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  • Fresh Goods Friday 664 – World Champing At The Bit Edition
  • joao3v16
    Free Member

    Does all this mean there will be fewer vehicles for me to draft on my rides into work & back?

    Free Member

    Can your body be too old for a ponytail?


    And it can also be the wrong gender.

    They’re for girls.

    (EDIT: beaten to it by wrecker)

    Free Member

    Unfortunately my boss knows I can perfectly easily get to work by bike, otherwise I’d be hoping for a fuel drought so I could have some time off work 🙂 … plus I’d only need to cycle to work once to get my laptop, then VPN from home. Damn technology!

    Free Member

    The Govt ‘advice’ was a bit, well, stupid

    Downing Street has dismissed claims it caused “panic” over the threatened fuel strike by urging motorists to make “contingency plans” such as filling up.

    So the contingency plan for maybe not being able to buy some petrol is to, er, buy some petrol.

    Well done. Excellent suggestion.

    But its not actually a contingency plan though is it … really, it’s preparing for the worst.

    An actual contingency plan would suggest what to do if Plan A (being able to buy petrol) fails.

    Free Member

    7 is the number of perfection

    Free Member

    It astounds me that some people dream through life, expecting most services to be there and uninterrupted when they need them. They will learn the hard way.

    Quite. The state some people get into when the CRC’s website is unavailable for 3 minutes, or a parcel’s a day later than expected. And these aren’t even essential services.

    I think we all take everything for granted. Water, gas, electric, petrol, food, broadband.

    I did wonder whether, every time I take a shower or turn on a light, whether I should spend 10 minutes in quiet contemplation about how fortunate I am. But there wasn’t enough time in the day for this.

    So instead, I’ll just stamp my feet like a grumpy child when my broadband goes down for 15 seconds.

    Free Member

    Man alive, I wasn’t going to bother typing in every possible permutation of events … if things even get that bad

    Free Member

    Despite the fact that there probably wouldn’t be a fuel shortage if stupid people didn’t all ‘panic’ and go out brimming their tanks, have any strike dates actually been announced yet?

    The strike vote also doesn’t sound conclusive – only 5 of the 7 refineries (71.4%) were involved in the ballot, turnout was only 69%, 77.7% voted yes … what’s 77.7% of 69% of 71.4% ? … only about 38% I think …

    I currently have about 50 miles worth of petrol left in the tank. I’ll need to use 15-20 miles on Saturday (could half this is absolutely necessary).

    I’m fortunate in that I don’t depend on my car – can easily cycle to work, 15 minute walk to the shops, 10 minute walk for the ‘school run’ … if it comes down to it, the only thing that we’d have to forego is visiting my parents …

    Free Member

    Sounds like a logical extension to the school photo thing to me. Parents have been had like this in various ways for decades.

    Yep, the price of school photo’s is hilarious, even more so considering there’s no film involved any more. I’d be happy to be sent the pictures on an e-mail then get them printed myself for a fraction of the price.

    Free Member

    He’s never been to the moon so how does he know the extent of similarity?

    He’s being quite specific about something he’s only seen in photographs

    Free Member

    If it indeed has similarities to the moon, what is actually wrong with his description ?

    He said “very lunar”, not “sort of lunar”

    ‘Very’ implies to me being more than just ‘similar’

    Free Member

    Looking good, great work from all involved.

    I’m up in The Lakes in July for a weekend, will be dropping in at Grizedale for a ride either on the way up to or back from Keswick/Langdale.

    Free Member

    suspend large food parcels from a helium balloon tied to your backpack. you don’t feel the weight then.

    Free Member

    Why did you even start this thread? Coming over as very bitter

    Partly to amuse myself, and I thought it was amusing/strange/pointless to use the trench/lunar comparison.

    Bitter? About …?

    Just wait until Richard Branson comes back from space and describes it like being in a submarine- joao2v16’s head will explode.

    Yes, if he comes back and says it was ‘very aquatic’ … at least him and James Macaroon will be able to have a meaningful conversation

    “so James, what was the Mariana Trench like”
    “it was very lunar”
    “luna you say? I’ve been there, I can totally relate to that”
    “yeh, but the general public can’t Rich … ”

    Free Member

    Ah,yes. Dust. At the bottom of the ocean. Well known for being dry and dusty.

    Apparently there’s also a heck of a lot of microorganism/microbe type life at the bottom of the Mariana trench. Which is not like the moon where no living anything has been found.

    Maybe I’m just being awkward, but saying something soaking wet and full of life is like somewhere bone dry and (as far as we know) sterile is bonkers.

    Parts of the Peak District are rocky and dusty. Is the Mariana trench anything like the Peak District? I can relate to that better than the moon.

    Free Member


    I once asked someone what snake meat tastes like.

    They said “a bit like alligator, you ever had alligator?”

    I haven’t.

    So if I ask James Cameron “what’s the Mariana trench like?”

    He’ll say “a bit like the Moon, you ever been to the moon?”

    I haven’t.


    Dead helpful, both of them.

    Free Member

    there is **** all there…

    There’s **** all in one of my kitchen cupboards, but by any stretch of the imagination I’d never describe it as ‘lunar’

    JC’s description might hold a bit of weight if he’d been to an actual lunar place, but he hasn’t, so even his own description is based on his own perception formed from a few photo’s and some guys talking about it from 40 odd years ago.

    Free Member

    Is the Mariana trench covered in a layer of dust and asteroid craters?

    Is it 100,000 miles from earth travelling through a vacuum?

    Is there a US flag & a little car that was left down there in 1969?

    I’m just trying to compare it with what I know about a ‘lunar’ envt (i.e. the moon) to see if his comment makes any real sense whatsoever.

    Free Member

    Keep it.

    One day your kids might have kids.

