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  • jobro
    Free Member

    When I was building a Niner hardtail I drove the weight loss as far as I could go. I paid the premium for the best I could get.
    But when it came to saddles and grips (key contact points) I went for what was most comfortable. In my case that was a Gobi.
    To my mind saddle comfort is more important in rigid and hard tail bikes than on a full bouncer. You may argue that case.

    Free Member

    Ooh, a trek 69er. Not seen one of those for years. *like*

    ….and new wheels and tyres have made it even more likeable!

    Still my favourite bike (probably)

    Free Member

    Shoudn’t the third picture go in the bike against a post thread?

    Free Member

    Trek Remedy. Love mined, very capable up and down

    Are you getting another Remedy Jim?

    The 2015 ones in 29er carbon flavour look fantastic

    Free Member

    I would like to add a pre-thank you, in readiness for the new forum.

    There’s a new forum??

    Will they keep the riff raff out.

    Free Member

    i’d love to run CX1 on mine however as an aside.

    Thats what I had in mind if I can get the money together !

    Free Member

    Apologies if I have missed this in the thread but does anyone have news of an ATR mk 2?

    Does it exist? What will the changes be? When will it be likely to arrive?

    Having been lurking on here for a while I’d come to the conclusion this had to be my next bike. I’m not in a major rush to get it built, and having read all the tales of delays wondered whether to wait for the new version.

    Many thanks

    Free Member

    Still very happy with how this looks after a couple of years ownership.

    Lovely to ride as well.

    Free Member

    I’ve got an S-Max which replaced a T5

    Very pleased with it and so much more refined than the VW (although obviously not as much room)

    Bit like driving a seven seater sports car and I easily get a couple of bikes in with just the front wheels off attached to a sliding floor bar with quick releases attached.

    I have slept in for one night pre race with just one bike and no problems

    Free Member

    Where do you carry all the kit you need to cycle around the world on a unicycle?

    That rucksac wont hold much!

    Free Member

    Have used Rons front and rear for a couple of years now. Grip on the back, using what is really a race tyre, is quite amazing. I have got up stuff none of our group have done in the past.
    Recently, however, I have been a bit concerned with the Rons on the front as it gets a bit wetter. They seem to fall over somehow when they come across an edge or rut. So have changed to Nic. Rear is still fine though.
    Have only had one issue with fragility of Rons and that was a brand new 26″ Ron which split along about 12″ of sidewall after a flint slice. The rest of the time (Dartmoor,Exmoor Q’s ) they have been robust and puncture free (running tubeless)

    Free Member

    +1 for American Classic Race

    Still running true and free despite being ridden by a clod!

    I think they are around 1550 gms so pretty light and very cheap for what you get (imho obviously).

    I have two sets.Ron rear NN front on one and the lightweight set has thunder bert rear ron front

    Free Member

    Air 9 c wieghts in at 16 pound and a bit. Thats geared with rdo forks
    Next SL cranks,aimerican classic wheels etc

    Free Member

    Gore Phantom II softshell jacket. Probably best bit of kit I’ve ever owned.

    Versatile enough to load with layers for the worst weather (I’m currently loving Helly Warm base layer) and still OK with arms zipped off for spring/Autumn

    Free Member

    Not Received mine yet.

    Early Chrissie present to self. Indeed, a thing of beauty.

    Free Member

    and………can anyone tell me where each months photo was taken as that seems to have been omitted on mine. Just a small point I know, but surely good PR for the locations.

    Talking of photographs – that’s one hell of a cracking shot on the cover!

    Free Member

    640mm Mt. Zoom for me on my Air 9

    Anything wider and I seem to hit every tree and catch every gorse bush I go near.

    Having said that I am going to try some 710’s soon to see how I get on (without the gorse catching bar ends!!)

    Free Member

    Ahh that was the fog line when we down to the hidden valley(which was very slippy !)

    Free Member

    Where’s Roos Jambo?

    Free Member

    Nice Sheeps Tor picture!

    Free Member

    My experience pretty much mirrors whats been said above.

    Howies -Lovely feel ,last for ages ONLY buy in sales.

    OnOne – OK but nowhere near the comfy feel(a lot cheaper of course!)

    Helly – just started using HH Warm dual compound and so far has been superb (best of the lot but very warm)

    Free Member

    Its great to see Mike out again Paul – please give him our best wishes.

    So glad I decided to bail and turbo/work in garden :-(

    How did the road bike ride go?

    Free Member

    I really rate Rons as a fast all round tyre. My experience is only in 29er version though. I find them incredibly grippy at the the back run at 24lbs.
    The front is a bit of a problem when it gets loose in my experience. Its when they hit a soft edge I find problematic. They just seem to fall over.
    On my Czar which I use in rougher conditions I’m changing to a Nic on the front.
    Best race bike tyre IMHO with a thunder Burt on the back when its dusty.

