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  • Singletrack World Issue 150 Editorial
  • joao3v16
    Free Member

    Miracles aren’t hard to come by; I’ve seen David Blaine walk on water and essentially ‘rise from the dead’, and Derren Brown did a whole series on it (“Messiah”).

    Aren’t you confusing miracles with ‘magic’/illusion/trickery … ?

    Free Member

    necessary separate infrastructure

    Yes, let’s not bother improving road safety, we’ll just move bikes off our roads.

    This way drivers can continue not paying proper attention to other road users, and can drive about dangerously, relaxed in the knowledge that they can go about their business without the inconvenience of needing to have consideration for anyone other than themselves.

    Free Member

    I believe mumsnet is full of lovely ladies politely discussing knitting patterns and exchanging cake recipes …

    Free Member

    This is just the usual STW obtuseness; it’s clear that the reason anyone pays beyond the free delivery is for faster delivery.

    Which he evidently didn’t recieve.

    Faster than their own free delivery perhaps, but they don’t promise to be faster than postage from Germany …

    Free Member

    I’m exactly 6′ and used to ride an 18″ 5, so I’d imagine at 5’10” the 17″ would be ideal …

    Free Member

    Watched it last night.

    Ok material for a TV movie, but I can’t believe it got made for cinema.

    I’d have been pretty naffed off if I’d paid £7/8 at the flicks just for that.

    Free Member

    Ditto cy.

    I’ve not ridden much around Buxton, not sure exactly what’s available round there.

    However, if you can get up to Hope, Edale, Hayfield there’s loads of superb riding (get an OS explorer map) … also look for Hope Cross, Edale Cross, Mam Tor, Kinder Reservoir, Jacobs Ladder … that area …

    Cut Gate (runs north from the northern end of the Derwent reservoir) is a well-respected route, but a bit dubious if it’s wet. Best done as an out-and-back, unless you want to turn it into a monster loop that’ll take the best part of a whole day.

    Not really singletrack in the peaks, but plenty of rocky and technical climbs and descents.

    (Not my websites):

    Free Member

    You can use a bank or credit card statement as proof of purchase.

    M&S are (or were) pretty decent with handling returns fairly, so it’s worth taking them back and explaining the problem.

    Free Member

    my guess is contaminated pads

    Ditto this.

    Before you spend time and £’s stripping down your brakes and replacing seals etc, chuck in some new pads* & clean the rotors.

    (* or, take the existing pads & use some medium/fine sandpaper to remove 0.5mm or so – this should remove any contamination, or at least enough for you to get an idea whether this is the problem or not)

    Free Member

    I saw an Olympic water bottle on sale in John Lewis for £12.50!

    That’s because you have taste & style and are investing in a timeless design that will last for years and not look dated once the Olympics has finished.

    Unlike those awful plebby Ikea ones.

    Free Member

    I was enjoying whatever government lackey was dispatched to Five Live this morning to justify the horrendous expense

    “How will the Olympics, after all this taxpayers money spent, benefit someone in say Middlesborough, Salford or Glasgow?”

    “Erm…. erm… erm….. well the government would like to see…erm… all deprived areas…. erm…. developed. Oh, Oh, oh, yes I’ve remembered now!!! ….. The Olympic torch procession will be passing through some of them!!!

    Yes, it would be less insulting to our intelligence if they’d just be honest about it and admit it generally won’t benefit anywhere except London, rather than spouting fluffy political blather …

    Free Member

    First Live band I saw was a little-known group from Cornwall called Rootjoose, in the Footage & Firkin on Oxford Road, Manchester …

    Free Member

    Gisburn really does benefit from the trails being properly gritted throughout the winter … 😉

    Free Member

    Hawk Green (Marple).

    Rides from Roman Lakes on my doorstep, Peak District a stones throw.

    Free Member

    the most important commandments are

    There’s no such thing as a ‘most important commandment’. Otherwise they wouldn’t be commandments. You don’t get to pick and choose, it’s not Woolworth’s sweet counter.

    Matthew 22:36-40

    36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

    37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’

    38 This is the first and greatest commandment.

    39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

    40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

    Free Member

    Only problem is, you’re assuming your ‘belief’ that it’s a fairy story is correct …

    Difference is, I’m open to any evidence you might have to the contrary.

    Nooooooo! We’ve tried that before somewhere on here, most recently the Angry atheists thread… turns out you can’t prove or disprove God.

    Free Member

    Bear in mind David Macaroon was speaking at an Easter reception. Easter being a Christian thing. Hence I don’t think it’s unreasonable for his speech to have a Christian emphasis.

    AFAIK the most important commandments are Love thy neighbour and do unto others are you would have others do unto you. No caveats.

    Yep. I think that’s the kind of thing DC was getting at.

    Free Member

    I’m more concerned with the leader of the country believing in superstitious fairy stories

    Only problem is, you’re assuming your ‘belief’ that it’s a fairy story is correct …

    Free Member

    There’s no reason at all why you couldn’t make an entire chain out of powerlinks……

    [smart-arse]Yes there is: They’re only the outer plate links … [/smartarse] 😀

    Free Member

    I thought Pose Running was when you go prancing along with one of those daft arm-band iPod holder things?

    Free Member

    I quite liked the first Ong Bak (although the two sequels weren’t as good in my opinion) …

    Free Member

    Modern rallying looks pretty tame compared against the Group B period.

    I wonder if Group B would have survived longer had the rally organisers found a way of controlling the spectators (restricting numbers & their proximity to the course).

