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  • Off to Fort William? Test a Saracen while you’re there!
  • jock-muttley
    Full Member

    Good : Rissoles
    Curly Wurlys ( deffo bigger)
    Smiths Crisps tomato sauce flavour
    Jacobs Club Fruit
    Cremona Foam
    Vesta curries
    Ravioli Sarnies
    Grosvener Pie

    Good but not strictly childhood (adolescence)
    Bacon Grill found in compo ration packs

    Mystery meat pie
    Sheeps head soup ( still brings on nightmares that one)

    Full Member

    The air inside the lorry is at a lower pressure than the air moving past the side which as it’s moving will be at a higher pressure ergo pushed in…

    Full Member

    Yip me too, sun streaming in the window, not a breath of air outside, best riding day of the year so far and I’m running a temp, snot everywhere and it feels like someone has taken a cheese grater to my throat … And it’s my ….ing birthday too! FFS! Humph

    Nailing about a litre of water an hour, paracetamol anything else is snake oil. Thank god for my kindle, spotify, this forum and bbc iPlayer and the ever gorgeous mrs mutt for soothing my fevered brow.

    Full Member

    According to the telly box you can have loads of fun if you text “fun” to 86572 ….


    Full Member

    We burnt our last village witch …

    What a genuinely horrible person to be running a unit, sounds like they are in it for their own glory and gain rather than the kids. She probably daren’t take kids to other units in the area incase the kids see how other units are run! Seen similar in scouts groups that were run like personal fiefdoms for the glory of the leader rather than the kids.

    IMHO from what I’ve witnessed Guides seems to be rife with issues as an organisation in comparison to scouts, far more PC, H&S and paperwork going on. The girls are basically not allowed to do anything remotely adventurous.

    I used to run an explorer scout unit (13-18 yo) we used to get the feed from the guides when they threw them out at 14 and all we used to hear was what they weren’t allowed to do in the guides. Funnily enlighten enough ( damn you autocorrect ) I’ve just applied to rejoin Scouts as a leader after a 2 year hiatus following a house move.

    Full Member

    Apparently the BMW rolled on top of them the driver murdering scrote had to be cut out.

    Full Member

    the bloke with the tyres.
    “I’ll just pick my tyre up and carry on crossing then.”
    I’d be running around shouting “I’m not dead! I don’t know how but I’m not dead!”

    I’d be “having words” with the 4×4 driver… I.e. repeated interaction with my fist

    Full Member

    Pursuit now looks very likely …

    Two cyclists were killed when they were struck by a car in a village during a suspected police pursuit.

    It followed a police call-out to a “fear-for-welfare” incident in Purley Rise, Purley on Thames, West Berkshire, at about 21:00 GMT on Thursday.

    Officers became aware of a black BMW convertible related to the call that struck the cyclists, both of whom died at the scene. A man was later arrested.

    The Independent Police Complaints Commission has been informed.

    ‘Absolutely shocked’
    Nearby residents have told the BBC they heard a loud bang, with police on the scene almost immediately.

    A police spokesman said officers were supporting next of kin.

    The road was closed between the junctions of Westbury Lane and Sherwood Rise during investigations.

    Bill Ayling, a councillor on Purley on Thames Parish Council, said he was “absolutely shocked” to hear of the deaths.

    He added: “I know the road very well. It is well lit at night and it’s up on a hill.”

    Parish council chairman Rick Jones said: “It’s a shock. It’s a very quiet village normally.”

    Anyone who witnessed the collision or saw the BMW beforehand is asked to contact police.

    Full Member

    IPCC is std in any FATAC that the police have had any connection with.

    This must be devastating for the families …

    Full Member

    invite them round to see the foundations for your new patio..

    Full Member

    They have presidents of cycling clubs??? Isn’t that a bit like the tossers who play golf. Seriously…president??

    AKA elected into a position where he can technically do no harm and/or interfere with the running of the club

    Full Member

    ^^^^^ what Crankyboy says!
    Same boat with Mrs Muttley

    Add the Downsides

    Beware of creating someone better than you a monster! 😳

    commenting on a nice bit of kit normally results in a “get me one too” or a “do they do that in pink”

    Not as “resilient” to setbacks still have the occasional foot stamping episodes and what are best described as “little moments”

    Full Member

    The thing is with crap cyclists in comparison with crap motorists is that the laws of Darwinisim are far more effective on a bike …. 😈

    Full Member

    wasnt so long ago the same posters ^ were demanding something be done about the snow.

