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  • Podcast: Carry On Camping In Dartmoor With Cycling UK
  • joao3v16
    Free Member

    Does anyone remember why they’re there in the first place?

    I lost interest, and so did the media, pretty quickly, so I really can’t remember …

    “Occupy London” is way too pretentious – they’re occupying probably less than 1% of it?

    Free Member

    No, only one spring, in LH leg … damper (not a spring) in the RH leg

    You can get a softer spring for the LH leg for £15

    I’d try this first. Spring weights can be found in the Fox owners manual (available online if you’ve not got one).

    As willchaynes mentioned, if you want the fork tuning further you can get Mojo or TF Tuned to set it up specifically for the weight & riding style of your SO.

    Free Member

    The right hand leg of Fox forks where the damper is.

    The actual spring is in the LH leg.

    You can’t run the fork without either of them.

    Free Member

    not adhering strictly to some arcane and nonsensical ‘etiquette’:D

    If you’re a golferist, are you allowed to use Tiger Woods Signature golf clubs if you’ve not earnt them?

    Free Member

    Idiots reposting crap on youtube should be shot

    There’d be plenty of overtime for that firing squad.

    99% of what’s on youtube is crap.

    Free Member

    Well, this thread’s gone downhill very quickly …

    Free Member

    I always start off by giving people the benefit of the doubt. That’s just the way I am.

    As previously posted, discuss discrepancies with the seller. If they’re decent, a resolution should be reachable.

    If not, they’ve had the opportunity and therefore it’s time to use the feedback facility to highlight them as not entirely trustable.

    Free Member

    Onesie’s for adults?

    My 7-month old baby wears onesie’s

    Adults dressing like babies?

    Although considering I am currently commuting in bib-tights, who am I to talk…

    Free Member

    Like others on here, I feel naked without a helmet. It’s just part of my routine – camelbak, keys, phone, gloves, glasses, helmet … etc

    If I’m going to crash or be knocked off my bike I’d rather not bang my head if it can be avoided. At the very least it just flipping hurts!

    Free Member

    The only ‘impact’ will be that students can’t copy and paste from wikipedia for their essays. Other than that, for the sake of a few hours, who gives a monkeys.

    Free Member

    I’d take golfists more seriously if they carried all their own stuff & didn’t insist on riding around on little electric cars just to travel a few hundred yards … as it is, they appear to be massively lazy


    Free Member

    This would never have happened if Granny had received massages at Primary school …

    Free Member

    It turns out massage in schools is all the rage.

    Despite my previous cynicism etc, apparently there are numerous benefits from it, other than just calming everyone down …

    Free Member

    No matter where I go there’s always an idiot there.

    Oh, wait a minute…

    Free Member


    if only the RM didn’t have that strangle-hold monopoly …

    Free Member

    Well, have you ever tried getting decent directions from a baby?

    Free Member


    That could make introductions awkward and unnecessarily long-winded.

    I’m ok with a handshake or the kiss-on-the-cheek thingy for the ladies, but I really couldn’t be bothered giving a massage whenever I meet someone new.

    Free Member

    I feel that as a nation, we’ve come on a long way over the past 60 years

    Quick look on the interwebs suggests otherwise…

    UK oesophageal cancer rate is worst in Europe
    Worst place to live in Europe
    Biggest binge-drinking/alcohol abuse problem in Europe
    Biggest teenage pregnancy problem in Europe
    Biggest obesity problem in Europe
    Worst teenage drug issue in Europe
    Worst quality of life in Europe
    Amongst worst in Europe for ageism & care of the elderly

    And, er, worst in Europe for broadband throttling 😕

    Yep, we’ve come far …

    Free Member

    It sounds more like a way to alter the kids’ mood from belting around the playground mode to concentrating on work

    In the olden days children would learn that they need to calm themselves down when back in the classroom environment.

    It was probably called self-control or something like that.

    It’s an important behaviour to learn.

    Do any parents on here routinely massage their kids after they’ve been playing outside with their friends?

    Or do we teach out kids a bit of discipline and to learn to calm themselves down?

    We’re going to be creating a generation of diva’s if we’re not careful, kids coming home from school “oh, what a day, get me a clean towel and the oils mother, I need a massage…”

    Free Member

    If I come and go on their land and they dont even notice what rights am I going against ?

    So anything goes so long as nobody finds out?

    And if everyone adopted this attitude, there’d be all that anarchy you referred to earlier:

    My assumption is because the society we have developed relies on these concepts to continue to function without turning into total anarchy.

    You seem a bit confused.

    Free Member

    next they’ll be servicing nutritionally valuable food that is also edible for lunch

    now THIS is just plain crazy talk

    Free Member

    The cats/bird/dogs visit my garden all the time how is a person visiting different from them ?


    Errr… what?

    Where is the justification that anybody should be able to own land at all ? Why should the term Landowner even have any meaning.

