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  • joao3v16
    Free Member

    You’ll not miss anything by not being ‘on’ Twitter or Face Book.

    Unless you’re 13 years old, in which case they’re more critical than food or oxygen and you will actually die if you’re not checking your page every 90 seconds day and night.

    As with any of the ‘social media’, everyone seems to find their own reason for using it.

    I have Facebook & Twitter accounts but don’t actively do anything with them.

    There is no unfulfilled void in my life.

    Free Member

    Number of watchers I think is pretty meaningless.

    I watch items I’ve no intention of buying just out of interest to see what price certain things are fetching.

    Free Member

    some religious loon

    ah, so you must be some atheist/agnostic loon

    Free Member

    a moron motorist

    ‘Moron’ and ‘Motorist’ are interchangeable as they are fundamentally the same thing …

    Free Member

    I didn’t realise some schools could fine parents for taking their kids out of school ?!?!

    Our sons school states that they allow up to 10 days discretionary absence per year – some parents seem to treat this as extra holiday entitlement and aim to use all of it 🙂

    We took our son out of school for one day a couple of weeks ago for a Friday-Friday holidy the first week of half term.

    One day.

    Handed in the ‘request for absence form’, next day we got the reply slip back authorising the absence … but with a barely legible sribble saying ‘attendance must improve next term’ …

    I wouldn’t mind, but 50% of his absence this year is due to the school’s own rules that if your child is sick they are not allowed back to school for 48 hours – i.e. every absence is therefore minimum 2 days regardless of the sickness (fair enough if it’s something contagious, but there’s loads of stuff that isn’t, and the rule is still enforced. idiots).

    So they’re complaining about our sons absence despite half of his time off being due to their own flipping rules.


    I was in half a mind to go to the office and have a polite rant at them.

    Free Member

    Never mind all that.

    I managed to convince my son that those massive furry hats are actually the soldiers hair.

    Actually, come to think of it, I can’t remember if I’ve told him the truth yet …

    Free Member

    Probably the best piece of advice I heard about deciding whether to start a small business was along the lines of “only do it if it’s doing something you are extremely passionate about because it will take over your life” … or some-such …

    Free Member

    If you don’t like it you know where the door is.

    Excellent. The ‘JFDI’ management technique.

    Clearly your manager doesn’t actually have any management skills. Not when it comes to managing people at least.

    Other than talking to his superior(s), who might also have the same attitude as him anyway, not really sure there’s much you can do about it.

    Free Member

    I occasionally weight myself when I’m visiting my parents, just out of curiosity. It’s the only place I go that has scales.

    Don’t know why I bother though.

    They keep the scales in the bedroom, and I’m pretty sure a carpeted floor gives a false reading compared to a hard floor (?).

    And I’m not stripping off in my parents bedroom, so I’m always fully clothed. Plus shoes.

    So the result is completely meaningless anyway. Although I suppose the conditions are consistent so I can see if my weight’s up/down/unchanged.

    I’m one of those people who are pretty slim & my weight doesn’t ever seem to change much regardless of what I eat or how little exercise I do.

    Free Member

    Why dont we wait to see if he IS actually charged and convicted before slagging him off?

    Because even if the verdict is ‘not guilty’, the same people will just vomit up the same nonsense about ‘there is evidence, just not enough to convict him’ etc etc

    Personally, I couldn’t give a monkeys either way. He’s just a guy who races bikes and was quite successful. Cycling’s just a bit of competition & entertainment. Nothing of any real significance in the scheme of things.

    Much like my opinion, & everyone elses on here.

    However, Lance Armstrong threads are the only ones to give Religion/God threads a good run for their money on STW 😀

    Free Member

    If you want to lose fat then create a calorie deficit, your body will then eat into your fat

    Really? There’s some on here (and elsewhere) who disagree.

    Probably people looking for any excuse not to change their diet


    Free Member

    While we are in recession tho I think the money aspect is quite valid.

    Considering the amount of personal debt a lot of people rack up, and the amount of money ‘spent’ against credit cards, it’s quite amusing that we’re all saying to the Govt “why are you spending money you haven’t got” …

    Free Member

    Any chance that it might be an idea to see it before writing it off as a pile of crap?

