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  • Cheap Things Tuesday: cranks, brakes, bars and more
  • joao3v16
    Free Member


    “it is a lower cost OEM version of a Float 32. most of the internals are the same as a float 32 but it has heavier uppers and lowers”

    Free Member

    Some acronym related to their Adaptive Logic technology?


    Free Member

    being able to get on the property ladder

    it’s not really a ladder these days, more of a kick-step

    Free Member

    you dont buy a car without a test drive do you

    Yes, but …

    People buy beds by lying on them pencil-straight & fully clothed. I’ve never known anyone borrow one to test for a nights sleep & sex with the wife.

    People buy fridges by opening & closing them in the electricals showroom. They don’t choose it on it’s ability to actually keep things cold.

    Nobody demands a taste sample of all the items in my Tesco shopping.


    Free Member

    There seems to be a lot of ignorance generally

    That would have been sufficient. There was no need to be any more specific.

    Free Member

    Overall the press release on the website comes across as pretty childish.

    I love the 2nd biggest complaint from motorists:

    “A cyclist slowed down my journey and made me late”

    Well boo hoo 🙄

    I don’t suppose they’d complain about all the other motorists slowing them down by causing traffic jams…

    Free Member

    Can I be the smart arse who points out this?

    Free Member


    It sounds like an account set up fraudulantly for money laundering purposes.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if the £10,000 is withdrawn at some point soon by some other unknown 3rd party.

    If you’ve informed the instutution in question that you never asked for the account to be opened they should have procedures in place & get their fraud department involved.

    Free Member

    Parcel force are the best of the bunch

    Just a minute! Have you been reading their promotional material?

    I can see it now, on billboards all over the country:

    “ParcelForce – The Best of a Bad Bunch”

    If they can rely on everyone else being even worse, where’s the incentive to improve.

    Free Member

    I expect it’s something to do with being lighter

    Free Member

    I’ve heard of “hard-nosed” criminals, but this is ridiculous

    I guess that’s what you get if you pay rock bottom prices

    Free Member

    I never understand how it’s possible to spend more than 3 minutes in the shower.

    Get in, get wet, apply soap/shampoo/etc, rinse off, get out

    what self respecting man takes more than 10 minutes to get ready?


    As long as you don’t smell odd & aren’t naked, anything else is massive overkill.

    Free Member

    Will they ever shut the flip up about Diana?

    For goodness’ sake, move on

    Free Member

    If Alan Turing knew his genius would ultimately end up being primarily used for pronography, MyFace and strangers arguing on forums he probably wouldn’t have bothered …

    Free Member

    “Holy Thread Resurrection Batman”

    (as BikeRadar-ers would say…)

    I’m glad someone did resurrect this – I’ve been wondering how to prevent my chimney fro leaking out all the lovely warm air I’ve just spent all my money heating 🙂

    Loft insulation for me I think. I can pinch some from the loft to trial.

    Free Member

    I (mis-)read the thread title as ‘Inserting a Cat…’ 😯 😕

    Free Member

    Play the hummus game instead:

    Pick a random employee and ask them where the hummus is.
    If they don’t know what it is, award yourself a point.

    Hummus is what Greeks use for grouting. They can’t believe we eat it.

    Free Member

    You bend down to tie your shoelaces, and wonder what else you can do whilst you’re down there.

    Free Member

    If my son’s teachers are striking I’m taking him to Blue Planet Aquarium 😀 … he’ll probably learn as much there as in a whole week of school

    Free Member

    My wife still doesn’t understand most shops not opening until 8 or 9 am, and closing at 5/6pm … this would class as being massively lazy in Brazil 🙂

    She’s quickly got the impression that workers in the UK will take any opporunity or use any excuse to do as little work as possible.

    And ‘customer servce’. It’s terrible here. Apparently.

    Having spent some time in Brazil, I’m inclined to agree to a certain extent.

    Free Member

    My wife, or ‘HRH’ as I usually refer to her, makes an amazing coconut fuba cake thing … a Brazilian recipe so not something I can find ‘mid ride’ unless I bring it with me

    Or Soreen. The original malt loaf, not the banana loaf nonsense. And no butter either. That’s just strange.

    Free Member

    constant striving to cleanse everything everyone says of any sort of identification of people being different from each other or worse striving to silence people so that some minority isn’t mildly offended

    “Political correction is the oppression of our intellectual movement so no one says anything anymore just in case anyone else get’s offended.

    What happens if you say that and someone gets offended? Well they can be offended, can’t they? What’s wrong with being offended? When did stick and stones may break my bones stop being relevant? Isn’t that what you teach children? He called me an idiot! Don’t worry about it, he’s a dick.