    So, in your world/opinion people shouldn’t be allowed to own land, therefore everyone’s property is fair game? …

    wondering around someones 100 acre estate is a bit different as generally your not affecting their privacy

    So it’s ok to abuse access rights/privileges as long as nobody finds out? …

    Free Member

    Not sure quite how I’d feel if my son’s primary school started this.

    I guess for the kids it’s just a bit of fun, but unfortunately we adults are too aware (I’d err towards paranoid) about ‘inappropriate’ contact.

    Although quite why on earth this school deems it necessary to introduce these special measures to calm children down after their lunch break is beyond me.

    I mean, ‘Relaxation techniques’ for primary school kids?????


    Free Member

    Although obviously everything really is shades of grey no black and white.

    No it’s not.

    What exactly is the grey area in “you do not have landowners permission to ride on their footpaths”? … seems pretty clear (i.e. black and white).

    It’s a shame some people can’t undertake basic courteousy of not doing something they’ve been politely asked not to on someone elses property.

    But, human nature is fundamentally selfish.

    Free Member

    Sorry Binners 🙂

    Eating at/from Mcdonalds is considered a bit of a luxury in Brazil (where my wife’s from), as it’s not quite cheap-as-chips as here …

    Free Member

    I can’t think of any rational reason to voluntarily choose to eat Mcdonalds ‘food’ … I can only assume you’d been posessed by the spirit of a massive idiot

    Free Member

    I ride regularly & have some home gym stuff that I use.

    I’ve always been an active outdoorsy person – my parents were stomping around the Lake District and such-like with me since before I could walk, my Dad used to take me out cycling, and so on …

    Used to play 5-a-S football 2/3 times a week.

    For several years I was at the gym 3 or 4 times a week.

    Karate for 5+ years (retired after getting my 1st Dan due to time constraints – family commitments & preferred cycling, so something had to go).

    I do/did all this stuff because I enjoy being active, so don’t necessarily see it as ‘doing exercise’. Being fit is a nice side-effect 🙂

    Cycling is the one consistent thing throughout my life.

    I sometimes think I’m a bit of an exercise addict though – I can’t go more than a few days without doing something strenuous … 😕

    Free Member

    Tin openers will become redundant but everyone will still have one at the back of a draw for when the pull tab breaks

    Soooo, they’re not actually redundant then … (?)

    Free Member

    Riding on footpaths is not illegal.

    No, but you don’t have permission from the landowner to ride on them.

    But some people think they can do whatever they like just because “it’s not hurting anyone” … 🙄

    Free Member


    😕 Not a product …

    Maps aren’t redundant, just used less commonly.

    Free Member

    “It is very rare that a driver would claim against a pedestrian for vehicle damage, but there is theoretical right to do so. It would depend totally on the facts of the accident and also whether the pedestrian had the means to pay for such a claim. Often building and contents insurance might be able to pay for such claims.

    Where the pedestrian is a child it would be even more rare and as a claim would have to be made against the child pedestrian direct it is very unlikely the child would have the means to meet any claim subject to being included under the parents building and contents insurance.”

    Free Member

    So sad thsat the media keep saying there are no brits dead


    When reporting a human tragedy, why does it matter how many of whichever nationality are involved?

    Other than padding out the article, it add’s nothing.

    How many of us, when we hear news of this kind, immediately think “I wonder how many Brit’s have died?” …

    Free Member

    This thread appears to have been started by the sort of rider who gives cyclists a bad name … no wonder cyclists get so much stick

    Free Member

    Once upon a time I used to drink some raw egg after a workout.

    Then one day I got horrendous food poisoning from it. Off work for 2 weeks.

    Free Member

    3 miles?

    Just imagine what fantastical technological or evolutionary leaps forward might one day give humans the ability to travel such incredible distances … maybe not in my lifetime, sadly

    Free Member

    All skiers should have number plates, insurance, tax, helmet, lights and High vis, just like cyclists.

    It is interesting reading this some of the parallels you get on the cyclists on the road debate.

    Passing too close, who’s actually to blame etc. etc.

    Yes, hopefully it won’t be too long before we have some tedious head-cam footage posted on YouTube of someone’s close-shave, numerous ‘Skier Down’ and ‘why are all people with <insert brand here> ski’s utter morons’ threads appearing on the forum … or maybe this is actually what it’s like on

    Free Member

    billysugger – if it wasn’t for Twitter, the Daily Mail would have almost zero ‘news’ items to ‘report’

    Damn you Twitter! Feeding the indiscriminately ravenous DM Trolls!

    I think it’s actually a fact that you technically don’t exist these days unless you can be followed on Twitter.

    Free Member

    … and suddenly everybody who parks here will claim they couldn’t get any mobile network reception 🙂

    Free Member

    Choose whichever will look best parked on the blatantly obvious yellow zig-zag no parking markings right outside the school, as this is where most 4×4 owners insist on dumping their vehicles …

    Free Member

    I know you know how to queue and pay at a till, and I’m sorry for my light-hearted and playful dig.

    And sorry mods for being such a sexist buffoon, you were quite right to delete the thread

    I assumed all of this was dry sarcasm punctuated with numerous 🙄

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