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  • Wacky Races: Red Bull ‘Stalen Ros’ Tandem Racing
  • joao3v16
    Free Member

    The cult of the child does seem to be worse in England and America.


    Free Member

    I buy Tesco’s basic version for <£1 a kilo 🙂

    Nutritionally, not a lot of difference between this and the poncy 4-times-as-expensive organic baby-fox-friendly stuff.

    I usually add my own kiwi & banana, plus a scoop of chocolate nut protein powder and a weetabix 😕

    All in all, a strange combo, but I like it.

    Can’t even remember how or why I even came up with the ‘recipe’.

    Free Member

    So, after 5 pages of tense debate, all we’ve established is that some people are more practical than others.

    Well done.

    Excellent work.


    Free Member

    the Mrs … has threatened to do the same if I do

    With a threat/challenge such as this, it’s a no-brainer … topless run at lunch it is!

    Free Member

    The Peaks are like The Lakes in terms of rambler traffic – there are honey pot spots that attract the ‘hordes’ (Jacobs Ladder, Mam Tor, Ladybower for example), but most other areas are relatively quiet.

    If you want the hills to yourself for a few hours try and be out by 7 or 8 in the morning.

    I used to have Saturday mornings free so would drive out to Ladybower for 7, nice 3-4 hour ride, and arrive back at the car just as it was getting busy …

    Free Member

    Can you ask the shop for a breakdown of exactly what they’re charging for what?

    Sounds a bit steep on the face of it, but it all depends exactly what they’ve decided needs doing.

    Transmission – could be just chain & cassette/chainrings … or it could also include a new bottom bracket … maybe new cables … or they might have decided you need a new mech too. I can’t for the life of me think they’re recommending new cranks. Unless you’ve actually snapped one off. Likewise for shifters.

    Fork – could just be seals, or could be more …

    Brake bleed & fit new pads should be childs play for them, so maybe an hours labour plus pads (& possibly bleeding kit ?)

    Free Member

    time to hit twitter and make your displeasure public

    Or ‘unlike’ them on FaceBook. That’ll learn ’em.

    He’s probably older than 9 though …

    Free Member

    It’s a blimmin’ good job Seb Coe didn’t have any STWers on his team, they’re all a right miserable rabble when it comes to the Olympics 😀

    I expect someone thought that offering members of the the public the chance to own an Olympic torch would be a nice touch to the whole proceedings, what with trying to get people involved etc

    Free Member

    The methane has been trapped by ice, but is able to escape as the ice melts.

    Phew. Glad they explained the technical mechanics of that. 🙄

    There are many sources of the gas around the world, some natural and some man-made

    Please stop! I just can’t follow the immense in-depth scientific analysis.

    Free Member

    It’s an outrage and immoral


    No, it’s fine, they’re probably planning to donate the profit to a sanctuary for orphaned baby rabbits or something.

    Free Member

    Are we incapable of accepting responsibility for our own actions?

    Well, duh. Of course. Most of societies problems are because people avoiding accountability for their actions. That, and generations are becoming increasingly selfish.

    Free Member

    Probably all his mates ‘bidding’ for a laugh … or, people are massively more stupid than I give them credit for

    Free Member

    Maybe they’ve learnt to pee/poop without getting it all over their hands?

    I know I have.

    Still wash them though, just to appease the moaners …


    Free Member

    I don’t specifically avoid shopping at my LBS because they’re (probably) more expensive, I just really really hate shopping in general … so buying online doesn’t feel like shopping … the experience is quicker and less depressing 🙂

    Free Member

    I thought you werent allowed to RIDE on a footpath?

    Pushing a bike is not riding. Its pushing.

    Does the same apply to horsists?

    Walking next to a horse as opposed to riding it, does that mean you don’t need to stick to bridleways?

    Granted, you don’t push a horse.
    Or carry one for that matter.

    Free Member

    If you’re feeling like being really awkward, you could wear a massive false beard/moustache & dark glasses under your helmet, so you’re just as unrecognisable when you take it off.

    Free Member

    He is the best professional twit on TV.

    I believe It’s all just a persona created for TV … big, brash and outspoken … I read somewhere once that his manager (wife) helped him create the ‘monster’ we see on Top Gear etc

    H’s probably a pretty average bloke in real life.

    Some like him and others don’t.

    So he’s exactly like everyone else in that respect.

    Surprise surprise.

    I really don’t undertstand why some people let him get them so wound up.

    Free Member

    Pair of as-new Levi 582’s for 827p 🙂

    Free Member

    Be organised, always have your bikes and kit ready so, when the opportunity presents, you can just go.

    This is key.

    And once you’ve dicovered what kind of approximate routine your newborn has you will have a rough idea of when you’re more likely to get out on the bike.

    For me, it was early(ish) in the morning – up and out by 7, back home by 8:30.

    If you can cycle commute then that helps getting a regular ‘fix’ of cycling, so you don’t get quite so fed up of not riding at the weekends.

    I am also fortunate in that my wife understands that cycling is important to me so is happy for me to go out. Works both ways too – there’s stuff my wife does that needs time for herself.

    A bit of give and take from both parents and you both get to spend time doing things you like.

    (Erm, we do also do stuff together 🙂 )

    Free Member

    who would do that?

    If you’re out plotting to steal things you’re already way beyond caring about the victims.

