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  • Bikemon Go! Your July Ride Inspiring Download
  • jock-muttley
    Full Member

    This thread was so dead and Buried I’m now in a panic to find my anti-zombie kit when I saw it pop up there :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    Always remember when I worked for the IT & Telecoms infrastructure team for the “Coonsil” the sight in my rear view mirror of rebounding waves closing over the roof a hapless year old Citroen Xsara that had for some rather unwise reason chosen to follow me through a 100 yard flooded stretch of road cutting.

    The reason he had chosen to follow a beat up classic Range Rover that was equipped for the role of coping with water – raised air intake, winch, amber beacons, radio antennas, 2″ body and 2″ suspension lift and a “Scottish Borders Council” banner plastered across the rear window was never adequately established.

    The image of the driver in a sodden suit stood in upright in his open sunroof like a forlorn u-boat commander staring at the large oil slick forming from under his bonnet will never leave me…..

    Full Member

    You are lucky you didn’t hydraulic it – hydraulic lock where engine ingests water then promptly cracks the block

    The rule of thumb with insurance coys is that if the water comes over the sills then the vehicle is a write off.

    dont tell anyone, dry it out change filters and oil yourself and FLOG IT

    Full Member


    put the lottery on NOW

    Full Member

    if it ain’t got sparks or juice then it ain’t gonna suck squeeze bang blow but sounds like your battery is booboo’d

    Full Member

    Not even Kindles?

    Kindles to an adult are a reading device to a teenager they seem to be something you watch films and play games on.. ergo verboten

    The rule was if it required any application of Ohms law in its operating principle then it was removed!

    Full Member

    At the moment we are on a Mobile Dongle so we are limited to 15Gb a month (we are changing to hardwired broadband) so data use policing is vital in our household.

    We had similar issues in that both of the kids thought that ALL the 15Gb allowance was theirs exclusively so would attempt to use it all up in one go to effectively deny the other one, nice of them we thought – ALL their electronics were removed for 2 months, they were confined them to their rooms for a week and grounded for two (with only “books” for entertainment eeeeeeugh!), will admit we got sick of them moping about the house to they were encouraged out about a week and a half into the grounding.

    Just as an aside and I know it’s not just ours either but why do teenagers seem to want to constantly hound adults for entertainment??? When we were teenagers the less contact and adult attention we had with adults the better…..

    The simple answer this issue we found is a very simple change the password (both adults know the sequence) for the router every couple of days on a rolling basis, and monitor the connection status like hawks and lock the dongle/router down to only allow recognised devices access to the network.

    We also limit the times they can use electronics this is simple enforced by the expedient of removing the dongle when we are not in the house.

    It takes 2 mins as for the adults we only have our laptops (our iPhones have unlimited 3G) to connect. Everything else can plug into our lappies (kindles, iPods, etc).

    The Kids seem to think that they will get unlimited when we get wired broadband but we like the peace and silence so much (they are now out a LOT) that this regime will continue.

    Full Member

    and have a sweary northerner give him a right earful. He couldn’t get a word in edgeways!


    Full Member

    The rule I have always held is to have 2 non consecutive days off the bike in 7.

    Sounds like you are possibly overdoing it, remember you live to cycle not cycle to live.

    Full Member

    Snake Plissken

    Full Member

    Im trying to think of a world where i dont need this. I’m struggling.


    Full Member

    Can’t fault the Genius 720, rode on solid for a week around the 7Stanes, superb bit of kit. Only thing I would alter IMHO would be to whack some form of chain device on it or just run it as a 1 x 10 with a bash guard.

    The CTD suspension wizadry is amazing – I found I was using that more than the gears on climbs

    Full Member

    I would consult an employment lawyer soonest.

    the clue is in the word “Emigrate”… probaly not a leg to stand on legally

    Full Member

    I was having “issues” with it… lol

    Full Member

    I met “our lass” on PoF just over 2.5 years ago about 6 months after the very acrimonious end of my 21 year marriage. I was VERY nervous about on-line dating or just women in general (having appeared to have married a violent, psychotic b…h 😐 ) but gave it a whirl.

    She was the first lass I ever messaged on PoF, I still have that “hit by an express train” even now – never had that before. They say that somewhere out there everyone has their soulmate I’m guessing destiny / fate played it’s cards well and truly with MrsMuttley & I.

