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  • NBD: Starling Beady Little Eye, Carbon Wasp Truffle-120, Norco Sight VLT
  • jock-muttley
    Full Member

    What I think the vast majority significant chunk of these incidents is a out upon tradesman saying “wuck foo”

    He’s probably tried explaining that there is a significant issue on site – this will normally be over the phone to a manager who has never been to site, is 12 months out of university and will not be told what to do by some “Bally Oik” and resorts to the age old technique of telling said Oik to “just do it and stop making a fuss”

    Full Member

    Yes… fear of big, nasty frothing at the mouth, carnivores with lots of teeth who have you on their dinner menu isn’t really a phobia… its common sense

    Full Member

    Isn’t peeing on the garden (or getting the wife to) the usual solution?

    Only if you video it…

    Full Member

    …Obviously not a shy and retiring one….

    Full Member

    The simplest answer (if you like cats) is to get a cat yourself…

    Full Member

    gym guru/health advisor

    Well that’s it of course, I know where I went wrong, you pointed out my mistake there – I should have ignored the advice of millions of man hours of medical research, decades of education, training and experience of the health professionals who treated me and gone an listened to the muscle bound moron in the gym spouting shite about bloody conspiracy theories….

    Please just re-read what you have written and go and stand in the corner an have a really good think about it.

    Give me strength. And if you are not being serious this is not a subject to troll about, sick graveyard humour yes, trolling no.

    Oh and one egg just one ikkle medium, free range egg on average contains ALL your cholesterol allowance for a day BTW.

    Full Member

    As a cat owner… I love this video & the follow up


    I now have a coffee keyboard because of this video… :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    Hmmmmmm 😳

    Got an irregular shaped mole on my back 😳 been there for months like LegoLambs lump… 😳

    I’m on my way

    Full Member

    My Marin Quake 7.1 is so goddamn ugly that it definitely fell out of the ugly tree hitting every branch on the way down, its so ugly it’s gone way out the other side of ugly, way, way waaaaaaay out the other side of ugly to beautiful…. 😉

    Full Member

    Oooooo procrastinating as in putting off a Well-Man or Cholesterol Test for no real adequate reason…

    Yeah, Yeah I know nag nag nag 🙄

    Full Member

    I have an aversion to making ‘phone calls which verges on a phobia. Generally ok once talking, but I find initiating a conversation quite hard. It’s an order of magnitude worse if anybody else can hear me – which made my employer’s recent change to Open Plan a particular PITA.

    PhilO I hear you bro… Similar issue, but opposite way around hate it at home but fine in an office work environment, ok at home once I get going though. Have the same issue receiving calls. Never though of this as a phobia till you mentioned it and the I thought yip I do that. I suspect I know the underlying reason for my reluctance too, but that’s for another time. Well and bravely spoken mate

    Giz a buzz when you got a mo will ya.

    Actually if you can man up PhilO then so can I, I pretty sure my telephone reluctance stems from the abuse I suffered at the hands of my ex wife, she used to ring and me at work at least 3-4 times a day, if I didn’t answer then she’d just ring and ring and ring, If I was working away ( which I did quite a bit) and off duty then the call frequency would increase to about once a hour. If I didn’t answer then she’d ring constantly until I did, or she would start on the landlines of the hotel or site I was working at. No mobile service simply meant that by the time she got hold of me she was in an apoplectic rage… God help me if she heard a female voice in the background or the sound of glasses in a bar. If I didn’t ring her at least 3 or 4 times a day then I was for it too. She basically was a total control freak. It’s only now in hindsight that I’m in a normal loving relationship with a brilliant lass I realise just how manipulative and abusive a she was ( mental, physical, emotional & financial) maybe one day, I’ll unburden … Sorry for the thread hijack.

    Full Member

    Heights, 6ft up a ladder can see me whimpering unless I really tell myself to get a grip then I can climb to say the eaves of a house if I have to. Video footage of big drops makes my skin crawl. Been like that ever since I flipped upside down on an abseil at the top of a 120ft cliff.

    Weirdly enough after that I was happy to sit in the door positions on military Lynx & Puma helicopters with no worries at all as they were thrown about the countryside, so I know it’s purely psychological so I try and combat it where possible. I’ve done a few rock climbs but the abseil was too much. The climbing instructor says that I should try indoors or from halfway at first as he said it was probably exposure related, if I have some thing to look at then I would be ok (ish).

    Would have a fear of flying but realised I don’t, I have a fear of hitting the ground at extremely high speed, culminating in a fireball

    Don’t know whether that’s a phobia or an allergy though,…

    Full Member

    I was going to say something deeply profound but then I caught myself in the office window and realised my tie had slipped a little …..