    I wouldn’t mind all the poking fun at the Olympics if it were done with wit and humour (after all, Brits are usually pretty good at making fun of themselves) … unfortunately it’s all just a load of tedious moaning, seemingly by people who are all qualified accountants seeing as most of the negativity boils down to the cost

    Free Member

    I don’t think most people give a moments thought to the ‘landed gentry’

    Until someone says “you can’t ride your bike here”

    Then suddenly they’re the most hated people on the planet

    dislike any system that allows a person to live off the backs of others purely by virtue of birthright


    If it’s been legally handed to them as their inheritance, then what’s unjust about it?

    Free Member

    Things that I’ve found make peoples heads explode:

    – I’m not interested in Football (or ‘Racism’ as it’s better known at the moment).
    – Alcohol doesn’t have any meaning/significance/importance to me.
    – I don’t use a Face Book.
    – I don’t ****. Or Twit. Or whatever it’s called.
    – I cycle to work even if it’s raining.
    – I cycle nowhere in particular. Even if it’s raining.

    Free Member

    I’d forgotten my helmet as I was about to begin my descent. Must’ve looked a bit strange because I was wearing knee pads

    On your head?

    Free Member

    poor = bad diet = fat

    more like lazy/uneducated = bad diet = fat

    ‘lazy’ as in can’t be bothered looking for & cooking with fresh ingredients, so resort to convenient processed foods (there is also the misconception that ‘proper’ cooking takes ages)

    ‘uneducated’ as in were never taught by parents how to cook, or what a healthy balanced diet is

    i.e. :

    If you eat home cooking like people did 30 or so years ago, you should be OK

    It’s not rocket surgery.

    Although the addiction/dependency/craving element is interesting – it would be very easy to say ‘stop eating z, y & z’, but I guess it’s not that simple if it’s technically an addiction … which is perhaps why so many people fail with dieting

    Just out of interest, my wife comes from a country where (generally) a lot of vegetable oil is used in cooking and dairy products feature quite heavily in the average diet. A lot of rice, pasta & potatoes are consumed. You might imagine people would therefore be generally overweight.

    However, in general pretty much 100% fresh/natural ingredients are used, and meat consumption is probably half of the UK average (from what I’ve seen).

    I don’t remember seeing many overweight/obese people last time I was visiting.

    Free Member

    you all sit there porking fun at him.

    trot on. stop being a boar. snout wrong with a bit of banter. there’s nothing unsowvory being said here.


    Free Member

    I was looking for ideas on how people would deal with explaining this personal choice to the lidless man.

    I’d probably have made some friendly/jokey remark initially, then depending on the reaction would decide whether to bother discussing any further.

    I expect the guy was as well versed as STWers on the helmet debate so any comments would be like water off a ducks back.

    You’re far more likely to injure an arm, leg, ribs or collar bone if you crash.

    However, I never wear any kind of body armour beyond a helmet.

    As mentioned earlier in the thread, MTBing is risky but not inherently dangerous.

    The main reason I wear a helmet is because of the ‘what if’ factor, and the implications for my family if the worst should happen.

    However, I realise I could still be very seriously injured in other ways other than my head with the same implications for my family.

    Yes, the logic is flawed 😕

    I also feel naked riding without a helmet.

    But I also feel naked riding without glasses, gloves or camelbak 😕

    Ah well, each to their own …

    Free Member

    some of us salespeople are ethical…

    Is this in a similar vein as “99% of lawyers give the other 1% a bad name” … ?


    Free Member

    I don’t see the point in hair anyway, so going bald would mean I would’t have to waste time and money cleaning & cutting it …

    Free Member

    I used Premier Appliance Care a couple of times for my previous (old) washer/dryer.

    Would recommend him.

    They’re based in Stockport so I would expect him to cover Levenshulme.

    Free Member

    They should get one of the DH riders to bring the torch down the mountain on a timed run … or would it blow out?

    Free Member

    Proper coffee has a crema on the top

    Even black coffee?

    Perhaps the maching has the internals of a Gaggia and you are drinking better coffee than you think?

    Ah, they’re trying to make us think we’re drinking ‘proper’ coffee.

    That ruse might work better if they made it taste more like proper coffee rather than just looked like it.

