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  • Project Mjolnir: The Most Interesting Bike Of The Year?
  • jock-muttley
    Full Member

    Black is one of those companies that seems to dodge bullets well… reminds me of this chap…

    Full Member

    I don’t know what braking bumps are!

    these, basically the bumps you get into a corner after (normally) a fast approach to it.

    I always thought that it was full sussers that caused them, with the riders weight being too far forward so the back goes light and skips.

    When cornering I try to hang my arse out the back in attack position to weight up the rear and use gentle progressive braking front and rear to dump as much speed on the straight so I’m slow in, fast out – But then I fairly sure my technique isn’t best. Get the line through a corner right and it “should” have a slingshot effect on a descent.

    I find most of these bumps tend to be bang in the centre of the trail and normally not on the right line for the fastest and/or smoothest route through it anyway.


    Well the line I think is faster anyway, oldfart rally driver habits are hard to shake.

    Speaking of rallying, the first item that gets binned in a rally car… yip the ABS relay / fuse, ideally you “steer” a rally car on it’s brakes on gravel, the braking system effectively makes up 50% of the direction changing apparatus.

    Full Member

    You have my sympathies mate

    You could always take the “Geordie” approach to this…

    Round up yer mates, find the 26 year old lover and beat the living crap out of him.*

    *seriously DON’T do this, the “Canadian” approach is better

    Round up yer mates, find the 26 year old lover and have your mates hold him down whilst you rev a chainsaw in the direction of his groin whilst screaming “I’ll give you a s..gging you wont forget!” **

    **seriously DON’T do this either, I’ll put my sensible head now.

    Been here, got the t-shirt and actually caught to ****t coming out of my house one time.. suffice to say I had “a little moment” all over him that ended up with the police in attendance, whilst satisfying it’s not recommended and I was bloody lucky his family told him that he had been a right knob and deserved the beating they would disown him if he pressed charges.

    If it’s only been a month then it ain’t love it’s infatuation which is often worse. I’m suspecting the 26 yo will get bored. Personally you have to stake the claim on the house and the kids, stand up for your kids rights and youself. Really with her actions she has NO claim on the house or kids and rightly should leave. But that’s just my tuppence worth and I can be a tad cycnical with regard to women now.

    The pain will go away it is just gonna take time.

    Full Member

    Bob says speak to Tooway[/url] if they can’t help you then they can point you in the right direction.

    Full Member

    4G coverage.

    Tweed Valley…. get real …. :mrgreen:

    *wipes up wee from his trousers*

    Full Member

    Got a mate called Bob who lives in Kirkliston who is an absoloute whizz with Comms and this sort of stuff, I’m not to shabby myself but I bow to the master. I’ll give him a buzz to see if he’s interested

    Full Member

    Remind me again why we all buy defenders lol

    Because it is slightly less painful than repeatedly hitting yourself in the knackers with a baseball bat… :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    The rear door hinge job is the B pillar’s not the bulkhead

    *has himself taken out and shot for not spotting that*

    Full Member

    Oh and the chequerplate and the side steps will bring you a LOT of misery in the future … the chequerplate hides a myriad of sins and those tubular side steps accumulate crap like nobodys business so give rust a home on the chassis, and are a liability when off road (as in they wont bend when you hit something but your landy will)

    Invest in some decent rubbing bars, these are steel, weld to the chassis and replace those trim panels with something that is actually of some use that offers a heck of a lot more protection against a bit more than doors in a car park. You can also jack the vehicle ANYWHERE on them for starters with a hi-lift.

    Full Member

    Too cheap by far, the work you have described is simply cosmetic.

    The rust on the Bulkhead (no it’s not a pillar that’s the bulkhead) needs nipped in the bud rapido like. The repair needs to be made (panels available) ALL the crap need to be got out of the voids and spray all the internals very generously with waxoyl making sure the drain holes are clear.

    Once the door skins really start to go there is not a lot you can do to bring them back, basically you are looking at electro-catalytic corrosion (ally skin over steel door frame) the curse of landys.

    The key to salvaging the the door is to get at the bit of the steel frame that is causing the rot in the ally door skin. That’s why it’s important to clean the bottom of the doors and make sure the drain holes are clear.

    But £265 is just going to make it look good for about 3-6 months, you need to tackle the root causes.

    Waxoyl and washing are your friend no matter what the macho idiots say about filthy landys looking the best.

    Find somewhere where you can “gently”* steam clean the underside at least once a month in winter

    *gently as in not to strip the sealant off

    Full Member

    I read for pleasure and to turn my brain off rather than make me think so I prefer more ripping yarn type thrillers that don’t need a lot of brainpower to absorb.

    Just finished this last night

    Found that current events (Ukraine) sort of had a downer on my enjoyment of the book with me running out of sympathy for the “good guys”.

