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  • FGF 601: Fort Bill is Back Edition
  • joao3v16
    Free Member

    Chris was wearing a helmet

    A decision that therefore absolutely definitely saved his life.

    Oh yes it did.
    All helmets save anybodies life who wears one.
    I wore one earlier today & I’m not dead.

    Free Member

    However, it is important to patronisingly humour all the 9-year-olds by pretending Twatter is a really big deal and that the universe will absolutely definitely implode if it’s offline for more than 5 minutes.

    I mean, doesn’t anybody understand how important it is to know what Lady Gaga is doing at this precise moment in time??!!!!

    Just imagine the consequences of being out of touch with that kind of information.

    It doesn’t bear thinking about.

    Free Member

    Wrong. You really don’t have a clue do you

    It would seem that, for some, mountain biking is all about taking interwebs forums way too seriously….

    Free Member

    Twatter doesn’t appear to serve any useful purpose anyway, so it being down probably doesn’t matter.

    Free Member

    I’m firmly in the “it seems positively unethical to ride down something that you haven’t first ridden up” camp.

    For the same reasons I have little respect for Golfists who have little cars to carry their lazy backsides to their ball, and a slave to carry their massive bag. The poor little darlings.

    And tennis players. Stopping every 20 minutes for a sit down, minions to run around fetching their little balls, getting them a drink, hand them a towel.

    And Footballists. Can’t even manage 90 minutes without a comfort break in the middle. Plus most of the time they are on the field they take every opportunity to stop the game and lie down pretending they broke every bone in their body when another player vaguely brushed past.


    (p.s I may or may not be being deliberately inflammatory)

    Free Member

    Don’t head to the Peak District just to do “The Beast”

    Takes maximum 5 minutes from the top at Hope Cross down to the foot of the descent.

    However, as part of a longer loop in the area it’s worth doing just to say you’ve done it. Getting down without dabbing is a challenge, even more so in the wet when the rocks becomes lethally slippery!

    Free Member

    “He who is without sin cast the first stone”

    Dammit. A voice of reason.

    Free Member

    didnt see that running late late for train bit, sorry, cant believe the pompous and righteous ****t didnt let you off once the reason had been explained

    Que? Since when does having a primary-school excuse make it ok to do whatever the flip you like?

    I jump red lights all the time – I’d never catch my train or get to work on time if I didn’t…

    Leave earlier or arrive later and stop being a tw@ then.

    Ditto. Why do some people think they can just pick and choose when the law applies to them?

    Cyclists are always the first to moan and winge about the smallest infringement committed by a motorist, but for some reason are blind to their own illegal behaviour…

    Free Member

    ‘You do know this is a footpath’
    ‘Really ok?’
    ‘You are breaking the law’
    ‘I’m hardly hurting anybody’

    So, what’s the problem exactly?
    You were riding where you shouldn’t, and couldn’t care less.

    No wonder so many people resent bikers…

    Free Member

    ‘Actually you are you are an environmental vandal….’


    “And you’re ugly. But I can stop being an environmental vandal.”

    Free Member

    3-5 working days if it’s not an ‘own brand’ cheque

    Free Member

    Christianity has got to be the hardest faith – JC was killed to death, so just got his Dad to resurrect him, and he’s back! … *ding* Round 2

    Free Member

    Description sounds like my kind of music, I’ll have a listen when I get home…

    Free Member

    Why does bottled spring water have a ‘best before date’, when it’s already been around naturally for tens of thousands of years filtering through the rocks and what-not?

    Free Member

    Is there a set of duller commentators than the athletics lot?

    Yes. Political/News Event commentators. You think the Athletics ones are bad? Wait and see who they drag out for the Royal Wedding. Then you’ll really know what boring commentating is.

    Although Footballism commentary is pretty crappy. Reading from a list of surnames for 90 minutes. Just need to read louder and faster when the small white roundy thing gets near either of the big square netty things.

    Free Member

    I believe the Mash asks all the important questions:

    The motorway has been blissfully closed since Saturday after a blaze at a scrapyard directly underneath it, prompting experts to ask why in the name of Christ a gigantic fire hazard is conducting its hot, petrol-soaked business just inches the below the country’s main artery.

    Civil engineer, Bill McKay, said: “Did no-one at any point say, ‘that thing that smells very strongly of oil is a tad close to the M1 isn’t it?’.

    “At no point did an off-duty fireman who was just passing by think, ‘d’you know what, I’m wondering if something I’m trained to recognise as a significant fire hazard should really be bumping up against the busiest road in the country like that?’.

