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  • joao3v16
    Free Member

    Free – Soup Dragons

    I’m Not Missing You – Staci Orrico

    Here’s a Quarter (Call Someone Who Cares) – Travis Tritt

    Bye Bye – Jo Dee Messina

    Ciao – Lush

    Goodbye – Kristinia DeBarge

    Better Off – Theory of a Deadman

    I Look So Good (Without You) – Jessie James

    I Can Do Better – Avril Lavigne

    Available – Flo Rida (& Akon)

    etc …

    Free Member

    so sholcos olny rlleay need to tcaeh kdis to selpl wtih the frist & lsat lretets of eervy wrod in the cerorct pitosoin. tehy are wtinsag tehir tmie winyrrog aubot the rset.

    Free Member

    I went to Moss Side by mistake once

    Surely nobody goes there on purpose?

    Free Member

    I reckon you’ll be fine with 1 1/8.

    The 1.5″ or tapered steerer ‘standards’ don’t appear to have taken the world by storm.

    I don’t see 1 1/8 disappearing any time soon.

    Free Member

    The most scenic view of Manchester is through your rear-view mirror as it disappears into the distance as you’re leaving …

    Free Member

    Beardy Branston’s purchase doesn’t however include NR’s mortgage arm – this became ‘Northern Rock Asset Management’, & remains nationalised.

    I’ve a NRAM mortgage. For obvious reasons they’re not offering new mortgage deals, so if I want a better deal the only way is to remortgage rather than get the benefit of a better deal with the bank I’m already with. Bit of a pain considering remortgaging costs would probably negate any saving on my monthly repayments, unless it’s a large reduction on what I’m paying now.

    Free Member

    I found if you use the 11/12t cogs frequently they wear out really quick, especially when commuting


    I go through a cassette/chain roughly every 3 months on my commuter, it’s only ever the smallest 2/3 cogs that have actually worn.

    My route is pretty flat so I spend the whole time in the lowest two or three gears.

    I maintain the drivetrain as clean as possible so wear due to grit etc is as minimal as it’s possible to get.

    I guess the only alternative is to go Alfine, unless someone makes hardened steel MTB cassette’s 🙂

    I usually buy Sram cassettes – do Shimano XT cassettes last any longer?

    Free Member

    Bad news sells, therefore the media will always focus in on the negative, which is this context emphasises an issue that applies to the minority rather than being the norm.

    It’s a dangerous precedent to set – the way young people are often perceived & treated can turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy … they feel unvalued etc, start believing it and start behaving as such.

    Free Member

    Goodbye then.

    Free Member

    I commute on an MTB – fitted narrow slick tyres, cassette with 11T cog and fitted a 48T chainring

    Ultimately, you’ll never keep up with a road bike with a reasonably fit rider for long … without killing yourself trying

    Drafting will help a lot though.

    Free Member

    i thought the point of Secret Santa is nobody knows who bought the gifts?

    In which case it doesn’t matter if you choose the ‘wrong’ thing as they’ll never know who’s responsible.

    Plus, as you say it’s a bit of fun, so your boss would be a massive bore if they got ‘offended’ by something harmless.

    Free Member


    I never realised, as a man, that I was supposed to give a monkeys what anyone thought about my dress sense. or lack of.

    They should just be grateful I’m not naked.

    And to answer the question, so long as you don’t buy those stupid trousers where the crotch is down at about knee height, then fine.

    Free Member

    apparently there’s an insult here somewhere but I can’t for the life of me see it

    Free Member

    They’re Black & White with Black & White stripes 🙄


    Free Member

    stuck it in a bowl full of uncooked rice to dry out

    won’t the rice just absorb moisture from the air, not specifically the phone?

    I was advised to put a wet phone in one of those resealable freezer bags, along with a load of rice.

    Also, re-emphasise: do not charge or turn on for days or you’ve a good chance of completely killing it if it’s not already dead.

    Free Member

    Or, you could consider PIV ventilation

    I had to google that, and it set off my snake-oil alarm. Is it good, then?

    No idea.