    I’ve basically just re-read the whole of the “Jack Ryan” series for the umpteenth time up to this book which delayed the reading of my current. I’ve still yet to take the plunge into some of Clancy’s co-authored “Ryanverse” novels.

    This is now my current;

    I love the way Pratchett writes, his sense of humour appeals to me directly particularly the City Watch. This isn’t his best by far but it is very enjoyable about 1/3 of the way in.

    and I will follow that with this;

    Watched the film last Sunday (how the hell did I miss that in the cinemas?) and now need to dive into the book.

    Full Member

    As you head towards the coast you will come into “Waggonways” territory these are the old coal tram/trail lines leading from the pits in SE Northumberland down to the Tyne. There are probably about fifty of them, further east is, as Drac says, Fatbike territory (I realised that today!).

    Another consideration is that from Kingston Park it could be almost as quick (say another 30 mins) to head towards Glentress, Inners and the Tweed valley rather than Hammers or the Lake District.

    Full Member

    Nice bit of not so casual racism there, Binners. *Slow clap*

    In Binner’s defence it’s technically nationalism (for Gods sake don’t give them the idea that they are a separate “race” they will be even more pompous).

    Kicking seven shades of crap out of good old Jean-Claude has provided much Joint Anglo-German summertime holiday amusement for centuries – in fact if you think about it the Germans have historically given the French a damn good shoeing every fifty years or so (so on balance we are well overdue Fritz tear-arsing through Belgium to deliver the latest one) That’s why the French have built those lovely tree lined roads, well you wouldn’t those fair skinned German lads to get sunburned as they march into Paris. 😉

    Right who have I upset then


    Full Member

    Our Australian Kelpie smells really nice too. It’s clearly “her” smell, hard to describe, just smells nice, she’s never been bathed in two years but she regularly swims in the sea at least once a week.

    The lab on the other hand….. 😐

    Full Member

    Save a big pile up then do them in a batch, traditional glue & patch, don’t trust the stick on ones but from all reports might actually invest in some park ones for if I have a REALLY bad day on the trails.

    Full Member

    American mate of mine who once introduced me with this remark;

    “Watch out, I’m not saying he’s argumentative but Brit’s can pick a fight in an empty room and if things look tricky they send the Scots in” :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    Bloody hell, judging by Drac’s link, they seem to follow a pattern in many cases. Shocked that a company as big as O2 appear to be so shady.

    Remember that this probably actually isn’t O2 it will be the cheapest contract bidder, so whist O2 have standards to uphold their sub-contractors will just ignore this.

    Full Member

    Business owners had this Right to discriminate in the UK for centuries its called;

    “The Management reserve the right to refuse Service”

    The key to it is NOT to give a reason (that was why the Right Wing Fundamentalists Christian B&B owners got into trouble.

    Listed under various reasons I have had include “you’re wearing trainers/jeans/leather jacket”* to “I don’t like your face” and my personal favourite “your hair is to long” which I have had several times in my life but the last was last year in a Cafe in Wooler FFS – (as I pointed out it was shorter than hers but I will admit that I might not have helped my case as the rest of my response whilst being articulate utilised the full range of my ex-military vocabulary :mrgreen: )

    *mind you I have seen the opposite in our local rock club… “you are far to tidy to drink in here!”

    Full Member

    I do like the scenarios on those “police, video cop traffic drug squad” programmes where the toe rag screams a load of verbal defiance about how hard he is at the coppers then ends up howling like a baby “getitoffgetitoffgetitoff” when the police ( after plenty of warning ) unleash their “furry crocodile” on the miscreant.

    Full Member

    Agricultural suppliers still stock “proper” Creosote, I had no problem getting hold of it but we lived in a rural area and it was for the Chicken Shack to kill mites (truth)( and the garage, and the kennel and the fences and and and )(omitted from conversation)

    Full Member

    If you are using the MultiMeter for work, day in day out then go for fluke – as per the Volkswagen Advert you get exactly what you pay for.

    If it’s just for occasional use the other recommendation are fine. As for features / functions specify ONLY what you need. I have two Multimeters myself an really nice & basic Fluke (Current, Resistance & Voltage) that I have had for years and years that is built like a tank and gets all the abuse on site and a Wavetek that has all the bells and whistles on it including a frequency counter, capacitance, HFE transistor port, etc. I couldn’t quite stretch to the oscilloscope version (wish I had). The Wavetek is treated like royalty.

    Full Member

    Why did the bloke with the blue bucket on his head put another, slightly smaller, blue bucket on underneath it?
    I have to know!

