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  • joao3v16
    Free Member

    schwalbe tyres have a reputation for being quite pressure sensitive, so I’d play around with that a bit before writing them off.

    personally, I went for the 2.25’s, and run them at a few psi less than the recommended minimum printed on the tyre wall.

    I’m about 13st kitted up for the bike, and run the rear at around 38psi, front around 36psi.

    I’m pretty happy with them so far, as an ‘all-round’ tyre. I ride round the Peak’s a lot, plus a bit of Trail Centre-ing.

    Free Member

    unless you’re gaming or downloading films or sharing your connection with loads of devices, it’s nothing to get excited about and means rock all.

    in my opinion.

    Free Member

    ^^ dammit. so it’s got a load of undeserved attention.

    Free Member

    I can’t decide if it’s a serious article or he’s being deliberately obtuse just to generate a reaction (like that radio station boss a few weeks ago).

    Free Member

    I had a VO2 max test done about 5 or 6 years ago by a well-respected and experienced guy.

    Apparently, my results put me as having pro athlete potential 8)

    At that time I was very fit (aerobically in particular) – several hours a week of Karate, commuting to work, mountain biking some evenings/weekend & weights.

    Free Member

    I reckon you handles the situation incredibly calmly girlonabike.

    Seems very lucky you weren’t hurt considering WVMs repeated attempts at running you over, and thankfully there were socially responsible people around to act as witnesses.

    Psycho’s like this deserve all they get.

    I generally adopt a “not responding makes the accuser look pathetic” stance – i.e. as long as I’m still on my bike and not a crumpled heap on the road, then just ignore them and their intolerance issues.

    Although I guess this is basically letting them get away with it, whereas your response at least means there might be one less dangerous driver around to injure/kill others.

    Free Member

    Ong-Bak: Muay Thai Warrior, from 2003

    Some excellent muay thai fight sequences, little bit of humour, acting pretty average.

    Free Member

    back in 1962

    … etc

    Ah! 1962! When men were Men. And their women were Men too.

    We’ve all become massively embarassing sissies thanks to insulation & central heating.

    Is there a reason why we’re surprised by it being winter every year?

    Do some of us go through the year actually thinking “maybe February will be lovely and hot this year”?

    Free Member

    I’ve no idea what to suggest, other than don’t force the issue.

    Fingers crossed she gets more confident/faster over time.

    If I were in this situation I would struggle with this though, knowing that it’s impossible to be ‘trying’ whilst only achieving 8mph … my 5yo son can go faster on his kids bike 😕

    Free Member

    Oil light coming on when braking

    Your brakes need oiling

    Free Member

    What’s this about people not using bread knives? I use one every day!

    Some people may be confusing ‘redundant’ with ‘used less commonly’ …

    Free Member

    I have a 2×9 setup, as I’ve never got round to buying a granny ring & haven’t really missed it (except on one or two particularly steep climbs).

    I can’t imagine what benefit a 10-speed cassette would give me. Maybe I would if I tried one, but I’ve no complaints about the ratios available from my 11-34 combined with 36/46T chainrings.

    Not a lot of my riding is very steep or slow/technical so I can get away with the above.

    Free Member

    My 2p worth…

    I’ve always washed my bikes with washing up liquid, hot water & a sponge, then hosed down with cold water to rinse.

    Once clean & dry I spray the frame lightly with GT85, especially the seat tube, under the BB and the underside of the down tube. Unless it’s particularly wet out, this seems to stop dirt sticking to the frame & makes cleaning a lot easier. Smells nice too.

    Just don’t get it on your discs. For obvious reasons.

    Free Member

    Personally, I don’t give much credibility to any forecast beyond the next 72 hours (if that).

    I expect snowmageddon not to arrive here as, more often than not, these ‘worse case scenario’ forecasts end up as a massive over-reaction.

    The MET office is in a no-win situation : under-react & we all ask “why weren’t we warned?”, over-react and we all moan about another innaccurate OTT prediction. The latter is the better option because at least people prepare for the worst even if it never transpires.

    I hope this cold spell does fizzle out as I was enjoying commuting to work in the relatively mild weather we had for most of January.

    Free Member

    Does this load of old nonsense only apply in Pennsylvania, or is it supposed to be an international forecast for the whole northern hemisphere?

    If nothing else, it made for a decent film.
    Pennsyvania tourist board must have loved it. (Kerching! $$$$$)

    Free Member

    I’d rather be out in the cold on my bike than in my car. But I’m full of a cold, so car it is for a couple of days.

