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  • is a scam website
  • joao3v16
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    Free Member

    The RM’s wonderful new idea to leave deliveries with a neighbour by default (unless you opt out) is nice in theory … although I still suspect they can’t be bothered & just leave an “attempted delivery” card because it’s quicker …

    Free Member

    A boring “helpful” smart-arse will be along shortly to mention using your LBS if you want something quickly … 😀

    Free Member

    ‘don’t you want to have a good time?’ argument

    This is what people who have never grown up say, hence the immature mentality towards drinking*

    Mature adults couldn’t really give a monkeys if you drink or not.

    (* or, they don’t really like you / each other & are basically saying “I can’t tolerate spending time with you unless I’m drunk”)

    Free Member

    Anything that’s going to leave a permanent physical mark should be left to the individual to choose as and when they’re old enough.

    (am I now supposed to type ‘IMHO’, for all the stupid people who think that I believe my opinion is fact?)

    Free Member

    Just saw a baby with earrings the size of a penny.
    I fail to see how putting holes in babies for aesthetic reasons is legal.

    Generally I’d agree, although in many cultures it’s normal.

    My wife tells me that in general baby girls born in Brazil will have their ears pierced whilst still very young.

    She has said, if we ever have a girl, that she wants her ears pierced. I disagreed with her. Guess we’ll have to wait and see who wins that one 🙂

    Free Member

    So to summarise:

    Some people are massive penises.
    Some of these penises drive vans.
    At least one of these van-driving penises works for DFDS Logistics.

    Free Member

    I think Broadband is 20mb, if not then it is certainly 10mb
    TV package is the lowest one.

    We pay around £35-40 per month for Virgin media bundle. This includes line rental.

    Basic (lowest) TV option
    Basic phone (calls only ‘free’ at weekends)
    Broadband I think 10-20mb, not sure.

    We don’t watch much TV, and have mobile contracts that we use instead of the landline 99% of the time.

    For us, it’s the unlimited broadband that we like – my wife spends a lot of time skype-ing her friends & family in Brazil, and watching Brazilian tv etc via YouTube and other media streaming sites.

    I’ve not found anywhere else where we can get an unlimited broadband bundle for less than £40 per month.

    (Now I’ve said that, someone will post up something 🙂 )

    Free Member

    As an example, the C2W scheme my employer offers (assuming you pay tax at the 20% rate):

    Cost of Bike: £500
    Vouchers: £500

    Gross mthly cost: £41.67
    NET mthly cost: £28.33 (gross minus tax & NI)

    Tax benefit (saving) over the year: £100.00
    NI benefit (saving) over the year: £60.00

    Total Cost to you Over the Year: £340.00

    Plus tax at your basic rate on Fair Market Value: £18.00
    (set by HMRC at 18% bike <£501, 25% bike >500)

    Cost to Own the Bike over 12 Months: £358.00

    (Plus we get 15% of voucher amount as a ‘bonus’ for accessories if we buy through Halfords, so for £500 voucher this is another £75).

    Free Member

    I can’t advise presents for girls as my 2 are boys, as are my 2 nephews. Also, my eldest is only 5.

    My (old-fashioned?) preference with presents is to get them a ‘proper’ toy, something that they can actually do something with (maybe together), rather than another gadget that they’ll just sit on their butt staring and prodding at.

    It just really bugs me seeing kids sat around staring at a screen.

    (Don’t get me wrong. My 2 watch tv & dvd’s, have a PS2 & Wii, have a play on the laptop & iPhone.)

    I wouldn’t get an 8yo a kindle/ipad/iphone type of thing of their own as I think they’re still too young. But that’s just my opinion.

    Free Member

    With respect to fitness, I suppose ‘patience’ is what you could call the discipline needed to spend the time building up stamina … you need patience to build stamina, but they’re not “one and the the same thing” as such

    Most things in life these days have way of achieving a quick fix or instant gratification … perhaps we’re all becoming conditioned to expect instant results with everything

    Free Member

    nothing gets me more angry than idiots reading papers through safety briefings or worse still yaking through them.

