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  • Fresh Good Friday 699 – The From Thin Air Edition
  • jock-muttley
    Full Member

    Raleigh Eclipse 10Spd, 501 tubing, 21″ Frame

    £25 from Barnados 3 weeks ago!

    Just needed air in the tubes, a quick clean and it was ready to rock! Had been shed stored since it was ridden a few times, cellophane and moulding buds were still evident on the tyres FFS!

    Have since replaced the gear cables, brake cables to be done sometime soon when I can figure out how.

    Best Charity Shop find ever was a pair of Meindl Kampfstiefel RIB Light GTX Mens Combat Boots. Recognised them immidiately for what they were bought for £10 sold for £115 on ebay :mrgreen:

    Dont start me on my skip finds however!

    Full Member

    NK is a basket case run by nutters (and it may well be), as this mindset helps justify any planned invasion.

    It will probably be China and Russia that will step in rather than any actual “western” invasion. If you notice they have both been subtly cozying up to each other in recent years.

    If the DPRK does start throwing the buckets of instant sunshine about then I would imagine that the immidiate military response would be tactical nukes utilised against their military hardpoints and nuclear facilities rather than strategic nukes to neutralise any further actions followed by invasion/occupation presumably by a UN force.

    I would imagine that this UN force would be largely comprised of PRC land forces but with “western” technical support. If I was the UN commander on the ground I’d be looking to hold the DRPK as close to the 38th parallel as possible with SK, US & UN forces whilst the Chinese steamrollered them from the North, Basically hold their nose whilst someone kicks them up the arse.

    Full Member

    Brilliant wee browser game if you like AOE, Civilisation etc then it’s well worth a look, doesn’t make any demands on your time either.

    Love the Call of Duty and Medal of Honour franchises but I’m a die hard PC gamer, cannot get the hang of XBox & PS controllers – I’ll be a keyboard & mouse man all my life.

    Full Member

    clicky er not really

    It may be YOUR term for dog walkers but it ain’t the rest of the UK’s…

    +1 Binners :mrgreen:

    oh link is deffo NSFW

    Full Member


    er…… you may want to google that term before you throw it around with such gay abandon

    Full Member

    RTA 1988 Section 3 – applies to a road or public place

    Happy to stand corrected by someone more knowledgeable 😛

    Full Member

    How can the OP “have a claim”? He hasn’t lost anything or been caused any harm by this.

    Loss of teddy & dummy

    Full Member

    I guess for some people rules and regulations override common sense

    “….unt zen ve invade Poland…….”

    Full Member

    Larger refuse wagons are often tasked to empty (small) public litter bins as part of their round/route, certainly in Northumberland and the Scottish Borders, it’s called maximising your resources, why send two vehicles out when you have one passing.

    Full Member

    You are complaining about an official vehicle on a road THAT wide!

    Oh and why are you speaking to a Barrister?????

    A Solicitor would be more appropriate and he would also probably realise that “careless driving” (technically “Driving with undue care & attention”)is an inappropriate offense here as they are technically (by your own admission) outwith the highway.

    Now if he had used the more appropriate legistation to wit section 34 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 provides the offence of driving a mechanically propelled vehicle without lawful authority on common land, moorland or land not forming part of a road, or on any road which is a footpath, bridleway or restricted byway.

    “Ah smell bovine faeces here, Elvis is IN the kitchen”

    Full Member

    aren’t all bin men ex-cons?
    you should watch your back.

    Only some of us are but remember we know who you are and where you live :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    I spoke to a barrister, this morning and he said I have a claim for careless driving.

    Yes there is pleanty of space for us both, but what you are forgetting is that it is against the law to drive in a cycle lane. It is also against the law to drive down the prom!

    Precicely which bit of “EXEMPT” are you failing to understand? It means that they are EXEMPT from this particular bit of road traffic legistation to access and service the street furniture

    Go ahead sue them… then moan when they close the cycle path every morning for half an hour to an hour to service the bins as somebody complained.

    Be careful what you wish for cos I suspect this is really gonna bite you on the arse

    Full Member

    Sorry but you need to wise up here pal, you will find that local government / utility vehicles are exempt as the paths and street furniture needs to accessed to be maintained. But they should be moving slowly (just above walking pace) and have Amber beacons illuminated and in the case of what is probaly a 30 ton a refuse wagon “should” have banksmen out as well when not on the highway and in an area where they are likely to encounter the public, but this will depend on local policy.

