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  • Jackery Explorer 1000 Portable Power Station Review
  • joao3v16
    Free Member

    are you from the Southern Hemisphere or what ?

    I was born is Essex but had escaped northwards to (near) Manchester by the age of 2.

    I am obviously still exhibiting symptoms of being a southern softie with my confusion over wearing shorts despite the temperature in double figures.

    Free Member

    but middle lane drivers most people are just lazy and inconsiderate

    I generally hate the smart-arse ‘FTFY’ type comments, but having said that, FTFY ^

    Free Member

    The Greeks use humous only for grouting.
    They think it’s hilarious that we actually eat the stuff.

    Free Member

    Seems we’ve reached an impasse – Different strokes for different folks I guess.

    What?! An interwebs forum thread where we discover different people have different opinions on stuff ???!!

    Who’s have thunk it eh?


    Free Member

    Quite a few daffodils species are protected by law regardless of their abundance and you are breaking said law if you pick them. Really, they are.

    Which is why it’s always a good idea to get small innocent children to pick them whilst you’re out of sight … everyone assumes they’re too young to know better, and you get some lovely flowers for the kitchen table or wherever …

    Free Member

    If they made helmets compulsory in Britain would we save more people from head injuries, than we would lose from people quitting cycling and dying of cardiovascular disease?

    Are there really people who would never cycle again just because helmetage was compulsory?

    I expect what would actually happen, because it’s what always happens in this daft country, is that a there will be a minority who make a massive fuss about it, which very quickly dies down to a general apathy, then after they realise nobody’s paying attention to their stropping we’ll all just buy helmets and get on with our lives …

    Free Member

    Why can’t I talk to kids?

    Because it means you are definitely absolutely a child-molesting paedo and deserve to be killed to death many many times in a public place, after which the rest of your family should be humiliated and banished to the hills.

    Not that people in this country are paranoid at all.

    Ideally, all children should be kept in a windowless cellar until the age of 40 just in case exposure to ‘the real world’ causes them to have to learn how to deal with things.

    Free Member

    I’ve just bought a copy of RAIL magazine. What does this mean?

    I’ve just subscribed to “practical caravan” what does that mean??

    Do you also wear v-neck jumpers with elbow patches?

    It’s a slippery slope from here to playing Golf …

    Free Member

    This is annoying because i have just had phone replace and now have nothing on it


    I believe you want the first-world problems thread …

    I’ve just spoken to a starving African child about this dilemma and they genuinely couldn’t understand how life could get any worse.

    Free Member

    ‘Pre-order’ usually applies to incredibly mundain unimportant stuff that isn’t at all time-critical but for some reason waiting until a retailer actually has the item in stock will result in the world ending horribly or a child dying. or something equally awful.

    Some people use pre-order to make themselves appear more cleverer and bang-up-to-date than the rest of us weirdo’s who are happy to just wait until something’s sctually available in stock …

    Free Member

    Even ‘free range’ chickens aren’t necessarily ‘natural’

    My father-in-law (in Brazil) has a large number of chickens that are free to roam and are fed grain/corn or whatever.

    They’re nothing like what you see in the supermarkets over here.

    Proper ‘natural’ chickens are far leaner than the plump things we generally buy.

    Free Member

    The bare minimum for wearing any form of replica sports kit is that you at least actively participate in the sport.

    So, cyclists wearing replica kit? Acceptable, seeing as they actually cycle.

    Wendyball fans wearing replica shirts? Questionable, seeing as most just sit on their butts eating pies and drinking beer 🙂 and don’t actually play wendyball to any degree.

    And how do swimming fans show their allegiance? I don’t remember ever seeing spectators at swimming events wearing trunks, swimming caps & goggles?

    Do F1 fans watch the procession race wearing fire-proof overalls & helmets?

    It must be pretty tricky spectating on skiing with all the crowd wearing replica skis.

    Free Member

    What they are outlining in the link above is a pretty scummy attempt by vested interests to ensure they milk money out of people seeking to engage in outdoor pursuits

    I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect people to pay for parking at Whinlatter.

    Centres like this don’t just exist by magic.

    A lot of money is needed for building, maintenance, improvements etc

    Free Member

    I can’t be bothered reading all 3 pages.

    Has anyone reeled off the usual “don’t wear it unless you’ve earnt it” dribble regarding replica team kit/yellow jersey/KOM etc… ?

    In the past I’ve had a GT jersey & a replica TdF Yellow Jersey.

    I didn’t “earn” them, but I did earn the money that paid for them.
    Does that count?

    Free Member

    £850 bonus on top of a £45k wage, after tax & NI @ 40%, you’re left with what? about £500

    The cost of living in/around London being what it is, this isn’t a massive amount considering what MSP posted above:

    Its not really a bonus, its compensation for the restrictions and extra strain that are being put upon them during an event that will create far more traffic and chaos than the system is designed for. Its a one of payment for an unusual circumstance.

    Personally, I don’t see a problem with them receiving this compensation/bonus.

    (I do see a problem with their previous history of strike action etc though).

    Free Member

    Or is this thread really about very nice cafe owners who do kayaking?

    Free Member

    spent £1.4?billion in an attempt to save £159? million

    Someone clearly got the wrong end of the stick when they heard someone say “you’ve got to spend money to make money” …

    two of the five schemes … have not kept track of whether or not the changes are saving money

    Oh, for crying out loud for goodness’ sake … supreme idiocy. well done those people.

    Free Member

    ^ ah, there it is … box ticked 😉

    Free Member

    home PCs … are obscenely overspecced (and priced) for what they actually do

    You could say the same about bikes, cars, washing machines, toasters, biro’s … coffee machines, razors, chainsaws … 😉

    Free Member

    Has anyone mentioned that they think Olympics are a massive waste of money and won’t be watching any of it yet?