    “And when it gets what I assume is some kind of periodic safety certificate from the local council did no-one think to ask what happens to a steel-reinforced concrete bridge when you go at it with a massive blow torch made of old Vauxhall Corsas?”

    He added: “This is Third World stuff. What the **** is wrong with us?”

    Free Member

    I Blame Wiggle.

    Free Member

    ah bless, does your dad know you’re using his computer?

    Free Member

    it wasn’t me, if that helps narrow it down at all

    Free Member

    seems fine now

    Free Member

    outside is most sunny

    Free Member

    my pleasure
    don’t mention it
    no problemo

    Free Member

    oh no. it’s the end of the world. 🙄

    Free Member

    Wrong ‘forum’

    I think you want the Daily Mail.

    That’s the place to be for getting all furious/outraged/shocked by anything that ever happens.

    Free Member

    I always start by asking for some money and take it from there.

    Free Member

    I want to give up smoking but I don’t smoke.
    What brand do people suggest to get me started?

    Free Member

    Get over it.
    Some things don’t always happen the way you want.
    That’s life.

    Free Member

    Bikes stay upright the same reason planes stay airborne – sheer will power of the passengers wishing not to crash

    Free Member

    @Jon Rambo

    What do u think of people who prefer riding hardtails? Me personally think they cant ride fast enough to appreciate a full suss or perhaps are’nt riding super tech trails, but this is just my opinion, i prefer a full suss, more comfortable and i feel i can do more damage to the trail, proper gnar!

    Me personally think people who ride full suss have cr@p skills so can’t handle a hardtail or perhaps are riding trails that they can’t do without suss assistance, but this is just my opinion, i prefer a hardtail, more skill and ability required which makes me a better rider

    Or maybe that’s all lies.
    Either way, both opinions are stupid and irrelevant.

    Free Member

    I wasn’t particularly interested in watching the dvd of my own wedding 😀 much to my wife’s annoyance (I was there, I can remember it fine)

    So why would I be interested in watching the wedding of some posh people I don’t even know being filmed?

    The worst part will be the BBC dusting David Dimbleby off to pointlessly drone on about what we can all see perfectly well happening right in front of us…

    Having said that, it could be worse, it could have been yet more bl$$dy football being broadcast…

    Free Member

    My water ‘bill’ for last month was £23.

    I’m not on a meter.

    I’m out of the house all day today.

    I’ve left all the cold taps running, just for a laugh.

    Next months water ‘bill’ will still be only £23.


    Free Member

    I’ve often seen a guy on an MTB riding through Heald Green with a full-face helmet on.

    Free Member

    some people hang it on a tree to retrieve it on the way back to save them carrying it

    so that the council employees who pick up the litter can pick them up more easily

    Excellent. If there’s one thing in life you can count on it’s stupid people concocting excuses to justify their idiotic behaviour.

    Free Member

    If she wants to sell her house, you’ll be described as the perfect neighbour… why would she want to put prospective buyers off by making you out to be terrible to live next door to?

    Free Member

    I’ve no idea what it was called, but it was yellow and purple, and had solid rubber tyres.

    I still remember the jarring feeling riding over anything bigger than a poppy seed 🙂

    Think I ended up using the wheels to make a go-kart.

    Free Member

    Prices seem to have gone up by about £5 a tyre since I last looked

    That’s inflation for you.

    Geddit. Tyres. Inflation. 😐

    (Getting coat…)

    Free Member


    Channel 5.
    The Wright Stuff.

    The Daily Mail of TV broadcasting.

    Stand by for a massively unbalanced ‘debate’.

    Free Member

    If you can be bothered, you could claim 50% of the Parcelforce costs back due to late delivery…


    Free Member

    after reading some of the blinkered and selfish responses on here it’s plain to see that as the popularity of MTB is increasing.. so it appears, are the number of ignorant and arrogant morons who, even when faced with the voice of reason and experience refuse to acknowledge that there may be an issue..

    Societ is brimming with ignorant and arrogant morons who, even when faced with the voice of reason and experience refuse to acknowledge that there may be an issue.

    Unfortunately, more and more of these morons are riding bikes.

    And they still (surprise surprise), even when faced with the voice of reason and experience refuse to acknowledge that there may be an issue.

    Free Member

    Riding on footpaths is a civil (?) offence.

    But only if you get caught.


    Crime is acceptable if nobody catches you?

    Interesting concept…

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