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  • Fresh Goods Friday 632: The Brandy Absorbing Edition
  • joao3v16
    Free Member

    Public transport costs are bonkers unless you’re making certain specific journeys.

    I.e. it seems that unless your train journey involves travelling to London from either Manchester, Liverpool or Birmingham, then it’s going to cost a million pounds.

    I got a return Stockport-London over the new year for £45, which incl. 1st class for the return leg.

    And the government is trying to get us out of cars! – who the hell are they kidding?!

    They’re not really though are they, they’re just paying lip service to it to keep the ecomentalists happy

    Free Member

    the fact is the issue abott raised about Finnish nurses I have seen happen. Swiss in his eagerness to score points glosses over the fact this is a real issue and accuses me of racism instead.

    Would a west indian, pakistani etc etc nurse be any better equipped to deal with such issues?
    Would it be acceptable for someone to say as much?
    The answers to both are no, of course.

    “Finnish” is not a race. Neither is “Pakistani”. Neither is “Bulgarian”
    In the same way that “British” is not a race.

    The nursing example is a cultural issue, not a race issue.

    Free Member

    joao3v16, very valid points and yes, we are all far from perfect. However, when someone sets themselves up on a pedestal as a campaigner on such issues, they need to be even more acutely aware of the potential of falling from that pedestal by becoming the very thing they campaign against

    Yep. She’s been a bit of a twit, but I don’t believe she’s a racist.

    Free Member

    So would I, right up to the point where one (or more) of that person’s comments turned in to exactly the sort of thing they had been campaigning against. Then, I would question their opinion very thoroughly in the light of that hypocrisy.


    People are excellent at focussing on the one mistake you make rather than the hundreds of things you’ve been doing well.

    And in keeping with the spirit of modern society, it’s also vitally important to take every opportunity to pick on peoples failings and use these against them, especially if they’re people with a public profile or influence.

    Oh how we revel in laying into people when it transpires they’re fallible … of course, we never make any errors of judgement or anything, oh no, never, we’re all perfection personified 🙄

    Free Member

    Nobody’s perfect.

    I’d attach more credit/attention to 40 years of campaigning rather than a few mis-judged comments.

    Actions speaking louder than words etc.

    Free Member

    One thing we’re all forgetting about is people driving with a bad cold … as bad as drink-driving (apparently) and very probably massively more common …

    Free Member

    was anyone offended by her comment though?

    seriously anyone here actually bothered what she said……?

    Persinally, not particularly.

    I kind of get what she was saying, albeit in a very clumsy way, and Twitter really isn’t the place to be spouting opinions that need more than 140 characters (or whatever you get) to properly explain yourself.

    Everyone’s always banging on about how marvellously culturally and racially diverse the UK is, and how important an integrated society is … and then the media keep on regurgitating phrases like “Black community”, “Asian community” etc – they may be a nice soundbite for a news report but I believe these kind of phrases subtly affect attitudes and perpetuate the ‘them’ and ‘us’ mentality.

    Free Member

    It’s the middle of winter.

    It happens every single year.

    A period of unfavourable weather really shouldn’t be unexpected.

    It will improve.

    Like it also does every single year.

    Free Member

    it would be ‘racist’ to suggest that ‘Politicians and the media’ are exclusively white

    It wouldn’t be a racist statement. Just utterly incorrect & ridiculous.

    Free Member

    I haven’t got round to getting one of those new fangled photo card licences yet – is it tricky?

    Nothing’s ever tricky when a govt dept wants to extract money from you 🙂

    Free Member

    Every motoring offence, regardless of how minor, should carry a mandatory minimum penalty of having your car taken off you and crushed to the size of a satsuma.

    There’d be no pussy-footing around if I were in charge.


    Free Member

    I travel through Poynton regularly. They’ve just “improved” the main intersection in the centre of the village.

    Traffic lights have gone.

    We now have, not a roundabout, but a “suggestive rotary”.

    Whatever that is 😕

    Looks like a roundabout. Everyone treats it like a roundabout. although technically vehicles entering from the right don’t have priority. Or some such.

    I predict accidents very soon after it’s finished.

    Free Member

    So, I could possibly get away with fitting one myself in the loft space?

    How significantly reduced is a signal inside a loft?

    (I can’t get to the chimney stack to mount one outside as it’s a mid-terrace so would need roof ladders etc)

    Free Member

    At the moment I’m paying Ricky Branston around £35-40 per month for broadband, landline & tv.

