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  • Sleeping Out: Bonus Content | Emma Osenton
  • joat
    Full Member

    The nineties called. It wants its paint back. It lessens the chance of SMIDSY though. I don’t know how you’ll find the lycra to match it.

    Full Member

    Just done the Rutland sportive, only the ‘short’ 59 miler mind. I don’t think there was a single flat bit of road on it though. Knackered now! Meal out with friends tonight washed down with a beer or two.

    Full Member

    Belated Ta! BWD

    Full Member

    Whilst out rambling I tend to kick out the edges of puddles on bridleways (but not footpaths, sod ramblers) much to my wife’s embarrassment.

    Full Member

    Quick blast round Sherwood Pines. Came back with very little mud on bike for the first time since, well, you know, I can’t remember.

    Full Member

    How long did it take you to get your ‘story’ straight RJ? 9/10.

    Full Member

    @BadlyWiredDog, You didn’t happen to find an Evans tour de france commemorative water bottle on that top road did you? It must have fallen out as I was shouldering the bike. I had to turn around a couple of determined motorists who were trying to get to Castleton, but you would have thought I was trying to convince them the moon was made of cheese.

    Full Member

    You should change gear more often :wink:

    Full Member

    Sorry, I think I may have started this music stuff bickering. Just to clarify, I don’t mind a bit of music but the bass on car stereos is usually all you can hear from any distance and can be heard by all the campsite, so you end up playing ‘guess the tune’ from the bassline. Ironically the perpetrators don’t seem to like others’ music, so end up turning their’s up to drown out the neighbours’ inferior tunes.

    Full Member

    It’s probably the same people who put their car stereo on with the doors open. Because everyone on the campsite wants to listen to builders radio first thing in the morning with the car acting as a bass cannon.

    Full Member

    Ooh. Going that way Monday, thought I might ride up or down it at some point.

    Full Member

    I’m allergic to apples. But not galaxies luckily :P

    Full Member

    My trick is to reset my average speed on the trip computer whilst doing the limit, this works best in a 70 like the A14. Try and keep it there between cameras and you just sail past everyone.

    Full Member

    In my local Waitrose (don’t ya know), They have parent and child bays (why they have to be closer to the shop I don’t know) which have chevrons about two feet wide between them so should be simple to swing in and park straight. But no, most encroach onto the dividers, and not all, sometimes most, don’t have any kids :roll: I wouldn’t mind so much if the normal spaces weren’t some of the most generous around in the first place. I will admit to rolling my eyes and shaking my head at a middle aged couple who got out of a Range Rover, then watched them discuss weather they should move it :lol:

    Full Member

    Probably just a computer in the corner, so people can order what they want and give me a small percentage to be around when it’s delivered (though I’d have staff to do this because I might be out riding). But have decent coffee, tea, biscuits and a few essentials for people to pop in for before a shop ride.

    Full Member

    At that depth, as long as the clay is dryish (i.e. you can’t get all ‘Ghost’ with it) it will be strong enough, just back fill and tamp a little at a time.

    Full Member

    @nickc. I agree with your point, I was just trying to avoid the helmet effectiveness issue. I don’t mind what anyone wears or rides, we all have to start somewhere. However we all make mistakes, and sometimes a bit of advice on clothing, bike set-up, or technique, be it from mates or magazines can improve your biking experience.

    Full Member

    If I hadn’t decided to stop inside this afternoon, I would look a bit like the riders in the bus right now. Can’t believe there’s another half inch of snow outsde again 8O

    Full Member

    Now TJ is not around the general consensus would probably be that helmets are a good idea. So a more protective one would be a better idea. However some people could maybe do with a nudge in a more comfortable direction. The oddest I’ve seen at sherwood pines is full on team lycra, riding racy bar-ended hardtail with full face and goggles. Not saying it was wrong, just a little anachronistic. Or maybe it was a top racer in disguise.

