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  • Georgia Astle: Finding Fun In The Process At Red Bull Rampage
  • jock-muttley
    Full Member

    If you wanted the novelty value for a lot less work and hassle, why not look at a complete body swap instead?

    There must be some vehicles out there that have roughly the same wheelbase/width etc. lift the body off the dead Leaf and drop it onto the new chassis. no (or very little) complicated wiring/mechanical/functional issues for the same amount of curb amusement.

    Or drop it onto something completely silly, like a Discovery chassis with a lift kit.

    could call it a Land Ranger (i can touch the) Leaf(s)!

    leaf has a 106″ wheelbase…. disco is 100″ unfortunately… however classic rangie did have a 108″ wheelbase variant in its later years.. .that would be feasible and not look too weird.

    Full Member

    How about really triggering some folks and chucking a Cummins ISB in there

    Probably one of the best sounding motors out there… the suspension mods to cope with the weight of the lump and transmission may prove “challenging” however… but the idea of a Nissan leaf rolling prodigious amounts of coal as it bellows past a load of environmental activists appeals to my twisted sense of humour.

    Some guy has put a 4 pot Cummins in a Prius but it hasn’t got that incredible ISB 6 pot grumble so sort of damp squibs it…

    Seriously I’ve been looking to try and “mild hybridise” my Discovery Td5 (I design plant with hybrid & EV tech) and reckon its more than feasible … was thinking a motor / generator in place of the alternator on a toothed belt to the crank to provide a bit of regen and power assist and electrifying parasitic loads like water pump, oil pump and power steering. Power would be a couple of 48V Li-Ion batteries and maybe a capacitor bank for instant response have also thought of a motor on the PTO of the transfer box so that I get electric drive capability…

    …mind you I’ve been talking about doing this for at least 5-6 years and have done hee-haw about it yet lol.

    Full Member

    quite nice how many people went over to help him up. People would have stepped over him and carried on their way in some other parts of the country or stolen his bike.

    I noticed that too +1 for the populus of Edinburgh.

    Full Member

    Sort of bothered about the car, the Meriva was inherited in a way.

    Thanks for the assists folks, I’ll let you know what happens =0)

    Full Member

    How ever if you have followed a non french hgv driver down alp dhuez and have a slightly slipping clutch and over use the brakes to stop driving into the truck …. Nothing unwarps them. Replacing them how ever takes 20minutes

    And how long did it take to get the stains out of the drivers seat :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    Brakes don’t warp from excessive heat which is what that white paper about race car braking thermodynamics says. 🙄

    Don’t think the OP is worring about brake judder on his GT 40 or Shelby Cobra at LeMans, Daytona or Silverstone

    They DO warp in normal use from differing rates of cooling when stationary and the pads are left in contact with the hot disc, insulating that section of the disc as the rest of the disc in free air cools faster.. say at a junction, foot on brake whilst stationary after heavy braking up to said junction.

    Cured in most cases by heating the disc back up again and then allowing to cool normally.EXACTLY THE SAME AS A WARPED MOUNTAIN BIKE DISK!

    Full Member

    Road Bike was too big for me. I had a classic retro Raleigh Eclipse 22″ basically way too big for me but it was a £25 charity shop find so I rode it and really shouldn’t have. My knee was well behind the pedal axle when extended. I was just asking for trouble and I found it.

    Mine would flare up as soon as I got out of the saddle on climbs, low cadence, high torque and it was like something exploded in my thigh to the point that I finished a couple of climbs pedalling on one leg!

    Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation… NO MASSAGE, lay off racing check your saddle fore aft position in relation to the end of your femur. If you have to cycle (I did as I commute) then spinning is the key, don’t pull big gears.

    I cured mine by following the above and getting a new Bianchi Impulso that fitted me 2 months ago :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    Warped Discs… classic symptoms

    Find a nice long stretch of road (flat), get the car going at a good clip… not silly just a good clip.

    gently (very) put your left foot on the brake to let the pads drag on the disc whilst keeping the power on. This will put a lot of heat into the disc keep this up for about a min or until you can smell the brakes.

