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  • Who won the Surly Grappler in 502 Club Raffle?
  • joao3v16
    Free Member

    I wish all car adverts were as uniquely different as rallying a Bentley, rather than just piddling about a town or whatever with some kid in the back grinning like a cheshire cat … car ad’s are 2nd only to bank ad’s on the “totally utterly coma-inducingly boring” scale

    Free Member

    They need a younger presenter.

    Didn’t the BBC get in trouble for replacing presenters with younger versions? …

    Maybe a BIKE segment presenter as well.

    It’s a CAR programme?

    Nice to see STW hating/debating society have got their spindly claws into this

    There are a lot of people who seem intent on deliberately finding things they don’t like or that ‘offends’ them … rather than just ignoring them, they whang on about it on social networking sites and forums’s 😀

    Free Member

    you never hear good looking people complaining about threads on other peoples looks.

    you never hear fat munters complaining about threads talking about cake.

    just observations.

    In this day and age, you’re supposed to be massively faux-offended on their behalf, then loudly tell everyone that they could be offenced so they’d best stop the thread.

    Free Member

    Do the mods take into account the type of people who’s hobby seems to be finding things to be offended by, and therefore ignoring them when they report a post for being ‘offensive’?

    To quote Steve Hughes;

    Now you have adults going “I was offended, I was offended and I have rights!” Well so what, be offended, nothing happened. You’re an adult, grow up, and deal with it. I was offended! Well, I don’t care! Nothing happens when you’re offended. “I went to the comedy show and the comedian said something about the lord, and I was offended, and when I woke up in the morning, I had leprosy.”

    Nothing Happens. “I want to live in a democracy but I never want to be offended again.” Well you’re an idiot.

    How do you make a law about offending people? How do you make it an offense to offend people? Being offended is subjective. It has everything to do with you as an individual or a collective, or a group or a society or a community. Your moral conditioning, your religious beliefs. What offends me may not offend you. And you want to make laws about this? I’m offended when I see boy bands for god sake.

    It’s a valid offense, I’m offended.

    😈 😉

    Free Member

    “1 tip for a sexy stomach”?

    I can give you that for free: Stop eating so much.

    Not rocket surgery is it?

    Free Member

    Can I ask someone who does believe, why exactly they do

    I chose to believe after many years of beng taken to a decent church by my Mum.

    Initially went because, as kids, you do what your parents tell you and I was too young to be left home alone anyway.

    As I got a bit older it was more out of habit, had some good friends there, got lunch and played footy etc, treated it more like a social club I guess.

    Eventually got to the point where I had to decide whether all the Christian stuff was for real or not.

    Based on what I’d heard from people and seen in people over the years I was convinced enough to say ‘ok God, I believe’.

    Free Member

    Why don’t people bother to shovel snow outside their houses?

    Mostly, it’s because the prevailing attitude is that it’s someone elses responsibility.

    Then there’s the fear of some local council jobsworth coming round stating that you’ve created a public hazard by moving the snow and issuing a fine for fly-tipping or some-such nonsense 🙄

    I’m sure people would like to be more self-sufficient and take the initiative but the enthusiasm’s been ground out of us through ridiculous council red-tape and stuff.

    EDIT: I also think people don’t trust their neighbours not to try and sue them for falling over because they cleared the snow wrongly or something.

    Free Member

    I thought the ‘holy spirit’ idea was restricted to a specific branch of Xtianity? Or am I misremembering? Isn’t that one of the tenants that split Catholics and Protestants?

    True, some denominations don’t believe in a holy spirit. But it’s mentioned endlessly in the Bible and what-not, so I don’t understand how you can miss it. (I don’t know the history of why some denominations don’t teach the holy spirit).

    Presumably not getting it directly from the “holy spirit”, then eh?

    I wonder how they get the job, then.

    Yep, considering their position/authority, getting it wrong is a big issue, but who doesn’t screw up now and then? Hopefully the responsible ones correct things if they realise.

    This is also one reason (other than it being biblical) why a church should have a leadership team, not just one guy doing what he wants – helps keep each other in check and should help prevent/reduce the chances of incorrect teaching occurring.

    (On the other hand, there have been many ‘christian’ leaders/preachers/organisations who deliberately corrupt the message for their own end.)

    Free Member

    Given that the god you now believe in was presumably always in your life before you believed it to be in your life, how do you account for your feeling of relentlessness and missing out beforehand? – because that god would still have been there?

    Yes, he’s always there, but won’t force himself or impose himself on anyone … we’ve all got freedom of choice to acknowledge him or reject him … he’s basically waiting to be invited into peoples lives … is what Christians believe

    Free Member

    All varieties of Christianity were invented at some point.

    The original Christianity was what JC started, it wasn’t “invented”, it was JC fulfilling Gods plan.

    They pretty much all believe in God and Jesus though, so it’s just a question of interpretation, which is my point. You can’t logically insist one doctrine is truth when there are so many others.

    I think you can. The truth can’t be the truth if it’s not specific.