    Something has been done about the snow we have rain now… 😛

    Full Member

    Speak to ANY politician…. they are BRILLIANT at moving goalposts :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    It comes down to money…

    Its cheaper (i.e. more profitable) to build on flat level ground than on a hill, its cheaper to build the bland boxes than one build with the expectation that it IS going to flood so you build in the resilience to that. Couple to the fact that flood plain land tends to be slightly cheaper.

    The bulk (not all of them there are exceptions) of housing developers work on the fiscal policy of “take the money and run” and tend to be in some form of cahoots in one way or another with those that make the planning decisions – I’m not saying that all these planning decisions are bent but you look around and you find yourself asking on certain developments “how the f..k did that get planning permission”.

    The answer probably lies in the fact that some (and not all, as it only takes one or two bad apples in the right place to influence a decision) people are taking bungs, its fairly obvious when you open your eyes – there is simply too much money involved in property. Lets face it if you are on a £20k local government salary and a developer starts waving £10k in your face for a development to be given the nod…..

    The Scottish Borders was notorious for some very dodgy planning decisions vis-a-vis “barn” developments, you only had to drive into the region from Northumberland, Dumfrieshire, Lothian etc to see it. Cross the county border and it was building site, building site, building site as you drove down the road and these weren’t subtle, in keeping conversions these were whacking great “Southfork” style mansions stuck in the middle of a field.

    From personal experience I have witnessed an truly sustainable co-operative self/community eco build development of three low cost houses, that were hidden away in a small area of pine plantation knocked back time and time again by planning officials as “not in keeping with the area” despite no objections and positive support from locals. After five years of trying the co-op got fed up and sold the land off to a developer who flattened the wood (the eco build plans would have only lost about 10 trees) and had a 6 bed mansion built in 2 years despite a MASSIVE campaign of local objection that was effectively ignored.

    At the end of the day its only one element to the flooding problem but we have a massive problem in this country with the way housing is developed and planned. Basically if you have the money then you can get just about anything built anywhere in this country. 😡

    Full Member

    Thought someone might lol. the Disco rally car was ground breaking for its time, it was the first Dual Fuel Diesel/LPG rally car in the UK.

    Gotta dig that propane injection!

    Full Member

    You know you’ve bent your rim when you’ve bottomed out your brake disc

    now that would look good on a t shirt! :mrgreen:

    Full Member


    Thanks now I just splooged my pants when I saw your 80″ That is a fine looking S1

    Seeing as we are doing landy porn, here’s my 90 300TDi SW, that was running 235/70 Greenway machos, superb bits of kit and ideal for where we lived – they had the Yokohama pattern that was brilliant for clearing mud as well as dry tarmac. Sadly this has now been sold 😥 Funnily enough this pic was taken just south of Inners when I was running safety/recovery for a motorsport event.

    And here’s another that I spent a lot of time in as a co-driver running 8 spokes and BFG MTs. Never had any issues with BFGs superb tyres

    Co-drove this hill rally beastie too 235/70 Colway MTs on Disco rims (that is THE prototype simbuggini)

    and this 3M spaceframe defender

    Ooooo just discovered this photo as well (pardon the pun) ex factory fleet 3.9 V8 ES on LPG with stainless tubular manifolds and system sounded gorgeous. That ran the Pirelli Scorpion ST which are a SUPERB snow tyre (better than ATs or MTs) if it got deep then I had a set of chains I used to throw on.

    Full Member

    To me its just traffic as a whole, there’s no point in going all tribal and blaming one particular group for damage – bar motorbikes as crossers seem to be able to cause a lot of damage very quickly but then they shouldn’t be on there in the first place.

    Paths cut up in this weather full stop, There is one trail local to me that goes around a coastal headland and in recent weeks this has just got wider and wider as people avoid the centre. The issue is that the sides of the trail are just far too soft to support the traffic so its cutting up badly and turning into a quagmire (giggity), the centre is still hard where the gravel has been laid and fine to ride/walk on albeit under the puddles, the edges are impossible to get traction on.