    Full Member

    I’m looking forward to returning to a corporate environment after a good few years freelance. Suit was only worn for meetings after that whatever the hell I liked, normally shorts and a t shirt.

    To me if you are going to dress formally then it must be done properly, anything else makes you look like a muppet. Last job I had where formal wear was required I tended to wear shirt, tie and trousers with a sports jacket or blazer in summer, if I was in customer or supplier meetings the suit was wielded ( always a 3 piece). Any time we left the office it was jackets back on. If you were going down into the shop floor it was safety boots and a white lab coat with tie tucked into your shirt. If you were going to actually get your hands mucky then it was a boiler suit sans tie. Saturdays you could wear what you like. On St Andrew’s day I’d wheel out the kilt – which did look a real treat when coupled with a lab coat and safety boots!

    I hate “business casual” it just makes blokes look like they are an extra from eastenders or a purveyor of Peruvian marching powder. Not sure how I’m going to go for this new job as it is sort of formal, the issue I have is my hair is now quite long, coupled with a beard, but the role will involve a fair chunk of hands on. I’m thinking decent jeans, decent open necked shirt, waistcoat and a tweed sports jacket for day to day (safety boots to be worn). Suit of formal days, kilt for St Andrews of course.

    What do you think folks?

    Full Member

    What about your sugar intake, your salt intake – you may not be deliberately adding these to food or drinks but how much processed food do you eat – even beans can have a scary amount in a supposedly healthy food.

    Plus if your diet features a lot if healthy carbs you can convert the excess to sugars and fat without realising it.

    How much coffee or tea do you drink, caffeine can/will affect BP and heart rate.

    Try using the “my fitness pal” app for a week or so, you have to be totally honest with it, every scrap of food and drink that passes your lips. 9/10 the results will be enlightening even after a couple of days.

    Hard as it is to say you may need to knock the caffeine on the head, I suspect that this may be the culprit, it was with me and an elevated heart rate. It may require a total detox for a month or so before you can start even in decaf. I now drink decaf in the house & at work with the occasional “proper” one if we’re out. I’m an occasional tea drinker so I’ve left that as full strength. Knocking caffeine on the head has seen a 7-10bpm drop in my resting heart rate day to day (measured when I wake and still lying in bed). If I have had say a couple of caffeinated coffees or day on tea the day before you can guarantee my heart rate is +10bpm the next morning.

    Full Member

    iolo… it was two separate phone convos… one with the “you got the” the other with “the contract” lol thus the four word count was sort of correct. Obviously there were a lot more words that in each convo …

    tinybits, this company is the other end of England almost literally!

    Funnynick its weird but the jobs that I have been seeing up until recently have been VERY VERY specific about the qualifications and experience required (possibly too specific IMHO). Then all of a sudden (last week or so) they start looking for more of an “all-rounder” type, from the conversations I’ve had it looks like they are struggling to find this type of engineer, my degree is in Electronics but I’ve a lot of mechanical engineering experience as well as manufacturing and design.

    Full Member

    Thanks Guys,

    Yes RHB it is a very nice feeling

    Nope not Nissan Trout, it’s a very small, young company with a really neat patented technology that’s just about to skyrocket. You wont see this technology but it will become very commonplace on the roads 😉 I promise I will reveal more once I start.

    Full Member

    Galaxy Note 2 that got destroyed when I got knocked off my bike by a car.

    Gotta say I’m surprised by the number of technological luddites.

    We’re talking “non smart” phones Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam

    Full Member

    certainly +1 to the taps being turned on with engineering vacancies… my inbox has gone mental this last week.

    NE England is screaming for engineers

    Full Member

    Sorry Cougar,

    Yes it is an absolute tragedy for Bob Geldof and the lassies daughters too – Mrs Mutt says she had two daughters, lord knows that family has had enough to cope with.

    Full Member

    My daughter has suggested a joke relating to the day of the week, but it’s probably a bit too soon.

    Crikey Message from Lucifer – “special place now reserved for your daughte,r set to extra crispy for that remark” :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    +1 for the 5110 (5111 then… I’ll get ma coat)

    bullet proof & simple. Still got one somewhere plus all of the in-car installation kit. Used to have several pukka nokia hands free kits I’d been given for nowt, I fitted it into my Land Rovers and when I was going anywhere really filthy I’d swap the sim from my “posh” phone into the 5110. Therefore I wasn’t too bothered if the phone got dropped into a puddle lost etc.

    The other advantage was that the 5110 had an external antenna socket so when fitted it into the cradle you got a hell of a lot better signal when you were in a remote area – pretty sure the box of tricks had a signal amplifier – you could have no signal as a portable yet 3-4 bars when in the cradle. i don’t care what the manufacturers say about internal antennas, when you are in remote rural areas there is no substitute for metal in the air on the roof of a vehicle for a better signal.