    Many elements of the Bible are pretty black and white (like the baptising babies bit, and the non-existence of purgatory), but Christianity has still been corrupted through history (either deliberately or innocently).

    whichever religion you follow has had some editing done in it’s time, of course if the head of your religion at the time was working on instructions form god that may make it ok

    This is why, as a Christian, you should not just blindly go along with whatever the guy preaching at the front says, they can and do get it wrong (after all, they’re only human) – you should always sanity check what you’re taught against the Bible for example, and your own experience & understanding of God …

    Free Member

    Whoever makes Pringles have managed the noisy packet issue … although I suspect the massive cardboard tube, foil seal and plastic lid is why they’re so expensive

    Free Member

    the Bible (as the Spirit-inspired Word of God)

    Sorry, what does that mean?

    Something along the lines of God not literally writing the Bible himself, it was written by numerous people who got their inspiration through God’s Holy Spirit (you’ve heard of the holy trinity thingy I expect). The human spirit can and does ‘hear’ and respond to the holy spirit. Is what Christians believe.

    In the same way as a non-believer reading the Bible might not understand what it all means, or can easily take things out of context or misinterpret things, the holy spirit reveals things in the Bible that are not bullet-pointed in black and white.

    you should be able to decide what God and religion means to you

    If God is who he says he his, you can’t just pick and choose and make him to be what suits you. This is just inventing your own religion.

    Although I suppose if someone decides God is not who he says he is, then it’s their choice to make of it what they will.

    Free Member

    The main problem I’ve seen with ‘Performance Management’ is when managers are too busy filling in the paperwork and ‘following the process’ that they fail to take a step back and actually properly examine what their staff have been doing.

    This usually happend due to pressure from senior management to put a certain % of staff at the lower end of the performance scale to fit a pre-determined distribution, or that the manager is a crap manager. Or both of the above reasons.

    A lot of perf management these days seems to be about justifying your position/pay and proving you’re contributing value to the business. This is generally because your manager’s so far removed from you that he’s no idea what you actually do.

    In the end, it comes down to who’s best at writing their performance review document rather than who’s best at their job.

    Free Member

    wasn’t that to combat the lovely notion of orignal sin where if your little ‘un dies before they are old enough to decide it’s off to the firey pit for them?

    I think the Christian belief around heaven/hell is that babies are not aware of or able to make the choice of accepting/rejecting the gospel of Jesus Christ (& therefore God), therefore by default they will be off to heaven.

    The ‘fiery pit’ is reserved for those who consciously make a choice not to accept it.

    Purgatory does not exist, it’s another misinterpretation/fallacy of some ‘Christian’ teaching.

    You don’t have to believe that the bible is the word of God to be a Christian, do you?

    I believe the Bible (as the Spirit-inspired Word of God) is pretty fundamental to real Christians, those do say not I would suggest have missed something pretty important somewhere.

    Free Member

    Sadly this is also on there <shakes head>

    But not at all surprising. Sadly.

    Man + Car = Instant Penis

    And increasingly, Woman + Car = Instant Penis too …

    Free Member

    the fact that mainstream Christians are able to accept this contradictory approach says something about the nature of belief and believers

    It says more about how people have (wrongly?) interpreted the word of God to come to different (the wrong?) conclusions in some instances.

    Like CofE with their practice of baptising babies – it’s not biblical, but it’s a key CofE practice. A lot of ‘mainstream Christians’ go along with this despite it being incorrect biblical teaching.

    (Biblical baptism is about an individual choosing to be baptised, babies are obviously unable to make that choice).

    Free Member

    direct word of god vs inspired by god but open to interpretation

    But “word of god” does seem a popular line amongst various christians

    Yes, if we’re being pedantic (and I know STW has a great affection for being pedantic), then the Bible is more the inspired word of God rather than actually literally having been written by God

    But this is an irrelevant point seeing as everybody on here has already decided that God doesn’t exist anyway 😀

    Free Member

    Is the bible the word of god?

    I think most mainstream Christian religions would say No


    I love these STW threads where people argue stuff without having a basic understanding of the subject.

    Free Member

    Hazard is a little Belgian shit

    Racism is never cool

    It’s all ok, “Belgian” isn’t a race 🙄

    At least, I’ve never filled out (in?) a form that gives me “Belgian” as an option for my ethnic origin. Nationality perhaps, but not ethnicity.

    Free Member

    Instead of selfishly just clearing ‘your’ space (as far as it can be ‘yours’ on a public highway 🙄 ), why not clear your neighbours’ too …

    Free Member

    H&S is basically ‘common sense’ written down, because some people are eejits and think they know it all and get hurt!

    Almost …

    H&S is basically ‘common sense’ written down, because some people are eejits and need someone else to blame when they hurt themselves so that they can get some free money.

    Most of H&S is utter OTT nonsense.

    At work, I’m permitted to use numerous flights of stairs with no assistance or special training, but I’m not supposed to carry a PC monitor 6 feet to another desk in case I kill dozens of colleagues and myself in the process.