    Maybe they’re “disenfranchised youth”, like the ones who rioted last year, in which case they’ve got an excuse.

    Apparently stealing stuff (and setting fire to other stuff) is an expected response & guaranteed method of solving all our social problems.

    Notice the nirvana the uk has become since last years riots.

    We should be eternally indebted to those who could be bothered to get off their sofa’s to incinerate shops and cars, and carry heavy tv’s etc back home. Running with a bulky object like that’s not an easy thing to do.

    Free Member

    people moaning

    It is the British national sport after all. The only thing Britain does to a consistently high level. Even our dirgy national anthem sounds like a load of people complaining.

    I’m looking forward to the Olympics. I’ll watch any sport as long as it doesn’t involve horses.

    Free Member

    Our 11 mth old started waking up earlier as sunrise got earlier.

    The bedroom windows have blinds that let light in around the edges so we’ve hung some thick material over the windows as well (temporary measure until we get blackout curtains).

    This seems to have helped.

    We’ve also altered his daytime sleeps so that he’s very tired at bedtime rather than just tired.

    Free Member

    it’s funded by an external source, you do have to question their motives at the very least

    Why so much cynicism/suspicion.

    Maybe someone just thinks it’s a good idea and wants to use their privileged position (i.e. loads of money) to help, especially at a time when the govt is pretty strapped for cash.

    Free Member

    I’d have been more in favour if Michael Gove hadn’t insisted on writing a foreward to it.


    What possible value can that nit add to the biggest selling book in the history of the world etc

    Free Member


    I’m confused.

    We’re talking about religion, and yet so far the comments have been well-balanced and sensible.

    Very strange for a STW ‘religion’ thread.

    Free Member

    Ummm – Marple fits that. Edge of the peak district / cheshire plains, easy access to manchester, 90 minutes to the lakes.

    No kids so can’t comment on schools but I know one STW user with young kids (under 18 months old) is looking to move back to Marple before the kids hit school age


    Marple schools are good, although one is C of E which I appreciate for some parents is worse than a terrorist training camp.

    Free Member

    I generally like to be part of the problem and part of the solution.

    That way they both cancel each other out and I’m not causing or solving anything.

    Free Member

    And it’s made the Daily Wail

    I will not read the Mail’s report!

    Weirdly, the Daily Fail has reported the IAM stuff in a very uninflammatory way. Strange.

    Of course, the reader comments are true to form though, with barely one brain cell or fact used amongst them.

    Free Member

    Basically people are stupid

    Nahh people are really intelligent

    Yes, but only a very small minority behave intelligently.

    Everyone else behaves like a moron.

    Free Member

    How has reversing a vehicle suddenly become impossible without special needs equipment?

    Free Member

    What’s the obsession with the down being the only “fun” bit?

    Because a lot of people are not intelligent enough to fully appreciate mountain biking holistically.

    Like skiers – sit down to get a ride up, then just slide down again.

    I don’t think you should be allowed to ride down something you can’t be bothered to ride up first.


    Free Member

    I am disappointed with the makers of FaceBook for not giving me a ‘Dislike’ button instead of ‘Like’ … that would be more entertaining.

    The ‘like’ button seems very sycophantic – I’m sure there are people out there who are almost offended if their friends don’t ‘like’ their status.

    My wife closed her FB account and piggy-packed onto mine. Now my FB is full of all the drivel from her friends. I can’t even read any of it as they’re mostly Brazilian & I haven’t learnt the lingo yet.

    The stupidest thing is, 99% of her ‘friends’ seem to just endlessly post links to pictures they found somewhere on the internet that they thought were amusing.

    Completely pointless. And very boring.

    Free Member

    “sits pondering Humanities ability to get on with each other”

    If there’s one thing that history demonstrates again and again and again …

    Free Member

    Waiting at some lights, someone once commented that my chain was flat.

    It was so hilarious I assumed he was an internationally-renowned stand-up comedian with their own prime-time tv show. Or something.


    Free Member

    The problem is that the general public is made up of morons

    Free Member

    whats the crack with horses on roads? selfish or naive

    Someone seems to think that roads exist purely for the convenience of motorists …

    The only people with a right to the road are pedestrians, cyclists and horse-riders. And pedestrians have their own little roads called “pavements”.

    No one using a motor vehicle has a right to the road. They have permission to use it if they pass a (ridiculously simple) test, have their vehicle tested to check it’s roadworthy, insure themselves againt the damage they can cause and pay a duty to compensate the rest of us for their emissions. That permission can be and is removed if they misbehave.

    Free Member

    Peanut Butter (crunchy) + Banana + Jam .


    I toast the bread though.
    And include honey.
    Sometimes some ham too.

    Free Member

    The way the figures are reported gives a very misleading & unbalanced view.


    I don’t remember the last time I saw a motorist jump a red light, but I see two or three cyclists every day jumping or running reds, or using the pavement to bypass a junction.

    There aren’t very many cyclists on my suburban commute, so ‘two or three’ accounts for at least half.

    Free Member

    The opinion of the Chief Economist where I work (one of the ‘Big 4’ banks*) is that they’ll be out of the Euro before the end of 2012.

    I know there’s a whole load of speculation and opinion amongst economists etc about this stuff, but the guy has a very reliable track record with his ‘predictions’.

    (* no, I’m not a ‘banker’, I just happen to work for a bank)

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