    Foot off the brake pedal and drive normally till they cool down (about 5 mins) avoiding braking to a standstill. This “should” cure a warp.

    Warped discs are normally caused by stonking up to a roundabout or a junction at warp speed standing on the anchors to stop then keeping the pedal pressed while stationary – the steel of the disk under the pads cools at a different rate thus stays expanded ergo warped disks!

    Full Member

    Yeah lease was what I meant (where the cost is offset by the residual value at the end of the contract) lol. I have twigged that this can be the be the key to the cost – from some brief research I’ve found that its only slightly more expensive a month to lease a Landy 110 SW than a Polo GT or Fester ST :mrgreen:

    But it doesn’t fit the “sips fuel” requisite … humph 🙄

    Is it better to stick with manufacturers plans via the dealers or hit the interwebs and shop about.

    Full Member

    If you know a few lads who can be or even just look as if they can be a bit “handy” who can turn up mob handed and get them to have a “word” with the mother and the **** son and explain the consequences of their actions should anything happen to your lovely neighbour….

    Far more effective than getting the authorities involved with this type of chav scum..

    Full Member

    Pump Manufacturer / Distributor is the issue, we are in a single source of supply situation and he not only has us over a barrel and with a gun to our head and is @rseraping us on price – AND his solution isn’t that brilliant as it adds additional cost as we have to mod the pipework to suit.

    Hydraulic fan is being replaced because they are horrendously inefficient and unreliable when compared to the alternatives. This is us and no we aren’t “that” Avid…. lol :mrgreen:

    We are trying to bring this work in house, where we simply convert customers kit on a service exchange basis. Looks like we are going to run with MaxTorque’s recommendation an use needle roller bearings, it means a bit of machining work but we have a brilliant local machine shop to do that for use.

    We just need to get a prototype built and tested to prove the theory.

    Thanks chaps

    Full Member

    Yip, these look like pressure fed bearings, negligible radial load though, driven direct from engine.

    The roller bearing solution looks good, we were thinking every permutation of not trying to do this, even wondering would it be possible to put a pressurised oil gallery into the “transfer block” and a unpressurized return, we do after all have a pump, but thinking about it the roller bearing route is simpler, unless you have a better suggestion.

    Full Member


    Exactly the arrangement we have but what we are saying is remove the Driven gear thus removing any pressure from the system effectively leaving the driving gear sitting in an oil bath as a “posh” driveshaft to the power steering part of the pump.

    If that makes sense :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    The odd beat missed or a double one every now and them isn’t an issue, infact it’s perfectly normal. I got a telling off by the ward sister after my MI for “playing” with my heart… I was sat watching my ECG and it dawned on me that I could make it skip a beat or put a double in… I forgot that the nurses station had monitors too. She marched in with a “…and you can pack that in right now young man” before removing the leads from me then taking some sadistic pleasure in removing the adhesive electrode pads from my hirsute chest…

    That’s where I learned that your heart can do stuff like that ( though you can only fanny about with it if you are concentrating on a live feed)

    Full Member

    Them munkis iz barstuds..

    Full Member

    was fancying covering the top in aluminium sheet or maybe steel to stop the marks..

    deffo a big vice (has to be record anything else simply isn’t cricket) :mrgreen:

    Full Member

    great ideas so far… ignoring one who didn’t read the OP specification… (cough cough)… 😕

    landrover bits aka about a ton of LT75 gearbox and transfer box..

    now what about bike storage, I’m thinking vertical, as in on end, front wheel / rear wheel alternating on the opposite wall, i know i could do hooks into the ceiling / wall but i’m fancying something mobile and flexible.


    Full Member

    dont delay get yourself checked out, could be nothing, could be something.

    Do you get headaches too, if so it could be a blood pressure issue.

    Get yourself to the doc to be on the safe side

    Full Member

    Ooooo ta,

    I shall avail myself of some. I have brake cleaner but I am cautious about using it but I’m guessing nowadays that this is EEC safe and sanitised version.


    Full Member

    Hmmm tried that, they are old so cracked, etc, I think its going to be a case of being patient and slowly slowly catchee monkey.

