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  • New Specialized Hillbilly looks ace, costs £45
  • joao3v16
    Free Member


    Free Member

    Or just by some memory, unless some of you actualy try and work with less than 4gig – which I assume means you are a little bit backwards

    My 5-year-old Dell has a massive 2GB memory 🙂
    Should be sufficient for my needs (e-mail & internet)

    Much as I’d like one, I can’t afford a new laptop…

    Free Member

    Which version of FireFox?
    Are you looking at actual memory usage?
    How long have you had it running?
    What Add-ons do you have installed?

    Version 7 I think. I uninstalled it & downloaded the latest version from the Mozilla site as part of trying to work out whether it was behaving normally.

    I’ve only looked at memory usage in Windows Task Manager. It seems to use about 0.8GB when first loaded, then gradually increases up to around 1.2GB over a period of time.

    There’s also some FireFox Plugin task running that uses a lot of memory too. Not sure if this is an add-on or a default feature of FireFox.

    I usually have it running for several hours, sometimes all day (my wife uses it a lot whilst I’m at work).

    Not sure which add-ons are installed. There’ll only be a few.

    Free Member

    I have discovered a fake £1 after it was rejected by a vending machine.

    The head & tail designs were pretty good, but the dead give-away was the quality of the text imprinted around the edge.

    Free Member

    I find this one of the most reliable

    the android app is pretty good
    no idea if there’s an equivalent for the iPhone

    Free Member

    Re. Freview: I don’t have an aerial

    Not sure how much it would cost to have one installed though… compared to the price of a cheap digital contract… although in the long run it’d obviously be the cheapest option… and I’d also need to buy a freeview box…

    Free Member

    Hollister is stupid.

    Why fill a shop with clothes, then light the place with 2w bulbs so nobody can properly see what they’re buying.

    And why not use hangers so that you don’t need to employ dozens of staff who spend all day endlessly folding and re-folding all the clothes.

    Free Member

    If only ad’s were more imaginative and interesting.

    Take car ad’s for example.

    1. Exterior shot of a car driving along, showing us that it has groundbreaking new features such as wheels, doors, windows, lights and other stuff that every car on the planet has therefore immediately making it completely average. Oh, and look, it can be driven on a road AND a dusty track.

    2. Shot of driver grinning like an idiot and their equally ecstatic passenger looking like she’s having a Lady Chatterly moment just by sitting in the car. Maybe even some deliriously happy kids in the back acting like it’s better than Disneyland in there, despite having to stare at the back of a seat for hours.

    3. Interior shot showing us that the car has got something to steer with, chairs to sit on, stuff to make it hot or cold and a talking map so stupid people can drive home from work (a route they travel every single day of the week all year round) without getting lost. Maybe there is a tiny chance they might suddenly forget where they live.

    Free Member

    cyclists are guests on the road no matter how much people dress up their rights in the Highway Code.


    Free Member

    I’m convinced advertisers believe us all to be stupid gullible people with the attention span of a goldfish.

    TV ad’s should be the same as those in printed media: a photo of a product with a few written words about it.

    I don’t need some specially commissioned pretentious 30-second mini-dramatisation with ‘celebrity’ voice-overs trying to sell me a lifestyle image.

    If I’m interested enough after seeing it I’ll go and find out more about it when I’m good and ready. If I like it maybe I’ll buy one.

    Your product isn’t really that big a deal.

    In 6 weeks time it’s very likely someone else will be selling something better.

    Free Member

    the ‘Bop is a 30.9 post.


    No, it’s 31.6.

    For what it’s worth, I have no problem with my 31.6mm Thomson seat post in my mmmBop frame. Use a Ragley QR seat clamp.

    Free Member

    Rode my Wife’s Small Stumpjumper Carbon HT and it really did seem fast, easy to get up to speed and generally very racy, more so than my Med Scott.
    A pal who is a Specialized dealer said it has 170mm Cranks.

    This is more likely due to just being a different bike.

    Free Member

    Any type of place where you can ride a bike is mint.

    Good point.

    Sometimes I think we over-analyze with all this ‘which trail is best’ stuff.

    Kinda misses the point of riding for me.

    Free Member

    Penmachno morning, Llandegla afternoon.

    Yes. Do this.

    Free Member

    chicken-wire mesh over the engine intake ?