    Now you have adults going “I was offended, I was offended and I have rights!” Well so what, be offended, nothing happened. You’re an adult, grow up, and deal with it. “I was offended!” Well, I don’t care! Nothing happens when you’re offended. “I went to the comedy show and the comedian said something about the lord, and I was offended, and when I woke up in the morning, I had leprosy.”

    Nothing Happens. “I want to live in a democracy but I never want to be offended again.” Well you’re an idiot.

    How do you make a law about offending people? How do you make it an offense to offend people? Being offended is subjective. It has everything to do with you as an individual or a collective, or a group or a society or a community. Your moral conditioning, your religious beliefs. What offends me may not offend you. And you want to make laws about this? I’m offended when I see boy bands for god sake.

    It’s a valid offense, I’m offended. They’re cooperate shills, posing as musicians to further a modeling career and frankly I’m disgusted.”

    Free Member

    Le Verrier looking through a telescope 160yrs ago sees Uranus “wobble” and so predicts the existence and position of a completely different planet, Neptune. Aren’t humans incredible.

    It doesn’t always work though. When a similar “wobble” was noticed with Mercury another planet was predicted (called Vuldan I believe) but of course no-one ever found it.

    So rather than being clever, he made an educated guess that turned out to be correct, and therefore we all look back thinking ‘wow, clever’ rather than ‘what an idiot’ …

    Free Member

    My mail-order bride just doesn’t understand English

    I do a lot of my shopping online, including for my wife (dating website)


    Free Member

    Aren’t humans incredible

    A tiny minority of us, yes. The rest of us are bumbling around in the dark in comparison.

    Is space-time anything like air-time? or bed-time even?

    Free Member

    it was a bit **** that it took me and sueW to say ” we’re going” before it got taken seriously

    What the flip? 😯

    Are there people who take things on internet forums seriously?


    How very very sad …

    Free Member

    Gravity or Quantum Gravity?

    Free Member


    my wife does concede that if Brazil had got their act together and been more organised then their economy probably wouldn’t be so far behind the “1st world”

    our weddage was in Brazil – started almost 2 hours late … that’d never happen here, we Brits can’t cope without a meticulously adhered-to precise timetable events.

    Free Member

    bagging their dog poo in the pentlands and hanging it from a tree


    I have never in my life seen this.

    Is it a strange Scottish phenomenon?

    Free Member

    My nephew’s weird.

    He has been known to force himself to eat stuff he doesn’t even like.


    Free Member

    distract him with shiny things … then *blam*!!!

    Free Member

    the vast majority of injuries and fatalities are pedestrians or vehicle occupants.

    But isn’t that because the vast majority of people out and about are on foot or in a vehicle?

    Which means the prevailing “motorcycles and cycling are dangerous” opinion may be correct*

    *nope, it’s all lies

    Free Member

    Given the gender makeup of mountain biking in the real world, I don’t see why more women should post. It always strikes me as one of those perhaps middle class issues; that people are concerned about women’s voices when women are capable of making their own choices..
    I suspect mumsnet don’t have similar threads about getting more men to post there; its an odd kind of sexism to think that we should change the place so women feel better.

    Very good point.

    Free Member

    I’d definitely see your GP about the illness & lack of appetite to try and establish what’s the cause and what’s the effect – illness making them not eat, or not eating making them ill – or whether there’s something biolgical/physiological going on.

    When he was younger my stepson never had a big appetite, slept a lot & asked for food at all sorts of times of day and night as he kept feeling hungry.
    Eventually his mum took him to the GP – turned out he had pretty serious constipation (not sure why. diet was pretty good). GP put him on a course of laxative powder in his drink. Within a few days the change in him was huge – appetite picked up, ate proper sized meals, more interested in food, more energy, you could see in his face he was happier/healthier.

    Free Member

    Possible answers….
    3. When the development is for “SUSTAINABLE INDUSTRY”, because that is totally different from an INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT.
    4. When the development is for “AFFORDABLE HOUSING”, because that is totally different from a HOUSING ESTATE DEVELOPMENT.

    These excuses are just smoke and mirrors

    Everything boils down to somebody somewhere making a load of money out of it

    Free Member

    i’m here as i’m ******* bored at work assumed everyone else was the same


    And this should be the only reason to be on an internet forum: because it’s the absolute last resort

    That’s just my opinion of course.

    I appreciate some people think forums are important or significant or something 😕

    Free Member

    DezB – you forgot the real reason: women are better at making friends and forming relationships in the real world so they don’t need pretend ones on the interwebs.

    Free Member

    I don’t understand all this ‘getting upset by people on the internet’.

    In the words of comedian Steve Hughes:

    “I want to live in a democracy but I don’t want to be offended”

    Well, you’re an idiot!

    Free Member

    His answer was “it doesn’t matter.”

    Did he literally mean “it doesn’t matter what you do with your life”, or “it doesn’t matter what I tell you you should do with your life”?

    Free Member

    three or four pints a day

    😯 😯 😯

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