    Without the crashes resulting in spectator deaths, would the cars have seemed so dangerous? I get the impression the drivers liked the cars.

    Free Member

    Other than not telling people, or getting a Non Disclosure Agreement between any parties you approach with your business proposal, I don’t think you can protect an ‘idea’ in the same way as you might patent something physical/tangible.

    Free Member

    Carry mobile phones … in a pouch attached to their belt

    These people are trained members of T.W.A.T

    People who walk around with one of those stupid little Bluetooth earpieces, even when they’re not actually on a call, are also members.

    Free Member

    Was queued for a self service till in an Asda on Sunday.

    Assistant asked ‘would you like me to put that through for you’, so I agreed.

    Chatted to my wife & amused the baby whilst the assistant scanned our items.

    Came to pay, and realised she’d scanned everyting but not put it in bags.

    Really helpful.

    So we then had to spend exactly the same time & effort bagging everything up that we’d have had to had she not offered to ‘help’.



    Free Member

    Car insurance quotes do seem almost random.

    My renewal in December was £68/month, ~£800 for the year.
    This was with Direct Line (I had a fairly good idea I could have got my insurance cheaper had I shopped around, but for whatever reason I never got round to it).

    Come last month, wanted to add my wife as a second driver.

    Direct Line wanted an additional £23 per month, which would have taken my premiums up to £91/month.

    I complained a bit and asked if they could beat it, but the sales person on the phone basically said “computer says no”.

    So I cancelled (£26 charge), and found an identical policy with Aviva for £51 per month (although this is with 2 months ‘free’) for both of us. Plus I should get £65 back through Topcashback.

    Free Member

    If you fix a pull-up bar in a doorway you’ll just end up banging your feet/knees on the floor all the time because of the low height it needs to be fixed at so that you don’t bash your brains out on the top of the door frame 😀

    I live in a terrace in which the bottom 2/3rd’s of the stairs are between two walls, so I’ve fixed my pull-up bar above the bottom of the staircase.

    This way, it’s at a good height so that I’m not catching my feet/legs on anything, and there’s nothing above to worry about banging my head on.

    Can’t remember where I got my pull-up bar from though. Might have been Argos. It fixes to the wall using screws, and has coped with my 13-14 stone weight for several years without failing … 😕 (there, that’s cursed it now)

    Free Member

    Good grief! Never thought I’d see this thread rear it’s angry head again … 😯

    Free Member

    Theres probably NO risk re mobiles etc on forecourts

    I’ve been told off, via the forecourt tannoy, for using my mobile whilst sat inside the car while the missus was in paying.

    Somehow I think the risk was just a little overstated.

    Didn’t one of those daft science programmes hosted by Richard Hammond do a test where they doused the interior of a caravan in petrol etc and then called a load of mobile phones they’d left inside … unsurprisingly, nothing exploded

    EDIT : beaten to it ^

    Free Member

    This is the Self-obsessed, selfish, … culture that we are moving towards

    Moving towards? Why the future tense?

    We’re already there aren’t we?

    I’d say we’ve been there for quite a while too …

    Free Member

    From the BBC website about the poor lady that set herself alight. Why would you think about transferring petrol with a cooker that was on

    Horribly tragic accident. Must have been utterly terrifying.

    Stupidity of the highest order though, splashing petrol around indoors, especially a kitchen with the oven on …

    Free Member

    So, your account is more than 7 months in credit, but they’re increasing your payments by 50%?

    I’d be on the phone asking for a good reason.

    Free Member

    I do find it interesting how much power they have over people’s behaviour though

    It’s incredibly easy to make people to behave selfishly.

    Pick any day of the year & tell your neighbour you think the tanker drivers are planning to strike. I guarantee within an hour you’d see them toddling off out to fill up their car.

    Or go into Tesco and buy 50 pints of milk, loads of bread & dozens of eggs, then when someone asks why, just say “haven’t you heard?” … there’d soon be panic in the aisles…

    Free Member

    out of petrol in cheltenham I hear…
    So the panic buyers got it right!


    Cheltenham wouldn’t have run out if all the sheeple hadn’t been ‘panic buying’ … there are currently no strikes and deliveries are normal, but there are sufficient stupid people to create a massive problem for everyone by being selfish (and then try and blame their lack of common sense on ‘govt advice’).

    (*unless you were being sarcastic?)

    Free Member

    I wonder if we’ll have any more riots this year

    I don’t see why not. Just look at the incredible results following last years riots.

    Setting fire to stuff and stealing other stuff is the best way to drive economic and social development.

    The UK has become a utopia.

    Free Member

    Man alive, I didn’t realise it’s 8 years since the original …

    Free Member

    The strikes, that may or may not occur, are two weeks from now


    Don’t go round pointing out actual facts, it just makes all the sheep-like twazzers rushing around buying petrol look like massive pillocky idiots … oh, too late …

    Free Member

    In my office managers are always whanging on about ‘workshopping’ things, and referring to elements of our work as using the word ‘space’ (e.g. ‘in the z-series space’).

    Not bull poo of the same order as previous posts, but still gets on your nerves after a while …

    We also get a lot of our ‘offshore’ colleagues requesting we ‘do the needful’ … (?)

    Free Member

    Do all those people sat queuing do so with their engines running?

    Free Member

    I like it. Just don’t expect it to be anything like actual salmon.

    I used to have a colleague who regularly ate lunch at his desk, and regularly had smoked mackerel … lovely aromas around the office for the rest of te afternoon after that.

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