    I meet the lads & lasses from Northumberland County Council all the time when I’m out and can’t complain at all.

    I suspect that from the sounds of it you went all “outraged of daily maily land” on them the first time, failed to even consider the circumstanses and just spat the dummy at which point they WILL get the hump and WILL report your behavior as it will be logged as a “violent incident”, if you shout and continue to shout at a public officials then expect a visit from the rozzers as there is ZERO tolerance of this sort of behavior.

    Now I’m not saying that they are all saints but bear in mind 99% of all refuse wagons will have CCTV on them for insurance purposes, so whilst you have NO witnesses they will have plenty.

    Personally I’d just man up and apologise to them, tell them you misread the situation possibly even buy them a pint or two and you would not believe how accomodating they will be.

    Full Member

    more importantly what is your batter mix?

    140g plain flour
    4 FR eggs
    200ml Milk
    Salt pepper to taste
    optional splash of tobasco &/or lvl teaspoon of marmite :mrgreen:

    Makes a gorgeous batter that just rises & rises

    Full Member

    Muttley’s lass says the thong under padded lycra shorts is the way to go…

    she also thinks as do I that this is a possibly a mickey take.

    Full Member

    “We have all the time in the world” Louis Armstrong, basically a true love song

    The Last Post if you need to ask why……….

    The Theme from “Band of Brothers” .. .. brilliant soundtrack, brilliant TV series, true story

    ANY tune featuring the massed pipes and drums of (the now) Royal Regiment of Scotland … really raises the hairs on the back of my neck…. it’s a jock thing lol

    Full Member

    Chunk its PMR or PBR (private BUSINESS radio) but you dont need to be a business.

    you pays ur money you get allocated a small frequency range (u need a UK wide allocation not geographic) it used to be about £27 for a 3 year licence. Radios are around £50 – £100 and dependant on band (VHF for range UHF for quality) u should see 5 to 20 miles line of sight. weather will alter it as will stuff like wet leaves and trees.

    Alternatively seriously consider sitting your foundation amateur radio exam, it will cost you less and mean that you can operate up to 25w power on certain bands. It will cost peanuts for a lifetime licence, the course and exam can be sat in about 4 – 6 hrs and you and your mates can sit it all together. And you have to be REALLY special to fail it.

    25W & a licence mean you can use repeaters & cool stuff like that which will give a simple handheld radio a 100mile + radius range.

    You need more info just shout

    Full Member

    PMR also can stand for PRIVATE MOBILE RADIO… i.e. for business use… the licence is cheap (think it lasts 3 years) there is NO exam to take. Check out OFCOM for full details. Cheap radios too.

    As for using US 4W 462.550 ~ 467.7125 MHz radios in the UK… just don’t OK. Just because these frequencies aren’t allocated in the UK doesn’t mean they are not being monitored (remember the UK is technically at war and under a high state of alert) and the people that could be monitoring these frequencies are not know for their sense of humour – and I’m not talking about OFCOM.

    There is a reason there is an EXAM pure and simple do you understand stuff like harmonic frequencies or the way a radio signal can act? You may transmitting on 467MHz but someone just could be hearing you around the 900Mhz mark… which is getting close to Mobile Phone & more importantly some TETRAPOL frequencies.

    Oh and Mountain Rescue isn’t just restricted to 150MHz.. they have multiple frequency allocations inc air – ground in the UHF band.

    Full Member

    I think this got lost in the nightime shenanigans.. so I’ll hand this question over to the STW Dayshift.

    Full Member

    It’s funny, I use strava as a training aid, the idea of a “race series” appeals.

    I find myself going for PBs & KOMs against other riders on local segments I often find myself baulked by pedestrian traffic, so I slow down, give way, smile and nod at the walkers and wait for the day I get a totally clear run.

    To me it’s part of the Strava “game”

    I try and ignore the 30MPH averages on sone of the smoother segments near here (the ones u gotta use to get to the muddy bits_ as thats just roadies trying to show that they think they have a bigger willy than me…

    Stop moaning….. please…. I thought Mountain bikers were the rebellious hippies of cycling .. not the confromists … hey man.. you’re cozying up to THE MAN man!

    Full Member

    Mindset Stretch all the features you want without paying for the name!