    Its impossible to police but what doesn’t help are the restrictive land access laws in England that ties us to bridleways or dedicated cycle routes. Scotland is far more enlightened.

    And this probably makes no sense lol

    Full Member

    this thread is full of the awesum

    Full Member

    Stoner the 8 spokes you got on are EXCELLENT rims, thats why the electricity boards spec them on their landys so technically a factory fit.

    The STD landy rims are OK (ish) but they are VERY heavy and will kill your acceleration and affect fuel consumption. If I was going for factory std then I’d go for the wolf rims fitted to the Defender XD, strong, and lighter than the std rim – also be very aware that there is a significant difference in the loading spec of std rims! i.e. 90s and 110 can have different spec wheels even though they look similar – something to be aware of when buying second hand.

    Full Member

    +1 for Gorsebank

    go for a pod as they are a bit more civilised and toasty warm 😉

    Full Member

    Seen two brand new iPhones with exactly the same symptoms even on speakerphone.

    I spotted that the cut out for the mike opening on the protective screen cover as shipped from apple hadn’t been “cut out” properly thus blocking the mic and making the caller sound as if they were on mute unless they shouted.

    Took us 20 mins to suss it the first time, 2 seconds for the next one.

    Full Member


    KISS guys KISS

    You have removed the protective clear plastic strip from the top of the microphone opening?

    This is the most common issue with no outgoing audio on brand new iPhones 😯

    Full Member

    “Wireless” and “security” two words that should never be used in the same sentence.

    It’s a piece of piss to “jam” a wireless security device – you don’t even have to “hack” into it or any such nonsense – you simply swamp it’s radio signal with a bigger one of your own – I’m not going to say how you do it (I was then I realised I was also informing the undesirables) but basically it involves a bit of common sense, some basic radio knowledge and the ability to use the internet.

    There is no such thing as doing security on the cheap.

    Full Member

    The push in the chest was assault (or was it battery?). The threat to come back and do you again was a threat to do the same again or worse.

    Nope the verbals and the in the face attitude are enough alone to constitute an assault, there doesn’t need to be physical contact, the fact that he even touched you constitutes physical assault.

    Full Member

    Used to do Glentress regularly on my way home from work, summer there would be bods about but winter forget it used to never see a soul except in the car park

    Full Member

    As I don’t commute ( work from home) I’m strictly a leisure rider I suppose. I try and get out 5 days out of 7 with the rest days being non consecutive. I’ll take the decision on the day whether it’s a rest day or not that tend to be weather related. What will out me off is high winds and rain.

    Temperature doesn’t worry me, in fact I’ll DELIBERATELY go out in snow, if it’s going to be icy I’ll pad up ( the bonus is the old 661 comps I have cover my knees & shins so keep my legs & feet toasty) legs & elbows, if it’s going to be blowy / snowy the recon lid is swapped for my dirt jump lid or even my full face if it’s arctic.

    I’ve only binned one ride and that was because I physically couldn’t get to the local trails as the council hadn’t gritted anything as there had been a thaw but it had all refrozen early in the morning so it was all sheet ice, by the time is tried three alternative routes is only got a mile from home and I’d fallen 4 times and lost count of the near misses so I sacked it in and just pushed the bike back home.

    Full Member

    Through rallying I have ended up finishing stages with car in various states of mechanical and/or cosmetic “distress” including (but not restricted to);

    co-drivers biro jamming the throttles 3/4 open (that was an “interesting ride” on the key, particularly as my co-driver was in charge – it appeared he had bigger balls than me 😯 )

    3rd gear only

    Front NS wheel pointing permenantly to left after I ditch hooked the front end into a very unforgiving rock = bust track rod

    Rear Beam axle (stored) in the boot – literally dragged FWD car (Grp A Nova Sport) out of stage on it’s underbody armour after smacking a very big rock broadside on the last corner of the last stage and ripping the axle completely off – needless to say DNF rally after two traffic Guardai had a sense of humour failure over the vehicle not being in conplete compliance with the irish construction and build regs (surprising)

    EVERY panel bent and not one bit of glazing remaining (only managed that once despite my best efforts)

    clutch operated by towrope and co-driver!

