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  • joao3v16
    Free Member

    trains are only running at reduced speed

    At least the train operators will be glad for a ‘real’ excuse for all their trains being late

    They should still send the fat kids in to school tho, and make them walk. They won’t get blown away.

    Or get all the children to hold hands so that they act as ballast for each other.

    I thought most parents were so lazy they drove their apparently wind-intolerant children to school anyway?

    Free Member

    I would hope they’re expected to be patrolling on foot, not just sitting in a van. But perhaps it was their lunch break.

    Other than that, the solution might be to pay for enough parking.

    Or you could just try reasoning with them. Tell them you were delayed or something. I bet nobody ever tries to explain their way out of a ticket so they’ll just let you off. 😉

    Free Member

    Snowdon wasn’t closed by the National Park owners when I went up one January in gale force winds, snow, sleet and limited visibility.

    I got blown over more than once. My ears got a bit cold too at one point. And I had trouble unscrewing the lid on my flask.

    Why wasn’t there somebody there to nanny me?
    Who do I complain to?

    Free Member

    Body Fat scales are probably about as useful as the BMI calculation (according to which I have long been ‘overweight’ due to the caluclation being too stupid to account for having a lot of muscle)

    Free Member

    But the large scale production of meat is destroying the nature you respect

    It’s not just the meat-eaters.

    In some parts of the world they’re clearing swathes of rainforest to grow vegetable crops too.

    Free Member

    Would you sue the school when your child gets hit by a falling tree in the playground?

    A radical idea I know, but how about keeping them inside the school?

    Are we turning into a namby pamby nation

    Turning? It’s already happened.

    Close schools but every other business/service is ok to stay open?
    Excellent logic.

    Well done for helping bring up a generation of big sissy drips who daren’t go out if it’s too wet/windy/hot/cold/snowy/dry/cloudy 🙄

    I expect a lot of the children will be out and about with their parents in exactly the same wind that the Govt is so convinced is going to kill them all to death.

    And how often are the MET office right about anything anyway 😉

    Free Member

    Is it reasonable to suggest that 81% of people are wrong in believing there is something more to life than just muddling along for 80 years with no real purpose, and that death is the end?

    No, it’s not really reasonable at all. Not having belief in god does not equate to thinking life has no real purpose.

    I meant that we have (are given) a specific purpose and reason for living by god, not that we create/find our own purpose simply because we’ve evolved so therefore may as well make the best of it whilst we’re alive.

    And to my mind, if there’s a purpose in life then there must be a purpose in/after death, otherwise all those years of purpose are for what?

    Free Member

    As an interesting note (well, I think it is anyway 🙂 ) :

    According to The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2011 5,711,411,650 people in the world are part of one of the worlds major religions.

    That leaves about 1.3 billion who I assume are atheist/agnostic/undecided/other – that’s about 19%

    So either 81% of us are utterly wasting our time and energy by having faith/belief in a god, or the other 19% are ignoring something very significant

    Is it reasonable to suggest that 81% of people are wrong in believing there is something more to life than just muddling along for 80 years with no real purpose, and that death is the end?

    If faith/religion is based on nothing, would it really have survived and kept on growing for thousands of generations?

    If there was no such thing as god, then why does faith/religion even exist?

    It has always intrigued me when I read stories of when newly discovered Amazonian tribes with no previuous contact with the outside world were discovered to have a belief system or gods that they revere.

    Could it be that the human spirit has an inate knowledge that there is a god?

    Just some thoughts, without getting all preachy about my Christian faith…

    Free Member

    I assume those supporting them here are vegans and take no part in the senseless slaughter of other intelligent beautiful creatures. Your belief that whales have a higher value than other animals is simply a cultural belief in the same way that the Japanese believe that eating whales is ok is a cultural belief

    And the oil that their ships run on comes from the fossilised remains of intelligent beautiful creatures …

    Free Member

    would you hit an asteroid before you saw it

    You’d ‘hit an asteroid before you saw it’ at speeds a lot less than light speed …

    But never mind that – what’s the speed of dark?

    Free Member

    I find it odd that you can worship when you admit you dont understand – how crap is god at explaining stuff then?

