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  • Behind The Scenes: Getting The Shot
  • joao3v16
    Free Member

    She’s now sending me texts saying that she’s ‘not happy’

    Haha! Is she 5? “Now ‘m weally weally cwoss”

    She/they are clearly massive penises.

    Free Member

    What do we understand that means it’s lilely there’s life anywhere else?


    That’s more down to our understanding of maths rather than the understanding of the universe.

    For a start, this only works if the universe is infinite.

    However, all this looking for things that might not even be there has led us to discover all sorts of really interesting stuff, so it’s not all wasted.

    Free Member

    Mine are blue if that means anything. I don’t know if they’ve got a poncy special ‘cut’ or ‘shape’. I thought this stopped being important once you’d been through puberty?


    Free Member

    Mathematically speaking, given our current understanding of the universe, it seems very likely.

    What do we understand that means it’s lilely there’s life anywhere else?
    Other than “the universe is really really big so there might be a bit more life somewhere” … seems a bit of a presumptious assumption to make considering we have not identified anything trying to make contact with us, and we’ve found a massive total of absolutely zero evidence of life anywhere outside of our own atmosphere.

    There also seems to be the assumption that the lack of or presence of water will dictate where life might be … considering evolution is apparently the way life appeared 🙄 , would it not seem likely that life might have evolved differently somewhere else, whereby water was not required to sustain it etc?

    Free Member

    Well that’s a stupid thing to say, Facebook is both useful and interesting to many people.

    Oh for goodness’ sake. Do I really need to start putting ‘IMHO’ after everything?

    Although I appreciate the importance of maintaining the standard STW stance of “your opinion is different therefore it’s/you’re stupid” … I like consistency


    Free Member

    I have an android HTC. I wouldn’t mind them forcing you to have certain apps IF they were something useful or interesting, rather than the hateful pointless turd that is facebook.

    Free Member

    the materials were more expensive and the cut a bit more accurate

    I don’t think a more accurate cut would matter considering everybody’s different shapes and sizes ..

    Free Member

    holly willowbooby looks greataverage

    Some people are far too easily pleased 🙂

    Right, now that error’s been addressed…

    I’ve bought stuff from on their 3-month 0% interest offer with absolutely no problems. And we got 10% off our first order. Just like it said on the tin.

    It’s more likely the OP filled in the details incorrectly, or didn’t click the 3-month option, rather than the website’s wrong.

    Free Member

    And anyone who can pay £500 for a meal for two there has to convince themselves it was great.

    Anyone who can pay £500 for a meal for two there is only doing it so they can bellow very loudly at every possible opportunity that they’ve eaten at the Fat Duck, and bask in the reverence whilst all the plebs are dumbstruck at how awesome they must be.


    Free Member

    a response STW would be proud of

    I can’t access the website from work.

    Do you mean the STW “it’s ok if it suits you personally at the time and screw what anyone else thinks”, like the arses who think rlj’ing is acceptable behaviour when it suits them?

    Or is it the self-righteous STW “How awful. I’ve never stolen anything, never lied, never drive over 29mph, don’t swear, smoke or drink in front of children, etc etc”

    Of course, if it’s Tesco he’s defrauding most of STW would think they deserve it 🙄

    Free Member

    It probably is worth it if food’s your thing, as that Heston bloke seems pretty unique in what he comes up with.

    Although for £160 a head, I’d expect some kind of spiritual or out-of-body experience, or witness some kind of Bibical miracle, rather than just a bit of food.

    I’m not even going to try and understand why anyone thinks spending that much money on some food for 1 person is a good idea 😕

    (He says, having just had a £3000 insurance claim just for a push bike) 😀

    Free Member

    Eh? I must be missing something …

    Free Member

    the enormous pedestal the royals are placed on

    this isn’t their fault, it’s the public’s fault.

    so I assume that means we’re all to blame for the suicide?

    Free Member

    wendy, pansy, chav, prima donna, cheating, thick

    You forgot ‘casual racists’, and some concise phrase that sums up ‘chasing each other whilst mostly falling over’


    Carry on.

    Of course, being British, I’m always happy to see an underdog triumph!

    Free Member

    Certainly makes today’s WRC seem very average … and very sanitised

    Free Member

    I agree whole-heartedly with the OP

    I don’t understand the whole card sending obsession as a whole, regardless of the ‘occasion’ … for most people it’s just a (bad?) habit or perceived as being expected of them … for many it’s become some kind of weird competition where they have to send cards to people who’ve sent them one otherwise they’ll be massively offended or somesuch nonsense

    It’s laughable.

    Card manufactureres are the only winners.

    The maddest thing is seeing all 30 children in my son’s class giving the whole class a card each. 30 x 29 cards. That’s 870 cards between them. Bonkers. Of course, it’s the parents fault. Can’t risk all the other parents being offended if you don’t give their precious little porcelain darling a card. It’s a popularity contest mostly.


    Free Member

    slightly anxious that I can’t carry the look

    why would anyone aspire to look like a massive idiot?


    Free Member

    On the plus side, I’d prefer these to be worn rather than the other obvious option, which is wearing a t-shirt with “I’m a massive ****t” printed front and back …

    Free Member

    Somebody missed the decimal point when typing in £500.00 didn’t they? … even so, £500 is still very optimistic

    Free Member

    When are they going to announce the winner of this “how big a penis can you look” competition?

    “taking the fashion world by storm”

    Well, that just proves the fashion world is full of giant idiots.

