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  • Fresh Goods Friday 640: Three Feet High Edition
  • joat
    Full Member

    Yes, but the OP’s lamp may have been one of these, though can’t be sure without comparison.

    Full Member

    If you look in some commercial buildings/big pubs etc you’ll often see two-pin sockets and plugs. Do you know if your lamp is legit?

    Full Member

    When my broadband seems to be slow, I just think back to dial-up (some of you kids wont remember that :wink: ). My download speed seems to be a lot faster then..

    Full Member

    Only teasing, I’ll admit it does have some old school manufacturing aesthetic charm about it.

    Full Member

    I bet there’s at least 75 quid’s worth of scrap there. :wink:

    Full Member

    @BristolPablo. Surely a store in Surrey would be the ideal place to sell 8inch downhill monster bikes. :wink:

    Full Member

    Gaffa tape. A couple of rolls will be cheaper than delivery. It won’t budge.

    Full Member

    mcmoonter, surely you have enough firewood already, no?

    Full Member

    My circa ’99 Spesh CroMo Hardrock is showing a little rust, what do you think the chances would be if I sent it back?… :?

    Full Member

    I’m afraid these won’t bud out at all, but if you really want to keep them, try bending down a couple of longer thinner branches and tie them to the trunk. It won’t look pretty, but they’re not really specimens ATM, are they?

    Full Member

    It was the first single I bought, on vinyl in a basic paper sleeve from a proper dusty old-school record store. I was given some record vouchers and, knowing next to nothing about music picked up the first name I had heard of. It’s still one of my favourite tunes.

    Full Member

    I’ve found it hard to go back to one just on the bars. My eyes seem to be able to shift quicker than my head, so a helmet light for looking where my wheel isn’t pointing and a bar mounted one for infront of the bike where your eyes (subconciously maybe) see what you’re about to ride into/over. So try it, but beware you might not be able to go back. I use Lezyne Superdrive on the bars and Minidrive on the helmet FWIW, which are fine on familiar trails.

    Full Member

    TurnerGuy, I may not have thought it through properly, but the mere mention of Gove’s name makes my blood boil. But I believe you did O-levels OR CSE’s regardless of the fact that you might be a maths genius but can’t spell for toffee and were separated early on in your academic years. Wealthier and better educated parents are more likely to invest time and money in their kids early on to ensure they pass what was the 11 plus, thus ensuring better prospects later in life. White collar – blue collar jobs have become more blurred in the last couple of decades. And Gove gives me the impression at least, that he would like to return to this hierarchy, with him in a privileged position.

    Full Member

    I know this doesn’t help the OP, but may help others in future in that I always use a supplementary D-lock or chain through the rear triangle and chain and around the roofbars. It’s not perfect, but a lot more work needs to be done before some scroat rides off with my bike(s).

    Full Member

    Raleigh Mustang, I think it was a halfords special version, white, black and red IIRC. Probably did more miles on that bike than any other. Mostly road miles though to see mates and girlfriend(s).

    Full Member

    Granted, that is better evidence than my rant seven.

    Full Member

    The man’s an elitist snob who would like to stop social mobility by re-introducing O-levels, and probably secondary schools. I imagine he was bullied at school in the Gym changing rooms, and is now getting his revenge with his new powers. He’s a charmless chinless wonder if you ask me.

    Full Member

    Has anybody mentioned a Lappierre X Flow? May just be the ticket.

    Full Member

    Kate, it’s short for Bob.

    Full Member

    XC? ‘fun’?, Where have I been going wrong? :wink:
    Nice vid though!

    Full Member

    I can’t bring myself to read all of this thread. I thought it might have been a discussion about self catering holidays :oops:

    Full Member

    49.2mph according to cateye down Winnat’s Pass on the road bike. Endomondo said 60!

    Full Member

    I may be making some of the words up here, but during the rowing I,m sure someone said “She’s rubbing the boat with the palm of her hand”.
    If I’d known there’d be a thread like this I’d have written it down..

    Full Member

    It it just me, or is this thread title just a little bit rude?

    Full Member

    I think Phil said during the TDF coverage that he could retire if a Brit won the tour. Et Voila!

    Full Member

    There will always be somebody slower or faster than you, on a cheaper or more expensive bike. Don’t be embarrased, most people don’t ‘fit in’.

    Full Member

    If she snaps for a trivial reason, just suck it up. Both of you know it’s just a bit of grief manifesting itself as anger and not worth taking further. And like others have said, just a gentle back rub and kiss will let her know you’re there for her.

    Full Member

    Ski’s log stores also double-up as dog agility ramps :P

    Full Member

    No, Simmons..

    Full Member

    For further information on this topic please read The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins. Little or none god bashing involved, if that sort of thing bothers you.

    Full Member

    I agree with akira, with both the helmet and the spelling.

    Full Member

    Probably best to think of triangles rather than tension/compression and imagine if those arms were a lot thinner what would happen.

    Full Member

    Thanks for asking, I’ll have another pint of Landlord from Timmy Taylor ta.

    Full Member

    Id of thinked it shud of bin a un-successfull managere’s’ handbook; no? :oops:

    Full Member

    I think there are two peaks in the peak district actually. Thorpe Cloud and Win hill I think. Therefore peakS. :wink:

    Full Member

    Regarding mrdestructo’s link, why does anybody riding a bike get classed as a cyclist? Yes he may have been on a bike but he’s not someone I’d want in my “club”.
    I also drive a car, cycle on and off road, walk down pavements and hike. I like to think I have a well balanced attitude to all users and will move out of the way of mountain bikers if I can -they are soon gone anyway, but I would be peeved if somebody was treating a bridleway like a trail centre downhill course. But saying that, I also get annoyed when people(ramblers) stare at you with disbelief that you’re riding a bike down “those rocks”, and no I’m not going too fast, you are standing still. So what I’m saying is my perspective changes depending on whatever cap(or helmet) I’m wearing that day, so try not to get too upset with other users, and leave the gun at home eh?

    Full Member

    NOT the on offer Carlsberg I picked up on the way back from an evening ride at Sherwood Pines, no Siree. (Awaits to be lambasted)

    Full Member

    They are very clean burning and will be fine when seasoned. They used to use them to make gunpowder IIRC.

    Full Member

    I wouldn’t mind paying cycling road tax actually, so long as it’s proportionate to the wear and tear I cause and reflects the amount of carriageway I can legally cycle on. Some guessing would arrive at a figure of sod all that’s not worth tyring to enforce and collect. No to helmet compulsion BTW.

    Full Member

    I’ve nearly burned 100,000 calories on my endomondo account, so I’m not going to move now.

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