    Free Member

    I’m afraid I can’t help you with the difference between a Reba RL and the SID.
    When I was building up my Czar I looked at the two and couldn’t see enough difference to warrant the extra expense.
    I was really throwing some money at the build but I’m still happy I made the right choice (buggered if I can tell the difference with my mates SID on a Scott) The performance of the Reba has been fine,especially for the deal I got from Planet X and the Czar still came out at 22lbs.

    Free Member

    You know you’re doing it right when you can feel the bars flexing as you gurn your way up hill.

    Free Member

    You learn to shift weight as you “row” your way up.

    So true!

    Do they all this “thrulching” in the North

    Free Member

    I ride SS on my Saturday(group) rides from November to March (ish)
    I live in North Devon so that’s Exmoor,Dartmoor,Haldon and the Q’s

    Some things I note:
    1)Its amazing what you can get up on SS even though you may normally be scrabbling for something easy on a geared bike.
    2) Never had a problem with knees on SS. The rest of my body hurts mind!
    3)Yes it is a lot easier to clean the bike afterwards
    4)I do my other two rides in the week on gears. I find I need to do this to retain some supplesse (spinnyness)
    5)I think of it as a sport specific weight training exercise, and yes you do get out of the saddle a lot.
    6)There is a lot of myth,rubbish, general nonsense(and a lot of bad language) spoken about SS. Just go out and give it a go. You may just enjoy yourself!

    Free Member

    Live in Devon and try and keep higher and rockier in the winter as it drains better and there simply is less mud around. So that’s Dartmoor, Q’s and Haldon. Have to be careful around Exmoor as this can get really heavy with mud.
    Woodbury is a delight in the summer. Classic heathland riding. Rode there on Sunday and it was bad, really hard work. A canoe might have been a better form of transport. Will be “resting” Woodbury until next April!

    Free Member

    On the air 9c – 80mm kcnc stem and 640mm mt. Zoom (4 degree sweep with bar ends – oh the horror)RDO rigid fork

    on the Czar – 80mm kcnc stem and 710mm mt zoom bar. This bar is dead straight and its giving me wrist ache! Thinking of changing back to 7 degree sweep 710, again from mt. zoom. 100mm Reba fork

    Free Member

    Racing Ralph in winter – death on a stick!

    I’ve even come off going uphill

    Fine on the back in summer

    Free Member

    Apologies. I posted this earlier in the other helmet thread, but thought it might be useful here as well. Just some internet perusal:

    What evidence is there that cycle helmets reduce serious injury?

    There have been many predictions that cycle helmets are effective in reducing serious injuries. Most of these predictions come from case-control studies, which are based on small research populations and have been criticised for methodological limitations.

    On the other hand, large population data, from sources such as traffic casualty statistics and hospital treatment records, do not support these predictions. These sources show no improvement in serious injury trends as helmet use has become more common. Indeed, sometimes they suggest that the number or severity of injuries has increased.

    In Great Britain, there was no detectable improvement in fatalities, serious injuries or the average severity of injuries to cyclists over the period 1985 to 2001, during which helmet use rose from close to zero to approx 22%. Injury severity increased as helmet use became more common (BHRF, 1071). A study of road traffic casualties has found no association between differing patterns of helmet wearing rates and casualty rates for adults and children. Similarly, boys and girls have identical percent head injury rates but markedly different levels of helmet use (Hewson, 2005; Hewson, 2005b).

    In Greater London, cyclist injuries became more serious as helmet use increased in the mid 1990s (BHRF, 1072). In 2001, although about half of cyclists wore helmets, the severity of injuries was significantly higher than in 1981 and fatalities were highest since 1989. In Edinburgh, also with approx 50% helmet wearing, casualties have become more serious as helmet use has increased (BHRF, 1247). In the Lothian region (close to Edinburgh), wearing a helmet has made no significant difference to outcome in the case of the more serious head injuries measured by need of follow-up or hospital admission (Scottish Exec, 2005).

    In the USA, cyclists suffered more head injuries in 2001 than in 1991 although helmet use had increased from 18% to 50%. There is no clear information that cycle use increased during this period and some evidence that it may have fallen. (BHRF, 1041)

    In Australia, helmet laws caused head injuries to fall by 11% to 21%. But cycle use fell by 30% to 60%, suggesting that those who continued to cycle were more at risk (BHRF, 1096). In New Zealand, large increases in helmet use have not brought any reduction in the proportion of serious head injuries. Some reduction in mild concussions and lacerations has been balanced by an increase in neck injuries (##10017). An analysis of enforced helmet laws in Australia, New Zealand and Canada has found no clear evidence of benefit and increased risks for cyclists post-legislation (Robinson, 2006).

    Analysis by Erke and Elvik, 2007 showed an increased accident risk per cycling-km for cyclists wearing a helmet. In Australia and New Zealand the increase was estimated to be around 14%.