    Just wondering if anyone had a magic wand … lol

    Full Member

    bed when he falls asleep at 9 or 10

    and there’s trouble brewing right there! 4/5yo should be out for the count by 7:30 at the very latest.

    You as parents need time off too, which you won’t get with a infant running around at 10 at night…. We have a 13 & a 14 yo and they are upstairs by 9:30 on a school night, they don’t have to go to sleep but it’s essentially “quiet time” from then on.

    Full Member

    I take it you lot who shave live “daaaahhhhhnnnn saaaaaarrrrffff” it’s sodding Baltic up here on the North East coast so I need all the insulation I can get… Shaving legs…. FFS next you lot will be trying to tell me that it’s over 60p a pint in London.

    Full Member

    “Well boss… It was like this…..”

    Full Member

    Memory map and fugawi offer that facility IIRC

    Full Member

    Ok so where did we agree that gas prices were worth more than democracy and human rights … Yeah about the same time we stood up to a fascist ****t in Germany in ’39

    Wake up… The Crimea is not self determination it is ANCHLOSS writ feking large if you are too young or a victim of our blameless society to understand that term … It’s the bit in the film before GERMANY and RUSSIA invade Poland oh and 32 million people lost their lives…

    .. So how many therms of gas is a human life worth … This is NOT economics it is ideology

    Full Member

    Nah editing

    Full Member

    Sorry but I just don’t get this…. This issue with your other half having a problem with what you do for fun…

    If you love the lass/woman/girl you are with/married to then there shouldn’t be any issue.
    If she loves you and you love her where’s the problem – unless of course you put something as shallow as your “job/lifestyle/mates” before your own future. It sounds to me like certain posters are working in the “me and my fun, my job, my family” in that order and wondering why they are having issues.

    Sorry but amongst the grown ups on this forum. If you love each other and don’t share the same interests then you should encourage the diversity, respect it and share what you have in common.

    If there is still an issue then it’s is mag to grid…

    Full Member

    Yeah that’s like really great if you can
    A) be in the right loop to hear about it
    B) be in the right area to take advantage of it ( see A)
    C) be able to afford it

    Meanwhile back in the world of reality.. I’ll go with gentle spousal/partner encouragement

    That was 2 mins of “you can do it, I’ll be there” and “if I disappear It’s ‘cos I’m going to be taking pics of you”

    THAT sequence of pics in Spooky’s at GT did more for Lynne’s confidence than any amount of kit/money spent. It also said to her “I’m watching over you” to me if you love the lass then there just isn’t an issue.

    Full Member

    As a former member of HM Armed Forces in the 1980s about this situation. We were always taught ” don’t trust the f’kin Russians”

    Been there, done that, got the t shirt

    I was one of the ones whose life expectancy was under 2 mins had the 3rd soviet shock army come steam roller ing across the inter German border…

    As everyone under 30 goes “you what???”

    Full Member

    Kiddie trailer, they are a lot less vulnerable it it goes Pete Tong

    Full Member

    Best thing I ever did … Or maybe not, she’s quicker than me… :mrgreen: MrsMutt Is now at the stage now where she would benefit from tuition. Still get the odd wobble, she thinks she’s iron woman neglects to tell me she’s swam 60 lengths that morning and not eaten anything then tries to ride 30 miles.
    Ride at her pace, be gentle, be patient and recognise that whilst you may know it all you may not be able to teach her.

    Full Member

    Beard – check, cracking tashe – check, Yorkshire accent – check, funky cooking – check do we have an STWer in the mix here?

    Full Member

    Karl …. Beans on toast … Oh Lordy

    Full Member

    Yeah Beddy MK / MJ with a signals body conversion make very fine campers, as does a 101 ambulance or with the signals body or the “vampire”. Seen quite a few 127 rapier ambulance campers too.

    Avoid the TD5 engine like the plague, fine for civilisation but if the electronics throw a wobbly in the back of beyond ( and they do it’s a land rover after all) you’re screwed. 2.8 izusu/daihatsu conversion is good in landies as is the 3.0 Mazda/Nissan unit too.