    Free Member

    Is Jenny Agutter not the most beautiful woman ever on TV?

    I agree. Jenny Agutter most definitely is not the most beautiful woman ever on TV.


    Free Member

    One thing’s for sure, all the non-religious people always seem to get very angry and defensive about their precious atheism/agnosticism.

    Why not just brush it aside and ignore it if it’s all just fairy tales and what-not?


    Free Member

    Religion is personal choice and religious teaching should funded and delivered outside the scope of the learning environment.

    I didn’t think religion was taught in schools to make people religious, I thought it was taught to educate about different cultures, lifestyles etc?

    My 6yo goes to a C of E school. They’re not taught only about Christianity. They’re not taught “Islam* is wrong” etc.

    (* other religions are available)

    As for the Creation vs Evolution thing, it seems to pretty much boil down to animals/plants showing similar characteristics (genetics, dna).

    If things have evolved, you’d probably expect to see similarities.
    Similarly, with intelligent design / creation, you’d probably expect to see the same similarities – why reinvent the wheel every time when certain genes or dna strings can be re-used.


    Free Member

    What really boils my wee is State funded religious schools. Why should I pay to indoctrinate other peoples children into a belief system?

    … but you’re happy to pay to indoctrinate them with your “belief system” that they shouldn’t have a religious belief?

    Excellent logic. (well, this is STW I suppose).


    I and my wife are Christians. It doesn’t boil our wee that we’re paying for state schools to indoctrinate other peoples children into a non-religious belief system.


    Ultimately, having a religious belief is called “making a personal choice”.

    In the UK at least, beliefs are still taught as options/choices, not enforced.

    Free Member

    Any reason why everyone suddenly gets a craving for bread in these situations?

    I had to go to our local Co-Op for one or two things, and the only thing that had pretty much sold out was bread.

    There are hundreds of meal options, yet for some reason it’s bread that everyone freaks out about.

    People are weird. And, in this instance, massively stupid 😀

    Free Member

    We were meant to be riding Llandegla Saturday morning. Looking at the weather forecast, I can’t see that happening!

    You should ride Gisburn instead then – they grit the trails there 😉

    Free Member

    Buy the bike off eBay. Let him pay the fees. Claim the bike didn’t turn up/was damaged and claim the whole lot back off him via Paypal. Then text his GF a picture of some bombers.


    (yes, I know this was tongue in cheek, but part of me still likes the idea)

    Free Member

    leave wiggle room


    Very common mistake is to stick on extra socks, but then your blood can’t circualte properly as your feet are squeezed into the same sized shoes.

    Your blood circulation is all that keeps your feet warm. Keeping dry & the windchill to a minimum helps retain heat.

    Free Member


    Good grief. Is it really too much for people to read less than 1500 words? … Twitter’s got a lot to answer for; 255 characters or less is all that we can be ar$ed to read 😕 😉

    Summary : Life isn’t fair. 😀

    Free Member


    Supposed to be driving from Stockport to Liverpool on Friday evening with my family to visit my sisters/nephews … depending how far north and east the snow gets this might not be a sensible journey to attempt 😕

    Free Member

    then tell him you’re prepared to give him a chance to sort it all out, otherwise you’ll be putting an end to his silly games

    Yep. Ultimatum him – “you tell all, or I will …”

    Free Member

    Stepson got any mates who want a holiday in Oz for £500?

    Free Member

    Why is there a lollipop man if there is already a pedestrian crossing with lights? Surely you only need a lollipop man if there isn’t a crossing?

    Because there are a sufficient number of idiots driving who are too stupid/selfish/ignorant/inconsiderate (or all of the above) to use a pelican crossing properly.

    Drivers are less likely to shoot through a late orange or jump away too early if there’s a human being on the road.

    Probably also stops people trying to cross too early/late.

    Free Member

    I don’t understand the fuss – beer/lager is not a required taste 😀

    Free Member

    Contrary to common perception, children are not made of porcelain, he’ll be fine in childcare.

    So says my wife 😀

    Free Member

    There’s a lollipop man who operates right on a T junction on one of my routes to work.

    He stops the traffic for every individual child (high school aged), rather than let them wait so that larger groups can cross at one time.

    The traffic in all 3 directions is practically gridlocked for an hour every morning because of this plonker.

    Berk. 😀

    Free Member

    I can’t imagine anyone except perhaps the Police have any authority to override traffic law in certain circumstances … but seeing as most of STW thinks RLJing is great if it’s convenient for you, and that riding ‘cheeky’ trails that they shouldn’t is a basic human right, then I’m sure any excuse to go through a red light will be applauded

    Free Member

    Bl$$dy Health and Safety.

    It’s the new communism you know, useful for controlling our actions and movements.

    In the same way that ‘Political Correctness’ is a method of controlling what we think and say.


    Free Member

    Why not accept … that his point of view is as valid as yours


    That mentality will never work on STW …

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