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  • Review: Bontrager Rapid Pack Hydro Hip Pack
  • joao3v16
    Free Member


    You people are bloody ridiculous sometimes, it’s quite incredible what you’ll find to whinge about! It’s almost as if you WANT to be miserable bastards.. like it’s some kind of lifestyle choice that you’re pursuing.

    It’s called “Being British” … we’re world-renowned for moaning about anything and everything we can. Even things that we can easily avoid or have nothing to do with.

    Free Member

    There are lots of reports of people dropping all sorts of things down toilets without any adverse effects, your crapper will be fine.

    Ah, good suggestion… I may even have some of those silicone gel sachets wot come in shoe boxes and what-not…

    Free Member

    Nah, use the Cherry or Funnel

    Free Member

    Only trouble with reverse parking is: it makes it a pain in the ass to then unload all your shopping or whatever into the boot.

    (this may have already been said but I can’t be ar$ed reading through the entire thread)

    Free Member

    This idea contains logic and simplicity, and is a blindngly obvious solution to a problem.

    Therefore it would never work in this country.

    On the other hand, if you could conjure up an unnecessarily over-complicated, unbelievably expensive & unmanageable system that could be poorly implemented, then you’d be onto a winner…

    Free Member

    Similar, but in reverse, in the sense that 8 months ago I sold my FS frame & switched to a long-travel hardtail.

    In all honesty, I haven’t regretted the switch.

    Maybe after a decade on suspension the hardtail still feels like a breath of fresh air.

    Sometime in the future I may return to being fully suspended…

    If you’re happy on the hardtail I’d sell the Prophet. It doesn’t sound like you’ve got too attached to it to miss it.

    Free Member

    Somehow I’ve only managed to spend around £300 over the last 12 months directly on bike stuff (spares, repairs, upgrades, clothing).

    But that’s because I sold my Orange 5 frame (£500) & bought a cheap hardtail frame for £150, and sold my forks (£325) and bought some new ones on credit so they’re only costing me £30 per month.

    Also eBay’d other redundant parts that were lying around the shed.

    In the last 18 months I’ve become married, & me and HRH have just had a baby, so spendage on bike stuff will be severely reduced from what it once was…

    Free Member

    Yeah, good to have something decent on telly for once. It’s been crap since about 1982


    Free Member


    Free Member

    I generally find this to be very reliable, although the “48hr” caveat still applies. Gives a pretty reliable hour-by-hour forecast too.

    BBC seems to be very good at telling you what the weathers doing right now (but I can see that out of the window), but pretty pants at providing a reliable forecast.

    Free Member

    And our son downright refuses to eat cake, sweets & biscuits, and one of his favourite foods is brocolli.

    So one UNUSUAL kid is evidence that the entire theory is rubbish?

    Not a scientist are we?

    I might be.

    If it really was a “hard-wired instinct”, then there wouldn’t be any exceptions.

    If there are numerous exceptions then I’d argue it’s a tendency, not an instinctive response.

    Free Member

    Giving kids high calorie stuff is a hard wired instinct.

    Wanting high calorie stuff is a hard wired instinct.

    Utter nonsense.

    Me and my wife don’t find ourselves forcing high-calorie stuff on our son.

    And our son downright refuses to eat cake, sweets & biscuits, and one of his favourite foods is brocolli.

    Free Member

    Get hold of an old kids bike for free and just take off the pedals/cranks/chain.


    Instant balance bike.

    Free Member

    F1 is far more exciting



    Free Member

    If it looks too good to be true, then it probably is

    Free Member

    Seriously though. How many hints do you have to drop before they stop pretending they don’t know what you’re talking about!

    We always know exactly what you’re talking about from the outset.
    We just don’t let you know that.

    Free Member

    He’s a bigoted old bastard from a bygone generation

    Yawn. Change the record.

    Free Member

    i can see how the fish idea works, although killing one seems a little extreme

    Meh. It’s only a fish.

    Free Member

    Is this groundhog day ?

    No, that’s February 2nd

    Free Member

    It’s possibly road-kill then …

    Free Member

    Real men just use a rusty old stanley knife blade and rain water.

    Free Member

    I have once, middle of last year, after we got the late-opening night wrong. Parked in the layby right at the bottom of the access road (wasn’t ‘No Parking’ at the time as I recall) & cycled up to the reservoir & picked up the ‘official’ trail.

    There’s nothing preventing you accessing the trails, i.e. no locked gates to climb over. We also met a few local dog-walkers on our way up to the reservoir.

    Technically it probably amounted to trespassing as it’s private land.

    The website does state “Parking outside the centre in anticipation of a late evening ride is not permitted. Expansion of the trail network will be jeopardised if you fail to comply with centre opening hours.”

