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  • Moorland fire equalled carbon footprint of a small town
  • joao3v16
    Free Member

    … although we would all easily be faster than Andy ‘Boo Hoo, Pedallling Down a Big French Hill is Really Dangerous’ Shrek

    Free Member

    Get them a Tandem.

    It’s the only answer.

    Free Member

    obviously trying to use the memory of what happened in the giro to get sympathy for himself

    From all the stuff I’ve read, he’s not getting any sympathy.

    I do hope he’s happy with getting everyone thinking he’s a massive whinging baby instead.

    Free Member

    2) farming for meat uses an unjustifiably large amount of resources. It takes many kg of veg matter to make 1kg of meat.

    Just because you think it’s unjustifiable doesn’t mean everyone else is supposed to agree.

    I happen to think it is justified because all the resulting juicy steaks are well worth sacrificing a load of rabbit food for.

    Free Member

    its simple, you go down to the best of your abilities. if you’re shit at it then accept that and move on, don’t whine like a little girl

    This is exactly what I was thinking when I read the article.

    When you get riders finishing a stage after suffering some of the massive crashes we’ve seen over the past fortnight, these wimpering comments by the shrek’s just makes them sound silly.

    Free Member

    Starting noisy DIY at 7:20 am is definitely unreasonable – I’d have no issues with challenging a neighbour about that (unless it was a one-off) … in my opinion, 8am is just about acceptable if it’s really necessary, but we’re always up and about by then so it wouldn’t be disturbing us … if I’m expecting to make any (possibly) disturbing noise I’ll do the courtest of letting the neighbours know beforehand …

    Re. the screaming baby, unless they’re utterly oblivious/inconsiderate the parents are probably well aware of the disturbance it’s causing, thus adding to the stress of dealing with him/her. After a point, there’s not much you can do with a screamer. If it’s just for attention then the ‘leave them to cry themselves out’ is arguably the best thing to do, otherwise all they learn is that screaming gets them what they want. Thus in the long term, they just become spoilt, demanding little brats.

    Free Member

    Serious answers?

    this is an interwebs. there’s no place for ‘serious’ here.

    Free Member


    please try harder

    Free Member

    Repeatedly saunter past humming their tunes and see if you get any response …

    Free Member

    Yes, I’ve held onto my fitness through juggling

    Free Member

    I choose to ride a mountain bike.
    If other people choose to ride a road bike or play cricket, it really doesn’t make much difference to me.

    I choose not to eat animals, drop litter, or keep slaves.
    I’d prefer it if other people didn’t either.

    Oh, I see, you’re one of ‘those’ people who thinks they’re better than everybody else because you believe not eating meat is somehow morally superior.

    Free Member

    Some of them don’t even eat honey! HONEY!

    Now that’s just plain stupid 😕

    Free Member

    with only 20000 edible plants in the world, it can get a bit repetitive

    I’m still working my way through the thousands of edible animals before I start on the plants.

    So far I’ve only ticked off cows, sheep, chickens, pigs, pigeons, ostriches, alligators, numerous fish species, snails, crabs, ducks, geese, rabbits, mussels, prawns, lobsters, pheasants …

    Still loads more lovely juicy succulent meat to get through before plants even get a look in …

    Free Member

    I think vegans are ok to give out a bit of stick to meat eaters, afterall they have the moral high ground

    Only in their own minds.

    Nothing morally wrong with eating meat.

    What is morally wrong is the way animals are treated in the ‘production’ process.

    Anyway, why else do we have lovely sharp canine’s other than for meat-eating 8)

    Free Member

    When my wife moved in I gave her complete autonomy over the cleaning, tidying and general room layout etc etc

    The only caveat being DON’T TOUCH/MOVE MY BIKE STUFF.

    She moves/touches my bike stuff 😡


    Free Member

    my wife does this all the time in our house. she likes everything tidied away and out of sight.

    sometimes I think it would be easier if I didn’t live there, cluttering up the place with my posessions.


    of course, it’s important not to get confused between ‘tidying up’ with ‘just shoving things anywhere out of sight to make the place look tidy’

    Free Member

    boo hoo


    Free Member

    Bunny-hop a pony. The Shetland ones are dead short.

    Free Member


    er, no

    i can’t decide

    Free Member

    skin is waterproof

    this, at this time of year

    I find wearing waterproof jacket/trousers or whatever I get just as wet from sweating, and really hot, so may as well stay cool and just get wet from the rain

    i also don’t like a load of clothes flapping around so the less I wear the better

    Free Member

    i consistently find the bbc weather forecasts to be consistently unreliable

    Free Member

    Perhaps you might want to do a little research then

    But science is just a feeble way of trying to understand and explain what God created, hence the ‘aged’ universe theory could be correct

    Free Member

    Dunno where this 13 billion figure came from as it’s clear from the bible that the universe was created about 6000 years ago.
    Of course that doesn’t mean that god created a brand new sparkly, straight out of the box universe then. He might of made a pre-aged one just to test our faith.

    True, and a ‘day’ as referred to in Genesis may or may not be a ‘day’ as we understand it …

    Free Member

    is there anything beyond the universe ?

    Free Member

    Why not just cut in half and then count the rings?

    or count the candles on it’s cake

    Free Member

    does anybody know what the universe is expanding into?

    Free Member

    like infinity and infinity+1 ?


    sounds like someone’s making things up to explain something they’ve no idea about

    Free Member

    in an infinite universe

    so now the universe is infinite?

    in which case trying to measure it’s size is stupid and pointless …

    Free Member

    the universe is expanding (like a balloon being inflated)

    I thought the universe was doughnut shaped?
    Or possible saddle shaped?

    If it’s balloon shapes, is it one of those long sausage-shaped ones, because that would mean one end is moving away from the other a lot faster than the sides are moving awat from each other.

    Free Member

    the universe is bigger than it should be

    what’s the recommended size for a universe?
    is there an international standard?
    (just in case I ever get round to creating one)

    Free Member

    It’s partly that but mostly it allows the teachers to spend 1 to 1 time with each child and establish a relationship and do an assesment of them

    yeh, that’s what my sons school said… but that’s just posh waffle for “we must spend two weeks delicately tip-toeing around your precious bundles of joy, generally namby-pambying around the poor ickle darlings otherwise they absolutely definitely will be traumatised for the rest of eternity and grow up to be axe-murdering psychopaths.”

    followed up by “now, please can someone come and help me wrap these children in cotton wool”

    Free Member

    we expected her to have a couple of half days before doing a full day, so we’ve planned some leave from work so we can work round it … last night, at the new starters parents night, we were informed that the half days thing will run for two whole weeks

    Some might argue that you’re the idiots for making plans based on an assumption that turned out to be incorrect …


    But I do agree, 2 weeks to get used to going to a new school = ridiculous & unnecessary …

    Free Member

    How do “we” “know” how old the universe is

    “we” don’t categorically know, but we can make educated calculations, which’ll become more accurate over time as our knowledge & understanding develops

    Free Member

    3 words immediately spring to mind

    care, less & couldn’t

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Free Member


    Free Member

    edit: damn, wrong topic

    Free Member

    how incredibly underwhelming

    “sun shines down street with tall buildings”


    americanists will get excited about anything …

    Free Member

    I’m stopping my insurance and car tax on Sunday

    don’t forget to get a SORN thingy

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