    I WISH that someone produced a ruggedised non-smart phone that still featured an antenna socket.

    Full Member

    2004 T5SE Ex North Yorkshire Police ARV, chipped to 320, bought at 94k miles for £5k.

    Stupidly quick ( I mean proper face melting performance) and actually very nimble on the twisty stuff a) after the Mickey Mouse front wishbone bushes are replaced with solid polyurethane ones… And more importantly B) you remember it’s a two and a half ton, front wheel drive car with 320BHP. Slow in – fast out, the car rewards smooth driving.

    Upsides if you get a white one the road presence is unbelievable traffic just melts out if your way ( can’t think why 😉 ). If you are doing long distance stuff and need to carry a ton of kit plus bodies they are brilliant, T5 gives you the grunt to overtake slow vehicles very safely on country A roads. You can drive for half a day, get out at the other end and not feel if you have been @rseraped as can be the sensation with some cars.

    Downsides as mentioned above, serious drink problem (20-30mpg) but I needed a car that could carry a ton if kit, 3 engineers and still overtake safely on country roads. The electrics are shit, no way around that, constantly throwing faults that need main dealer attention – I was lucky my mate owned the dealership but even at great mates rates it was still painful. Crap in snow, like really really crap ( tyres)

    Would I have another one? As much as I loved it … No. To much hassle to upkeep, didn’t mind the fuel cost as the benefits were there.

    Sold it for £1.5k 2 years later having for the mileage to 235k… Yes it’s fair to say I put a lot of miles on it.

    Full Member

    Some tops I find useful when left with the kids;

    1) obtain a goodly supply of holy water, ash stakes and garlic
    2) they can smell fear
    3) yes their heads do go ALL the way round
    4) do not under any circumstances allow them to repeat the same word, phrase or sentence in the mirror 5 times.
    5) try and imagine that the trickle of urine down your leg when cornered by them is weakness leaving the body.
    6) firearms are pointless, it simply annoys them
    7) remember, to them ANYTHING is edible as long as it isn’t green and on a plate
    8) don’t be frightened by long silences, be very afraid try and make it to your safe room
    9) no room is wholly safe
    10) whimpering and tears will only goad them on

    Hope this helps =oD

    Plagiarised and paraphrased from Mr Dave Turner’s original

    Full Member

    Cheers, a) chucking some best guesstimates into the calculator and there is no setting for 25% sag either for trail/enduro I’m pretty sure the spring is far to stiff now as I suspected (I have lost about a stone in 7 years) rough figures are pointing at 250 – 300 required as opposed to the 350 that’s fitted. I need to do an accurate reckoning up in the morning, I’m wondering whether a 275 is available.

    B)Yeah I was thinking the same… Loco would be my first choice. I need to double check the prices with windwave for the kit in the morning ( website doesn’t give much away) as there may be one at £31 – at which point it is deffo user serviceable!

    Full Member

    OMITN, Jock-m, that sounds eerily like my school. RHS by any chance?

    Those punishments were still practiced in the 90’s.

    Nope Stonyhurst College SJ* for me dunno about OMITN

    21st century Britain where they wonder why we have a school discipline problem.

    Do we? Is discipline worse now than in the 70s, on average?[/quote]

    Molgrips, MrsMutt & I are going through hell with a 14yo at the moment, the little s..t and his mates realise that the teachers can’t physically touch them, restrain or even shout at them nowadays. If they do the teacher faces an assault charge.
    We live in a fairly deprived area, the proportion of career dole-ies and petty criminals kids in the classes is pretty high and bearing in mind some of these are 2nd or even 3rd generation of this type of bloodsucking, freeloading scum now, the norm is that they p… about in class, tell the staff to go f… themselves, walk out of school they want to knowing that if any teacher says boo to them their parents will raise holy hell at the school. They don’t care even if they get caught as there are no consequences.
    The good news is that our little s**t has all the leadership abilities of a sheep, if he hangs out with “good” kids he’s literally a model student, if he hangs out with the idiots, he follows suit. Arrangements have already been made to shift him into a far better school in a more affluent catchment area, and pray this works. At the moment he’s basically under effective house arrest and confined to solitary with no privileges bar paper books for amusement (the horror). He’s even watched his mother bounce a 2Lb lumphammer off his iPhone many times and she has threatened to launch his xbox until he wises up and starts toeing the line or the the new school year starts in September, it’s no skin off our noses.

    I’m not saying I was a saint at school by any stretch of the imagination BUT ye gods, we knew there were real consequences to getting caught so either a) didn’t do it in the first place or b)made sure we weren’t caught. AND we certainly didn’t go home and bleat about it to our parents! – I remember praying that my parents wouldn’t be contacted by the school.