    Disappointing, STW …


    Free Member

    I’m sure it could be done, and may be useful for spotting air in the system … not sure aesthetically though, and would be no good for braided hoses of the likes available from Hope and Goodridge …

    Free Member

    When I was 7 I was once hit on the head by a first aid kit falling out of a storage loft whilst I was waiting for someone to pass down some stuff.

    I took up cycling several years later, and I always wear a helmet, which is why I wasn’t immediately killed to death by that first aid kit.

    This is a fact. Helmets clearly save lives.
    I have also never bumped my head in any situation since I’ve been a cyclist.

    What more evidence do you need?

    Free Member

    You get mileage allowance just for coming to work?


    Free Member

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but that article is basically just stating the bleeding obvious.

    And just to highlight how stupid society can be:
    “People die from smoking all the time but no one is banning cigarettes”

    To which I’d like to add:
    “People are killed by motorists all the time but no one is banning cars”

    🙄 Humans eh, mad as cheese

    Free Member

    If there really is a massive opposition to the supermarket – it’ll fail as everyone will simply continue to use the high street

    What will actually happen in reality, is that everyone who was up in arms and enraged about it will still shop there cos it’s cheaper and convenient and easy to park … hooray for the Great British apathy!!

    Free Member

    Even as a technophobe, even I have to acknowledge that modern computery stuff is fairly impressive.

    It’s rather depressing knowing that despite it’s huge potential and capability, 99% of us just use it for ‘Liking’ things on FaceBook and watching people fall over on YouTube. Oh, and posting opinions that nobody cares about on forums.

    Computers are rather like the human brain – massive potential/ability, but we only really use about 1% of it 🙂

    Free Member

    It could disrupt satellite navigation?

    I am concerned for all those people who ‘need’ their sat nav on to drive home from work. despite travelling exactly the same route every single day of the week 🙄 what’s all that about? did you somehow forget where you live during the past 8 hours?

    Free Member

    I can’t remember exactly which models I’ve had, although I have owned 2 pairs of them in the past.

    Loved both, really comfortable. I need shoes with a fairly wide toe section and the Salomon’s were perfect.

    I am currently wearing Saucony trainers. Equally as good in my experience, although not directly comparable as the Salomon’s were technically trail-running type things.

    Free Member

    I think that Craig Calfee monstrosity belongs in the category of “just because you can doesn’t mean you should”

    Free Member

    I’m using 2nd hand baby & toddler seats, previously owned by my sister so I know the history and condition.

    If you can get hold of one from a trustworthy source it’s worth it, especially the baby seat as it’s a big expense for the 8 or 9 months before they go up to the next size seat.

    We were fortunate in that family and several friends have young kids, so we’ve been inundated with free 2nd hand stuff.

    Free Member

    Rubber mallet.
    Ball of string.
    9v Battery.
    Some Lira.
    Sheeps clothing (for the wolf).
    Helium balloon.
    Lump of coal.
    Rubiks cube.
    1 Easter egg.

    Free Member

    I’ve often thought about selling my house privately.

    What exactly does an estate agent do, other than a valuation & getting your property advertised to a wider audience? (& taking x% of the sale price)

    Everything else seems to be done by a solicitor.

    I’ve always thought it can’t be that easy to privately sell, or everyone would be doing it …

    Free Member

    2 tubs, lasted 1 month, £76 … you could buy 3 or 4 months worth of veg for that

    Free Member

    The Muppets are Great. I have fond memories of Saturday evenings with a plate of fish & chips watching The Muppet Show.

    I thought the latest film was mostly pants though.

    Shame. I was looking forward to taking my 5yo. He got bored half way through.

    Free Member

    If I drive dangerously fast and don’t park considerately I can see my doctor in about 3 and a half minutes.

    Free Member

    My brother-in-law is a consultant something-or-other and does a lot of work with implants.

    He says 3 years sounds a very short lifespan, but there are many variables that can affect the longevity, for example;

    1. It is properly placed with precision
    2. The implant type is appropriate
    3. Brand name implants are used (not clones)
    4. The bone is healthy
    5. Health is good
    6. Patient has proper hygiene
    7. Patient sees their dentist every 4 months for check up and cleaning
    8. The crown is made properly and with precision
    9. The abutment (that supports the crown) is custom

    These are most of the very important factors in long term success.

    However, he didn’t profer any advice about lodging a grievance against a specific dentist regarding their work.

    Can you get a 2nd opinion on the quality of the original work and any comments on why the implant might have failed prematurely?

    Free Member

    If Saab disappears, the only sympathy I have is for the employees who are out of a job and the impact on their families.

    Once upon a time they made something ‘significant’ (apparently) in the form of the Saab 90 Turbo or whatever it was.

    Other than that, it’s just a company that makes (made?) average cars, neither here nor there in the scheme of things.

    Free Member

    Keep an eye on the news for the next few weeks – you’ll probably see your Touran in some African civil uprising being driven around by a guerilla gang wielding AK47’s and machete’s …

    Free Member

    I don’t share personal details with public

    Ah. Smeg.

    I missed that bit. So my ‘harassment at work’ etc comment earlier is irrelevant.

    Free Member

    Quinoa is a good source of protein.
    Not particularly cheap though.

    +1 for TJs comment – you probably don’t need as much protein as you think

    Has it not been shown that the eggs/cholesterol argument isn’t valid?

    I though the latest facts/figures were that eggs are ‘good’ cholesterol. whatever that means.

    I’ve been eating 3 or 4 eggs a day for years – my cholesterol levels were comfortably within the ‘healthy’ range when I last had it measured a few months ago.

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