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  • The Classic Ride Is Coming – with Cycling UK
  • joao3v16
    Free Member

    Of course they both ‘could’ do what I’d like they just choose not to

    ‘Computer Says No’

    Don’t you just love ‘Company Policy’ and their inflexible processes … perfect for suffocating common sense and initiative.

    Surely if they were any good at stalking they’ll be reading this right now

    I am… er I mean, yes, they probably are.

    Free Member


    “Whooo, I’m going to Barbados,
    Whooo, back to the palm trees,
    Whooo, I’m going to see my girlfriend,
    Whooo, in the sunny carribean sea”

    Pack a few cans of Lilt and some Bounty bars …

    Free Member

    Get the M530.

    I got some M520’s (normal SPD’s, look like the non-trail version of the 530).

    Been absolutely fine for 12 months, no slop in the bearings, mechanism still tip-top.

    I can’t see the need to spend £50+ for something possibly marginally better.

    Free Member

    As an example, I have (per month):

    £500 of DD’s (includes everything on your list + TV licence)
    ~£400 groceries
    £100 petrol

    On top of a £600 mortgage.

    That’s for 2 adults, plus a 5 & 1 year old.

    As has been mentioned, bear in mind inflation & other increases (insurance is always going up, gas/electric is likely to go up)

    Your £160 for food sounds very optimistic, but perhaps you can survive on £40 a week as a singleton.

    Unless you live in a war zone you should be able to get buildings & contents insurance for a lot less than £50 per month.

    Then there’s other annual costs – boiler service/cover, car tax, servicing/mot, AA/RAC membership (?), plus putting some money aside for emergencies (broken washing machine etc)

    Then you’ll want some ‘going out’ spends.

    Overall, £425 per month after all living expenses sounds reasonable.

    Free Member


    “sending message”, “message sent” bla bla SHUT UP WOMAN

    I know a few people with a 4S. They played with siri like school-children for 10 minutes, then’ve never used it since. so they say.

    Almost as bad as talking lifts* – “doors opening”, “doors closing”, “lift going up”, “4th floor”, “doors opening”, “doors closing”, “lift going down” … stop talking about it and just do it more quickly!

    (*yes, I know they’re a benefit to the blind)

    Free Member

    I really can’t get over how people think they can just park where thety want

    Motorist in “selfish, inconsiderate & illegal behaviour” shocker … 🙄

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Golf. Lots of fat old men play so I’m guessing there will be plenty of heart attacks.

    Your logic is ok, but it’s not a sport


    Free Member

    Do you mean dangerous, as in engaging in the sport can cause death (basejumping), or do you mean people die from natural causes whilst doing it (i.e. fishing)? – (i.e. not actually dangerous, but people die doing it)

    Free Member

    Can i report an item after ive sent it back?

    If you can, I definitely would.

    Free Member

    psp cleanup scan and it said I had over 3000 speed issues with windows

    Run away! Run away!

    There are loads of sites offering this kind of thing – download something for a free initial ‘scan’ that claims to find hundreds of problems that it can resolve … for a fee

    Free Member

    I assume the column is variable length?

    Is the size always the last characters of the line, or in the midst of other text?

    Free Member

    Ever tried leaving the plug in while showering? I did it the other week when having a nice warm shower after being out in the snow – filled about 3/4 of the water I normally use for a bath

    This is what people don’t always realise, esp if you have a power shoewr (so I’m told)

    I’m a splash-and-dash showerer, in and out in a couple of minutes, but my wife 😯

    She could easily drain whole catchment areas. I have trouble keeping myself busy for the length of time she spends in the shower.

    Free Member

    I pay over £300 per annum with a meter and I live on my own!

    Bath or Shower ?

    Bath AND Shower by the sounds of it … or something’s leaking …

    Free Member

    2 adults and 2 kids here.

    We pay over £700 for water rates


    2 adults, 2 kids here too.

    We pay £280 water rates.