    Free Member

    I’ve got Hope brakes with SS hose & fitting kit.

    No probs, performance feels at least as good as the original Hope braided hoses I replaced.

    Goodridge hose kits are (in my opinion) overrated.

    Free Member

    Mainly, I like being outside.

    Free Member

    24 cans of lager a week + 200 fags + pouch of tobacco + top Sky package

    + mobile phone

    This is why those on benfits don’t always get much sympathy – none of the above expenditures are ‘essential’

    Free Member

    You only crash when there are people around to witness your moment of stupidity/inability

    Free Member

    is it really worth the premium over XT….?


    If you must have some XTR, go for a shifter.

    Although having had both over the years I can’t really see the point in XTR considering the performance of XT.

    You get more performance gains from eating fewer pies.

    Free Member

    woohoo! power to the people! that’ll show these corporate giants!

    has this girl ever seen a Lion Bar? absolutely zero resemblence to a lion… or a Penguin biscuit?

    Free Member


    What year are they?

    Free Member

    You’re never as good as you think you are

    This isn’t something MTBers really ever ‘learn’, it’s a fact we’re in permanent denial of – in our heads we’re generally awesome 8)

    Free Member

    Not working for me either, but I do know that BT are experiencing large scale network issues – we can’t connect to some of or servers here at work. Might be routing issues related to that

    This makes sense – my office uses BT & I can’t access the CRC site … but I can open the website using mobile internet on my phone

    Free Member

    ^^ Believes there’s a point to all this 😉

    Free Member

    I’m not sure about taking a child on an airport transport bus without a 5-point harness, roll cage, and a paramedic on stand-by … but feel free to take them rock-climbing, and make sure they aren’t given a helmet too … this is guaranteed to generate many many pages of self-righteous indignance from people who are obviously perfection personified.

    Free Member

    30 years ago no-one would have batted an eyelid at this.

    If I were a parent (oh wait, I am…) anyone telling me how I should bring up my kids can flip off.

    Interfering do-gooders, imposing your precious little principles on others like they’re some kind of divine untouchable commandments.

    How superior you must all feel, what with being perfect in every way and everything.

    Butt out, go and finish insulating your own delicate little darling kiddies against the world with cotton wool and bubble wrap.

    Free Member

    Yeh, their website won’t load …

    Free Member

    My disc brakes – a set of the original Hope M4’s – probably 10 years old by now (?)

    Other than new pads & fluid, in all that time have only had to replace the seals and one of the lever blades.

    Or, my Chris King headset – had it for over a decade, still pretty much as good as new.

    Free Member

    When no one can afford petrol, maybe everyone will ride bicycles

    I hope not.

    I can’t imagine what a pain in the arse my commute would be if there were dozens and dozens of other bikes around, mostly nodders, getting in the way, going too slow, wobbling along …

    Free Member

    More importantly, will the contestants still bring their stuffed-toy lucky mascots and gonks?

    Free Member

    what makes me an expert in electric bikes

    several weeks … on the internet

    Well that’s ok then – excellent credentials 😆

    Free Member

    All the ladies in my office seem to be on an eternal diet, yet they always go for the birthday cakes/biscuits 😕

    I’m the strange one who eats the fruit whilst everyone else is emptying the quality street tin.

    Free Member

    3 words spring to mind: Dated. Immature. Dumbed-down.

    Do they do a calendar with scantily-clad male athletes for their potential female customers?


    Didn’t think so …

    Free Member

    TBH Im really not interested in someone’s sexual orientation whatsoever. It makes no difference on a day to day basis to anyone but themselves and I fail to see why something so private needs to worn like a badge of honour

    True, however people with a high public/media profile are in a privileged position where they have the opportunity to influence wider society.

    Of course, it should be their choice, not an obligation.

    It’s not the be-all and end-all, but it can certainly help.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    You split up 12 months ago and she is already married….???

    I think they split up ‘x’ months/years ago, and she got back in touch 12 months ago …

    I’d ask her if her husband/partner knows she’s back in touch with you.

    Free Member

    Any tips on what amazing tricks it can do that I’m probably missing out on?

    I think you’ve mistakenly bought a smartphone instead of a Paul Daniels.

    Unless you’re 9, smartphones just do ‘useful stuff’ rather than ‘amazing tricks’ 😈

    Free Member

    And that they were prepared to move countries to be with them.

    Maybe very quiet alarm bells at this juncture.


    I’d have thought massive air-raid type sirens …

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