    (and let’s be honest, most females shouldn’t be allowed out in leggings)

    Free Member

    I’m olive skinned. What colour am I going to turn?

    Black olive or green olive?

    Or do you mean you have very oily skin?

    Do olives even have skin? I’ve never seen one peeled …

    Free Member

    13% of usual residents were born outside the UK.

    Excellent, my wife’s finally received some recognition!

    Free Member

    And when he sees tins of dog food in the supermarket, maybe with a picture of what looks like your (ex-)dog on, it’s important not to suggest that’s where they end up …

    Free Member

    There are some dark characters in this thread.

    I’m quite surprised that some people who appear to be adults think that having a fight is the ideal response to “being cut up” and suchlike. Children. It’s a bit like people who can’t express themselves without swearing – the immature response 😀

    Free Member

    Contrary to popular belief, kids aren’t made of porcelain.

    Alternatively, buy an identical dog and just swap it in, thus protecting the child from encountering the reality of life and death.

    Free Member

    50p for a stamp is superb value!

    Give someone 50p and ask them to take your letter to the other end of the country and see what they say 😀

    Free Member

    She’s probably not lying. The fact that you don’t understand that isn’t her failing.

    It’s generally safe to assume that if you don’t understand a females logic, then it’s “situation normal” … I’d have been more concerned if the answer had made sense against male logic – that would be when she was lying 😀

    Free Member

    systematised methodology for project and programme management

    Translation: they project manage their projects ( 🙄 )

    Building in equality and risk impact assessments the options are taken through a process to arrive at the content for an output based specification and benefits foreseen as a result of the implementation

    Translation: we look at options to decide which one does what we want

    The service is inclusive of full engagement with Clinical Commissioning Groups who direct at decision-making points how they wish the proposal to be deployed (re-commmisson, de-commission or changes to current services/providers), and lastly an implementation team who see the service redesign through to evaluation and benefits realisation

    Someone tells us how they want it doing, then we have some people who tell them how well it went (that should probably be “tell’s them what they want to hear”).

    Free Member

    Can we not have a Gay Bond as the next Bond

    Oops, forgot that in my earlier all-inclusive pc Bond description:

    we need Bond to be a gay pregnant black female muslim paralympian vegan immigrant.

    Free Member

    Eddie Izzard, self proclaimed ‘Action Transvestite’

    Free Member

    Cumberdick Bendybatch would make a better Bond Villain than actually being Bond. That ‘just about to sneeze’ expression won’t work for Bond.

    Surprised nobody’s suggested a female lady-person for Bond. Are there no superiorityequality/feminist types on STW this morning? 😀

    Ideally the 21st century Bond should represent the modern multicultural inclusive society, therefore we need Bond to be a pregnant black female muslim paralympian vegan immigrant.

    Free Member

    When you look at words in a mirror, how come they’re reversed left to right but not top to bottom? What’s special about the horizontal axis?

    They’ve not been reversed, they’ve been reflected.

    A reflection will look reversed from top to bottom (but not left to righT) if it’s, for example, the reflection of a mountain range in the water of a calm lake.

    Free Member

    Depends a lot on the building I think.

    The office I work in – the heating is turned off at the end of Thursday to save money over the weekend when the place is empty. When it’s turned on again on Monday morning it takes until Thursday for the building to reach the desired temperature, then it’s turned off again for the weekend 🙄

    Free Member

    Stand by for more STW casual racism.

    Americans are SO fick!!!

    “American” isn’t a race, so it’s all fine …

    Free Member

    Got my 1st Dan Shito-ryu karate belt in 2008. Then marriage and two kids came along and the time to train vanished. Miss it now.

    Free Member

    Something to do with her bottom I believe.

    I would have preferred the Top Gear trio – they’d might’ve made it more entertaining, and not taken it so blimmin seriously

    Free Member

    is it just insincere code for “stay out of my way”?

    Of course it is (it’s also code for “I’m a massive penis”). The prevailing attitude amongst motorists is one of entitlement.

    “”I pay all this money, I was promised freedom, my motorcar coddles me like a baby so I can act like a spoiled child, where’s my freedom. . . . “

    Motorists also seem to be in intense denial of the fact that no one using a motor vehicle has a right to the road. They have permission to use it if they pass a (ridiculously simple) test, have their vehicle tested to check it’s roadworthy, insure themselves againt the damage they can cause and pay a duty to compensate the rest of us for their emissions. That permission can be and is removed if they misbehave.

    The only people with a right to the road are pedestrians, cyclists and horse-riders.

    But all that is probably like speaking in tongues to most motorists as there are many words with more than one syllable.

    Free Member

    Ah, so you’re opinion actually counts then 😆

    Free Member

    Is there an exact specification for ‘good’ music?

    If not, then all anyone can really say is whether they like it or not, not that it’s good or bad.

    Have any actual accomplished and well-respected musicians/song-writers said that Pete Doherty is one of the most talented song-writers of the decade, or is that just what some people on the internet who don’t know anything about writing songs/music think of him?


    Free Member

    I’ve been vaguely wondering about this 2ndary glazing plastic film stuff myself.

    The house has pretty good loft insulation (although I have more to install), and we have done a pretty good job of draft-proofing. The house also had cavity wall insulation installed pretty recently.

    However, the windows on the front of the property are old/cheap DG units, and you can literally feel the cold air around/near them. I’m convinced they’re contributing a lot to the rooms failing to retain as much heat as they could.

    I’m not sure if this is normal or because they are old/cheap (?)

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