    Typical of PoF she is actually as mad as a fish (she’s the right sort of mad though) and up for anything. Shes a Mountain Biker too which is a HUGE bonus – there is only one issue.. she may actually be quicker than me… :mrgreen:

    We have been living together for 18 months and we couldn’t be happier.. there probably will be some sort of formalisation process to this (ahem) after our respective divorces have gone through. ..shhhhhhh 😉 it has been discussed 😉 😉 😉

    So on line dating does work, and work very well BUT I think like all things romance wise luck plays a HUGE part in the process.

    Full Member

    Hoggs make some cracking boots, designed for farmers, well put together, not the lightest but boy are they comfy.
    They are about £60 but well worth it. Stand shed loads of abuse yet still polish up fine to look presentable, polishing also makes them last a lot longer.
    Used mine to cover about 17 miles a day 5 days a week 35 weeks a year, if you are out in winter then go for the insulated ones. They are available as a lace up or dealer boot.
    Oh and they are British made too
    Linky clicky

    Full Member

    made me cry… love a happy ending 😉

    Full Member

    When used in a Management role it means that the proles are gonna get more work heaped on them by uncaring management for the same money….

    “Okay folks we need to REALLY ramp up our output this month and double it…. go team!”

    Full Member

    What you are asking for is fairly simple if you just want to go down the mechanical route, hydraulic handbrakes are fairly standard mod in rally cars and are used alongside std parking brakes.

    You plumb it into the brake lines to the rear – where you may fall foul is that rally cars tend to be plumbed Front & Rear NOT diagonally opposite as a road car – i.e. Front Left & Rear Right on same circuit (could be covered under construction and use). Rally cars tend to have two master cylinders up front too one for the front one for the rear – basically allowing you adjust the bias F – R depending on surface / conditions.

    Anyhoo I over complicate.

    Basically you install an extra master cylinder in the vehicle that is operated by an handbrake lever just for the rear brakes, now normally in a rally car this won’t have a ratchet on it – ergo it files off when you pull it, thus rather usefull for turning the car in tight corners, but if you are looking for a parking boost then install/ retain the ratchet.

    Like this 😛

    But as has been said above I would retain the std landy transmission brake.

    Full Member

    there we go

    Full Member

    I’m an Intermidiate here 2E0XRG

    Got involved in radio through Motorsport – Stage Rallying to be precise. The very nature of the location of the sport -like MTB- dictates that you can be in far flung remote places with little or no mobile coverage ergo comms between you and your support crew can be ropey.

    CB just doesnt cut the mustard rangewise so it was a simple decision, that and the Motorsport Club I was in actively encouraged members to get qualified. Took my foundation via the club, a year later upgraded to the intermidiate to access more power.

    I’ve only ever used it for event safety cover, remote comms and chatting to mates, never got into the “this is ahh not tokyo” palaver.

    Used to use it when I was driving silly milages for a living to chat via internet repeaters – i.e. I could have a chat with someone in the US by the route of my radio – internet tranciever – internet – internet tranciever – their radio

    Used to chat with this lad as he drove up a mountain every morning in montana to work, think he was a forester or something…. slightly surreal at times when i think about it.

    Anyway useful skill to have.

    Full Member

    I have made the jump, and gotta say its the best thing I ever did 😛

    After a 25 year career as a professional Electrical / Electronics engineer I ended up on the wrong side of the recession in 2009.

    Anyway long and short ended up 3 years later in the N.E. after a disasterous end to a marriage (which had been on the cards for 10yrs anyway) got an offer to work in a LBS, it meant a bit of commuting (30mins each way), the money is crap, barely covering travel & very basic living expenses but the potential is there. I’m topping up my money by doing the odd IT / engineering consultancy job from home in the evenings.

    BUT as I said it’s the best thing I ever did I could NEVER EVER go back to being a suit and flogging myself to death for the almighty dollar. I have never been happier spiritualy, physicaly, emotionaly and mentally call me a burn out if you want but I have definitely seen the light.

    If you are the materialistic type who is bothered about how people view you and your position on the ladder of life and having a nice car, latest gadgets, etc then I’d say it’s not the job for you.

    If you have an inner hippy living inside you and you have made peace with the universe etc etc etc and all that tosh and you are happy with yourself as a person then it probably is the job for you.

    If your not sure then just give it a try.

    Oh and incase you were wondering I’m 46….


    Full Member

    Unit of measurement for somthing very thin – Baw Hair (Bh)

    This can of course be divided further by the use of “Gnats Baw Hair” (GBh)

    Full Member

    My strategy if ever caught on a trail is to pull over when safe / convenient (for me) to do so…. a polite request I don’t have an issue with but a “stravassole” would cause and instant anchor up / me making the bike as big as possible. :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    Is that a 26″ wheeled bicycle?


