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  • joao3v16
    Free Member

    Would the thread have been deleted if you had been bemoaning male behaviour? …

    Free Member

    I had advanced plans to buy my son a massive luxury yacht and spend £60m on celebrating his 5th birthday, even wrote a letter about it and everything, but I decided against it because it felt inappropriate all things considered.

    He’ll have to make do with a rubber dinghy this year.

    Free Member

    So there are some decent, honest people out there.

    Woah there, hold your horses, calm down, don’t get carried away.

    All that this event shows us for absolute certain is that there is 1 decent, honest person out there.


    Free Member

    It’s written into most contracts that the employer has the right to terminate the employment if you make the company look bad, whether during or outside work hours – whatever the job.

    I work for a bank, and as such they do an excellent job of making themselves look bad, I don’t need to resort to BookMyFace or Witter to do it for them 🙂

    Free Member

    The Indians don’t like Clarkson!

    Weren’t a load of people claiming ‘racism’ the other week when that female mp lady woman said “whites always do something or other”*

    (*can’t be bothered looking the detail of that up either)

    Free Member

    Just fill the end of the pipe with expanding foam filler

    Free Member

    Probably the incessant drip drip drip drip … your brainwashing is finally complete

    Free Member

    And then there’s the PC do-gooders who come out with nonsense like not using the word Christmas because it’s offensive to Muslims

    Linky or it’s not true.

    There’s been numerous instances over the past few years. I can’t be bothered finding any links.

    This year it was Tesco refusing to sell Christmas cards with Christian-themed pictures … I assumed Tesco had been extensively picketed by outraged Muslims, Hindu’s, Jews etc … Apparently not though – turns out some idiot Tesco employee(s) decided that after decades of being perfectly acceptable they’re suddenly massively offensive to all other religions in the universe, so took it upon themselves to save us all from drowning in our own outrage and horror at seeing an illustration of a baby/shepherds/wisemen/angel … because of course we’re all incapable of just overlooking stuff we’re not interested in 🙄

    Free Member

    I want to live in a democracy, but I don’t want to be offended”

    I am not sure why you think this or why this gets trotted out everytime someoen complains about anything. Why do we have laws and make shit illegal if we are not allowed to be offended? Racially motivated crimes? Incitement to commit crimes. Blasphemy, paedophiles etc. It is not as simple as you would like to make it appear. Democracy does not also give you the right to be offensive either.

    I stole the quote from some guy and there’s a bit more context around it than I could be bothered to explain. But the principle was that there’s a lot of people being ‘offended’ by stupid things that they could just avoid contact with, or accept that some people opinions are different to theirs.

    Yes, certain things are generically morally offensive, and should be treated as such so that they’re dealt with appropriately.

    But most of the stuff we hear people being ‘offended’ by and complaining about just seems to be trivial nonsense.

    And then there’s the PC do-gooders who come out with nonsense like not using the word Christmas because it’s offensive to Muslims … has anyone ever heard a Muslim claim that their religion will not tolerate Christmas? … Nope, didn’t think so … but a group of busy-body non-Muslim jobsworth’s think it’s their busines to tell the Muslims what they should find offensive & has everyone tip-toeing around on egg-shells in case we say the ‘wrong’ thing …

    Deep breath. And relax.

    Free Member

    “I’ve been waiting here since yesterday afternoon…”

    For a telephone?


    “They broke customers’ hearts.”

    It’s a telephone!


    Free Member

    I have some great vegetarian sausage recipes, in case anyone is interested?

    Slightly off-topic, but why do vegetarians spend so much time and effort making their food look like meat again (veggie sausages, veggie burgers, quorn) …

    Free Member

    Most people would get sacked for not doing a good job. Why should teachers be any different?


    Pretty much any other business operates some kind of performance management process.

    By all means, provide the necessary support and training to help teachers reach their potential (of course, ‘good’ and ‘bad’ teachers can all benefit from this – they should be continually striving to improve).

    But, if after that they’re still not performing to an acceptable level then they’re clearly in the wrong profession.

    Free Member

    Hence why it stumbles on

    Bit like the Monarchy then? Bring in more than they cost the UK


    Free Member

    yes 100 in 1 go without stopping

    And there’s many many many applications in your daily life where this is invaluable.

    And once you can do 100, you need to keep doing press-ups for the rest of time, otherwise you’ll very quickly not be able to do 100 any more and all your efforts will have been for nothing.

    I’m going to start the programme on Sunday 🙂

    Good point by miketually too.

    Free Member

    “I want to live in a democracy, but I don’t want to be offended”


    Can you expand on this? If you live in a democracy can you not think things are crap?

    My point was, it’s impossible not to be ‘offended’ by all sorts of stuff in a democratic society because a lot of ‘being offended’ is subjective.

    I don’t remember anyone complaining when the Top Gear Australia presenters were on – there were loads of things for people to vent their fake offence at in that show …

    Thinking something’s crap is different to being ‘offended’ by it.

    ignoring the actual point of the thread completely

    There was a point to this??

    It’s the internet. There’s no point to 99% if it. As I believe James May once said (something alond the lines of) “the internet is a giant ball of pornography wrapped in a thin layer of social networking”

    Free Member

    TG episodes have become a bit hit-and-miss regarding entertainment value, in my opinion anyway.

    The Christmas special was a miss. Very little that was genuinely amusing or interesting. Mostly prety forgettable.

    After almost a decade, is it reaching the end of it’s natural life? …

    Free Member

    For goodness’ sake!

    It’s becoming an international passtime to complain about Top Gear.

    “I want to live in a democracy, but I don’t want to be offended”


    Free Member

    I’m just grateful I don’t live anywhere with ‘cycle infrastructure’ that I’m supposed to feel obliged to use …

    Free Member

    Are people trolling here or genuinely thick?