    You wouldn’t give your child everything they’re going to need for their whole life whilst they are still a toddler – they couldn’t cope or understand it all, and wouldn’t know what to do with it.

    As they grow and your relationship with them develops you teach them & guide them as needs arise, as things become necessary or appropriate etc.

    In the same way, being a Christian is a relationship with God through the Holy Spirit … it’s a process that lasts a lifetime, nobody is perfect, understands everything, or has all the answers.

    Free Member

    I give people a card if I know they’re the sort of person who likes receiving cards (i.e. my Mum).

    My Brazilian wife on the other hand doesn’t understand the British obsession with cards. At least, ‘obsession’ is how it appears to her.

    She and I both prefer to spend a couple of extra quid on a gift rather than a card.

    Free Member

    If they can’t even agree on the basis of their beliefs in the same god, clearly he is not doing a very good job of guiding them.

    Or maybe said god is a fan of free will.

    Or, more likely, some people are not very good at being guided or sometimes interpret things incorrectly or don’t get things right all of the time … i.e the Roman Catholics worship/venerate Mary – nowhere in the Bible are believers told to revere anyone but God alone. Then there’s purgatory – the existance of which is also non-Bibical.

    How many more ’til 1000 is it anyway?

    Free Member

    yes, who would have thought that it might get a bit wet around a sink now and then 🙄

    Free Member

    installed myself.

    the rear edge of the worktop is aligned exactly with the rear edge of the unit base. if I had increased the overhang there’d have been a huge gap between the wall and worktop.

    maybe I’ll just accept the replacement door and helicopter tape the top edge 🙂

    Free Member

    who demands my obedience or he’s going to send me to burn in hell

    God granted Man free will. Obedience is a choice. Faith in Him is a choice.

    You can choose living in obedience to Him (in a similar way that you’d hope your own children be obediet to you), or reject Him.

    Assuming God is real, of course 😉

    Free Member

    alfabus – maybe you’ve more of an overhang with the worktop. either way, it hasn’t taken much to damage my doors, just a few drips of water that happen during the daily kitchen activities. We regularly wipe down the sink area to soak up any water, so it’s not like the doors are left in a puddle 🙂

    Free Member

    Jeremiah 29:13 – “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.”

    1 Chronicles 28:9 – “…If you seek him, he will be found by you…”

    So until you’ve tested God by the above, you can’t genuinely say He doesn’t exist.

    that settles that then. oh actually no it doesn’t. the existence/ non-existence debate does not have to follow rules written in a pro-god book.

    What I was meaning is, to test for oneself the existence of God why not ‘challenge’ Him using his own words/promises?

    Free Member

    Lego Technic kits
    Airfix models
    Hornby railway stuff

    Free Member

    Jeremiah 29:13 – “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.”

    1 Chronicles 28:9 – “…If you seek him, he will be found by you…”

    So until you’ve tested God by the above, you can’t genuinely say He doesn’t exist.

    Free Member

    There is a minuscule chance that the christian/muslim/whatever god exists

    A conclusion based on? …

    Free Member

    So what should I carry my book and computer in? A bag that’s too big, just to keep you lot happy?

    Yes. A proper manly back-pack.

    A grown up carrying a “Man Bag” just looks like a school kid with a satchel.


    Free Member

    “By definition, no one knows what lies outside their tiny circle of knowledge. To claim you know there is no God is to claim you have exhaustively searched every part of every universe and dimension with an infallibly accurate method of detecting every non-physical entity that could possibly exist. The claim that God has taken the initiative and chosen to reveal himself to some people is not nearly as unbelievable”. Grantley Morris.

    To be absolutely certain that God doesn’t exist outside the limits of your knowledge, you would have to possess all knowledge.

    When Christians and atheists debate the question “Does God exist?” atheists frequently assert that the entire burden of proof rests on the Christian. This, however, is a false assertion. When an interrogative such as “Does God exist?” is debated each side must shoulder the burden of proof and provide support for what they consider to be the correct answer.

    Ultimately, no amount of evidence can convert an unbeliever to belief. That is solely the work of God.

    Free Member

    Every day three blokes who work in my office go out to the local shops together to buy lunch.

    They all toddle off with their “man bag” over their shoulder.

    They’re all around 50.

    Look pretty daft to be honest.