    I was recommended it by a Damp Proofing expert who I had asked to check out the reason for the damp in my house. He concluded it was just ‘living conditions’ and nothing serious like wet walls, leaks etc.

    The guy said he installs quite a lot of the units in older properties that suffer from bad condensation/damp.

    I don’t have £500 to spend, so plumped for the dehumidifier.

    I also wasn’t keen on blowing air from the loft (very cold) into the house – figured it would wreak havoc with heating bills over the winter, and I only have a condensation problem in the autumn/winter so it would be a waste of time for 8 months of the year.

    Also, the PIV units are supposed to work by slightly pressurising the air in the house, thereby forcing the damp air out through vents and what not (and generally creating circulation).
    My double glazing does not have trickle vents, and there is no venting in the house other than opening windows (which we don’t much in winter due to the cold), therefore I figured the ‘venting’ theory may not work optimally.

    So, no comments from experience, just my thought process. I might go back to the guy at sometime to discuss in more detail.

    Free Member

    They all seem stupidly expensive though.

    The De’longhi DEM10 is available on Amazon for £110 I think.

    This model’s also been selling on eBay for around £80-£90 (used or cosmetically damaged).

    Only useful for one room though I guess.

    Or, you could consider PIV ventilation – not cheap either (I was quoted £500) but (apparently) will affect the whole house, not just one room like a dehumidifier.

    Free Member

    it depends what you mean by best
    Cheapest? Nicest looking easiest to work with etc
    No offence but not enough detail to answer but wood for the cupboard – what room is it in ?and it depends how large the pipe work is ducting or box off

    – Cheapest (within reason)
    – Kitchen
    – Pipework is too big for ducting

    Usual way is to buy the kitchen wall unit a bit bigger than the boiler, and box in the messy bits by putting 2×2 pine pse timber on the wall and cover in mdf, painted to wall colours.

    Ah, good point – I’ll check out the units, although obviously the boiler is deeper than a standard wall unit.

    Otherwise, 2×2 baton frame with MDF or something sounds like the way forward.

    Free Member

    Do you not have windows?

    Probably. But not a bottomless pot of money to then heat all the cold air coming into the house 🙂

    My house suffers from very bad condensation. Tried leaving the windowns cracked all day/night but makes little difference at this time of year. The double glazing in my house must be fairly old as there are no trickle vents.

    Bought a De’longhi DEM10 dehumidifier – used it for the first time yesterday evening in our boys’ bedroom: extracted over half a litre of water in just 4 hours, and another litre overnight.

    Zero condensation on the windows this morning, for the first time ever at this time of year, so it’s doing a good job. Room feels warmer too.

    Actually the whole house feels different (it’s only a 2 bed terrace). There was almost no condensation on the living room window either, which is also a first for this time of year.

    Certainly worth the £90 for the winter months.

    Free Member

    I love how the inability to see out of a car is somehow down to the design rather than the operator

    Everything is always somebody elses fault!
    Isn’t the modern age of zero accountability wonderful …

    Free Member

    Walking primary and younger kids to / from school is utterly dependent on going back to the old days of one parent working / one parent staying at home…. so feasible for those who are very well off – or on benefits.

    Yes, yes, we all know there are perfectly valid excuses exceptions, but I didn’t think I’d need to spell out every possible permutation.

    Im future I won’t make the mistake of assuming STW-ers are even vaguely intelligent.

    Free Member

    A friend had two Boxster engine replacements in the space of 18 months. He wasn’t thrashing it or crashing it.

    Free Member

    How much it ‘should’ extract is not really relevant – as you mentioned, it all depends on conditions.

    Either it’s not working properly, or the air it’s processing is less humid than last year.

    Not sure how you work out whether it’s functioning properly though.

    May be worth getting a humidity meter – at least you’ll then know how damp the air actually is.

    Free Member

    The offender may stop if they twig you’re onto them

    Free Member

    another way to contain and repress a basic human need and that is freedom to move.

    along with

    ‘Political Correctness’ – a way to control what we say and think

    ‘Health & Safety’ – (when wrongly applied) a subtle mechanism to control our actions and movements

    Maybe. If you’re paranoid. 🙂

    Free Member

    Unfortunately you cant walk lorry loads of goods to the shops, kids are much easier.

