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  • Danny MacAskill and Chris Ball among 2024 Hall of Fame nominations
  • joao3v16
    Free Member

    If you don’t like it… don’t view it.

    OP, do you watch EastEnders? To then moan about it at the end ??

    Tut. Double standards.

    It’s a well established tradition on STW to watch stuff we don’t like specifically so that we can say how crap it was. The weekly “Top Gear” threads for example.

    Moaning about stuff that we could easily just avoid/ignore is an integral part of being British.


    Free Member

    youngest son … maybe 10 … helping his mum by counting the ticks on exam papers … Suddenly he pipes up “mum, why do all the lowest marks go to kids with stupid names?”.

    Inciteful child. He will go far! 😀

    Free Member

    Pure Racing will cease being the exclusive distributor and service centre for all KS products

    Ah, so this is why the latest e-mailing from Superstar has them flogging off their whole stock of KS dropper posts for half price …

    Free Member

    Demo bike, therefore shops responsibility to ensure road/trail-worthiness.

    Free Member

    We named our 2yo Luca.

    I wanted to give him ‘Skywalker’ for a middle name but HRH didn’t see the funny side.

    None of our 6yo’s school friends have unusual names, although for some reason my wife gave our 6yo two middle names – ‘August’ (no idea why), and ‘Cameron’ (from BBC news report on David Cameron) 😕

    Free Member

    It is a well-known fact that women are totally unaware of their own noise …

    EDIT: and a lot of people are unaware of the concept of “other people”

    Free Member

    It’s OK – they’re just “surveying” the whales

    Doesn’t it strike them as a bit odd that each whale they carefully scientifically survey somehow ends up dead on the deck of their ship?

    I suppose it’s a reliable method to avoid re-counting the same whales over and over again. If they’re not moving. And not in the sea.

    Or it it that an important part of the survey involves renowned food and restaurant critics?

    Free Member

    Anyone know why the Japanese are being so arsey about the international whaling ban thingy and carrying on regardless?

    I could understand if whales were the only food available to you, but there always seems to be excellent choice in Japanese restaurants and hotels. I assume the locals also have massive supermarkets brimming with an unimaginable variety of stuff.

    Free Member

    Sports: further, faster, higher etc
    Games: goals, points etc

    This should have been the end of the thread. 😀

    Having said that, I will add;

    Sport = physical element. Therefore, not fishing or shooting, for example.

    Anything decided by a panel of judges is a talent contest, not a sport.

    Anything you don’t get out of breath doing isn’t a sport.

    Anything that has to justify being a sport probably isn’t a sport.

    Free Member

    Gent and Brugge are both much nicer than Brussels

    I would agree with this.

    Free Member

    Admittedly pointless, but no different to 99% of the cak that is the mainstay of Facebook.

    I’ve removed the waffle.

    I’d use Faceache if it had an “Unlike” button instead of “Like”.
    Or even a “Pointless”, “Boring” or “Yawn” button.

    Free Member

    I’d feel vulnerable driving the A6, never mind riding it.

    Heading south, once you’re through Hazel Grove the A6 is fine to cycle. I do it regularly. It’s single carriageway and nice and wide. I’ve never felt unsafe or had proximity issues with the many HGVs that use the route.

    The other direction, through Hazel Grove and towards Stockport, would be a bit hairy. I’ve done it once (as far as Stepping Hill).

    Free Member

    I thought Poynton was full of footballers, WAG’s and private-plated Range Rovers…..and therefore absolutely frightful!!

    No, that’s Wilmslow/Alderley Edge. Poynton has always struck me as pretty normal. Although I think Poyntonists like to perpetuate the image of being posher than it really is. Maybe because technically Poynton is not part of Stockport.

    Free Member

    I’ve always suspected that bikes with less travel at the rear than the front might actually be ‘better’ generally … although this is based on nothing more than a hunch 😀 … and could also be complete cobblers …

    Free Member

    Motorists are a weird bunch.

    They even get cross with other motorists getting in their way, although in this instance they can’t reel off the “don’t pay road tax” nonsense, so they just sit there being angry with no way of venting 😀

    Free Member

    I personally wouldn’t live anywhere that involved the A6, south of Manchester, to get anywhere.


    The A6 south from Stockport is an absolute swine during the day, and an absolute bar-steward during rush hour(s).

    It took me almost an hour to get from Stockport station back home to Hawk Green the other friday (during rush hour). It’s only maybe 5 miles. Compare this with 40 minutes to get the 12 miles home from work (Wythenshawe to Hawk Green) at the same time of day.

    Thankfully I rarely need to use the A6, but I would seriously consider whether my day to day travels would necessitate using the A6, and if so look at other areas to live.

    Free Member

    My wife and I lost our baby girl last March at 4 months pregnant, so my thoughts are with you during this time.

    It all feels a bit surreal as you’re going through the medical stuff at the same time as dealing with it mentally and emotionally.

    There’a already been a lot of helpful stuff said in this thread regarding talking about it to people who can properly understand (friends, family etc).

    The NHS offered us lots of care and counselling, although we didn’t feel we needed this as our family and friends were excellent.

    For my wife, it was important to be reassured that most of the time there is no explanation for these things, i.e. it wasn’t her fault.

    We quickly learnt it’s extremely common, which also helped us deal with it.

    As for what you can do to help, being a bloke you’ll naturally want to be doing something practical, whereas really you need to just be available for love and support.

    Try to carry on with most things as normally as possible, but be aware that your wife will be emotionally very up and down.

    She needs you to be the one consistent and dependable thing in amongst all the turmoil.