    As far as I’m concerned, no man should ever get involved with using an umbrella (get a proper coat), carrying a “man bag” (you look like a girl) or wearing a scarf (you look like your mum dressed you).

    Free Member

    I’d like the phrase ‘killed or seriously injured’ to be removed from road safety guff. There is a significant and measurable difference between dying and having your tibia snapped in two

    At what point do injuries become “serious”?

    Free Member

    Our front room was always cold so i replaced it with a double radiator

    I was thinking of this for my house.

    The 2 upstairs bedrooms have very old single radiators with no convection fins, so are not heating the rooms anywhere near as effectively as a single or double convector radiator.

    One of these bedrooms is 4.5 square meters with 2.5m ceilings, so I’m pretty sure an old 300mm x 1500(?)mm radiator is pretty useless for a room this size.

    The living room also has an old single radiator.

    Free Member

    When atheists start committing acts of terrorism, blowing people up

    I think you’ll find that none of the major world religions promote or encourage any of these things.

    They’re the result of people/groups using religion as a front for their own agenda.

    Free Member

    Not responding makes the accuser look pathetic

    I would have totally ignored them and continued on as if nothing had happened.

    Free Member

    depends if your insurance allows it. mine’s fully comp and I can drive any other (insured) car on it but my partner who also has FC cannot.


    And your wife has given you permission. Technically you can’t just drve off in her car, although your wife would have to have a bit of a mean streak to report you if you did.

    Your policy should mention something about driving other vehicles. Not all policies are the same. It’s a common misconception that Fully Comp allows you to drive other vehicles by default.

    Free Member

    I was expelled from Sunday school for pointing out that god was fictional

    Shame. People should be allowed to have their opinion.

    Free Member

    I think the Kashima coating can vary slightly in colour, so don’t necessarily use that as a guide.

    I can’t believe a business such as Mojo would be trading in anything but authentic parts.

    Free Member

    Moulds that cause mildew flourish wherever it is damp, warm, poorly lighted, and/or where air is not circulated

    I think the key is deeping your storage area dryer – increase ventilation if possible, or a dehumidifier may be the solution

    I believe the advice for cleaning mildew is wash with 50/50 bleach & hot water. Bleach is the only thing that’ll kill the mould it properly.

    Free Member

    food is fuel

    Sadly (?) my view of food also.

    Eating is mostly a means to and end, a necessity, like putting petrol in the car.

    As long as I get healthy(ish) decent nutrition from somewhere or other I’m not too fussed.

    If you spend more time preparing meals than eating them you’re making it too complicated 🙂

    Try explaining that to HRH* though – cooking is less about the food, more about the personal challenge to use every single pan, dish and utensil we own


    Free Member

    Just 2 days training?

    (No wonder my wife was able to live & work illegally in London for 5 years* 8) )

    Sounds like it’ll be a back-room role considering the minimal training being provided.

    Free Member

    “What do you call a deer with no eyes”, etc

    And the sequel…

    What do you call a deer with no eyes and no legs?
    Still no idea

    Free Member

    What do you call a cow who munches on your lawn?
    A lawn Mooer

    What do you call a gorilla with bananas in its ears?
    Anything you like, it can’t hear you

    “What’s green and invisible..?”
    <open palm>
    “This cabbage.”

    Why did the chicken cross the playground?
    To get to the other slide

    Horse walks into a Bar.
    Barman says “Why the long face?”

    Free Member

    What do you call a fish with no eyes?

    A ‘fsh’

    What do you call a partially-sighted dinosaur?

    A doyouthinkhesaurus

    Free Member

    That is exactly the sort of “logic” that is put forward when there is an effort to change male dominated work places (e.g. engineering) and is about as valid in this situation as it is in those.

    Yes, my logic could be used for the wrong reasons.

    What I was trying to suggest was, why is it generally seen to be an issue if something is male or female dominated? (provided it occurs naturally of course and not artificially through discrimination)

    Free Member

    I think your reaction to my post about ‘touchy feely’ probably indicates why a lot of men are wary of getting involved in primary education

    I hope not. I was just being an idiot.

    I do agree with the ‘male role model/influence’ arguement for a more balanced male/female ratio.

    Free Member

    congratulations you are pregnant


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