    Trust me a superb bit of kit… and at £40 what have you got to loose. it has ALL the features you want. I have tried Berghaus, Northface, Sombrio & Endura and this is up there with them at a 1/4 of the dosh. Don’t be a brand snob

    Full Member

    DeWalt XRP 18V.. ask 99% of trade professionals…. superb bit of kit I have a wee 9V Bosch pro for use as a scredriver in sensitive kit (speakers, fittings, etc) as the DeWalt is a tad brutal for those applications.

    Rule of thumb is you get exactly what you pay for.. 4yrs ago the my XRP cost £369, its still going strong as is my DeWalt Jigsaw, Corded Drill, Chop Saw, reciprocating Saw & Cordless 4″ angle grinder all about the same age.

    However if you are not going to use it day in day out then look for a cheaper altenative.. others can advise

    Full Member

    When the cool “Vintage” clothing shop sells the stuff you threw away years ago.

    When you find these in a charity shop today on a day off and go YEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

    and ya feel mint when you try them on and realise you need a belt as they are too loose despite them being a 30″ waist thank you MTB! :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    THIS was your first mobile phone

    Full Member

    You have booted a PC from a cassette tape and thought it was the dogs doodahs!

    You used to run tappy lappy down to the newsagents to get your copy of a computer magazine then run home and proceed to copy the programmes contained therein onto your PC by reading and then typing what you read (having first spent 15mins loading the OS from a tape!)

    Mobile communications meant a CB!

    Full Member

    when I was 18 there wasn’t mass ownership of mobile phones

    You whippersnapper!

    Full Member

    When you spot your 1st grey pube

    The three day hangover thing

    You hand automatically reaches for an imaginary firearm/grenade when you hear teenagers

    Full Member

    BUT only if the trail is definately free of walkers

    Maybe there could be a rule that only times set between midnight and 4am qualify?

    Then you upset the doggers

    Full Member



    MUSIC— can’t beleive nobody mentioned this yet, i refer to the British Blues invasion of the States, Beatles, Stones, the Nash bit of Crosby Stills &, and oasis, blur not bloody one direction!

    British Films – generally far more cerebral than other offerings particularly Lock Stock, Snatch.. Shaun of the Dead

    Humour & Comedy

    Professionalism of our Armed Forces, I know everyone says it but I really do think that we have the best in the world simply let down by a horrendeous military procurement system and civil service.

    Full Member

    Jock, FFS, man! Do it properly!

    Partagas Serie D No 4 and a good measure of Pays d’Auge Calvados.

    I’m skint flashy…. besides do you realise the sort of looks I’d get in Blyth asking for that combo!

    Full Member

    Quick 14 miler along the coast from Blyth to Whitley Bay and back, mostly sealed surface but some singletrack.

    Full Member

    Right thats it. flashy has made my mind up… burger it is.. .and I’ll be very naughty and treat myself to a single King Edward to have with a coffee after….

    Full Member

    Chilli… I’m a purist 😉

    Preferably the thermonuclear, facial meltdown, put the bog roll on ice type 😛

    Full Member

    I’m fancying a Burger…. not a mincy MaccyD either …I’m talking kebab house, half a cow (well the other half is horse!) size.

    Haven’t had one for ages, been REALLY good since new year, Missus out on the pop tonight soooooooooo…………..

    Full Member

    Gotta agree about SPD’s making you technically “lazy”. I swap between SPDs and Flats as needed but over winter deliberately went to flats to improve my technique. Whole new learning curve again.

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Gutted for your loss mate, I hope the rozzers manage to catch these toerags.

    I balance an old roasting tin on the bikes and stretch a bungie to the garage door from one of the bikes… if the garage door is opened then the bike drops as does the roasting tin and all hell breaks loose and yes it does work as it caught the stepson unawares the other day.

    It also helps having furry crocodiles, they are by FAR the best alarm system known to man anyone comes near the house and we know about it.

    Full Member

    As a commercial business the Gardener would be charged for disposing of the rubbish. So he has stacked it neatly for you to take to your local tip for free instead….

    Full Member

    Signing for goods to which you are not entitled too is Fraud.

    PURE and SIMPLE the laws of the UK take precedence here no matter what Ebay say (you will find that Ebay will back down from ANY stance they have taken when the Police are involved).

    Oh and by the way you are OBLIGED by law to report a crime when you are aware of on having taken place. If your buyer won’t take any action then you have to otherwise you could be done for for something like obstruction. Get the Police called.

    Full Member

    It’s theft pure and simple… your buyer should call the Police, he has no comeback on you.

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