    Free Member

    Nick Pope, who has more than two decades under his belt at the Ministry of Defence, said mass summer events – like the Olympic Games in London – would be a prime time for crafts from otherworlds to present themselves to mankind.

    So, to arrive at this massive assumption. Sorry, conclusion. Mr Pope has done detailed studies of alien psychology and concluded that this is how they would think and act?


    ‘If aliens have studied our psychology, they may choose to appear in our skies on a significant date

    ‘If’ … ‘may’ … So basically you’re just telling us something that exists in your imagination. Well done. I think.

    Free Member

    I have facebook

    What, all of it?

    You must be worth millions …

    What is this Facebook you speak of?

    It’s a tool for stalking people, and tracking down people you lost touch with years ago (who never kept in touch with you for a reason)

    Free Member

    I have a Facebook account, never really used it for anything other than poking fun at my sisters and using it to save interwebs links I liked … then my wife decided to close her FB account and piggy-back on (i.e. take over) mine …

    So now, it’s full of endless drivel from all her friends, most of whom seem to spend the entirety of their lives posting up pictures and LookatmeTube videos they’ve come across …

    Nothing original or interesting to say for themselves, just copy-&-pasting “stuff I found online” … I mean, what’s the point, really? … then all their sycophantic friends all ‘like’ it, thus justifying their post and making them feel all warm and fuzzy …

    FB and Twitter are both just devastating belt-fed dispensers of pure bollox (to steal a phrase from Cpt Slow)

    Free Member

    “effort” and “fun” are just mutually exclusive for some people. That’s just the way it is…

    “effort” is mutually exclusive from life in general for a shocking number of people …

    Free Member

    the residents of London … are simply … an inconvenience

    Paraphrased slightly, but I’d enjoy going to London more if it wasn’t full of everybody who lives there … 😉

    Free Member

    On the face of it, it looks like political shennanigans because Cook opted out of the national training programme …

    Free Member

    as is you right but their beliefs are affecting our lifes

    That’s also what Christians might say about Atheists/Agnostics affecting their lives.

    Not agreeing with/about something doesn’t mean it’s not valid.

    Free Member

    He’d be competing as a representative of his Country, not the Buddhists and/or Republican … therefore, tough luck if he doesn’t like the anthem … maybe he could emigrate and become a plastic athlete for a country with a more agreeable anthem

    Free Member

    Where do you get that from?

    The implication being that knowing the anthem means they’re authentic.

    Perhaps they should all learn the anthem, maybe even be able to play it on the piano.

    But then not actually sing it, like a lot of our proper British athletes.

    This would be more realistic and believable.

    Free Member

    An egg sandwich.

    Free Member

    So when he says the ones that matter I think he means the ones that will be accused of competing for Britain out of self interest.

    Clearly he thinks all us Brit’s are dumb enough to believe that knowing the national anthem means they’re really really genuinely serious about wanting to be British, and that it’s just a coincidence that they have such great athletic abilities and can therefore maybe win medals and hopefully large sponsorship contracts …

    Free Member

    I think it’s more about the accusation of plastic brits, athletes that are competing for Great Britain who may hold joint passports or have only recently become British citizens.

    And yet footballist supporters are happy for players to be bought in from all over the globe to make ‘their’ team successful … ok, so they’re not representing a country, but they’ve no history with or specific allegiance to the club other than it pays their wages … so not much different in the end …

    Free Member

    … wasnt Liverpool a massively important global city during the late 19th and early 20th century.

    Werent the Beatles really just the last big thing to come out of it before it went into decline ?

    Ah, so the Beatles were responsible for ruining Liverpool and triggering the decline of a once great city …

    Free Member

    I assume he means those who have a realistic chance of ending up on a podium and will therefore need to be seen spouting the dirge … unless he’s referring to the events that attract most attention, i.e. athletics/cycling … poor choice of words though, ‘those that matter’

    Free Member

    Is this one of those threads where we all argue round and round in circles, repeating everything that was already said repeatedly on the last 2 or 3 dozen occasions that this stuff’s been “discussed” (in the loosest possible terms), everyone is adamant they’re right (applies to any STW thread), and so on and so on?

    Just so I know how to set my expectations …

    Free Member

    Steak too.

    Cows eat grass, so beef is vegetable extract.

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