    Free Member

    The main difference I’ve noticed between Marple/Poynton/Disley/New Mills is Romiley is a bit scruffy and less ‘villagey’ feeling.

    That’s based on visiting for shopping and using the leisure centre. I’ve not actually lived there.

    I’ve heard a lot of -ve stories about New Mills, mostly to do with drug abuse amongst the youth population and related crime.

    Marple has a great village feel & the shops are pretty good. Ditto Poynton. Poynton’s top of my list for our next house move.

    Free Member

    Camelbak HAWG NV £75 from Merlin?

    Ditto 29ers – I’d snap one up if I didn’t already have one

    Free Member

    reach a verdict based on a reason not presented in court that has no facts or evidence to support it

    “He looks a bit dodgy. Guilty!”

    If I ever get to do jury service … 😀

    Free Member

    Ditto Green Day

    Free Member

    My wife, who is from Brazil-land, has a native tripe recipe that she insisted on cooking once … somehow it made tripe just about palatable … I tried some to be polite, but it’s just too weird in general 😀

    Free Member

    There do seem to be lots of challenges to OP’s story of events, and many things that don’t stack up against his version … agree, it’s not looking good for him

    Free Member

    Surely the Pakistani guy was being xenophobic rather than racist? Seeing as “Polish” is a nationality, not a race.

    Free Member

    I’m not reading all that.

    However the whole horsemeat scandal would have been completely resolved by now if someone had set up a Facebook group or a Twitter campaign.

    Or had some riots, like those really effective ones a couple of years ago that led to the utopia we have in 2013.

    Free Member

    I know some parents who claim it’s £5 in their house 😯 … and quite pleasingly my 6yo tells all his friends the tooth fairy’s not real 8) … his first tooth’s just coming loose so we’ll soon find out how committed he is with his position on the tooth fairy 😀

    Free Member

    I was told you should stand up whilst talking on the phone as it makes you more assertive allegedly. Could be a load of old tosh though.

    I don’t know about the assertive thing, but I always converse more freely on the phone if I stand up and can walk around a bit …

    Free Member

    It’s only ever if you have to share an office with women isn’t it?

    Seems to be.

    The only people I’ve heard complain about being too cold in my office are the ladies. Probably as they’re more interested in dressing to look nice rather than dressing to be warm enough 🙄

    In which case, serves you right if you’re cold.

    perhaps it’s the fact that men tend to design, build and administer the climate control systems in buildings without consideration of what women need?

    Can you buy systems that say “put a jumper on for goodness’ sake you twit” when someone tries to set the temperature above 20 degrees?

    Free Member

    It’s not so much the temperature of my office that’s the problem, more the dryness of the air … our building is quite amusing though – 3 floors of varying occupancy and use, but only 1 thermostat that controls the whole buildings heating/cooling system (it’s not even proper a/c).

    Free Member

    I’m hoping the eBay seller is someone from this forum … 😀

    Free Member

    Thing is the Brits are known as not complaining anywhere near as much as they maybe should do either, and nowhere near as much as our European cousins…

    Ah! I said we were a nation of whiners. We’re very good at whining at each other about things, generally moaning and grumbling.

    Although as you say, we’re rubbish at actually complaining to the appropriate people when it’s justified.

    Free Member

    I think it’s less a case of the internet turning us into whiners, instead making us realise that we have something to moan about.

    I think the opposite – the internet allows us to easily moan on and on and on about stuff we’d previously have just ignored.

    We’re now more likely to try and find something to moan about.

    Free Member

    Our water rates are about £295 for the year.

    2 adults & 2 kids
    No garden to water
    Rarely wash the car 😀
    Wash bike with bucket & sponge

    Won’t be considering a water meter as HRH loves long showers so uses more water than would fill the bath each time she has one 😯 🙄

    Free Member

    The British are well known for being world-class whiners, and the internet is just another outlet for our national pastime …

    Free Member

    Makes a lot of American gun advocates seem quite level headed.

    Seems slightly different to me.

    From the stories in this thread, and speaking to a friend from south africa, there appears to actually be a need to own a gun in SA, whereas Americanists seem to think they should have them just because they can.

    Free Member

    My knowledge or perhaps lack thereof on this topic is hearsay at best

    So, no worse than the BBC “coverage”

    That’s the problem with 24hr news channels – most of the reporting becomes speculation and opinion …

    Free Member

    Cycle lanes exist purely so that morons motorists can carry on driving around not paying proper attention to other traffic.

    They’re also an excellent way of reinforcing the “them” and “us” mentality, and gives justification to morons motorists who say “cyclists shouldn’t be on the roads”.

    They’re also there so that councils can tick off one of their “sustainability” targets so that their budgets aren’t cut for the next year.

    Free Member

    Twice in the past week, whilst commuting home, I’ve seen a guy out cycling with what looks like a one-piece lycra body suit. 90% white. On an MTB too, not obviously a ‘roadie’. Mad fool. 😀

    Free Member

    If the answer is a) then it’s just a headache. If the answer is b) then it’s a migraine

    Similarly, if a £50 note landed on the window sill outside, if you’re able to get up to get it you’ve just got a headache.

    Same test works with bad cold vs flu.

    Free Member

    I used to get relaly really bad headaches. They’d be called migraines in todays wimpy drippy namby pamby world.

    They seemed to be triggered by eating cheese.

    I used to take paracetamol, that usually didn’t really make any difference, and just lie down in a dark room until it subsided enough.

    Weirdly, driking Coca Cola seemed to give some relief. Didn’t work with Pepsi.

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