    (Small 2-bed terrace, whatever difference that makes)

    Free Member

    Very slowly, things are happening.

    Well give them a chance – this campaign has only been going less than a week – how quickly do you expect things to happen?!

    Heh. I was referring to cycle-related things in general, not specifically The Times’ campaign.

    Free Member

    There are lots of times is perfectly safe for a cyclist to jump a red. What would you do at the same junstion if it was uncontrolled

    This is all very well, but those people with a chip on their shoulder about bikes don’t see it this way.

    They just see someone breaking the law.

    There are probably (fewer) occasions when technically it’s perfectly safe for me to drive through a red light.

    But I suspect this would enrage cyclists as being dangerous and illegal.

    You can’t have it both ways.

    If cyclists want to be treated equally and respected then we need to be seen to be cycling legally at the very least.

    Heaven forbid, some of us might need to change our behaviour if we want to positively contribute to the greater good / bigger picture.

    We can’t really complain about things being the way they are if we’re not willing to be proactive in helping things to change.

    Free Member

    some stuff is already happening – review of dangerous junctions, EDMs in the commons etc

    True. Very slowly, things are happening.

    Over time, perhaps it’ll all gain enough momentum to see major changes in attitudes.

    Alghough it’s going to be a bit like stopping/turning an oil tanker.

    Free Member

    The problem here is lumping cyclists together in one homogeneous group.

    If some idiots cycle through red lights its got nothing to do with me simply because i happen to have chosen the same form of transport.

    Why is this kind of stereotyping reserved solely for cyclists?

    True, it has nothing to do with you directly, but indirectly you’re seen as one of ‘them’ and attitudes/behaviour toward you is based on this negative experience.

    This stereotyping is reserved for cyclists because … I don’t know for certain, but my opinion is it all boils down to money: bikes don’t pay for all the stuff that other road users are mandated to (VED, licence, insurance).

    Free Member

    When a non-cyclist spouts off about hi-viz, what they’re really saying is “I’m too stupid/ignorant to pay appropriate attention to other road users”.

    I’ll agree to wear hi-viz all the time on the condition that motorists agree to paint their cars in hi-viz.

    Or, we can both agree to PAY PROPER ATTENTION TO OTHER ROAD USERS.

    Free Member

    These lot don’t pay ‘road tax’ either!

    This information causes the average motorists brain to haemorrhage as it can’t compute ‘car on road’ with ‘not paid VED’

    Bike = No VED = Be angry

    Low Emmission Car = No VED = Does not compute. Me love car. But he no pay.

    Free Member

    Of course they will. As you say, the attitude is deeply ingrained

    This is why I mentioned Govt or Motoring Org supporting/fronting.

    Coming from somewhere with no vested interest in cycling would have greater impact, and would (hopefully) come across with more authority and as a fact rather than ‘what cyclists beleive in their heads’.

    If that makes sense.

    Free Member

    My belief is that until society gets past their obsession with cyclists not paying anything, then things’ll never progress.

    We’re seen as getting something for nothing, and this perception is very deelpy ingrained.

    What we really need is a national awareness campaign supported by the Government, or a motoring organisation, to spell out the reality.
    I don’t see any point in a cycling organsation being involved in this because the bike haters will immediately turn off or turn against it.

    Far too many do jump red lights

    There are many cyclists who seem to think this is perfectly acceptable, usually justifying it as being ‘for their own safety’.

    If cyclists want to be respected as road users then this attitude needs to change as it just serves to fuel the fires of the anti-cyclist brigade.

    Free Member

    Serious question – is Livestrong an official charity, or a fundraising organsation that donates some of it’s money to ‘good causes’ ?

    Looking at, ‘charity’ is not mentioned anywhere …

    Free Member

    Oh no, how ever will he survive on a meagre £560,000 salary

    Free Member

    Trolling is the perfect antidote to all the weirdos who think interwebs fori should be taken as seriously as real life.

