ^^round^^ the mods.

    FTFY :mrgreen:

    The bad voices in my head made me say it.. then they ran away

    Full Member

    Fanny Galore & the Love Custard Reaction

    Full Member

    nobody mentioned spam…. 😯

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