    Free Member

    Start at the Ranger Station.
    Up the first part of the Ranger Path then over to Llanberis via the Maesgwyn path.
    Up to the summit via the railway path.
    Down the Ranger path.
    Along the A4085 to Tan Y Lyn.
    Up to the summit via the Rhyd Ddu path.
    Down the railway path to Llanberis.
    Back across Maesgwyn to the Ranger station.

    Up Rhyd Ddu would be a swine.

    If I were planning two ascents of Snowdon I’d go:
    1. Up Llanberis, down Ranger, back to Llanberis over Maesgwyn
    2. Up Llanberis, down Rhyd Ddu, pick up Ranger, back to Llanberis over Maesgwyn

    Free Member

    It’s years since I ate anything from McDonalds, although at one time I did use them occasionally.

    There is definitely something wrong with their ‘food’.

    Even after a Big Mac, Large Fries & Drink I remember always feeling hungry again less than 2 hours later.

    Free Member

    Penmachno, its just betterer

    The man (?) speaks truth.

    Penmanchno feels more ‘natural’ & is more technically challenging/interesting than Llandegla

    No on-site facilities though.

    EDIT: although Llandegla is good for all the positive reasons mentioned in previous posts. depends what you want on the day you’re in the area.

    Free Member

    In the middle of Hexham where I live, in the market square, there are a couple of “pedestrian crossings” in the road. Except they’re not. They’re wide strips of block paving. So road users have right of way.

    They’ve done the same thing on Park Lane in Poynton, but it’s more like cobbles than block paving.

    They’ve also ‘cobbled’ about a foot of the side of the road, and laid a central reservation of slightly raised cobbles/block paving.

    Effectively narrowing the traffic lane by 2 feet each direction.

    Works great for slowing the traffic, which is the reason behind it.

    Free Member

    The very fact that a bunch of middle aged cyclists are discussing whats cool on an internet forum is laughable.

    Dammit. Is it no longer cool being middle aged and a cyclist?

    Free Member

    Blackberry is out of date – current market share spiralling down in favour of Android phones (so I guess Android phones must be cool).

    Popular does not = Cool

    In my head, it’s cooler to own something less common, even if it’s not considered to be the ‘best’

    Free Member

    I know someone who always says things like “where are my Oakley sunglasses”, “have you seen my iPhone”.

    As if anyone gives a monkeys what brand they are. Am I supposed to feel inferior & awestruck by their brand choice? 🙄

    Wouldn’t most people just say “where are my sunglasses” or “have you seen my mobile”?

    Free Member

    Something immediately stops being cool as soon as someone says “that’s cool” …

    Free Member

    if you’re over the age of 16 then whether Nike, Adidas or any of the other sports brands are cool or not should be of no importance to you

    Same applies to Go-ogle/LookAtMeMeMeTube/ArseBook/Twatter in my book.

    Although, I’d go for ‘if you’re over the age of 9’ for these.

    Free Member

    In my humble, coolness has a lot to do with exclusivity.

    The more attention something gets, or the more popular/common it is, the more I lose any interest in it, and the less I am ‘impressed’ by it.

    Therefore Apple = Not Cool.

    Too common, has become a very run-of-the-mill, everyday item.
    Same goes for Nike, Blackberry.

    Pretty much anybody has access to or can own an Apple product, therefore there’s nothing special about them.

    Interesting that the BBC article starts off talking about the “UK’s coolest brand”, but when referring to Apple/Blackberry further down quotes them as being rated by ‘popularity’.

    ‘Popularity’ & ‘Coolness’ are not the same thing.

    So the article seems confused as to what point it’s actually making.

    And they only surveyed 2000 people. Out of a population of 70million or something. 0.003% of the population. I’m no statisitician, but generally I’d consider the opinion of such a tiny minority insignificant and throw the results in the bin.

    Free Member

    Looks a nightmare for those of us that commute


    That many cyclists would be a PITA for motorists & people cycling at a reasonable speed.

    One of the great things about my commute is that I can cruise along at my own pace without having to worry about overtaking all the nodders bumbling along at 12mph.

    Free Member

    In Sheffield you have J E James Cycles & The Edinburgh Bicycle Cooperative.

    Halfords are worth a look as the Boardman bikes are excellent value. However, Halfords staff are very hit and miss with regards to their cycling advice & technical knowledge. Some are very good, others are dire.

    Free Member

    I assume you’d all go to a private retailer as oppose to the likes of Halfords for trying bikes? Are they likely to have enough bikes to compare?

    I’m sure somebody on here can recommend bike shops in/around Sheffield that are worth a visit …

    Free Member

    Note Chapel Gate has now been sanitised as a descent

    By ‘sanitised’ I assume you mean ‘ruined’ ?