    They should do what my teachers did at primary school – just stop and wait for everyone to be quiet and pay attention … the penises will soon shut their cake holes and listen when they realise everyone else on the plane wants to punch them in the throat for delaying the flight …

    Or, the ones who weren’t paying attention get to stay behind when there’s an emergency evacuation – not allowed to leave their seats until everyone else has got off …


    Free Member

    Considering the inane dribble that constitutes most of what’s on the internet, it’d be easier to shortlist what’s good rather than trying to decide which of the trillions of entries is the worst … 😀

    Free Member

    Hooray for stupid (, greedy, money-grabbing) people!

    Hopefully if they get to court with their pathetic claim, the judge will just say “You’re clearly massive penises, please go away, case dismissed. Oh, and did I mention you were massive penises?”

    Someone should be maintaining a master list of morons like this that we can all check so we know who to ignore in life 😀

    And idiots like this are allowed to breed and vote …

    Free Member

    Foglights on when it’s not foggy is useful for identifying people who are massive penises, or just too stupid to realise what certain switches & lights on the dashboard are for. Either way, you wouldn’t trust them to sit the right way on the toilet.


    Free Member

    the majority of car journeys are less than 5 miles

    Walking trips saw the largest decrease

    Hooray for being massively lazy!

    Free Member

    If anything else was responsible for a fraction of the deaths and injuries caused by motoring there would be massive public outcry and it’d be banned .

    So how come smoking and alcohol are still legal then?

    Well, yes, those things too to be honest … although we’re not supposed to like being told what we can or can’t do 😀

    I (cynically) think it comes down to whether or not Goevernment earns millions(/billions?) from taxes related to it. If they didn’t, they’d be more likely to be all against it and try and ban it.

    Also, people are very selfish/stupid/narrow-minded, so prefer several tens of thousands of people dying and families being ripped apart rather than not being able to ‘enjoy’ a fag and getting bladdered on a weekend.

    Free Member

    The PR company knew what they were doing all along

    Bet you anything they didn’t, and now it’s too late …

    Free Member

    If anything else was responsible for a fraction of the deaths and injuries caused by motoring there would be massive public outcry and it’d be banned … but somehow road deaths/injuries seem to have become almost acceptable, just part of normal daily life

    Just one of the items on my “why people are stupid” list 😀

    Free Member

    it’s amazing that a service so heavily used. With such high fares can be so badly delivered.

    Not really. Poor customer service and doing the absolute minimum required is one thing that Britain does really well.

    Also, when you’ve got a captive audience and no real competition why bother spending money on improving things?

    Free Member

    cc’ing your boss in mundane trivial e-mails?

    either your boss has asked for it to monitor what you’re doing, or your colleague is insecure and trying to prove to your boss that they’re actually doing something constructive. Or, your colleague’s just a bit of a twit.

    Free Member

    Gender should be used because men crash more than women

    Ah, I see now … is this why the C of E has just ‘voted’ agsinst womenist bishops or whatever it was – they’re statistically awful/dangerous at the job, therefore it’s only right they’re not allowed to do it. Or are we not supposed to suggest that?


    Regarding the car insurance, I suspect the industry are loving the new EU thingy cos it means they can rake in hundreds of millions more £££ without paying out anything additional (female drivers won’t suddenly become more of a risk), and they’ll do all they can not to reduce male premiums.

    Cynical? Moi?

    Free Member

    I don’t particularly like the “segregation of cycling facilities” approach.

    It encourages the “them” and “us” mentality, and totally removes the responsibility of motorists to learn to be properly aware and considerate of other traffic.

    My opinion is probably too black and white though.

    I also only cycle around suburban areas of single-lane A & B roads rather than battling through busy inner-city streets, so what do I know about dangerous roads 🙂

    Free Member

    would it be a bad idea to use rope? and have it swing??

    Personally, I would say yes it would be a bad idea to have it moving around.

    When I was younger and still living with my parents I made a pull-up bar by just placing a steel bar (an old swing-ball post I think 🙂 ) across the roof joists in my parents garage, and used that. The gap between the joists was around 600mm I think, although may have been a bit more.