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    Full Member

    Head down, on the drops, knees in, elbows in, quids in. 8)

    Full Member

    My advice would be to chop it up and split it, then leave it open to the weather for two or three wet months before putting it in a shed. It sounds wrong but it will wash the sticky sap off. You’ll thank me when your clothes aren’t covered in crap when you bring them in to burn next winter. And 15 quid, they saw you coming.

    Full Member

    In a bizarre coincidence, we were talking to an officer in Calverton today who was involved in looking for the missing cop. But when I clicked on the link in the OP the next story involved a missing Polish man who has been found dead near to where I’m from and still work. 8O

    Full Member

    For only a few quid difference between brands and type (where else would 10 quid be the difference between top and bottom of the range), it would make sense to me to choose what you fancy. I have lizard skins DSP at the moment and it does seem to dampen out road buzz and is grippy and comfy.

    Full Member

    It was a while ago now, but we booked a fast ferry along with a camping holiday. The cost for the whole holiday was about the same as the ferry would have been separately. So it might be worth booking it all together.

    Full Member

    Different pull ratios I believe. I’m not mentioning the punctuation :-)

    Full Member

    Most supermarkets do ‘chain oil’ in handy bottles. Never had a problem with it. Just be careful if your oil tank is plastic as mice chewed through a friend’s tank and emptied it.

    Full Member

    Luxury shed? The perfect place for an intimate reception. Just make sure we have a step by step pictorial account please footflaps, you know you want to.

    Full Member

    How much singletrack could we create if we all had mcmoonter’s work ethic?

    Full Member

    I can’t tell you how many bearings there are, but I can tell you to count them all out, and count them all back in again. (Apologies to the late great Brian Hanrahan)

    Full Member

    Just not niche enough for some of the taste nazi ****wits on here it seems. Why don’t you all tell us what we should be listening to. It’s a wonder anybody writes music that a lot of people might like for fear of being lambasted by STWers. :roll:

    Full Member

    Just driving along in our old megane when the panoramic roof exploded at 70mph. Luckily the sun blind was across and caught most of it. No roof bars or racks on at the time so no idea what caused it. The new cmax also has a glass roof and the feet of the roof bars do press on this, should I be worried?

    Full Member

    We use a simpler stump vise at work. Cut one half moon off the top of the stump to the depth of the bar, cut a vertical slit perpendicular to the first to the same depth. Use a flat wide screwdriver to wedge the bar against one of the remaining quarters having seated the saw body on the shelf you made first. Just do it at a more comfortable working height than the chap in the video.

    Full Member

    I don’t think anybody was lolling bwaarp. :roll:

    Full Member

    A class mate of mine was shot by his dog in the same way. Put loaded cocked shotgun against fence while he climbed over, and his dog knocked it whilst following and it went off. It was point blank, and shattered his tib and fib. Bad practice yes, but he would have been about 16 at the time and we’ve all gotten away with things which in hindsight were bloody stupid.

    Full Member

    The Ford ‘Focus of beers’ at the moment. Marston’s Pedigree. I have a bottle of Yorkshire Square Ale from The Black Sheep lot next. First-light road ride tomorrow so that will probably be it :cry:

    Full Member

    This will confuse the Daily Fail. “Those foreign Johnnies not letting us go over there and do their jobs, oh hang on isn’t the EU supposed to stop this, we like the Eu, Oh no we don’t, do we? arrrrgggghhhh”

    Full Member

    While we’re on the subject, has anybody seen the Hovis (I think) half and half bread advert with the twins? At the end they think they are using the international symbol for ‘he’s had a drink’ when their dad comes home, but seem to use the symbol for c*#!sucker instead. Hope it’s not just me.

    Full Member

    Are these on rights of way? (I don’t know the area). If so your local rights of way officer will hopefully sort it out.

    Full Member

    Small thread resurrection. Just pull the inner cable back through the shifter just a little more than is showing currently, cut the outer where you need. Pull inner back a little more, tidy up outer and push inner back through. Hey presto. Hope I’m not too late.

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