    Free Member

    I worked out that owning a car cost me £250 a month over the past year (VED, fuel, insurance, servicing/mot .. depreciation irrelevant on a 10-year-old Vectra).

    I would love to go carless. Driving is tedious and expensive. But going carless presents numerous issues that I am not yet prepared to work around:

    My sons school is a mere 15 mins walk, decent shops are only 20 minutes walk (& on a bus route right past our front door).

    However where we live (Marple) the public transport is useless unless you want to go to Stockport (bus) or Manchester (train).

    To get to work (Wythenshawe) would take me at least 90 minutes each way on multiple buses/trains, compared to 35/40 minutes each way on the bike or in the car.

    Until I actually can’t afford to run a car, I refuse to more than double the time I spend commuting each week to save a bit of money.

    Whilst I have the choice, I prefer to spend the time with my wife and kids.

    To visit my parents or many of our friends (Poynton/Cheadle Hulme/Bramhall area) would take half a days travelling to get there and back, as opposed to maybe 20 minutes each way in the car.

    If we wanted to go out for an evening, without a car we’d be restricted to the local pubs/restaurants. There’d be no more visiting friends/family except at weekends.

    We also have relatives in Wirrall. Hiring a car would be acceptable, but in light of all the above I won’t be getting rid of the car just yet.

    Free Member

    You want the all the motorists to be inconvenienced just so you can walk to school two minutes quicker?


    This actually doesn’t sound at all important, even compared to a lot of the stuff discussed on here.

    Doesn’t actually seem like a ‘road safety’ issue either.

    Free Member

    If there’s one thing that consistently highlights how stupid humans fundamentally are it’s putting them behind the wheel of a motor vehicle.

    There is a mythology that has been carefully constructed around motoring.

    Look at the adverts: the open road, the perfect wife and contented children secure in the back.

    Then there is the reality: The never-ending and spiralling expense. Sat in traffic jams while your hard earned bleeds out of the exhaust making you feel guilty about the environment while the kids are climbing the walls with boredom.

    It’s hardly surprising that many drivers are half psychotic (or behave as if they are). And when they see a cyclist whipping past them all they can see is someone getting something for free.

    So on one hand we have millions of delusional solipsists in control of a ton of machinery and on the other the cyclists blessed with instant karma where any bad decision will cost. Not at the end of the month. Not in insurance premiums, fines or garage bills. But instantly.

    So I’m not hugely surprised when motorists complain about being delayed for a few seconds by having to safely overtake a cyclist.

    I don’t believe its too extreme an example of what’s going on in the mind of many motorists:
    “I pay all this money, I was promised freedom, my motorcar coddles me like a baby so I can act like a spoiled child, where’s my freedom. . . . ”

    Free Member

    Re. the kid drawing on the sofa, the sofa was fine before your kid got anywhere near it so why would they not want some help to fix it? Your kid, your problem.

    It all comes down to what’s more valuable to you – your precious little posessions, or peoples friendship/relationship …

    Free Member

    It’s a zen thing. Not responding makes the accuser look pathetic.

    Free Member

    total public sector spending, even in real terms, was just 0.43 per cent lower than last year – and still 3.9 per cent higher, in real terms, than in Labour’s final full year in power (2009).

    excellent. good to know it’s all been a massive success then. hooray for our glorious leaders!

    Free Member

    +1 to footflaps

    With a healthy balanced diet, you’re wasting your money.
    Probably even on an ‘unhealthy’ diet you’re still wasting your money.

    Free Member

    Allowing animals to defecate in public spaces has no place in modern society

    Considering all the problems in our wonderful ‘modern society’ that are actually significant, I don’t think dog poo even registers on the ‘to do’ list.

    Unless you’re one of those interfering local busy-bodies with no friends, hobbies or interests.

    Free Member

    Never thought I’d hear the words “customisation options” associated with buying what appear to be glorified bags of peanuts.

    Free Member

    How new are they?

    They may need a few hours running in time.

    My Fox Floats suffered a lot of stiction when new & did not sag as expected, but after 10-20 hours of riding were fine.

    EDIT: from the DT Swiss user guide pdf:

    Some parts of the new fork may need some bedding-in or sagging-in time. Especially the bushings of the new fork may have a higher breakaway force. Therefore the fork may be uncomfortable. After about 20 hours of riding, the fork should be run in, and the effect will disappear.”

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