    Hah. True. I wrote my comment on the assumption people would have enough available IQ to realise I wasn’t referring to haulage and what-not.

    Free Member

    This brings back good memories from my past.

    Got my first RC car when I was about 10 or 11 I think – Tamiya Boomerang.

    Then a couple of years later spent months saving up to by a Schumacher Cat XLS.

    Then I ‘grew up’ and got into other stuff.

    Was recently given a Traxxas T-Maxx nitro truck. Not used it in anger yet, need to spend some time tuning the engine I think as it keeps stalling when it’s started up.

    I might get it out of the loft and have a play at the weekend.

    Free Member

    1 family car, over the last 12 months I’ve used £1350 unleaded

    Would be nearer £2000 if I hadn’t cycle commuted from March – October.

    I would love to get rid of the car but my wife wouldn’t be impressed, what with 2 kids & many friends & family all unreachable by pubic transport

    Free Member

    I think they’re about right to be honest. Expensive enough to make people think and consider unnecessary journeys, not too expensive that its impossible to do business.

    I pretty much agree with the above.

    People should stop being so lazy and walk places a bit more.

    BBC News this morning talking to Mum’s on the school run – some of the poor unfortunate souls have now been reduced to using their legs to get there (1, 2, 3, ahhhhhh) … well, boo hoo … 🙄

    My neighbour drives his kids to school in a big 4WD truck thing. My son goes to the same school. We walk him. It’s 10 minutes.

    Rising petrol prices have at least caused the population to actually reconsider their dependency on a car.

    May cause pain in the short term but over time I believe (hope) it will be beneficial.

    Free Member

    And in true STW style, this thread is certainly making a mountain out of a mole-hill

    Does it really matter if you need to stop for a child to pass? Or anyone for that matter?

    Or are some of us too self-important and self-righteous for that?

    Free Member

    I just don’t understand why anyone, ever, accuses cyclists of being selfish..

    I’m assuming this was a tongue-in-cheek comment, otherwise I’d need to write a massive ‘why people accuse cyclists of being selfish’ list …

    Free Member

    I can’t be bothered to enter into the bickering about how two people should pass each other on a path (my god, it’s not rocket surgery), but because they don’t leave turds everywhere I have to say that kids definitely are not worse than dogs.

    Free Member

    Mostly due to the rising cost of materials & unfavourable (for the UK) exchange rates.

    This is a bit of a smokescreen IMO. Look at motorbikes, much more materials used, much more R&D involved, mostly made outside the UK yet nowhere near the level of inflation seen in bikes. You can bike a moto trials bike with Marzocchi forks for less than the cost of a push bike.

    So we’re being lied to, and then fleeced.

    The swines!

    Free Member

    swings for courses.
    horses and roundabouts.

    Free Member

    Bikes are becoming more expensive every year

    Mostly due to the rising cost of materials & unfavourable (for the UK) exchange rates.

    The world all going wrong in 2008 exacerbated this.

    Free Member

    Maybe I’m just mad but I don’t find Jessica Jane especially attractive …

    maybe I’ve been put off by those ridiculous tattoo’s

    Free Member

    Its a bit of an obvious mistake which they should have queried while picking.

    You can’t realistically expect CRC to cross-check/2nd-guess all orders.

    One occasion last year I was sent the same order twice, on the same day. £80 of stuff I could’ve put in the classifieds… but I’m not a thieving scumbag, and returned the duplicate & got a £5 voucher in return.

    Free Member

    At ease everyone, owner of the bike has been traced.

    Free Member

    [my 2p]

    One of my grandparents served in the Royal Navy.

    I give a donation but don’t wear a poppy.

    I don’t really get why there’s a need to advertise that I support the sentiment of the occasion. For me it’s a personal thing.

    [/my 2p]

    Free Member

    Irish Mixed grill:
    Boiled potatos
    Roast potatos
    Mash potatos

    Ironcially, none of which are grilled …

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