    We don’t really need a landline (barely use it), we don’t watch much TV, & I’m sure I could get cheap broadband from elsewhere (Plusnet?) … don’t really care about super-fast interwebs as it’s only used for internet/email/myface

    I’m thinking I can save money in the long run by just having freeview & cheap broadband (I know this’ll still require line rental).

    Free Member

    Have we still not finished flogging this dead horse yet?


    Free Member

    Yes, by quite a bit

    Free Member

    Yep, log in & click on “Logged In – Your Account” at the top of the screen, then “Order History”

    Free Member

    Interesting Reading 😉


    (runs away cackling madly)

    Free Member

    Minchin has clearly been scouring STW threads for his lyrics

    Bet he wouldn’t dare write/perform something similar about Muslims though ..

    Free Member

    So, Good Charlotte were right all along …

    Free Member

    You could probably do it with 9999

    If you did it with 9999, Cav would technically have 49.4749%, not 49.47 … depends how pedantic you want to be* 🙂

    (*and some STWers can be pretty pedantic)

    Free Member

    Yep, to be accurate to exactly 2 decimal places would need precisely 10000 votes split accordingly

    (Or am I wrong too?)

    Free Member

    HRH and I are both 100% Christian.

    We have none of the ‘religious’ stuff around the house.
    We aren’t going to our church this Sunday.

    We will say grace.

    Don’t know how many points that works out at. Not a lot I imagine. 🙂

    Free Member

    Result! Busines Core!

    Free Member

    anyone who wants a light bike to look else where at other quality products with a company that does want to take your cash and run

    Err… 😕

    Free Member

    it’s not really the politicians who screwed things entirely, but that good old fashioned greed and sense of entitlement from the people, who didn’t understand the long-term impact of their behaviour and expectations…

    But the vast majority fail to acknowledge this – in these days of zero accountability, everything is always someone elses fault 🙄

    Free Member

    I’d say pedantic more than miserable … and Merry Christmas to you too

    Free Member

    What’s the oppososite of ‘raising the bar’?

    Lowering the bar

    I was hoping there’d be one of those stupid flowery management-speak phrases to describe it, rather than just stating it simply 🙂

    Free Member

    I give you google!

    used ‘correctly’ you can use Go-ogle searches to ‘prove’ absolutely anything …

    Free Member

    The Dutch invented Big Brother

    Ah, yeh. They’ve outdone themselves then.

    What’s the oppososite of ‘raising the bar’?

    Free Member

    Your apparent familiarity with these titles is worrying…

    I occasionally read the Daily Fail website* – every other article is about this kind of trash (the ‘news’ reporting made-up stuff on TV – what’s that all about?)

    *something else that’s worrying

    Free Member

    I logged on to Yodel tracking website to see that my parcel had been marked as delivered & singed for by a Mr (or Mrs?) Blue Bin

    Was confused for a moment until I looked in our blue recycling bin in the back yard 🙂

    At least I didn’t have to faff about re-arranging delivery or driving a million miles to the depot …

    Free Member

    “Dutch TV slumps even lower than Big Brother…”

    Lower than BB?!?

    I never in a million years believed that would be possible

    The Dutch have succeeded where TOWIE, The Kardashian’s, Made in Chelsea etc have tried and failed …

    Free Member

    Hold on.

    Has anybody explained yet what the RM are demanding from us as a ransom payment?

    Are they the public face of a dastardly world-domination operation masterminded by a Bond-style super-villain hiding out in a hollowed-out volcano?

    Free Member

    was that the BBC again with their climate change propaganda? 😉

    Free Member

    What’s the Mayan track record for accuracte prohecies?

    Have they got anything else right, or are all their eggs in one basket with the 2012 thing?

    On the other hand, it’s probably all a big practical joke – I imagine them all sitting around making up stuff for a time when they no longer exist as a civilisation. No accountability 🙂

    Free Member

    in just a small boat with polar bears? 😆

    Free Member

    Yes, that’s what we all are because we don’t all have exactly the same sense of humour as your good self …

    Free Member

    except that the faceless taxman is a thieving mafiosi scoundrel who is beyond reproach

    That’s one opinion I guess.

    Still, that’s no justification.
    Stealing is stealing.

    Free Member

    it’s wrong if it’s definitely a duplicate sent in error .. if I owed someone £20, paid them, forgot, then offered them another £20 I’d expect them to be honest .. just because it’s the faceless Tax Man doesn’t mean morals don’t apply

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