    I beleive it was sarcasm

    Free Member

    Between Feb & Sept last year I did a little bit of running, 2.5k miles on the bike, and a regular home press-up/pull-up routine.

    Then I got flu & injured my back, therefore I’d not done any exercise since the end of September … until Monday!

    Did the 11.5 mile commute to work … couldn’t believe how unfit I am 😯

    In this situation you’ve just got to go through the annoying ‘getting fit again’ period … and the amesomeness will return eventually!

    Free Member

    if you would look into what he’s on about..the trail in question.. you will see that as a non-cycling taxpayer living in the area he must be more than a bit confused regarding the seemingly unexplainable actions of the cyclists that he’s upset about..

    “I don’t understand them therefore they’re all ignorant, selfish, stupid, mushy-minded, road-hogging lycra-clad idiots”

    He’d fit in well on many of the STW threads – ‘your opinion is different to mine therefore you’re wrong’ 🙂

    Free Member

    I’ve received a few linkedin emails like this & I’m not even registered with it/them … 😕

    Free Member

    Just to make sure all bases are covered, the driving test should include pedestrian training, cylcing proficiency, motorbike CBT, HGV licence, flying a light aircraft, seamanship, train driving, operating a submarine and 25m breast stroke certificate … only then should anyone be deemed fit to drive a car

    Free Member

    Saw the article yesterday. It’s a long time since I’ve read such ignorance.

    The man is a massive idiot.

    Probably thought he was being clever/amusing, in the same way Jeremy Clarkson thinks he’s being clever/amusing.

    Massive idiot.

    Free Member

    If poss, find a house you like where you’re pretty much happy with the existing kitchen & bathroom – these rooms are the most expensive to redecorate/refit … other rooms are mostly just paint & wallpaper.

    Free Member

    The car that attracts the worst drivers is……….

    Any of those ones with more than 3 wheels isn’t it?

    Free Member

    videoing your commute is wierd

    Filming your commute & posting bad driving on Youtube absolutely guarantees prosecution of the driver & will totally save everyone elses lives.


    Or, at the very least it can be posted on cycling forums in the hope that other cyclists are suitably outraged … works a bit like the Daily Mail

    Free Member

    I concur with oldgit on the ‘drink’ thing.

    Never understood the mentality of going out and getting massively drunk, and then spending the next 24 hours feeling like death and complaining to everyone that you’re hung over and can’t remember anything.

    And despite not being able to remember anything, you’re convinced it was a great night out 🙄

    A few beers with some mates, couple of glasses of wine with a meal, fair enough.

    Drinking for the sake of getting drunk – utterly pointless.

    Free Member

    Do these “100 push-up” doo-dah’s actually work?

    I tried an Android app version a couple of months ago. Followed the schedule religiously. Got to the end of the programme and could only manage 50 at the most.

    I guess there are good and bad programmes … ?

    A few years ago I managed to get up to 70 using my own made-up non-scientifically based exercise ‘programme’ … although I was a lot fitter overall at that time

    Free Member

    everyone acts firstly in their own self interest and then secondly in the interests of society

    hence why society is in the state that it is …

    Free Member

    Nationality does not = Race

    But we’re digressing from the point of the thread. Apologies.

    I think it would be a positive gesture for a low-key shake hands and move on from the two players.

    Free Member

    Removal on NHS, of course – we treat smokers, RL jumpers and mountainbikers who deliberately put themselves in peril and break themselves.

    Interesting point.

    I was originally thinking generally along the lines of ‘not the NHS’.

    But seeing as the NHS treats people who deliberately do stuff that they know might injure them, then surely the NHS should treat people who are now suffering due to no fault of their own.

    Free Member

    Scottish ****s


    Is ‘Scottish’ a race now?


    Free Member

    60,000 people have decided that not only do they need football

    No they haven’t, they’ve decided they enjoy watching football for a bit of entertainment maybe more than other things and are happy to spend a bit of cash to enjoy their interest.

    Only a fool would claim they ‘needed’ it.

    It’s just a hobby at the end of the day.

    Free Member

    when a collective group of 22 nurses can satisfy the needs of 60,000 people on a Saturday afternoon week in week out, then yes, they deserve a pay rise


    Interesting interpretation of ‘needs’ there.

    Nobody ‘needs’ football.

    Or perhaps next time you’re in hospital you’ll be happy if 22 footballists perform the operation?

    Free Member

    Someone on here posted about a bloke they’d had stay with them who was travelling the world on his bike. I got the impression he had very little in the way of ‘stuff’ and yet the poster stated he was the most contented man he’d ever met. I would love to be that bloke.

    This makes a lot of sense.

    My wife’s friends & family in Brazil have very little in the way of money or posessions, yet they were some of the most content & generous people I’ve had the privilege of spending time with.

    Being content with very little, or being content with your ‘lot’ is a good place to be in my opinion.

    Free Member



    Free Member

    “Mummy Mummy, when will I grow up?”

    “Don’t be silly son, you’re a bloke, you’ll never grow up”

    Free Member

    41 in a 30 zone – a “blackspot” apparently (yeah, at 9 o’clock at night, righto).

    “I only speed when I beleive it’s safe to do so”

    Just as self-righteous as the “I only RLJ when it’s safer or there’s no traffic”

    Optional laws! Brilliant!

    I must study my copy of the highway code more closely and see which bits of it I can ignore because they don’t suit me.

    Free Member

    Although have you factored in the cost of learning to drive, buying a car, insurance, tax, parking, depreciation on the car, etc. etc

    These things would only be a consideration if the OP was buying a car specifically for this journey … ?

    There’s no additional insurance, tax, learning to drive or purchase costs just for this specific journey

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