    I think it’s a protest because every rich dickhead / mafia boss in Russia with a big BMW/Audi/Merc/Volvo buys a “get out of the way peasant! I am more important than you” blue light

    Full Member

    “Don’t drive over narrow bridges when you are pissed out of your mind” – Senator Edward Kennedy

    “Don’t try and admire the scenery whilst hurtling down very narrow singletrack” – Me

    “If you are going to hit something with a hammer then hit it, fannying about with a toffee hammer like that is only going to piss it off! Skelp the bloody thing with a club hammer” – mech eng lecturer to student at uni

    “You only have to carry a tool kit of 4 items in a landy, a tin of WD40, a roll of gaffa tape, a length of welding rod and a really big stilson…. If you can’t shift whatever’s stuck with the jaws of the stilson then flip it over and bash it a bit and is soon will” – my mate bob

    Full Member

    We had similar with my son when he was a toddler,

    Health Visitor: “he’s on the negative standard deviation for his height, we’re a bit concerned”
    Us: “Er… I’m 5’9″ and his mother is 4’11”
    HV: “but it’s still cause for concern, we need to investigate this”
    Us: “non of our respective blood relatives going back 2 generations has been over 5’10!”
    HV: “er…..”
    Us: “you do understand genetics?”
    HV: “yes of course”
    Us: “hmmmm …. You haven’t got kids have you?”
    HV: “no, but it’s not relevant, I’m fully trained and I’ve been to university”

    At follow up appt the next week with his supervisor in attendance resulted in this gem from her,

    “Look at the height of the parents! The wee laddie isn’t going to be the jolly green giant is he!”

    Full Member

    Clearly a man who’s never been in a bike shop bog!

    Seconded… Enough to make mere mortals quail

    Full Member

    Discount the xbox (unless your lad is downloading whole games & films) when online they sip data – yes this did surprise us too when we discovered this.

    Our data hogging culprits was one kindle fire, an iPod and a daughter that lied through her teeth (that cost her every electronic device she had).

    Trace it using ip addresses and disconnecting devices from network, log into your router diagnostics to achieve this. Institute a rolling password change every week too.

    Full Member

    My ex wife…

    Took me 22 years to realise that “psycho vindictive bitch” is not the standard default setting on women. Thrown back in the pond, may god have mercy on the next poor sod she gets her claws into.

    Full Member

    Skimpy underwear for the wife….. 😳

    I did ask the MD of the company before purchase if it would be ok and I would pay for it as I wanted to keep it a secret from her… Didn’t explain WHAT I was buying though.

    Full Member

    The park tools pedal spanner is well worth the dosh, it’s got a head shaped like a medieval head cleaving axe ( so dual functionality which is always a plus) and shifts anything without resorting to scaffolding poles and the like.

    With pedals I ALWAYS use copperslip rather than grease as this is a specific anti seize compound in comparison to grease ( grease still being way better than a dry fit). Always fit the pedals with an Allen key not the big fek off spanner (that’s just there for taking then off ) and don’t over torque them either they will tighten naturally in use.

    Full Member

    + 1 to the ballistic flight path out the door of pre-vomitus cats, we have reaction times that would make a fighter pilot proud.

    Dogs on the other hand are sneaky bar studs and creep off into corners for a ninja puke … Grrr

    Full Member

    Personally I wouldn’t even piss on any politician from the mainstream parties if they were on fire let alone vote! What’s the point? it makes no difference, we still end up with self serving, corrupt slime. We would be better off in a semi totalitarian dictatorship .

    Full Member

    The roundy roundy twirly thing doesn’t like toes or fingers

    Full Member

    That looks fine to me , back box is earthed, switch is earthed via the cover screws, nowt wrong with that on a dual switch – in lighting circuits especially double or treble switched circuits colour coding is not indicative of source bar for earth. Simple swap.

    Full Member

    Oh to be a fly on the wall (gate) for that conversation when he is greeted by St Peter at the pearly gates!

    “Is the big man in? I want a word!”

    Full Member

    Oh that’s nasty!

    Full Member

    My birthday pressie ( camelbak mule ) from my lass arrived exactly on time this lunchtime, cheery driver, can’t fault the service from DPD or from Probike kit either :0)

    Full Member

    Our local cinema (Empire) has a *very* strict policy about not letting you take in so much as the fluffy toffee at the bottom of your pocket.
    Anything you take in must be bought from their overpriced concession. Bastards.

    They can’t do this, if they try and search you or a bag, then it constitutes an assault, scream blue murder.

    Full Member

    ^^^^ this local odeon is getting snotty about this too, we had hassle last time we went and so did quite a lot of others who were dodging the adverts (don’t mind the trailers) … Looks like their advertising client are complaining.

    Full Member

    Headcold, snot everywhere, but I have an infection too as I’m running a temp. Woke up this morning with a very swolen uvula ( dangly bit at the back of the throat ) feeling like I swallowed razor blades deep joy.

    BBC iplayer and horizon documentaries on you tube + kindle are keeping me occupied but 3 days in and I’m bored s…less and it’s MY F..KING BIRTHDAY TOO

    Full Member

    Takeaway pizza chez nous ( Sunday night is takeaway night

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