    Free Member

    to say it’s not prejudice when they’re pre-judging my risk based on the fact that I am male, of a certain age, doing a certain job, living in a certain area means that they are using prejudice

    I suppose insurance needs to be based on some kind of criteria, but just imagine the uproar if the same principle was used for job applications or suchlike.

    Personally, I don’t think young drivers should automatically be charged a small fortune – there are many who are never involved in accidents (myself & two sisters for a start).

    Start ramping up premiums once an individual demonstrate they’re a dangerous idiot, don’t just assume they are purely because they haven’t finished their A-levels yet.

    Every motorist should start off paying a national average premium, that then rises or falls based on whether or not they turn out to be massive tools behind the wheel.

    Free Member

    No council in the uk implements cycle lanes for the benefit of cyclists, they just do it to tick a box on their ‘to do’ list and mark it down against their ‘sustainability’ or ‘green’ targets.

    Also, if they don’t spend the budget, they’ll loose it in the next financial year. This is why you get strange 10-foot sections of ‘cycle path’ appearing.

    Free Member

    Are we that crap that we need protected from ourselves


    Week one, bIg smash with a car passing thro the main run, shunting a turning car down the road!

    Traffic system designs need to account for the fact that a significant percentage of motorists are no more than loosely-trained penises.

    Free Member

    I’d be more inclined to believe the SRAM site than CRC … surely SRAM know their product spec’s

    Free Member

    Most cyclists seem to think that traffic lights are just ornamental street decorations so you’ll have to excuse them for being confused by your references to waiting and queues … 😀

    Free Member

    Or just carry on spouting unfounded pish because it makes you feel superior in some middle-class warrior way?

    Alright Mr Angry, calm down, it’s only an opinion 😀

    Free Member

    we should all wait and see whose child is first to wear a rainbow jersey

    can you buy them in childrens sizes? 😉

    I’m going to pump my child full of calpol and buy him 7 TDF Yellow jerseys …

    Free Member

    Pasta/tuna/vegetables/chilli sauce/bit of low-fat mayo

    No salt other than what’s in the Tuna, no fat other than the spoon of mayo, sugars? no idea – probly some in the veg.

    Although comparing real food to a Mcdonalds is not far from comparing it to a turd 😀

    Free Member

    Ah. So which one would you recommend me making lies up about for my kids?

    Free Member

    Car: Runs on money and makes you fat
    Bike: Runs on fat and saves you money

    Sort of.

    The biggest turn-off for me about driving is that it’s so mind-numbingly boring.

    Free Member

    On of our friends’ 7-year-olds twigged Santa wasn’t real last week: “Mum, Santa can’t be real, because he wasn’t there when Baby Jesus was born.”

    Also, you wouldn’t need a ‘Santa’ person as Christmas didn’t exist at that time … unless Santa did exist, and this new-fangled ‘Christmas’ thing gave him a new career opportunity

    Free Member

    Hooray for the thought police!

    Communism for the 21st century – freedom of speech, provided you only say what you’re told you’re allowed to say.

    Free Member

    Don’t forget that these people are also paying huge amounts for the fuel to sit in that traffic. It’s madness.

    And we’re supposedly the intelligent ones on this planet 😀

    Free Member

    So, let me see if I understand this correctly; lying to your kids is acceptable and ‘fun’ provided you can blame it on a fake bearded stranger who breaks into your house, or little winged creatures with a weird fetish for discarded human teeth?

    And lying to young impressionable children is necessary to make Christmas a ‘magical’ time for them?

    Just so I know what to do as my 18mo grows up.


    Free Member

    New fridge delivered last week – deliveryists said leave it for 4-5 hours before switching it on

    Free Member

    I don’t quite understand why telling youur kids that Santa is a massive lie is ruining Christmas for them?

    I’m pretty sure kids must have enjoyed Christmas perfectly well before ‘Santa’ was invented.

    I suspect it’s parents who enjoy Santa more than the kids – children are far more aware than adults give thm credit for most of the time, they’re probably just humouring their mad old parents by ‘believing’ in a fake fat bloke in red pyjamas.


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