    3 cylinders as cylinder #4 piston had a hole punched in it after an over rev whoopsie with its inlet valve (finished event by reasoning the engine was fked anyway, had enough service time to whip head & sump of, remove remnants of piston & rod, reassemble and block the inlet port of carb)

    Once had to drive through rush hour traffic in Newcastle with only 3rd gear (never again!)

    Full Member

    Aw shit man….. can’t say anything, puts my moaning about my heart into perspective…. 🙁

    I’ve had two friends who have gone through the Big C thing and all I can say is “Think positive, don’t give up and fight the bastard all the way” one did and he’s still with us ten years later the other just sort of gave up and well…

    Your attitude works wonders.

    Full Member

    There is NO connection WHATSOEVER between my “Henry-the-Arachnid(TM) Monday night, bring beer money” ride and “Harry-the-Spider(TM)Monday night, bring beer money” ride. :mrgreen:

    It’s just that the officially sanctioned Harry-the-Spider(TM) ride is 120 miles away which makes the ride home from the pub a bit of a bind PLUS I don’t think the batteries in my would last that long… 😉

    Us Northumbrian Northern Monkeys need friends too… 😥

    Full Member

    Rock Gardens….

    I know the theory and I can do them, an unknown trail will have me panicking if I know there is a rock garden somewhere in it and a known trail will see Steeling myself at least 4-500 yrds before tackling it.

    For me they are and always will be my “Bete Noir”

    Full Member

    Erm let me see…


    There was that alien invasion last Tuesday, sorted that, OOo and then I foiled that heist of the Mona Lisa at the Louvre (again) on the Wednesday night, I stopped a missile attack from north Korea on the Thursday Morning as they were getting a bit frisky. There was that giant dinosaur / sea monster running around Tokyo that I house trained on the Thursday afternoon.

    But I have to say that I am completely stumped as how I get rid of this F…..g Conservative Government we have… sorry :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    mightymule – Member
    PS, don’t forget the humble fish finger sarnie. Mmmmmmmmm.

    Get to the Naughty Corner and don’t come out till one of the grown ups tells you… FFS Fish Finger Sarnies…

    Full Member

    I’d be explaining to said offspring the sudden need for him to start digging the foundations to a new patio….. 😈

    Full Member

    Our Lass and I woke this morning quite early with the intention of heading out up the coast, heard the rain lashing on the windows, looked at each other and both went “Nah” and snuggled back down under the covers

    Full Member

    Dura Ace the electronics in Di2 are simply not reliable in the wet, look at wiggins in the Giro and that yank rider on his first descent of the Alpe d’Huez stage last year THAT was electronic gearshift probs through & through … water & electrics don’t make for happy bedfellows

    Full Member

    I think my Strava epiphany came one evening last summer, pootling round my local trails I stopped to chat with a fellow cyclist I know well at a junction of a couple of bridleways (TBH I was having a cigar as well) and these six blokes pulled up on CX bikes, my friend and I said hello and were ignored. They appeared to be consulting a garmin with great interest, then I realised that their conversation was along the lines of “there are two segments down there, we’ll get them first” the sad bastards were resorting to team tactics to get KOMs.

    At that point strava simply became a training and data logging tool, I take pride in the fact I can manage the ave speeds and distances I do (30 miles +) on a 20kg, 6″ travel full suss AM rig, most of the KOMs are held by people 20 yrs younger and machines less than half the weight on very short runs, as has been said

    I’m pretty pleased when a “PR” or two pops up after a ride, as this indicates a bit of steady, sustainable improvement,

    Nuff said

    Full Member

    If its steel and integral to the frame get it to an LBS and get it aligned PROPERLY otherwise it will be a total pig to set up indexing.

    If its a replaceable one then just replace it, its sacrificial component and its done its job. We had a nightmare job with a customers new bike that would drop its gear indexing after 30 miles without fail, turns out he’d dropped it in the garage and it had bent the hanger, he’d straightened it but omitted to tell us that wee fact (it was just out and no more) but as it had been bent what would happen is that it would flex with use thus the indexing would go. Replaced the hanger end of problem.

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