    My parents kept a load of mine & it’s now back in use by my kids and nephews when they visit 🙂

    They sold all my Hornby train sets though 🙁

    But, there’s still a Scalextric in their loft 🙂

    Free Member

    In the real world. what’s the difference between 1st and 2nd class anyway. Sorting machines running off a 12v battery rather than mains? Older/slower/short-sighted staff?

    Most things really don’t need to be there next day. Birthday cards for example – you’ve had 12 months to prepare and you know exactly when peoples birthdays are. If you’re late with a card you’re an idiot. Don’t blame it on the postie.

    Free Member

    So, after 7 pages of pontificating and in-fighting;

    I wonder if she thinks it was a life well lived.

    The answer is ‘No’

    I’m not surprised really. The British public are a selfish and ungrateful bunch.


    Free Member

    Maybe Hi5 should advertise on the back of buses using a cricketer?

    This approach got quite a lot of support on another thread anyway.

    They didn’t make any wild claims about being able to make 26% more runs per innings or anything though.

    And there was no comparative analysis against eating cheese.

    Free Member

    Sleep under some newspaper on a park bench.

    Free Member

    Ditto organic355 & drapper

    The answer to fat loss is a lifestyle change, i.e. diet and exercise.

    ‘Fat burn’ pills might work (don’t believe/trust the hype personally) but you’re paying an absolute fortune for them, plus once you’ve completed the course of pills you’ve still got to make lifestyle changes to maintain your weight … otherwise you’ll just get fat again … so why not just do this in the first place … i.e. refer to my earlier comment – “lifestyle change, i.e. diet and exercise”

    Free Member

    I hear they are looking to make access to iplayer just through licensing (login) because viewing habits have changed in recent times.

    It’ll happen some time.

    There’ll come a tipping point at which the BBC’s licence fee revenue drops so much that they need to charge for iPlayer access.

    Unless they drastically change the way programmes are funded.

    Free Member

    thats because you’re at the wrong end of britain to witness such things druidh – those sorts of selfish hysterics are a bit [whispers] southy [/whispers]

    I expect the south will just fritter away their petrol, same as they’ve already done with their water.

    Careless. Very careless. And selfish.


    Free Member

    If people didn’t “panic buy” there wouldn’t be such a shortage … just another item on my ‘things that show how stupid people really are’ list 😉

    Free Member

    So I was rather surprised that a colleague in all seriousness called me irresponsible. Apparently, I’m not considering my daughters should I be killed in an RTA

    Well done for actually hearing what they said.

    When a motorist starts talking all I usually hear is the gibberings of a chimp, and then expect them to start flinging their poo at me.

    That, or I just get the sound of Charlie Brown’s teacher.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t put throwing a cricket ball at the top of the list.

    Where would you put it? Pace bowling is severely harsh on the body.

    This thread is at risk of turning into a “golf isn’t a real sport” / “football is a game not a sport” type arguement*.

    Only the lazy feckless British could make standing around in a field for 5 days a ‘sport’.

    (*both of which I agree with).

    Free Member

    Assuming he has children, ask him if he drives a car, goes on holiday by aeroplane, uses stairs, eats seafood or generally ever leaves his house. If he does any of these things tell him he’s being irresponsible. Also, tell him to mind his own business.

    Free Member

    You’ll be eaten away inside by your own guilty conscience and end up throwing yourself off Beachy Head. Probably.

    Free Member

    btw nothing wrong with a sportsman endorsing a health/fitness product. Pace bowling is hardcore punishment amd Jimmy Anderson is a fine athlete.

    I expect the conversation went something like:

    “Hello Mr Anderson, can we use your image to increase our profits? Here’s a big pile of money”

    “Big pile of money? Yeh, ok, whatever”

    Free Member

    and your hand would get very sweaty.
    then you’d drop the phone.
    then you’d need to buy a new one.
    it’s safer/cheaper to get one of those daft little pouches.
    they also make you look really trendy and well serious about fitness.
    people watch in awe as you run by, wishing they were you.
    if you’re female, a pouch means you can go running pretending you’re making a bodyform advert.
    take a small yappy dog along to fully realise the ‘ad’ cliche.

    Free Member

    Like to see how you’d get on bowling and fielding today in this heat in Sri Lanka

    Wow. Does ‘doing stuff out in the sun’ require gender-specific “Advanced Nutrition” these days?


    Free Member

    Gas BBQ’s – a bit like alcohol-free lager.

    i.e. what’s the point.

    Ideal for the terminally lazy though, or people who can’t even manage to successfully set fire to something that’s naturally extremely easy to set fire to …

    Free Member

    I’ve never had any complaints.

    I must be doing it wrong.

    (Or, is it because I’m doing it right? – no cheeky trails, footpaths, scaring horseists etc)

    Free Member

    if we are both standing afterwards then its not exactly an accident worth noting is it


    So using that logic, it’s not worth the MET paying any attention to your massive feature-length 3D HD movie because you were only nearly hit, not actually hit.

    Or, to paraphrase, “not an accident worth noting” …

    Free Member

    Not enough red in the design.

    And forget CH’s thighs. I’m more interested in Jess Eniss’es’s.

    That is all.

    EDIT: “There’s a lot of red in there, but in a non-traditional way” … ah, I see, turquoise is the less traditional version of red. I can see how they’re easily confused. idiot.

    Free Member

    Sounds like a sensible routine/plan.
    6 weeks is easily enough time to get fit enough for a biking weekend.

    I did zero cycling (or any cardio actually) between the end of last September and the beginning of Jan. Was soon doing the 25-mile round trip commute 4 or 5 days a week plus some upper-body gym stuff.

    Rest days are key though, and also don’t get too hung up on the routine – if you feel tired on an ‘exercise’ day just give it a miss or reduce the time.

    Free Member


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