    My choice would be a 200/300 series TDi disco for comfort, or a classic rangie ( not any newer rangie as they are just not reliable) go for the 3.5 v8 on SU or Stromberg carbs rather than fuel injection. Manual transfer box rather than a Borg Warner viscous coupling beastie (the chains snap) LT77 manual Gearbox is more than reliable provided it’s been modded (manufacturing fault) but I would go for a ZF 3 speed auto box as, provided its been serviced they are bullet proof. Ditch the viscous coupling fan for a kenlowe ( bit carry the old one as a spare). I’d fit a winch so you can self recover and you will need at least 2/3 big tree strops, a couple of snatch blocks too and a shed load of shackles ( o ring type not D as the Ds can seize) to go with the winch. I’d go for steel rope over plasma rope for reliability a sake, you can melt plasma rope, if you have melted the steel one then it’s the least of your worries at that point! You need all the strops and shackles because you may need to pull yourself out in reverse from an obstacle or slide the beggar sideways. Learn how to use the winch SAFELY before you go!

    Defenders are all for the “out of Africa” look but unless you are 5’6″ or smaller they are bloody uncomfortable distance wise I love them to bits but they aren’t really tourers.

    Full Member

    I got the “you are an axe wielding, child molesting, sex pest” look because I held a door open for a woman …FFS

    Full Member

    Land Rover but then I’m bias, don’t go for a modern one 200/300 TDi engined if you are going for diesel power or the good old Rover V8 for petrol. Remember diesel quality can be ropey in more remote areas, petrol is more commonly availible and more forgiving a fuel ( particularly in the V8 as the low power output version of this unit is designed for poor fuel.

    Full Member

    Sadexpunk .. apology accepted, just saw ‘Gym Guru’ and interpreted it as per the stereotypical testosterone driven moron who’s a legend in his own small, sad little world. These people do exist and they are capable of spouting some scarey bollox.

    I’m not an expert, I don’t do much reading into the subject – I used to but I deliberately stopped myself as you just get paranoid. I know what works for me, which is a sensible, varied diet where the emphasis is cook fresh from scratch. The occasional take away treat thrown in a couple of times a month. I take the medication that works for me. So that’s 80mg of statins, aspirin and clopidogrel (anti-coagulants). Beta blockers and ace inhibitors even at 2.5mg turn me into a zombie ( as a previous poster so aptly put) – and they wanted to titrate me up to 12mg so I’m guessing that if I wasn’t so bolshi then I’m guessing I’d be a 18st couch potato if I wholly took their advice.

    You find what works for your own body BUT don’t believe the hype that it is possible to read without at least discovering for your self. This can mean effectively experimenting on yourself for up to 6 months, to get to the right medications. Remember I’ve had 10 years of living with this condition so I’ve got it honed right down.

    Harry, not quite the same but I get “needle fatigue” where my arteries and veins crawl up my arm and hide every time I’m in hospital.

    Best way to measure your resting, relaxed heart rate is to take your own pulse when you first wake and are still lying in bed, make a note of it every day and you will find that you can eventually pick up on stuff like too much caffine the day before or even sometimes when you have caught a cold before the sniffles set in ( your heart rate elevates).

    Full Member

    I can tolerate Atorvastatin but not Simva, Rhosuva etc. These make me walk like a zombie.

    Me too, Atorvastatin was a revelation to me 12 months ago. Only side effect I get is occasional fatiguing but that can be combated with exercise.

    Full Member

    double post due to cr@p internet

    Full Member

    I think its a good/bad cholesterol thing, the thing with eggs is whilst you think you are eating one you may be eating another 3 or 4 unseen in processed foods.

    Eggs are v.high in cholesterol and I was advised to reduce consumption (now 3 a week) The cholesterol doesn’t translate immediately into blocked arteries.

    I was more trying to make a point about “snake oil” type conspiracy theory peddlars… and that is all these so called “gym guru/heath advisor” types are, they have a product/service to sell in which they have a vested interest, which is more than the NHS has…

    “Oh the budget strapped national health service it trying to sell you give you free advice and subsidised medication you don’t need, they are all in it together”

    Oh puuuuullleeeeeessssssssssssseee get real about this people. If you don’t want to take the pills its simple don’t take them

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