    It’s the concept of “consequences” in this day an age, I’m not saying go back to the blind violence of our youth, which you have to admit was effective in 95% of cases (you are always going to get the hard line recidivist) but a middle line of teachers being able to shout at miscreants, restrain them and issue corporal punishments where deserved would do a heck of a lot towards restoring balance.

    *Society of Jesus aka Jesuits basically if you imagine a “Liebstandate SS Adolf Hitler Division” of Catholicism then you are about there with their tolerance, mild mannered nature and balanced views** :mrgreen:

    **of course I exaggerate, its only 99% of them that give the rest a bad name *** 😉

    *** Truth be told, if you towed the line somewhat (the jebbies are all for structured debate, so they were happy for you to disagree)(which is novel in a school), didn’t get caught, my time at school was brilliant, and I’d happily go back.

    Full Member

    Somewhere on a cloud, a deity and his mates are cheering and reaching for another rock…

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    yip “black phase” of descent, still ‘kin hot and ‘kin fast

    Full Member

    Ourmaninthenorth … Same as you but 70’s prep school, early 80’s boarding school, their mistake 1982 they banned corporal punishment … We went absolutely wild.

    6am 1 mile punishment runs … pfffff we just added them on as a cool down to our own initiated 5am 5 mile training runs

    Full Member

    Meanwhile in Teesside a teacher is facing assault charges for tapping a pupil on the leg with an umbrella…

    .. Father is upset and angry and wants answers ( looking at him in the news he’s twigged he can get a s..tload of compensation…

    If a teacher had tapped me when I was at school I wouldn’t have dared tell my father because I’d have got leathered

    Welcome to 21st century Britain where they wonder why we have a school discipline problem.

    Full Member

    Sounds like the place I used to work in…

    and there you have one of the reasons I left* got sick of being left to answer to pissed off customers
    * N.B. I wasn’t the mechanic, I hadn’t got the bit of paper with the ink still drying on it, but there again I didn’t have 10 years of marketing experience either. 25yrs as an engineer and I still knew fek all.

    Full Member

    I could taste a dry salty thing in my mouth and the back of my throat was ‘full of it’.

    Fnaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrr :mrgreen:

    Edit damn beaten to it!

    Full Member


    Did search but on the term codine instead of codeine …. Engineer ya see.. 😳

    I’ll have myself taken out and whipped for this ….

    Full Member

    As the camel dies of exposure …..

    Full Member

    Cyclist vs truck is never normally a good outcome…

    Full Member

    Journalists and meedja meeting in lunnun….

    “….and the final item on the agenda is our weather wankfest for the next month, who is going to do the 1hr tv special this time?”

    Full Member

    if it wasn’t for the turgid crap most people serve up as tea, designed for those with no taste buds, probably 20 a day smokers and the like.

    5 Woodbines add a certain “je ne sais quoi” to my 2 cups of co-op red label to get me kick started in the morning and out the door to walk the whippet…

    Full Member

    Often thought about seeing if I could organise a back to basics DH race, bikes have to be steel framed, rim or drum brakes, no suspension, 26″ rims. Forest road course. Modern safety kit would be allowed but has to be worn with (or under) 70s style clothing – time bonuses for authentic costumes, flat pedals only, 2″ wide tyres max ( was thinking about a mandatory control tyre). The whole idea is bikes shouldn’t really cost any more than £150 but that may be hard to police.
    Thought it would be better as part of a weekend with races on the Sunday. Beer, BBQ, bands and a boogie on sat night, practice on the sat pm.

    Just a pipe dream

    Full Member

    That’s a chunk of aluminium inside an electromagnet. Science is *ACE*, isn’t it?

    Now that is cool.

    No it appears to be rather hot :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    Asprin is a true wonder drug that is often overlooked.

    Full Member

    Just back from doc’s. I have been diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia, and have been prescribed 20mg/day atorvastatin. To go with the lisinopril!

    Bummer mate, but at least you know and now you can action a remedy before its to late, remember the first indication that I had of my Hypercolestemia was my GP going “oh shit”… 😉

    20Mg is an OK dose (I’m on 80Mg) but just a wee bit of advice, see if you can get the Atorvastatin changed for one like Liptor, it may not be possible but my cardiac team said it’s a newer more advanced statin with reduced side effects. Atorvastatin is the most common world wide (i.e. its cheap so there is a reason they prescribe it).

    I take it you’re hypertensive if you are on an ACE inhibitor? Sorry to pry. You may find that if you are as your cholesterol drops, diet and exercise kicks in and you natural BP should drop back at which point you could drop the ACE Inhib. Surprised they haven’t given you a low dose asprin 75mg to reduce clotting

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