    In Germany, research found no significant difference in the level of head-trauma in cycling crashes between cyclists who wore a helmet and those who did not (Möllman, Rieger and Wassmann, 2004).

    More generally, concerns have been expressed that helmets may increase the risk of the most serious types of head injury typical of road crashes and which involve rotational forces (BHRF, 1039).

    Free Member

    Sorry this a bit long but I thought it would be better than a link:

    What evidence is there that cycle helmets reduce serious injury?

    There have been many predictions that cycle helmets are effective in reducing serious injuries. Most of these predictions come from case-control studies, which are based on small research populations and have been criticised for methodological limitations.

    On the other hand, large population data, from sources such as traffic casualty statistics and hospital treatment records, do not support these predictions. These sources show no improvement in serious injury trends as helmet use has become more common. Indeed, sometimes they suggest that the number or severity of injuries has increased.

    In Great Britain, there was no detectable improvement in fatalities, serious injuries or the average severity of injuries to cyclists over the period 1985 to 2001, during which helmet use rose from close to zero to approx 22%. Injury severity increased as helmet use became more common (BHRF, 1071). A study of road traffic casualties has found no association between differing patterns of helmet wearing rates and casualty rates for adults and children. Similarly, boys and girls have identical percent head injury rates but markedly different levels of helmet use (Hewson, 2005; Hewson, 2005b).

    In Greater London, cyclist injuries became more serious as helmet use increased in the mid 1990s (BHRF, 1072). In 2001, although about half of cyclists wore helmets, the severity of injuries was significantly higher than in 1981 and fatalities were highest since 1989. In Edinburgh, also with approx 50% helmet wearing, casualties have become more serious as helmet use has increased (BHRF, 1247). In the Lothian region (close to Edinburgh), wearing a helmet has made no significant difference to outcome in the case of the more serious head injuries measured by need of follow-up or hospital admission (Scottish Exec, 2005).

    In the USA, cyclists suffered more head injuries in 2001 than in 1991 although helmet use had increased from 18% to 50%. There is no clear information that cycle use increased during this period and some evidence that it may have fallen. (BHRF, 1041)

    In Australia, helmet laws caused head injuries to fall by 11% to 21%. But cycle use fell by 30% to 60%, suggesting that those who continued to cycle were more at risk (BHRF, 1096). In New Zealand, large increases in helmet use have not brought any reduction in the proportion of serious head injuries. Some reduction in mild concussions and lacerations has been balanced by an increase in neck injuries (##10017). An analysis of enforced helmet laws in Australia, New Zealand and Canada has found no clear evidence of benefit and increased risks for cyclists post-legislation (Robinson, 2006).

    Analysis by Erke and Elvik, 2007 showed an increased accident risk per cycling-km for cyclists wearing a helmet. In Australia and New Zealand the increase was estimated to be around 14%.

    In Germany, research found no significant difference in the level of head-trauma in cycling crashes between cyclists who wore a helmet and those who did not (Möllman, Rieger and Wassmann, 2004).

    More generally, concerns have been expressed that helmets may increase the risk of the most serious types of head injury typical of road crashes and which involve rotational forces (BHRF, 1039).

    Free Member

    Well I know its all a bit funny, pear drops an all, but I did wonder if this was a sign of ketoacidosis. Diabetes being a likely cause.
    Have you thought of going to see a gp about this?

    Free Member

    I think we would all agree that the world would be diminished without the likes of Geoff Apps in it.

    Free Member

    Niner Air9 RDO with RDO rigid fork. Mine comes out at 14lbs.

    Edit: sorry didn’t pick up 26″ wheel requirement

    Free Member

    And don’t forget MBR routes always seem to be the wrong way round!

    Like many have already said I’m becoming a bit disappointed with printed media generally. I’ve bought Singletrack since issue one but I just don’t seem to anticipate new issues with such joy as I used too.Perhaps I’ve moved out of the target demographic. I also currently get Bike (the American mtb one) but I wont be renewing that one. I seem to read more blogs than mags nowadays

    Free Member

    i fancy a set of the carbon reynolds assault SLG discs for the spring

    Lovely looking wheels tlr but when did £1349.00 for a wheelset become “a fairly competitive price”

    Must be getting old :-(

    Free Member

    Rode with a rigid fork and didnt die !

    Why would you? It’s just slower and more uncomfortable.

    Man you are so wrong!

    I’ll happily race you on my rigid Niner to show you how fast they are

    Free Member

    Paul – post a pic of a proper rigid please!

    And you need to get a 16T on the back :-)

    Free Member

    Well done on giving the Tripster a “proper ride” I’m sure Kinesis will be very pleased you have covered the A and the T in ATR!

    Something you may be interested in doing next year:-

    I really enjoyed this event. I guess you could call it gravel racing.

    Thatll tick off the R right there :-)

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