    You could probably get away with it, but if the landowners catch on & think it’s a problem then it could cause issues for the future of the site.

    EDIT: unless it’s all bluster for insurance reasons

    Free Member

    Perhaps it was previously running unusually fast…

    Free Member

    any one reccomend a bottom bracket

    Yes, I heartily recommend using a bottom bracket

    Free Member

    Yes, I believe so

    Free Member

    And take lots of little plastic bags so you can pick up the poo and leave it hanging from a tree

    Free Member

    What I mean is, people who drive around thinking onlookers will look on in awe at their magnificent (although only in their minds) vehicle are the cocks

    How do you know that’s what they are thinking though?

    Generally, you probably don’t. But that’s the perception created by some.

    There are people I know who are car-snobs, and for some reason drive around in flash cars believing everyone’s looking at their car drooling over it… these are the type of people I am talking about…

    Then again, there are 17-year-old spooty yoofs driving 10-year-old Corsa’s who think the same thing…

    Free Member

    Stereotyping of car owners = mega arsehole

    My stereo-typing rule of car ownership is not based on what people drive, but the reaction they are trying to provoke.

    What I mean is, people who drive around thinking onlookers will look on in awe at their magnificent (although only in their minds) vehicle are the cocks.

    Then again, anyone genuinely impressed by any car is a bit of a cock.

    If there was only 10 in the world, I’d maybe be impressed, but seeing as there’s billions of the things, and anyone can buy one if they can get credit, then what’s the big deal…

    Free Member

    Danger of becoming too reliant on technology

    Whereas it shouldn’t be an excuse for not making use of the technology, she does have a point.

    Parking sensors & sat nav are two ‘driver aids’ that have already made people lazy as they just sit there waiting for a beep or an instruction, rather than engaging their brains to make judgements and calculations.

    How long wll it be before a cyclist is flattened and the driver/owner claims zero responsibility because the camera/sensor setup was faulty?

    Free Member

    My eldest is due to start ‘proper’ school in September.

    From what I understand, if you want to take your child out of school during term time you’re considered to be a disgusting low-life similar to a mass-murdering racist paedophile who hurts animals.

    Somebody told me it’s because missing school will damage a childs development. Or some such drivel.

    Does anybody seriously believe that missing one or two weeks of school each year is really going to have a noticeable impact? … seeing as they’re already not at school for 12 weeks a year, plus ‘in-service training days’, plus other bank holidays…

    Free Member

    At the end of last year I sold my Orange 5 & bought an mmmBop hardtail when it was on offer at CRC for £155.

    Primarily financial reasons (recently married, baby on the way, etc).

    It’s been refreshing riding a hardtail again after a decade on various full sussers.

    Absolutely no regrets!

    Free Member

    Lad GaGaGa’s music is pretty much just a regurgitation of 20-year-old Madonna material, just with access to a more “look at me being all controversial” attention-seeking dressing up box.

    Free Member

    I didn’t understand anything you just said …

    Free Member

    Sounds like your typical british jobsworths, hiding behind company ‘process’.

    The other day my wife went into a shop to buy some wrapping paper. Shop completely empty bar herself. Shopkeeper loafing behind the counter doing nothing. Wife asks whether she’d be good enough to wrap the present with the paper she was buying. “We don’t do that” was the response. Lazy moo. She’s lost our future custom.

    I hate the UK service industry. No idea what real customer service is. Everything is too much to ask. Everone’s always got an excuse to do as little for you as possible.

    They’re supposed to be providing a service and yet the customer ends up feeling like they’re doing them a favour by using them.

    Free Member

    .. and STW?

    I haven’t grown up

    Free Member

    That sounds like the kind of comment from someone who’d say that talking aloud is attention-seeking

    Sometimes it is …

    Free Member

    Or a handy way to share family photos and news with your parents when you and all your siblings live abroad?

    Dammit. Stop showing up my irrational hatred of FaecesBook as idiotic.

    My wife uses it obsessively – she’s Brazilian, so uses it to keep in touch with all her family/friends back home.

    Drives me nuts. Seems like she’s checking for updates every 0.5 seconds.

    If she were 9 this would be fine, but she’s a grown woman so should use grown-up things like e-mail and skype.

    Free Member

    What’s Facebook?

    Primarily, it’s an approval-seeking mechanism for attention whores…


    Free Member

    Facebook is a load of bollox anyway.

    Not if you’ve a mental age of 9 it isn’t, it’s more wonderful and necessary than oxygen.

    Free Member

    Seeing as they’ve gone to all the trouble of making a list, they may as well use it to apply a handicap system for the TdF … weight penalty’s, like the BTCC use 😀

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