    Full Member

    AM hasn’t gone anywhere hasn’t it has just Morphed into Enduro which is no bad thing IMHO…

    Who remembers when “All-Mountain” was “Alpine”….???? or should I collect my free bus pass now? 😉

    Oh I’m refering to AM/Alpine being 20Kg of 26″ wheeled 6″ travel beastie with 8 on the back and a 22/34 on the front… 😛

    Full Member

    Six seriously injured according to the beeb 🙁

    personally I’d nick the bloody lot for “due care & attention” oh and confiscate their mobiles too …. see how many were on their phones just before …

    Bet that would be an interesting statistic 👿

    Full Member

    +1 on the Norton & McAfee being spawns of satan…. insidious resource grabbing kludge

    +1 MSE….

    Full Member

    Is copper grease a good bet for seatposts as well then?

    The man from the workshop… he says yes :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    We didn’t make the 8 minutes

    As the patient it seemed bloody quick to me, I was well impressed given the traffic at that time of day and the fact that the level crossing are down around then.

    I thought 11 mins from initiating the call to crew on the doorstep was well impressive but there again I used to live in a remote rural area where 30 mins was considered impressive!

    Full Member

    Looks like you are in good spirits though, hope you make a full ans speedy recovery.

    If you are in Sunderland royal, I can pop across with beer, but don’t let the nurses read that

    In the Freeman but I’ll be back in the shop tomorrow (I will be going gently) and I will remind Ian about pricing those rims up, it’s on the board.

    Oh and the cause for this MI was my own stupid fault, I got cocky, stopped taking my meds for 6 months ergo my arteries furred up again, d’oh 😳

    Full Member

    Bloody hell … I’m being thrown out!

    RESULT… :mrgreen:

    Thirty years ago that would have killed you!

    shows how stuff had changed indeed, 10 years ago I had a small MI, this was mainly due to middle class parents not speaking about the family “problem” and not informing the recipient of said genes that he had a genetic cocktail that could be described as “not good” and at worst as “potentially lethal”. I.E. Family history chock full of risk factors including pre-disposition to overproduce colesterol (Hypercolestemia) and not telling me = keels over at the age of 37 having never had a colesterol test with an MI.

    anyhoo long and short of it 10 years ago I was 21 days in hospital

    timeline for this one is
    MI Tuesday @ 14:30, (went home as i thought I’d dislocated my shoulder) (realised I hadnt then twigged what i had done at 17:30)
    999 call @ 17:31
    Ambulance turns up @ 17:42 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well impressed!
    Wansbeck General A&E @ 18:15,
    Wansbeck General CCU @ 21:30
    Freeman Ward 27 CCU Wednesday @ 15:00
    Freeman Cardiac Cath lab Thursday @ 09:30
    Angiogram, 1 Artery 100% occluded, stented (x1) all clear
    Back to Ward 27 @ 11:00
    Informed being sent home Friday @ 16:00 after EXCELLENT CARE =0)

    Full Member

    Okies so the nursies are now reading this chaps as I was chortling so much….

    … do your worst!

    hora & flashy to the thread please!

    Full Member

    put holes in their pee bottle the cardboard ones by the side of the bed.

    now getting “death stared” at by staff and patients because of “muha ha ha ha” evil geinus type laughter now eminating from my location. especially as they have located me next to the store cupboard with ALL of the bottles in….. 😈

    Full Member

    Put the tools in a pukka tool kit bag and/or wrap with a rag…

    Full Member

    Stuck a knife into my thumb…
    Blew up the Strimmer…
    thought “stuff that” so went for local ride with my gorgeous lass… 7 miles into ride both got punctures … nice day to for the long walk back as I’d forgotten the pump and repair kit d’oh! 😳

    Full Member


    Can’t be an S1 due to the barrel sides surely?

    i call “wine goggles” for not spotting that ….

    … I will hurl myself of my solihull reciprocating precision adjustment tool*

    *aka a hammer

    Full Member

    Early SII judging by the lack of lower fill panel between the wings and fitted with the optional “delux” bonnet too, nice!

    I call late model SI due to the x2 small holes to the l&r of the main grille opening but it could be a VERY VERY early SIIa

    Full Member

    and I just enjoy looking at the things anyway.

    map porn fnaaaarrrr

    like me 😳

    Full Member

    bad ju ju 🙁

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