    Free Member

    RLJ if you want to, especially if it’s safer; and ride on the pavement if it’s convenient

    Ohhhhhh, I seeeeee, I never realised the law was actually a list of optional extras.

    So it’s ok to pick and choose which ones apply?, based on what’s convenient for me rather than what exists for the benefit of everybody?

    I obviously need to learn to be more self-righteous, and that my personal precious little convenience justifies breaking any law I choose.

    Free Member

    I still can’t look at those Tour of French pictures of Wiggins or the Schmuck brothers looking emaciated malnourished without thinking it can’t be healthy being that lean …

    Free Member

    Proceed with caution.

    She might be one of those daft modern liberated sexual equality women who don’t like men holding doors open for them 🙄

    Free Member

    Re-wiring isn’t at all difficult, and having no plaster or floorboards down makes things even simpler.

    Get some gu9dance/advice from a qualified electrician so that you’re not doing anything wrong, and I don’t see why you should’t do it yourself.

    It’ll take longer than a seasoned electrician, but if time’s not an issue then it doesn’t matter.

    Key thing is working out where you want sockets, switches & light fittings .. & the most efficient route from the fuse box.

    Free Member


    The most important question for me : Is the Lance Armstrong ‘did he / didn’t he’ thing going to be like the 1966 World Cup? (i.e. some people will still be boring everyone to death about it 45+ years after the event).

    I really really hope not.

    Free Member

    Finally. Does this mean everyone will stop beefing about it and mooo-ve on?

    Free Member

    anyone who thinks that Lance Armstrong has never doped is a naive idoit


    maybe all these armchair critics should be employed as scientists to do all the drug testing, seeing as they seem to know so much about it

    Free Member

    you do have a choice.

    don’t pay it.

    watch iplayer.

    But I still need a licence to use my TV to watch other channels (ITV or C4 etc), despite they’re not under the licencing scheme.

    I thought you needed a licence if you have any receiver in your house with the ability to enable you to watch ‘live’ TV, even if you don’t watch BBC?

    Free Member

    the internet, … That has changed the world in ways that a moonbase never would have.

    Ah, but how can you be so sure?

    There’s loads of stuff the 60’s space race gave us that we’d never have anticipated.

    Although admittedly a moon base wouldn’t have given the world wall-to-wall xXx websites, which is what 99% of the internet seems to be ..

    Free Member

    I’ve never been a fan of the charging model as I don’t like being forced to pay something, might as well call it a tax. However that aside I do think the BBC provides a great service when you stop and think how much you use it (TV, radio, website, iPlayer).

    If it was an option, I’d happily opt out of receiving BBC TV channels and just watch the odd thing catchup style on iPlayer.

    The licence fee is good value but I’d like to have the choice rather than it being imposed just because I own a tv and therefore have the ability to watch ‘live’ BBC channels.

    Free Member

    It’s all about a profitable return these days and we’re all the poorer for it.

    That’s what happens when you let blimmin’ accountants near things.

    Free Member

    my dad was 20 when ‘they’ landed on the moon, i’ve spoken to him about that time, and he accepts that sat-nav, the internet, smart-phones, etc. are all very clever, but it’s not the future he was promised.

    we’re almost going backwards now.

    The era of moon landings, super-sonic air travel, and what-not … then the internet came along and we can do everything without even having to get up off our sofa’s.

    Quite depressing in many ways.

    Free Member

    Or maybe a sign that, despite it all, we achieved something more than trashing the planet then dying off.


    Not content with ‘trashing’ Earth & filling it’s immediate vicinity with space junk, then visiting the moon and littering the place, leaving whole cars amd what-not there.

    We also learnt how to get to other places and start trashing those too.


    Excellent legacy.

    And of course, humans have a brilliant history of responsibly using natural resources.

    One thing we can never be accused of is digging everything out of the ground and burning it all, thus changing a planets climate (allegedly).

    Free Member

    So, from several comments so far, the BBC only looks good because everything else is so bad?

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